

单词 数据链路连接识别码

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

这个表格控件提供的功能包括:排序,分页,列或行加亮显示,自 识别数据 类 型,格式化日期 链接。
This table provides the control functions
include : sorting, paging , column or row is
[...] highlighted, automated identification and data type , format dates and links.
如果选择按连接, 则必须指定超时,此超时之后如果 G3 没有传递任数据包,链接将终 止。
If you select an on-demand connection, you must specify the timeout after which the link will be terminated if no packets have been [...]
transmitted by the G3.
为了能让您能在任何地方进行交易,这个应用程序支持Edge/3G/Wi-Fi 类型的链接 ,其具有根据不链接速度调节数据量 的自 动 连 接 功 能。
In order to let you trade your account from anywhere, the app supports Edge/3G/Wi-Fi
connection types with an
[...] automatic connection control system that adapts data flow size depending on the [...]
connection speed.
将客户和供应商的银识别码大批 量地从传统/国内格式 转为 ISO IBAN 格式和 BIC 代码,需要获取准确的参考编数据 和 深 入的 ISO 专业知识。
Mass migration of the banking identifiers of customers and suppliers from legacy/domestic formats towards ISO IBAN and BIC codes requires access to accurate reference data and in-depth ISO [...]
一张SIM卡包含ICCID 或集成路卡识别码(即识别连接网 络的SIM卡编号)、IMSI或国际移动用户识别码 (即识别与SIM卡相连的用户)、安全用途的加密信息、SIM卡连接的本地网络的临时信息、用户可以访问的业务列表以及用户的PIN和PUK。
A SIM card contains an ICCID, or Integrated Circuit Card ID, number that identifies the SIM card to the network, an [...]
IMSI, or International
Mobile Subscriber Identity, number that identifies the person who is associated with the SIM card, cryptographic information for security purposes, temporary information concerning the local network the SIM card is connected to, a list of services the user is allowed to access, and a PIN and PUK for user.
用于司法调查的基因图谱国家数据库采取了为保障下述方面所需的所有保 障措施:信息和记录保密;对信息储存、查阅和使用作出限制;按现行法律控制 样本保链;按类别分列数据,即 对每个经处理的样本指定特有 码 并 输入数据 库;只有为鉴定身分才能使用从样本中获得的基因信息;只有主管当局才能答复 询问;按现行法律以充分遵守基本权利和适当程序的方式、并在获得符合规范对 人体进行研究的生物伦理条例的知情同意后才能进行采样工作。
The national database of genetic profiles for use in judicial investigations has all of the safeguards required to guarantee the following: the information and records are confidential;
storage, access and use
[...] are restricted; the chain of custody of the samples is controlled in accordance with the legislation currently in force; data are disaggregated, meaning that unique codes are assigned [...]
to each processed sample and entered into the database; the genetic
information obtained from the samples is used only for identification purposes; queries are answered only by the competent authorities; and sample collection is carried out in full compliance with fundamental rights and due process as per the legislation currently in force, with informed consent consistent with bioethics regulations governing studies carried out on human beings.
技术工作组建议建立一个共同制度所有休养旅行框架,其中包括下列要 素:(a) 连休 5天,不记入年假;(b) 给予旅行时间,其定义是,前往和离开工 作所在地实际花费的时间;(c) 支付指定休养地点住宿费用,计算方法是,指定 工作地点每日生活津贴住宿部分平 数 (5 天共 700 美元)加 50 美元的终点站费 用,为每次旅行支付的总住宿费用为 750 美元;(d) 支付工作所在地至指定休养 地点最便宜和最接路线的旅行费用。
The technical working group recommended a common system framework for all rest and recuperation travel,
with the following
[...] elements: (a) five consecutive days off, not charged to annual leave; (b) travel time, defined as the actual time spent travelling to and from the place of duty; (c) a contribution towards accommodation at the designated place of rest and recuperation, calculated as the average amount of the accommodation portion of the daily subsistence allowance as applicable to the designated places ($700 for five days) plus $50 towards terminal costs, for a total of $750 per travel; and (d) paid travel by the cheapest and most direct route from the place of [...]
duty to the designated
place of rest and recuperation.
b) 与某一识别之个人有连的人类基 数据 既 不 得向第三者,特别是雇主、保险 公司或教育机构披露,也不得让他们查询,除非国家法律或法规另有符合国际人 [...]
(b) Human genetic data linked to an identifiable person shall not be disclosed [...]
or accessible to third parties, in particular
employers, insurance companies or educational institutions, except in cases provided for by national legislation or regulations and subject to the consent of the person concerned, and in compliance with international human rights law.
他们还强调了交通运输接、 特别是铁路连接在增 进能源贸易机会方面的作用。
The role of transport links, especially railways, in improving energy [...]
trade opportunities was also highlighted.
存储EPC用户的签约信息,包括基 识别码 、 路 由 信息和业务信息,支持的基本用 数据 管 理 功能包括:单用户开户、、销户、补卡、改号,以及基本业务的提供/撤销/查询和用户动态数据查询。
Store EPC user subscription information,
[...] including basic identifier code, routing information and service information; support basic user data management functions, [...]
including opening
account, deregistering, reissuing card, and changing number for a single user, enabling/disabling/querying basic service and querying users' dynamic data.
内部路由:内部传真文件能经由双音多频(DTMF)、 接 内 部 拨号(DID)、来电显示服务标识(CSID)、被拨 码识别 服 务 (DNIS)、综合服 数 位 网 络(ISDN)、光学字符识别(OCR)及其它支持内 路 由 的方法高效及安全地发送给收件人。
Inbound routing: Inbound fax documents can be routed to recipients through
[...] Multiple-frequency (DTMF), Direct Inward Dialing (DID), Caller Service Identification (CSID), Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS), Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and other supported inbound routing methods efficiently [...]
and securely
除事实是,这一节文字自然暗示的以斯帖记,米德拉士没有与前面的犹太法典部 连接链路。
Except for the fact that the text of this
section naturally alludes to the Book of Esther,
[...] the midrash has no connecting-link with the preceding [...]
portion of the Talmud.
通过配置为4线专线,或4线微波链路操纵的 Telco接口选件,每个M827基站间可通过两条专 线连接(一条音频 + 一数据链路)。
Each Model 827 site is linked to the next through two dedicated circuits (one audio &
one data link), using the Telco interface option configured
[...] for 4-wire leased circuit or 4-wire microwave link operation.
使用本网站,包括网站所有的服务和资料,表示您同意:不上传、张贴、或以其他方式传输任何病毒或其他有害的、破坏性或破坏性档案;不使用假身份;未经授权不使用或尝试其它用户的帐户、密码、服务或系统;不破坏或干扰任何其他用户的站点或站点附属或链接网站;不破坏或干扰网站的安全性或以其他方式损害网站或任何服务、材料、系统资源、帐户、 码 、 服务器及通过本网 连接 的 网络 或 链接 网 站 或链接点。
In using the Website, including all services and materials available through it, you agree: not to upload, post, or otherwise transmit through the Website any viruses or other harmful, disruptive, or destructive files; not to create a false identity; not to use or attempt to use another’s account, password, service, or system without authorization from; not to disrupt or interfere with any other user’s enjoyment of the Site or affiliated or linked sites; not to disrupt or interfere with the security of, or otherwise cause harm to, the Website, or any services,
materials, system
[...] resources, accounts, passwords, servers, or networks connected to or accessible through the Website or any linked sites.
高性能数字称重显示器,配有可配置的输入和输出、3个串口、用 数据 通 讯 的传输协议、个性化设置的打印格式、alibi内存、图形化显示器及用 连接 条 码 扫 描 枪的接口。
High performance digital weight indicator, with programmable inputs and outputs, 3
serial ports,
[...] transmission protocols for data communication, completely configurable printouts, integrated alibi memory, graphic display and port for connection to barcode/badge reader.
工作组注意:工作组似宜注意到:(a) 根 据第 1 款备选案文 C,登记处应当 同时有数字和 姓名编制的索引,查询人员应当能够使用其中某项索引编制标 准进行查询;及(b)插入第 4 段是为了让工作组审议设保人地址问题;及(c)设保 人及有担保债权人或其管理人的地址必须是记录的一部分,但不一定是身识 别特征 的一部分,除非需要补充信息来确定有担保债权人、其管理人或设保人 的身份。
Note to the Working Group The Working Group may wish
to note that: (a)
[...] under option C in paragraph 1, the registry should have both numerical and name indexes and searchers should be able to search with one or the other indexing criterion; and (b) paragraph 4 has been inserted for the Working Group to consider the matter of the address of the grantor; and (c) the address of the grantor and secured creditor or its representative has to be part of the record, but not necessarily part of the identifier, except if there [...]
is a need for additional
information to identify the secured creditor, its representative or the grantor.
数据库可 通过 各种文件的文本用字或书目参考(关键词、码、日期)等多路径检索。
Searches are carried out either by queries based directly on words appearing in documents or by the use of bibliographic elements (key words, document code, date and so forth)
在此课程中,您会:-检验基本网络并分辨不同的网络模式-描述数据动作,物理媒介和网 连接 设 施的基础-使用OSI模式并理解Ethernet,Token Ring,FDDI和无限网络-理数据路径和 常见网络协议,例如:NetBEUI和TCP/IP-发掘TCP/IP服务-了解今天依然在使用的老式网络协议,例如:IPX/SPX,AppleTalk,Apple [...]
Open Transport和IPv6-检查一个本地区网络的基础架构-分辨不同的通过公共载体服务来连接网络的方法-了解不同的远程网络方法-了解并实现网络安全相关方面-实施灾难恢复策略-描述并使用高级数据存储技术-了解并实行网络疑难排解过程-描述现今使用的网络操作系统基础。
In this course, you will examine basic networking and identify different networking models, describe the basics of data
movement, physical
[...] media, and network connectivity devices, use the OSI model and understand Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, and wireless networks, understand data routing and common network [...]
protocols such as NetBEUI
and TCP/IP, discover TCP/IP services, understand older network protocols still used today, such as IPX/SPX, AppleTalk, Apple Open Transport, and IPv6, examine the infrastructure of a local area network, distinguish the different methods used to connect networks together through the public carrier services, understand the different methods of remote networking, understand and implement relevant aspects of network security, apply disaster recovery principles, describe and employ advanced data storage techniques, understand and implement network troubleshooting procedures, and describe the basics of the network operating systems in use today.
审核批准后,国家机构便可将该唯一识码送交 OECD 秘书处以在 OECD 产数据库中记录备档。
Once approved, national authorities can then
[...] forward the unique identifier to the OECD Secretariat for inclusion in the OECD’s product database.
本次项目,部署4台 HP rx8640主机作为核心监控系统的数据库服务器;部署4台 HP rx6600主机作为核心监控系统的应用服务器;在全国30个省级监控中心部署采集服务器,合计31台PC服务器;在文化部机房部署14台PC服务器,为经营许可证电子管理系统、文化部网站、邮件、安全管理、即时通信、系统数据备份等应用提供服务;核心监控系统 数据 库 、应用服务器冗 链路连接 S A N 交 换机;后台存储为HP EVA8000磁盘阵列,通过冗余链路接SAN 交 换机;部署1台HP MSL6030磁带库用于关键数据的备份设备。
In this project, four HP rx8640 servers are deployed as the database servers of the core surveillance system and four HP rx6600 servers are deployed as the application servers. 31 PC servers are deployed at 30 provincial monitoring centers as acquisition servers.
路的合理化可大大地简化您的温 度控制系统的使用:结构紧凑、接近、可识别、流线型,等。
rationalisation of your circuits considerably simplifies the use of your regulation systems: compactness, accessibility, identification, streamlining, etc.
如果贵机构是一家应用程序提供商(用 PTS 代码识别),希望将自身应用程 连接到 SWIFT 系统上,那么开发人员资源中心 (DRC) 将帮助贵机构选择和订购最合乎需求的 [...]
SWIFT 产品和服务,从开发和测试,一直到 SWIFTReady 认证。
If you are an application
[...] provider (identified with a PTS code) looking to connect your application to SWIFT, [...]
the Developer
Resource Centre (DRC) will help you select and order the SWIFT products and services that best fit your needs, from development and testing, up to the SWIFTReady certification.
通过共享通信端口来 连接至 PLC,就可以通过另外一个串行端口或使用 TCP/IP 链接创建的连接将数据直接 发送到控制器。
By sharing the communications port to connect
to the PLC, you can send
[...] data directly to the controller, either from another serial port or by means of a connection made over a TCP/IP link.
但是,LEI 将成为监管 报告的权威实识别码,并 由有报告义务的公司(还有可能包括参考编 数据 供 货 商社区)对 应到现有代码上。
Instead, the LEI will become the
[...] authoritative entity identifier for regulatory reporting and will be mapped by firms with reporting obligations (and likely by the reference data vendor community [...]
as well) to existing codes.
例如,我们会将页面浏览、点击和搜索词汇等用于广告个性化定制的数据与您的联系信息或其他可以 接识别 您 身份 的 数据 ( 例 如,您的姓名、电子邮件地址等)分开存储。
For example, we store page views, clicks, and search terms used for ad personalization
separately from your contact
[...] information or other data that directly identifies you (such as [...]
your name, e-mail address, etc.).
只需先使用码器(动态链接库或 Java类库)将需要打印的文本字符串添加 数据 库 中 ,再在其它操作系统中使用PDF417字体来访问 据 库 , 您就可以在不支持这些编码器的操作系统上打印PDF417条形码。
PDF417 may be printed on another system by using the encoder (DLL or java library) to populate a database with the "text string to print" and then access the database from the other operating [...]
system with the PDF417 font.
还指 出,数字对象标识符链接的电子可转移记录所载的信息可以在该凭证发布之 后更新,以反映现实世界发生的变化,例如与该电子可转移记录相关的货物地 [...]
It was further indicated that the
information contained in the
[...] electronic transferable record linked to the DOI might be updated [...]
after the issuance of that
document to reflect variations in the real world, for instance in the location or condition of goods relevant for that electronic transferable record.
提高了打码质量,因为减少了错误,这得益于许多实用功能, 例如基于向导的复杂或合并字段创建(如 GS1-128 条码)、连接到广泛的数据库、 确认最终设计的喷印预览以及许多 其他先进功能。
Better coding quality with reduced errors, thanks to features such as wizard-based creation of
complex or merged fields
[...] such as GS1-128 bar codes, seamless connectivity to a wide range of databases, print preview [...]
for confirmation
of the finished design, and many other advanced features.
本公司於网页上使用「Cookie」作以下用途:侦查您所使用 路 浏 览 器的多媒体功能丶追踪我们已向您展示的宣传广告丶维持现时电子计算器登入和网页内安全范围内的购物资料,以及为您的电子计算器提供一个独有的身 识别码 , 以 方便我们进行网页使用统计。
We currently use
[...] cookies on our website for the following purposes: to detect your web browser's multimedia capabilities; to track promotional advertisements that we have displayed to you; to maintain current login and purchase information on secure portions of the site; and to provide a unique identifier to your computer [...]
so that we can generate
statistics regarding website usage.
第三,我们帮助客户(子公司)与钢铁公司组织内的其它实体建立了联系——建立贸易和采购价 链连接 、 识别 电 子 商务的战略选择和联络点以及找到物流联系的机遇。
Our third step was to help establish connections between our client (the subsidiary) and the other entities in the steel company’s organization—establishing
linkages with the trading
[...] and procurement value chain, identifying e-commerce [...]
strategy options and contact points, and finding opportunities for logistics tie-ins.




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