

单词 数九天



nine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the coldest time of the year

See also:

数天 pl

several days pl

数天 n

few days pl


nine num

External sources (not reviewed)

欧洲联盟还对以下事实表示保留意见:届会预定 九天会 议可能只有五天有完全的口译服务。
The European Union also expressed reservations about the
fact that full interpretation services would likely be available only for
[...] five of the nine days scheduled for [...]
the session.
九十天的等 候期結束,本公司根據一九三四年證券交易法案之定期呈報及披露責任亦告終止,本 [...]
Following the
[...] completion of the 90-day waiting period, [...]
the Company’s periodic and disclosure obligations under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 terminated and the Company is no longer a SEC registered company.
但报告可 卡因使用情况增加的国家数目高于报告类阿片或其他毒品使用增加的国 数目 (见图二九)。
However the number of countries that have reported an
increase in cocaine use are more than those reporting an increase in use
[...] of opioids or other drugs (see figures II-IX).
托斯卡神父最重要的作品是 Compendio Matemático(数学汇编》),共九 卷 , 撰写于 1707–1715 年,内容除涉数学和几何外,还涵 天 文 、地理、航海、军用工事、光学以及透视法等学科。
Father Tosca’s most important book was Compendio
[...] Matemático (Mathematical compendium), a nine-volume work composed in 1707–15 that covered, in addition to mathematics and geometry, such subjects as astronomy, geography, seamanship, [...]
military architecture, optics, and perspective.
这些负债是根据每名工作 人员在工作人员细则允许的最天数 以 内的个人积存假 天数 和 最 新的薪金计 算出来的。
The liability was
[...] calculated by applying accrued leave days, up to the maximum allowed under [...]
the staff rules, to the latest salary for each staff member.
若磁盘驱动器损坏,或病毒或恶意软件入侵系统,您可快速轻松恢复备份数据,而无需花数小 时数天尝试重新创建磁盘驱动器数据和应用程序。
Should your disc drive become damaged or your system attacked by a virus or
malware, you can restore the back-up data quickly and easily,
[...] eliminating hours or days of work trying to [...]
rebuild your disc drive's data and applications from scratch.
因此,成员们应确保标有“A”的非洲国家选票 上所选举候选数不超过九个; 标有“B”的亚太国 家选票上所选举候选人数不超过八个;标有“C”的 [...]
东欧国家选票上所选举候选人数不超过三个;标有 “D”的拉丁美洲和加勒比国家选票上所选举候选人 数不超过六个;标有“E”的西欧和其他国家选票上
Accordingly, members should ensure that the ballot papers marked
“A” for African States do not contain
[...] votes for more than nine candidates; that the [...]
ballot papers marked “B” for Asia-Pacific
States do not contain votes for more than eight candidates; that the ballot papers marked “C” for Eastern European States do not contain votes for more than three candidates; that the ballot papers marked “D” for Latin American and Caribbean States do not contain votes for more than six candidates; and that the ballot papers marked “E” for Western European and Other States do not contain votes for more than eight candidates.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过数年里 已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地 天 提 供 八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now
functioning at level I-plus rather than the
[...] previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
天数导致 潜在安 全问题,原因是从港口起航的船要从分配的 天数 中 扣 除一个整天。
Days of effort resulted in a potential safety problem because, when a vessel sailed from port, one whole day was deducted [...]
from the total allotment.
技术工作组建议建立一个共同制度所有休养旅行框架,其中包括下列要 素:(a) 连休 5 天,不记入年假;(b)
[...] 给予旅行时间,其定义是,前往和离开工 作所在地实际花费的时间;(c) 支付指定休养地点住宿费用,计算方法是,指定 工作地点每日生活津贴住宿部分平 数 (5 天共 700 美元)加 50 美元的终点站费 用,为每次旅行支付的总住宿费用为 750 美元;(d) 支付工作所在地至指定休养 地点最便宜和最直接路线的旅行费用。
The technical working group recommended a common system framework for all rest and recuperation travel, with the following elements: (a) five consecutive days off, not charged to annual leave; (b) travel time, defined as the actual time spent travelling to and from the place of duty; (c) a contribution towards accommodation at the designated place of rest and
recuperation, calculated as
[...] the average amount of the accommodation portion of the daily subsistence allowance as applicable to the designated places ($700 for five days) plus $50 towards [...]
terminal costs, for a
total of $750 per travel; and (d) paid travel by the cheapest and most direct route from the place of duty to the designated place of rest and recuperation.
(b) 建议大会在其第六十五届会议上就将执行委员会成 数 目 从七 十 九个 增加到八十四个国家的问题作出决定。
(b) Recommended that the General Assembly, at its sixty-fifth
session, decide on the question of enlarging the membership of the Executive
[...] Committee from seventy-nine to eighty-four States.
行预咨委会在进行询问后获得了一个表格,该表显示与向后勤基地转移职 能提议相关的所需经费估计数和 2012/13
[...] 年度拟议支助账户所需经费相应减少总 额估数(见下文附九和 A/66/721,第 24 和第 26 段)。
Upon enquiry the Advisory Committee was provided with a table showing an estimate of requirements in connection with the proposed transfer of functions to UNLB, and the
corresponding overall reduction in the 2012/13 support
[...] account proposal (see annex IX below and A/66/721, [...]
paras. 24 and 26).
九天,他被首 次带见法官并见到了家人。
On the ninth day he was brought before [...]
a judge for the first time and saw his family.
條例草案第 20 條修訂附表 2,也加入若干新的指定禁止吸煙區,例如學
[...] 校、公眾場所、食肆場所、酒吧、卡拉 OK 場所、麻天九耍樂場所、商營 浴室及醫院內的室內區域。
Clause 20 of the Bill amends Schedule 2 by adding a number of new places as designated no smoking areas, such as schools and indoor areas of public
premises, restaurant premises, bars, karaoke
[...] establishments, mahjong tin-kau premises, commercial [...]
bathhouses and hospitals.
父母补助在从产假补助(怀孕假和产假)支付期最后一天过后的第二天开 始支付,支付到连产假补天数在内 的共 455 天。
Payment of the parental benefit begins from the day following the last day of the period of payment of maternity benefit
(pregnancy and maternity leave) and it is paid until 455 days are attained
[...] together with the days of the maternity [...]
最后,报告使用核查消耗臭氧层物质生产淘汰的格式提供了核查结果,其中包括生产 淘汰方案开始以来的历史和最新的核查结果,核查结果数据提供了按月分列的运 天数、 原材料消费量和氟氯化碳产量吨数。
Finally, the report provided the results of the verification using the format for verification of ODS production phase-out, which includes a history of the production phase-out programme from the beginning and the
results from the latest
[...] verification with data broken down by month on the number of operating days, raw material consumption, [...]
and CFC production tonnage.
監督遊戲機中心、麻將天九館和 其他娛樂活動發牌制度的執行 工作,以及就有關娛樂事務牌照的法例提供意見。
To oversee the implementation of
licensing systems for Amusement Game
[...] Centres, Mahjong/Tin Kau Parlours and other [...]
entertainment activities and advise on
legislation relating to entertainment licensing.
主席(以法语发言):我谨按照惯例提请大会注意 文件 A/65/691/Add.2、A/65/691/Add.3、A/65/691/ Add.4、A/65/691/Add.5 和
A/65/691/Add.6,秘书长 在其中通知大会主席,自其载于文件 A/65/691/Add.1 的信印发以来,尼泊尔、帕劳、圣基茨和尼维斯、圣
[...] 文森特和格林纳丁斯和汤加已缴付必要款项,将其拖 欠会费减至《联合国宪章》第九条 规定 的 数 额 以 下。
The President( spoke in French ): In keeping with established practice, I should like to draw the attention of the General Assembly to documents A/65/691/Add.2, A/65/691/Add.3, A/65/691/Add.4, A/65/691/Add.5 and A/65/691/Add.6, in which the Secretary-General informs the President of the General Assembly that, since the issuance of his communication contained in document A/65/691/Add.1, Nepal, Palau, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and
Tonga have made the necessary payments to reduce their
[...] arrears below the amount specified in Article 19 of [...]
the Charter.
在去年 5 月成立的中东重建与和解特设工作组的支持下,由副总干事率领的一个高级 部门间考虑团于 2002 年 12
[...] 月在以色列和巴勒斯坦自治领土进行 九天 考 察 (2002 年 12 月 7 日--15 日)。
Under the auspices of the Task Force on Reconstruction and Reconciliation in the Middle East which was established last May, a high-level
intersectoral mission led by the Deputy
[...] DirectorGeneral spent nine days in Israel and the [...]
Palestinian Territories in December 2002 (7-15 December 2002).
议程项目138(续) 联合国会费分摊比额表(A/66/668/Add.13) 主席(以英语发言):在开始审议我们议程 上的项目之前,我谨按照惯例,提请大会注意文件 A/66/668/Add.13,其中秘书长通知大会主席,自文 件A/66/668/Add.12所载的其信件印发以来,利比里 亚已缴付必要款项,将其拖欠款额减至《宪章》第九条规定的数额以下。
Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations (A/66/668/Add.13) The President: Before proceeding to the item on our agenda, I should like, in keeping with the established practice, to draw the attention of the General Assembly to document A/66/668/Add.13, in which the Secretary-General informs the President of the General Assembly that, since the issuance of his communication contained in document A/66/668/Add.12, Liberia has made the payment necessary to reduce its arrears below the amount specified in Article 19 of the Charter of the United Nations.
12.2.3 蔴 雀天九牌照的簽發條件是規定年未滿 18 歲的人士不准 在該有關牌照的地方玩這些遊戲(見賭博條例(香港法例第一四八章) [...]
第二十二條(3)款及賭博規例 5A)。
12.2.3 The prescribed conditions upon
[...] which a majong or tin kau licence is granted [...]
provide that no person under the age
of 18 years shall be permitted to play such games in premises to which the licence relates (see section 22(3) Gambling Ordinance (Cap. 148) and Form 5A Gambling Regulations) .
[...] 时间长度的最初评估,是根据分庭每周有更多天开庭的情况作出的,但目前的法 庭时间表以及法官参加其他案件的时间不允许有更 天数 开 庭
The original assessment of the length of time anticipated for
this case was based on the Chamber sitting
[...] more days per week than the current [...]
court schedule and commitment of the Judges to other cases allow.
从这些记录中可以生成两类信息:(a) 从保健设施报告生成的信 息,例如,药物使用情况、用品、病床、平均住 天数 等 ;(b) 从诊断、病人特 征、治疗措施和存活情况等个人记录生成的信息。
Two types of information can be generated from these records: (a) information generated through the reports of health facilities, such as use of medicines, supplies, patient beds, average length of stay; and (b) information that is generated from individual records such as diagnoses, patient characteristics, procedures provided and survival.
(c) 招标文件中列明的停顿期期限 [应当至少为( [… ]天(具 天数 由 颁布 国决定))] [是特定采购情况下的合理期限, ]25 [...]
,并应当从本款规定的通知书送 达提交书已经过审查的所有供应商或承包商之日起算。
(c) The duration of the standstill period as set out in the solicitation
documents, [which shall be at least ([…] (a
[...] specific number of days is to be determined [...]
by an enacting State)] [reasonable in
the circumstances of the given procurement],25 and shall run from the date of the dispatch of the notice under this paragraph to all suppliers or contractors whose submissions were examined.
九条称,《2010 数码经济法》要求网络服务提供商针对用户采取措施 而无需经过法律程序,164 [...]
域名注册机构Nominet 正在考虑应警方要求在无法院 命令的情况下冻结域名。
Article 19 stated that the Digital Economy Act 2010 [...]
required internet service providers (ISPs) to inter alia take measures
against subscribers without legal process;164and Nominet, the domain name register, was considering freezing domain names at the request of the police, without a court order.165 90.
2000-2007 年期间的统计数据显示, 文盲人数仍然高度集中在几个人口大国:文盲 数 中有 67%是九个人口大国(孟 加拉国、巴西、中国、埃及、印度、印度尼西亚、墨西哥、尼日利亚、巴基斯坦)。
Statistics for the period 2000-2007 show that the highest concentrations are in countries with large populations: 67 per cent of the total number were located in the E-9 countries, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria and Pakistan.
继我 2009 年 2 月 4 日的信函(A/63/725)之后,谨通知你,多米尼加共和国 和巴拉圭已缴付必要款项,将其拖欠会费减至《联合国宪章》第 九 条 规定 的数 额以下。
Further to my letter dated 4 February 2009 (A/63/725), I have the honour to inform you that the Dominican Republic and Paraguay have made the payments necessary to reduce their arrears below the amount specified in Article 19 of the Charter of the United Nations.
我 2009 年 2 月 4 日和 3 月 5 日的信(A/63/725 和 Add.1)谅悉,兹通知你, 马绍尔群岛已缴付必要款项,将其拖欠会费减至低于《联合国宪章》第 九 条规数额。
Further to my letters dated 4 February and 5 March 2009 (A/63/725 and Add.1), I have the honour to inform you that the Marshall Islands has made the payments necessary to reduce its arrears below the amount specified in Article 19 of the Charter of the United Nations.
在上文中,我们已经探讨了下列的诸要素: 要素之一:代际之间的语言传承(等级) 要素之二:使用一种语言的绝对人口(实际数字) 要素之三:总人口中使用该语言的比例(等级) 要素之四:在现存语域的使用趋势(等级) 要素之五:新领域和媒体的回应(等级) 要素之六:用于语言教育和学习材料(等级) 要素之七:政府的和机构的语言态度和语言政策,包括官方地位和使用(等级) 要素之八:社区成员们对自己语言的态度(等级) 要素九:语言记录数量与 质量(等级) 语言社区先用这些要素测试评估其语言状况并决定是否需要采取行动。
With regard to ‘Availability of Materials for Language Education and Literacy’, I have given Mapoyo a 1, because a practical orthography has been developed for the first time and will be presented shortly to the community, along with audiovisual learning materials.4 Finally, although Venezuelan Sanima is basically undocumented, unannotated recordings of varying quality exist, as does a grammatical sketch of the closely related and better-documented Brazilian variety.5 Thus, it may be ranked as a 1 on ‘Type and Quality of Documentation’.




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