单词 | 敲击乐 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 敲击乐 noun —percussion nSee also:敲击 n—percussion n 敲击—pound • rap 敲—tap • knock • rap • rip sb. off • overcharge 击乐 n—percussion n
适合此阶段幼儿玩的乐器和上 一级别的相似,另包括可作功能性/探究性使用( 如 敲击 ) 的 乐 器 如 鼓和邦戈鼓。 cpsc.gov | Appropriate musical instruments for children in this age group are similar to those described in the previous [...] age group, and [...] include instruments that can be used in functional/exploratory ways (for example, pounding) such as drums [...]or bongos. cpsc.gov |
5) 杠杆压板的拆装 ●利用榔头敲击插入连接销时,一定要用比销子卡簧槽部直径小一 些的销丁垫一下,请勿用榔头直接击打。 kosmek.co.jp | When using a hammer to insert the pin, always use a cover plate with a smaller diameter than the snap ring groove on the pin. kosmek.co.jp |
特里敲小丑的欢乐蜂鸣器的控制,破坏梁的制导系统,使其头的工厂。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Terry knocks the Joker’s joy buzzer into the [...] controls, destroying the beam’s guidance system, causing it to head to the factory. seekcartoon.com |
任何情况下均不允许用锤子或类似工具 进行敲击调整和定位编码器。 heidenhain.com.cn | Under no circumstances should a hammer or similar implement be used to adjust or position the encoder. heidenhain.hu |
拉住连杆 (29),用塑料棒轻轻地敲击驱动室 (43)的后 下部使之与小齿轮护罩 [...] (44)松开。 graco.com | Pull connecting rod (29) and lightly tap lower rear of drive housing (43) [...] with plastic mallet to loosen from [...]pinion housing (44). graco.com |
Gallops对于音乐结构的娴熟安排,让吉他原本单调乏味的重复演奏充满顽趣,配合失真音效及略带神经质的鼓 点 敲击 , 将 冰冷的 器 乐 音 色 转码成B级恐怖片式的氛围。 spli-t.com | A blur of a four-headed machine, weaving mechanically pivoting structures of sound that evoke imagery of retro videogame dystopias and B-movie horror soundtracks; it’s fair to say that Welsh instrumentalists Gallops are a band whose music transcends the sum of their basic components. spli-t.com |
注:当使用小房间尺寸和短衰减时间处理 打 击乐 信 号 时,混响电平和早期反射电平必须接近4dB的电平差,以 [...] 避免出现拍音效果。 tcelectronic.com | Note: When using small room sizes and short [...] Decay times on percussive signals, the [...]Reverb level and Early level must have an [...]approx. level difference of 4dB in order to prevent a slap effect. tcelectronic.com |
中山市乐奇金鹰游艺机制造有限公司:展示了益智类游戏「Time MachineⅡ」、「Smokin Token [...] Extreme」、「Popcorn」、「Meteor Shower」、保龄球游戏「Super Roll [...] To Win」、「Super Roll to WinⅡ」、桌上曲棍球「Air HockeyⅡ」、「Elephant Hockey」、篮球机「Hoop it Up」、「Super BasketballⅡ」、体感类机台「Happy Rope Skipping」、敲击类游 戏「Spider Splattin」骑乘台「QQ河马」、「压路车」、「迷你火车」、「嘟嘟车」、旋转木马「Super 5 seat Roundabout」、「Cookie Carousel」、碰碰车以及大型户外娱乐 设 施 等产品目录。 taiwanslot.com.tw | Zhongshan Luck Amusement Machine:The company displayed a great number of product catalogues and posters such as amusement games, Time Machine, Smokin Token Extreme, Popcorn, and Meteor Shower, bowling games, Super Roll To Win and Super Roll To Win II, air hockey games, Air Hockey, Elephant Hockey, basketball games, Hoop it Up, Super [...] Basketball, a simulator machine, [...] Happy Rope Skipping, a hitting game, Spider Splattin, kiddie rides, QQ Hippo, Street Roller, Mini Train, and Three Wheeler Taxi, merry-go-rounds, Super 5 seat Roundabout, Cookie Carousel, bumper cars, and outdoor large-scale recreation facilities. taiwanslot.com.tw |
这一特性在对打击乐器素 材处理时非常有用。 tcelectronic.com | This feature is very useful when working with percussive material. tcelectronic.com |
但是,在主席宣布复会与主席用木槌 敲击 宣 布文本通过之间 所存在的时间太短,阿尔及利亚无法回到席位上要求发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | However the time between the President’s call to order of the resumed meeting, and that when he had gavelled the adoption of the text, was not sufficient for Algeria to get back to its seat and ask for the floor. daccess-ods.un.org |
将驱动室推到小齿 轮护罩上或用塑料棒敲击到位。 graco.com | Push drive housing onto pinion housing or tap [...] into place with plastic mallet. graco.com |
对其机身和输出轴或是用锤子等敲击 , 或 是装配不当的话,由于 可能导致其应有的精度和功能无法发挥,敬请避免。 ckd.co.jp | DO NOT GIVE SHOCK to the unit and [...] output axis, or do not assemble with excessive force as designed accuracy and function may be ruined. ckd.co.jp |
2000年11月,贝克索参演了实况音乐俱乐部——巴比伦俱乐部在伊斯坦布尔举行的舞台表演,她加入了一个 打 击乐 队 , 身着自行绘制的透明服装的她为观众呈现了一道丰富多彩的艺术大餐,从诗歌到演唱、绘画,再到戏剧,样样精彩。 shanghaibiennale.org | In a stage performance at [...] the live music club Babylon club in Istanbul in November 2000, she joined a percussion group and [...]performed in a wide spectrum [...]of the arts— from poetry to singing to drawing to drama—in a transparent self-painted costume. shanghaibiennale.org |
只需简单的敲击,就能为你的应用程序设计和建立一致的、非常现代化的用户界面。 evget.com | With few simple clicks, you can build or [...] change the foundation of your application's user interface, with consistent, modern looking design. evget.com |
被指派履行这项职能的囚犯领导成员 敲击 内 门 并通报带来的囚犯 姓名,然后门被略微打开,让囚犯通过。 daccess-ods.un.org | The leading prisoners assigned to this function knocked on the inner door and called out the name of the prisoner who had been delivered and the door was then briefly opened to allow the prisoner to pass through. daccess-ods.un.org |
也许是那命中注定的一天给俱乐部敲 响 了 警钟,因为很多时候,直到灾难来临,你才会意识到你将要失去什么。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | That fateful day perhaps brought to the club a sense of alarm, because many times it’s not until [...] disaster comes knocking at your door that [...]you fully realize what you are about to lose. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
本届文化节亦将深入挖掘亚洲的艺术传统及其丰富文化遗产,参演的包括了知名世界的中国国家芭蕾舞团、上海越剧团、日本传奇太鼓王林英哲、越南升龙水上木偶戏院、由韩国蔡香顺舞蹈团演绎的韩国传统 打 击乐 与 舞蹈、由Gong Tri Pitaka表演的北巴厘岛加麦兰音乐与舞蹈、台湾无垢舞蹈剧场、世界著名编舞家舞蹈家阿克拉姆汗在其家乡孟加拉国创作演出的作品《DESH》等等。 aapaf.org | Programme highlights include the world renowned National Ballet of China, Shanghai Yue Opera Company, the energetic taiko concert by the legendary Etitetsu Hayashi from Japan, water puppetry by Thang Long Water Puppet Troupe from Vietnam, traditional Korean percussion and dance performance by Chae Hyang Soon Dance Company, gamelan and dance from North Bali by Gong Tri Pitaka, Legend Lin Dance Theatre from Taiwan, Desh by the world famous choreographer and dancer Akram Khan on his homeland Bangladesh, and more. aapaf.org |
小时-刻钟-分钟接续敲击报时 而无静止时间 audemarspiguet.com | Sequences of the hours- quarters- and minutes strikes are chained without silent pauses audemarspiguet.com |
假如对输出轴用锤子等敲击,或 粗暴装配的话,可能无法发挥原先的精度 和性能。 ckd.co.jp | Do not hit the output axis with a hammer or assemble the actuator with excessive power to maintain the designed accuracy and performance. ckd.co.jp |
话筒我们推荐使用世界著名品牌-美国SHURE话筒为主,其中KSM44/SL是SHURE最新推出的多指向型的大震膜电容话筒,及BETA系列是一套适合流行音乐乐队录音的话筒组,尤其适合 打 击乐 器 的录音,是一个全方位录音棚的必不可少的武器。 acehk.com | We recommend using the world's leading microphone brands - mainly the U.S. SHURE microphone, which is SHURE KSM44/SL latest multi-point type of earthquake membrane condenser microphone, and the BETA series [...] microphone is fit for pop band recording, [...] especially for percussion recording, is a full recording studio of essential weapons. acehk.com |
适用于鼓打击乐及其 它固定放置的应用场合。 shure.co.jp | For use with drums, percussion, and other [...] fixed-placement applications. shure.co.jp |
例如,即使焦点位于播放器自身,页面滚动 或 敲击 键 盘 等操作也是完全有效的。 html5rocks.com | For instance, even if the focus is on the player itself actions like page scrolling or keyboard key strokes will be completely functional. html5rocks.com |
一般而言,一旦微小的音锤敲击着音簧,即启动腕表闹铃功能,发出清晰悦耳的声响。 oris.ch | Usually, a hammer moves against the spring once the alarm function is activated and translates the movements of the hammer into a clear ringing sound. oris.ch |
目前的成员有来自英国的Slide,德国的Perman和Martin Star,美国的Bite*Size Buddha以及又名“人民的节奏”的打 击乐 手 — —来自英国的Sammy Slazenger。 yugongyishan.com | Current members are: Slide (UK), Suiki (USA), Perman (Germany), Martin Star (Germany), Bite*Size Buddha (USA) & percussionist Sammy Slazenger – aka People’s Rhythm (UK). yugongyishan.com |
为了确定为什么一些人在看到其他人抓痒的时候特别容易感到痒,Henning Holle及其同事让51名健康的志愿者接受了人格问卷调查和fMRI测试,让这些志愿者观看了人们抓痒或 者 敲击 他 们 的手臂或胸膛的视频短片。 chinese.eurekalert.org | To determine why some people are particularly susceptible to itch when they observe others scratching, Henning Holle and colleagues administered personality questionnaires and fMRI tests to 51 healthy volunteers who were shown short video clips of people either scratching or tapping parts of their arms or chest. chinese.eurekalert.org |
一般而言,声响来自于极微小的音槌 敲击 锣 或 铃所产生的声音,其发出的清脆美妙音色取代了原先乏味的卡嗒声。 oris.ch | Usually, the sound is [...] produced by a hammer hitting a gong or bell [...]and this can produce a rather dull sound. oris.ch |
这款 18.5” 全尺寸 G80-3000LSCEU-2 采用 Cherry 独特的长使用寿命(5,000 万次敲击)青 轴 MX 技术机械键,具有清晰的咔嗒声、随插即用启动、USB 线缆接口、US 104 国际键盘布局和延长图例寿命的激光蚀刻键帽。 digikey.cn | This 18.5” full size G80-3000LSCEU-2 includes features like Cherry’s long life (50 million actuations) blue stem MX technology mechanical keyswitches with an audible click, plug and play start-up, USB corded interface, US 104 international key layout, and laser etched keycaps for long legend life. digikey.ca |
必要的时候可稍晃动,或向内敲击端 头 ,以突破端头 与壳体间的密封区。 codeline.com | Run the nut with hand grip, on the Head puller bolt and continue to tighten the nut till the head comes out. codeline.com |
节日举行了各种社会和文化活动,如展览、音乐会、会议、讨论会、 打 击乐 和舞 蹈讲习班、电影放映等,帮助立陶宛人了解撒南非洲的文化、传统和现实。 daccess-ods.un.org | The programme of the festival featured a variety of social and [...] cultural events, including exhibitions, [...] concerts, meetings, percussion and dance workshops [...]and film demonstrations, that enabled [...]Lithuanians to learn about the cultures, traditions and realities of sub-Saharan Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |
全部节奏花样和重音来自音乐家(鼓手、 打 击乐 手 、 程序员)的演奏,为不同风格的音乐保留 了自然和可信的成分。 midicontroller.com | All the rhythmic models as well as the accents (see below) were captured by musicians playing, (drummers, percussionists, programmers) to maintain the natural and authentic element of the different styles of music. midicontroller.com |