

单词 敲边鼓

See also:


strike v
hit v


drum n
drums pl


External sources (not reviewed)

鼓励最后 敲定《保健人员国际招聘业务守则》。
We encourage the finalization of a code [...]
of practice on international recruitment of health personnel.
履行机鼓励双边、多边和国际 组织支持专家咨询小组的工作。
It encouraged bilateral, multilateral and international [...]
organizations to support the work of the CGE.
我感鼓舞的是,边和多边捐助者直接向非盟,或向非索特派团部队派遣国和联合国 管理的支助非索特派团信托基金提供支助。
I am encouraged by the support provided by bilateral and multilateral donors both [...]
to the AU directly, to AMISOM TCCs and
to the United Nations-administered Trust Fund in Support of AMISOM.
[...] 国家和小岛屿发展中国家高级代表办事处成功引导了《关于设立内陆发展中国家 国际智囊团的边协定》的敲定和 启动。
The Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States
successfully steered the finalization
[...] and launch of the Multilateral Agreement for the [...]
Establishment of an International Think
Tank for landlocked developing countries.
展望未来,中非经共体在这个领域努力的重点将 是敲定一 项法律文书并由成员国予以通过;促进各 国的国家小武器和轻武器问题委员会积极参与;执边境方案,特别是在跨界安全领域;建立和执行警务 合作机制,以便解决六个无法治地区的问题;通过与 西非国家经济共同体,当然还有我们的国际伙伴协 调,使《几内亚湾安全战略》付诸实施;执行安全部 门改革政策,以便确保各国的军备可以被追查;提供 各种形式的支持,以确保解除武装、复员和重返社会 进程取得成功,到 2015 年达到约 90%的比率;以及在 信息、提高意识和社会网络方面加强民间社会组织。
Looking to the future, the community’s efforts in this area will be focused on finalizing the legal instrument and its adoption by member States; boosting the active participation of national commissions on small arms and light weapons; implementing the border programme, especially in the area of cross-border security; drawing up and implementing a police cooperation mechanism to address the issue of the six lawless zones; operationalizing the Gulf of Guinea securitization strategy in coordination with the Economic Community of West African States and, of course, with our international partners; implementing the policy of security sector reform in order to ensure that State armaments are traceable; providing support of all types to ensure the success of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes at rates of around 90 per cent by 2015; and strengthening civil society organizations with regard to information, awareness-raising and social networking.
该部应继续更新其灾害防治通信网,以便加强 协调的连贯性和有效性以及响应协议,从 鼓 励采边行动,而不是单方面措施。
The Department should continue to update its communications network for disasters in order to bolster the coherence and
effectiveness of coordination and response
[...] protocols, thereby encouraging multilateral action rather than [...]
unilateral measures.
警方經常探訪商戶和公司的東主鼓 勵 他 們舉 敲 詐 勒 索事件,並要求他們合作, 對付這類活動。
The police conduct regular visits to business
[...] operators and owners, to encourage them to report cases of extortion [...]
and to obtain their co-operation in combating such activities.
我还欣见几内亚比绍第二代减贫战略文件最 敲 定 , 并 鼓励 该国政府同发展伙伴接触,以确保该文件得以迅速地成功实施,方法包括召开为 筹集适当资金而计划召开的捐助者圆桌会议。
I also welcome the finalization of Guinea-Bissau’s second-generation poverty reduction strategy paper and encourage the Government to [...]
engage with its development
partners with a view to ensuring its swift and successful implementation, including through the convening of the planned donor round table to secure appropriate funding.
我覺得最重要的是,整個社會均要認清楚問題,我 相信香港中文大學最近的調查結果,的確 敲 醒 我 們的 鼓 晨 鐘 ,告訴 我們這問題不能不注視。
It is imperative for the society to understand the problem thoroughly. I believe the findings of the survey conducted by CUHK have certainly sounded a wakeup call to us, warning us the problem must be addressed.
鼓励在国家、边、次 区域、区域和国际各级,特别是来源国、过境国和目 的地国之间,进行有效的合作与协调,并利用相关组织提供的网络分享关于对付 和打击贩运人口的能力建设方面的最佳做法,同时强调必须进行法律互助和交换 [...]
Encourage effective cooperation and coordination of efforts at the national, bilateral, subregional, regional [...]
and international
levels, especially among countries of origin, transit and destination, and take advantage of the networks provided by relevant organizations to share best practices in capacity-building for responding to and combating trafficking in persons, while stressing the importance of mutual legal assistance efforts and the exchange of information with full respect for domestic laws, such as data protection laws, including operational information, programmes and best practices in supplementing the Convention and the work done by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention
因此,山胡桃木做鼓棒敲擊出來的聲音要更洪亮、沒有楓木的柔和,它也能經得起大力的敲擊,因而也更耐用一些 。
For these reasons, a hickory stick produces less flex and a more pronounced sound. It is also capable of withstanding a great deal of shock, making it more durable.
[...] 理事会报告他们取得的成就,届时如果取得必要的进展,我们就可以开始讨论是 否召开一次边会议,以敲定该 协定的各方面国际内容。
It is my hope that I can subsequently report their achievements to the Security Council and that, provided the necessary progress has been made by that
time, we could then begin discussing
[...] the convening of a multilateral conference to conclude [...]
the international aspects of the agreement.
适合此阶段幼儿玩的乐器和上 一级别的相似,另包括可作功能性/探究性使用( 敲 击 ) 的乐器 鼓 和 邦 戈 鼓。
Appropriate musical instruments for children in this age group are similar to those described in the previous age group,
and include instruments that can be used in functional/exploratory
[...] ways (for example, pounding) such as drums or bongos.
本小组还将根据与各方达成的协定,帮助各方解 决《全面和平协议》中各项尚未解决的问题,特别敲定与南北边界有 关的事宜以及阿卜耶伊边界的问 题。
Again, as agreed with the parties, the Panel will work with them to help resolve outstanding CPA matters, in particular the finalization of matters relating to the North-South border, as well as Abyei.
[...] 地方媒体和民间社会组织之间的协同作用 鼓 励 边 缘 化 人民利用信息和通信的渠 道,从而使他们围绕地方发展问题与地方当局接触。
The UNDP Communication for empowerment project is supporting Government information houses in three districts of East Timor and promoting synergies between
local media and civil society organizations
[...] to strengthen marginalized people’s access [...]
to information and communication channels
in order for them to engage with local authorities around local development issues.
主席还希 望,这边会还会鼓励就尚未提出的其它可能的定义方案以及更广泛的技术和政 治问题进行思考,这些都会影响到裁谈会禁产条约未来谈判。
The Chair also hopes that
[...] this event will encourage reflection on other [...]
possible options which were not raised, as well
as on broader technical and political considerations which will frame future FMCT negotiations in the CD.
[...] 术倡议的私营融资咨询网,以加强项目开发方及其他项目支持方获得私人资金, 资助关于清洁能源,包括可再生能源的实体项目的能力, 鼓 励 其他 多 边 倡 议 提 供信息,说明加强和加速技术开发,以及向发展中国家转让技术的活动。
The SBSTA noted the information provided orally by the CTI on the continued scaling up of the CTI Private Financing Advisory Network (CTI PFAN) in enhancing the capacity of project developers and other project proponents to access private capital to finance tangible projects on
clean energy, including
[...] renewable energy, and encouraged other multilateral initiatives to [...]
provide information on activities
that lead to enhanced and accelerated technology development and transfer to developing countries.
发动机刚熄火 汽车就被4个拿着铜 锣 手鼓和笛子的载歌载舞的乐手围住 陇木洞村今天很冷 湿气穿透了每一个人 的外套 很不舒适 然而 没有什么能阻 止中国湖南省武陵山区这个小村庄的乐手 们奏起传统音乐陪伴客人们来到村里的广 场 广场上早已架起了一面红色大鼓 一 位老人正在用硕大鼓锤敲奏出 舞龙的节 奏 6名男子抬着鲜艳的龙头 后面拖着5 米长红黄相间的龙身 图3-38
Today, in the village of Longmudong with its 96 families, much of what has always been there has been conserved: music and dances, pipes and home-grown tobacco and, of course, the typical large, dark-brown, slate-roofed houses which, from afar, look as if they were nestling up to each other.
他赞扬了在安纳波利斯 开始的边谈判,并鼓励双 方继续这一进程。
He commended the bilateral negotiations begun in Annapolis and encouraged the parties to continue [...]
that process.
食典委注意到世卫组织代表谈到,还应 鼓 励 双 边 捐 助 机构为建立和实施食品进 出口控制系统提供技术援助。
The Commission noted an intervention
from the
[...] Representative of WHO that bilateral donor agencies should also be encouraged to provide technical [...]
assistance for establishing
and implementing food import and export control systems.
五月,又是澳門藝術敲鑼打鼓的大 日子,在文化中心大劇院,有陳寶珠擔綱演賈寶玉的《紅樓夢》;在永樂戲院,有十七歲,讀高一社班的黃成彬擔綱演周瑜的《三氣周瑜》。
In the Macao Cultural Centre, there is the classical opera “Dream of the Red Chamber” starring Chan Po-chu, a famous actress from Hong Kong.
我 们希望不久能与东帝汶政府最敲定 双 边 方 案 的战 略框架。
We hope to soon finalize with the Government of Timor-Leste a
[...] strategic framework for our bilateral programme.
卸下罩 时,入口止回阀组件 (R)应滑落到填料活塞柱
[...] (24)上;如果滑动困难,用橡胶锤 敲罩 (19) 的顶部以松开。
Intake check valve assembly (R) should slide down priming piston rod
(24) as you remove housing; if it does not slide easily, firmly tap on top of housing (19)
[...] with a rubber mallet to loosen.
Gallops对于音乐结构的娴熟安排,让吉他原本单调乏味的重复演奏充满顽趣,配合失真音效及略带神经质 鼓 点 敲 击 ,将冰冷的器乐音色转码成B级恐怖片式的氛围。
A blur of a four-headed machine, weaving mechanically pivoting structures of sound that evoke imagery of retro videogame dystopias and B-movie horror soundtracks; it’s fair to say that Welsh instrumentalists Gallops are a band whose music transcends the sum of their basic components.
论坛欢迎土著残疾妇女和女孩的参与和视角,并认识到此类土著个人作为土 著群体成员所遭遇的独特脆弱性边 缘 化, 并 鼓 励 联 合国各机构和各国政府和组 织吸纳她们的观点。
The Forum welcomes the participation and perspective of indigenous women and girls with disabilities,
recognizes the distinct
[...] vulnerability and marginalization that such indigenous individuals encounter as members of an indigenous group, and encourages United Nations [...]
agencies, and Governments
and organizations, to include their views.
每年一度的挪威杯青少年足球赛(Norway Cup),这一全球规模最大的国际青少年足球锦标赛,将于2012年7月29日至8月4日在挪威首都奥斯陆再 敲 响 战 鼓。
Norway Cup, one of the world’s largest yearly football tournaments for children, will take place in Oslo, Norway 29 July - 4 August 2012.
[...] 供的关于气候技术倡议的私营融资咨询网络对清洁能源项目开发商获得私人资 本的作用的信息鼓励其他多边倡议 推动项目融资,并向科技咨询机构通报这类 活动。
The SBSTA noted the information provided orally by the Climate Technology Initiative and at the workshop on TNAs on the role of the Climate Technology Initiative’s Private Financing Advisory Network in helping clean energy
project developers to access
[...] private capital and encourages other multilateral initiatives to [...]
promote the financing of projects,
and to inform the SBSTA about such activities.
由于韩国的民族主义者热衷鼓吹延 边 曾 是 古国 高句丽(Koguryo)( 公 元 [...]
前 57 年~公元后 668 年)的一部分,中 国当局对境内的朝鲜民族主义情绪非常警惕。
Given that South Korean nationalists love to
[...] stress that the Yanbian was once a part [...]
of the ancient Korean kingdom of Koguryo
(57 BC to AD 668), Chinese authorities remain vigilant about Korean nationalism within China’s borders.
为了实现能源目标,能源和气候变化咨询小组建议采取诸多行动,包括开展 全球运动,支持以能源促进可持续发展;通过相关的国内标准,将能源目标放在 优先地位;通过财政支持机制提供适当的筹资,并大幅度增加 边 和 多 边 国 际融 资;22 并鼓励私营部门参与实现目标。
In order to reach the energy goals, the Advisory Group suggests a number of actions to be taken, including the launch of a global campaign in support of energy for sustainable development; the prioritization of the energy goals through the adoption of appropriate national standards; the provision of appropriate financing through financial support
mechanisms and a significant
[...] increase in bilateral and multilateral international finance;22 and the encouragement of private sector [...]
participation in achieving the goals.
举行会议和起草政策文件,特别是利用与 联合国人权事务高级专员办事处合作项 目待雇用的国际咨询人的服务,向国民议 会委员会 A 提供有关宪法事务、司法、行 政、地方权力和政府立法的咨询意见,并 促进按照真相、接纳与和解委员会的建议 及秘书长关于声张正义与和解问题的报 告(S/2006/580)制订赔偿计划,包括设立 一个团结基金敲定真相、接纳与和解委员会/真相与友 谊委员会的概念文件;建立后续工作小 组,其中包括一名国际咨询人。
Provision of advice, through meetings and draft policy papers and particularly through the services of an international consultant to be hired through a project with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, to the National Parliament’s Committee A on constitutional affairs, justice, administration, local power and Government legislation and promotion of the establishment of a reparation scheme for the human rights victims in line with recommendations of the Truth, Reception and Reconciliation Commission and the report of the Secretary-General on justice and reconciliation (S/2006/580), including the establishment of a solidarity fund Yes A concept paper on the Truth, Reception and Reconciliation Commission/Commission of Truth and Friendship was finalized; a follow-up working group was formed, which included an international consultant.




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