

单词 数字导览设施

See also:

数字 adj

digital adj
numerical adj

数字 n

number n
figures pl
figure n
amount n
percentage n

数字 pl

numeric pl
digits pl

External sources (not reviewed)

联合国教科文组织虚拟博 物馆正在设之中,以容置这两场 览 的 数字数 据。
A UNESCO virtual museum
[...] is under construction to host the digital data on the two exhibits.
创锐讯将其无线和网络系统的专业技术与高性能射频、混合信号 数字 半 导 体 设 计 技 术结合在一起,提供以低成本标准CMOS工艺制造的高集成度芯片。
Atheros combines its wireless and networking systems expertise with
high-performance radio frequency (RF),
[...] mixed signal and digital semiconductor design skills to [...]
provide highly integrated chipsets
that are manufactured on low-cost, standard complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) processes.
尽管国家采取了一系列施,妇 女在各级权力机关担任高层导职务的人数仍未达到预期水平。
Notwithstanding the measures taken at national level, women’s representation in the highest posts [...]
in all branches of government
has still not attained the desired level.
外地中央审查机构中的 2 个一般事务(其他职等)工作人员负责与提交案件 供审查机构审查有关的所有行政细节,协助和 导 成 员 浏 览数 据 库,追踪成员答 复率和其他数据供审查机构提出报告,更新必要的数据库并展开其他活动以追踪 和记录审查机构的工作,帮助协调审查机构的培训方案,包括预 设施 、 向 成员 发出邀请函、准备活页夹、更新情况介绍、将内容材料送往各个训练设施并负责 与培训有关的其他行政细节。
The two General Service (Other level) staff members in the Field Central Review Body attend to all administrative details related to the submission of cases for review by
the Review Body, provide
[...] assistance and guidance to members in navigating the database, track member response rate and other data for Review Body reporting, update the necessary databases and engage in other activities to track and record the work of the Review Body, provide assistance in the coordination of the Review Body training programmes, including booking facilities, sending invitations [...]
to the members,
preparing binders, updating presentations, shipping content to the respective training facility and attending to other administrative details related to the training.
编列经费 12 000
[...] 美元将用于协助一位文化/档案信息管理专家开发一个联 刚行动档案记录(数字格式)网上览。
The provision of $12,000 would provide support to a cultural/archival information management
specialist to develop an online exhibition of United Nations Operation in the
[...] Congo archival records (in digital format).
这些问题包括:授权性立法;信息共 享、数据保护和保密;组织问题;单一窗 设施 运 营人的赔偿责任;竞争法; 电子单证的使用;知识产权;数据保留和重新使用数据的限制,包括用于作证 目的;电子签名数字签名 的相互承认(包括通过身份管理系统);以及货物权 利的电子转移。
Those issues included: enabling legislation; information sharing, data protection and confidentiality;
[...] issues; liability of single window facility operators; competition law; use of electronic documents; intellectual property rights; data retention and limits on re-use of data, including for evidentiary purposes; [...]
mutual recognition of electronic and digital signatures (including through
identity management systems); and electronic transfer of rights in goods.
因此,2008 年数字一览无 余 地表明和证实,以色列近年来加强和扩大了对东耶路撒冷的殖民化和人口减除施。
The 2008 figure thus starkly illustrates and confirms the intensification and extent of Israel’s colonization and de-population measures in East Jerusalem [...]
in recent years.
尤其是会议了解到,首脑会议通过其《北京宣言》已(a) 注意到《全球对地观测分布式系统(全球测地系统 数 据 分享 实 施 指 导 方 针 和 行动计划》及实施所用的全球测地系统共同基 设施 的 建 立极大地改进了对全 球地球观测数据和资源的获取情况;(b)核可了经改进的地球观测组织目标,使 [...]
之与 10 年期实施计划保持一致;(c)敦促各国政府和所有组织维持并加强原地观 测系统和天基观测系统;(d)吁请各国际组织和捐助机构对实施全球测地系统进 一步捐款。
In particular, the Meeting was informed that the Summit, through its
Beijing Declaration, had (a) noted that the Global Earth
[...] Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) data-sharing implementation guidelines and action plan and the establishment of the operational GEOSS [...] [...]
common infrastructure significantly improved access to global Earth observation data and resources; (b) endorsed the refined GEO targets, aligned with the 10-year implementation plan; (c) urged all Governments and organizations to sustain and enhance both in situ and space-based observation systems; and (d) called on international organizations and donor agencies to further contribute to the implementation of GEOSS.
如果您通过点导航十字和浏览主菜单 开始,左击能让您返回主菜单。
If you started by tapping Nav Plus and navigating the Main
[...] Menu, then left-tap leads you back to the Main Menu.
XML文件一般只包含数据本身,并没有把如何显示的信息放在其中,因此要显示一个XML文件还需要一个Schema文件才能显示,否则看到的将是所有 字 节 流;HTML包含 数 据 的 同时也包含了一些关于如何显示的信息,但是HTML是基于文本存放的,是可读的,你打开一个HTML文件就能知道所有显示在 览 器 里得 文 字。
XML documents generally contain only the data itself, and not information on how to display them, so to display an XML document also requires a Schema file to show that
otherwise would be to
[...] see all of the byte stream; HTML contains data At the same time, also contains information on how to display, but the HTML is a text-based storage is readable, you will be able to open an HTML document to know all the shows in the browser in a text.
[...] 和发展中国家获取科技期刊与数据库进行公私合作,继续开发技术标准以加强国家局 之间的合作,建立健全最不发达国家和发展中国家局 数字 基 础 设施 , 搭 配知识共享 平台(例如,用于共享检索和审查报告的 WIPO CASE),在最不发达国家和发展中 国家成立技术与创新支持中心和技术转让办公室。
The improvement of global IP infrastructure through the expansion of global IP information databases, public-private cooperation in the availability of scientific and technical periodicals and databases for the least developed and developing countries, the continued development of technical standards permitting enhanced inter-office
cooperation, the establishment or
[...] improvement of digital infrastructure in the offices of the least developed and developing countries, the delivery of knowledge-sharing [...]
platforms (such
as WIPO CASE for the sharing of search and examination reports) and the establishment of technology and innovation support centers and transfer of technology offices in the least developed and developing countries.
此外,进 口化石燃料的中低收入经济体尤其容易受到价格波 动和价格上涨的影响,这可能打乱其对外收支平衡,在
[...] 宏观一级造成经济不稳 定,使得各国政府无法投资于技术和社会基 设施 , 从 而 导 致 家 庭能源费用升 高。
Moreover, medium and low-income economies importing fossil fuel are particularly vulnerable to price volatility and price increases, which could upset their external payments balance, cause economic instability at the macro level and
prevent Governments from investing in
[...] technical and social infrastructure, resulting in higher [...]
energy costs for households.
人力资源管理厅继续进行以下工作:帮助联合国 调动其人力资源能力,迎接各项新兴挑战;支持设立 新的实体;通过政策制定和信息技术,发展和维持人 力资源管理基设施;建 立能力以帮助管理人员进行 管理、帮助工作人员人尽其才,并监测业绩;引入并 分享人力资源管理方面新的观念和良好做法;在有关 服务条件和安保的事项方面,包括在工作-生活问题、 工作人员发展和职业机会等领域进行 导 ; 并 向各部 厅、管理人员和一般工作人员提供咨询和行政事务。
The Office continued to help the Organization to align its human resources capacity with emerging challenges and to support the establishment of new entities; to develop and maintain the human resources management infrastructure through policy development and information technology; to build capacity to help managers to manage and staff to function to the best of their ability, and to monitor performance; to introduce and share new ideas and good practices in human resources management; to advocate in matters relating to conditions of service and security, including in such areas as work-life issues, staff development and career opportunities; and to provide advice and administrative services to departments and offices, managers and the staff at large.
例如,自己公司不存设计部门 时,「施项目览表」的厂施项目 」中的「 3, 1 , 1 设 计 、 开发」则为非相当。
For example, if
[...] there is no design department in the firm, then 3.1: Design/Development in the "Action items" in the "Action Item List" is deemed [...]
not applicable.
关于残疾人在文化生活的参与方面,在这里列举 2009 年的两项重大改 进:博物馆无障导览(GVAM),该系统可以为所有用户,也包括残疾人,提供 互动参观,其中包含了为感官障碍残疾人提供的无障碍资源, 字 幕 、音频描 述、音频导航或手语等;及 2009 年 1 月 29 日颁布的第 CUL/174/2009 号令,其 中规定从三月份起隶属于文化部及国立音乐及表演艺术研究院管理的博物馆对残 [...]
It facilitates the design of accessibility resources
[...] essential for persons with sensory disabilities, such as subtitles, audio-description, audio-navigation and sign language; while Order /CUL/74/2009 of 29 January 2009, regulating public visits to [...]
State-owned museums
assigned to and managed by the Ministry of Culture and the National Institute of Scenic Arts and Music, states that entry shall be free from March onwards for persons with disabilities on presentation of the appropriate supporting document, adding that free entry is also available to a companion “provided and where that that person is essential to the visit of the disabled person”.
萨特雅·南丹图书馆设施包括一个 览 室 , 用户可以查阅收藏的参考资料 以及使用电脑查阅电子邮件和上网。
The facilities available in the Satya N. Nandan Library [...]
include a reading room with access to the collection for reference
purposes and computer terminals for e-mail and Internet access.
15.5 计划服务包括:技术咨询;业务需求评估;项目范围确定和规划;业务程序分析;不断开
发和部署针对知识产权管理和优先权文件及检索审查结果交换的定制业务系统解决方案;知识产权 数据库的建立;借助 WIPO
[...] 全球知识产权体系(包括 PCT 和马德里体系)实现知识产权记录数字 化和拟订在线出版数据和电子数据交换;与 WIPO 数据库(如 PATENTSCOPE)进行的电子交 流;提供 WIPO 知识产权统数字;技术基设施的 改 进;培训和知识转让;业务系统支持。
Program services include: technical consultancy; business needs assessment; project scoping and planning; business process analysis; ongoing development and deployment of customized business system solutions for the administration of IP rights and for the exchange of priority documents and of search and examination results; establishment of IP databases; digitization of IP records and preparation of data for online publication and electronic data exchange with WIPO global IP systems (including PCT and
Madrid); e-communication
[...] with WIPO databases such as PATENTSCOPE; provision of WIPO IP statistics; upgrading of technical infrastructure; training [...]
and knowledge transfer; and, business system support.
此外,许多代表团认为,由于持续存在限制性原产地规则 和非关税贸易壁垒,例如标准和技术措施,加上严格的供应限制和有关贸易的基设施赤字,最 不发达国家无法充分利用更大程度市场准入所带来的好处。
In addition, many delegations expressed the view that the persistence of restrictive rules of origin and non-tariff trade
barriers, such as standards
[...] and technical measures, as well as severe supply constraints and a trade-related infrastructure deficit, had prevented [...]
least developed countries
from fully harnessing the gains associated with greater market access.
在193个办事处,雇用66个国家的约174,000人,公司 设 八 个 独立运营的业务部门组成:视觉显示,移动通信,通信系统 数 字 家 电,IT解决方案 数字 成 像, 半 导 体 和 液晶显示器。
Employing approximately 174,000 people in 193 offices across 66 countries, the
company consists of eight
[...] independently operated business units: Visual Display, Mobile Communications, Telecommunication Systems, Digital Appliances, IT Solutions, Digital Imaging, Semiconductor and LCD.
编列经费 70 000 美元将用于为内部审计司聘请咨询服务,于 2012 年驻地 审计员培训会议期间,提供以下培训:由人力资源管理厅一名顾问支持为期两天 的团队设讲习班,和有数据采样/分析和电脑辅助审计技术使用的培训课程, 所涉题目包括数据操纵语言、常见数据格式 数 据 分 析软 导 航 和 数 据 采 集等。
The provision of $70,000 would cover the requirements of the Internal Audit Division to engage consultancy services to deliver the following training courses during the resident auditors’ training conference in 2012: a two-day team-building workshop to be facilitated by an Office of Human Resources
Management consultant
[...] and a training course on data sampling/analysis and the use of computer-assisted auditing techniques, covering topics such as data-manipulation terms, common data formats and structures, IDEA navigation and data sampling.
地质灾害超级站点倡议提数字化基础设施平台 ,它拥有一个网络入口点,能够快速、容易和免费获取 各种来源和地球物理学科所产生的整套卫星和地基地球物理数据集。
The Geohazard Supersites initiative
[...] provides a cyber-infrastructure platform with a single [...]
web entry point that allows fast,
easy and free-of-charge access to a complete satellite and ground-based geophysical data set derived from diverse sources and geophysical disciplines.
对非洲馆的功能进行了评价,目标是 使其成为现代化的会设施,即 :包含 览 和 博 物馆的空间,将所有家具和会议 支持装置升级换代,保留和恢复建筑物原有的历史和文化价值,提高其安全性, [...]
The functionality of Africa Hall was
evaluated with a view to
[...] achieving a modern conference facility, incorporating exhibition [...]
and museum spaces, upgrading
all furniture and conference support installations, preserving and restoring the historical and cultural values embedded in the architecture, enhancing its safety and incorporating access for persons with disabilities.
其包导览列,图表,复选框,上下文菜单,数据网格,拖曳,仪表盘,项目流,掩码输入,菜单 导 航 条 , 数字 输 入 ,范围滑动条,选项卡,工具栏和树形视图。
It includes BreadCrumb,Chart,ComboBox, ContextMenu, DataGrid, DragDrop, Gauge, ItemFlow, MaskedInput, Menu, NavBar, NumberInput, RangeSlideR, TabStrip, ToolBar and TreeView.
2010 年,难民署集中精力贯彻“难民保护和混杂移民问题 10 点行动计划”; 制定施在海 上保护寻求庇护人员;更加切实有效地推动国际防止和打击贩运人 口工作;导设立全 球性和区域性机制,制定着意保护的移民政策;响应需要国 际保护的人员的需求,包括诸如混杂移徙人群中的孤身和(或)与家庭离散的未成 [...]
年人之类的弱势个人的需求;提高对这种现象的认识;探索增加难民和寻求庇护 人员保护空间的机会,例如通过区域性自由移动安排协议和劳工流动计划增加保
In 2010, UNHCR focused on implementing the 10-Point Plan of Action on Refugee Protection and Mixed Migration; developing measures for the protection of [...]
asylum-seekers at sea; contributing
more effectively to international efforts to prevent and combat trafficking in people; promoting global and regional mechanisms to devise protection-sensitive migration policies; responding to the needs of persons in need of international protection, including vulnerable individuals such as unaccompanied/separated minors, in mixed movements; increasing awareness of the phenomenon; and exploring opportunities to increase protection space for refugees and asylum-seekers, for example through regional free movement arrangements and labour migration schemes, and promoting global and regional consultative processes.
如果你想要获得更多有关我们课程上的资讯,请与我们系院长与课程 导 员 进行更进一步的讨论,参考简报以对课程与业界有进一步的了解, 览 校 园 与 设施 , 我 们欢迎你随时前来拜访。
And if you wish to learn more about the programmes, discuss your options
with our Faculty Deans and Course
[...] Counselors, view presentations, gain insight into the courses and industry, and tour the campus and facilities, please come by and visit us any time.
请提供统计资料,说明在多少起案件中有被告声称因遭受酷刑而招供、 这类投导致的调查数量, 以及进行调查的结果,包括对被判罪 施 行 酷 刑者 予以惩处以及向受害者给予补救和赔偿的情况。
Please provide statistical information on the number of cases in which detainees have alleged that their confessions were extracted
through torture, the
[...] number of such complaints which led to investigations, and the outcomes of these investigations, including punishments [...]
meted out
to convicted perpetrators, if any, and reparations and compensation offered to victims, if any.
在克罗地亚和执行委员会签订的协定中,2005 年附件 A
[...] 第一类(氟氯化碳)的最大 允许消费量是 65 ODP 吨,2010 年为 0 ODP 吨;对其间年份,协定没设定确切 数字 ,但 规定:“消耗臭氧层物质的法律(1999 年 1 月 30 日)列有条款,规定在 [...]
2006 年至 2009 年期间,作为一项特例,最多可进口
21.9 ODP 吨附件 A(第一类和第二类)和/或附件 B (第二类和第三类)或含有这些物质的产品,但这些物质和/或产品得用于维护人、植物和 /或动物的生命;国防、安保和消防;和科学研究安全,以及这些产品不能以对环境友好和 在经济上可行的代用品取代”。
In the agreement between Croatia and the Executive Committee, the maximum allowable consumption for Annex A, Group I (CFCs) for the year 2005 was 65 ODP tonnes,
for 2010 0 ODP tonne;
[...] and for the years in between, the agreement provides no exact figure but stipulates that [...]
"The By-Law on Substances
that Deplete the Ozone Layer (of 30 January 1999) includes a clause on importing on an exceptional basis between 2006 and 2009 up to 21.9 ODP tonnes of Annex A (Groups I and II) and/or Annex B (Groups II and III) or products containing these substances, when these substances and/or products are for preserving human, plant and/or animal life; national defence, safety and fire-fighting; and scientific research safety, when such products cannot be replaced by environmentally-sound and economically-viable alternatives”.
目前约有 400 处设施使用放射源(这数字在一些 设施 退 出 运行时会略有改 变),96%的设施获得了许可,并通过完整实施的定期检查方案接受定期监测和管 控。
There are currently approximately 400 facilities that work with radioactive sources (this number changes slightly when facilities are decommissioned), 96 per cent of these facilities [...]
are licensed and are
subject to periodic monitoring and controls, through the regular programme of inspections which is carried out in its entirety.
CPC 100 的采样值测试卡按照由 UCA 国际用户组织所发布 的“采用 IEC 61850-9-2 的仪用互感数字接口实施导则” 工作。
The CPC 100’s SV test card operates according to the “Implementation Guideline for Digital Interface to Instrumental Transformers using IEC 61850-9-2” published by the UCA International User Group.
公共部门和私营部门,地方、国家、地区与国际各级的民间团体应提供必要的资金和 采取必要的施,鼓励数字化的 教育、文化和科学内容的制作、处理和使用,以减少语言障 碍和促进因特网上的人际交往,从而确保所有的文化都能用不同的语言,包括本土语言,来 表现自己和使用网络空间。
The public and private sectors and the civil society at local, national, regional and international levels should provide the necessary
resources and take the
[...] necessary measures to alleviate language barriers and promote human interaction on the Internet by encouraging the creation and [...]
processing of, and access
to, educational, cultural and scientific content in digital form, so as to ensure that all cultures can express themselves and have access to cyberspace in all languages, including indigenous ones.




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