

单词 数九



nine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the coldest time of the year


nine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the coldest time of the year


sudoku (Japanese: sū doku)

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

在过去的一个世纪里,信徒数从九 百 万 增长到了三亿六千万人。
Over the past century, the number of believers has
[...] grown from nine million to more than 360 million.
19. 大会第十六届会议根据 1961 年 11 月 28 日通过的第 1659(XVI)号决议决定将行政和预算问题咨询委员会委员 数 自 九人 增至十二人,并通过对第一五六条和第一五七条16 的相应修正。
At its sixteenth session, the General Assembly, by resolution 1659 (XVI) of 28 November 1961, decided to increase the membership of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions from 9 to 12 and adopted consequential amendments to rules 156 and 157.16 20.
但报告可 卡因使用情况增加的国家数目高于报告类阿片或其他毒品使用增加的国 数目 (见图二九)。
However the number of countries that have reported an
increase in cocaine use are more than those reporting an increase in use
[...] of opioids or other drugs (see figures II-IX).
(b) 建议大会在其第六十五届会议上就将执行委员会成 数 目 从七 十 九个 增加到八十四个国家的问题作出决定。
(b) Recommended that the General Assembly, at its sixty-fifth
session, decide on the question of enlarging the membership of the Executive
[...] Committee from seventy-nine to eighty-four States.
[...] 投票中获得最大多数票却没有获得法定 数 票 的九 位候 选人要进行第二轮投票,以填补委员会剩余四 [...]
Accordingly, a second ballot, restricted to the nine candidates who had obtained the largest number of votes in
the previous ballot without having
[...] obtained the required majority, had been held [...]
at that meeting in order to fill the remaining
four vacancies on the Committee.
此外,巴布亚新几内亚实施的方 案导致妇女检测数量增加了九倍,从 2005 年的 17 个增至 2009 年的 178 个。
In addition, Papua New Guinea has programmes that have resulted in a tenfold increase in the number of testing sites for women, from 17 in 2005 to 178 in 2009.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国2009年的缉数据 仅为 前 九 个 月 的 数 据。
For the Islamic Republic of
[...] Iran, seizure data for 2009 refer to the first nine months only. ab
因此,成员们应确保标有“A”的非洲国家选票 上所选举候选数不超过九个; 标有“B”的亚太国 家选票上所选举候选人数不超过八个;标有“C”的 [...]
东欧国家选票上所选举候选人数不超过三个;标有 “D”的拉丁美洲和加勒比国家选票上所选举候选人 数不超过六个;标有“E”的西欧和其他国家选票上
Accordingly, members should ensure that the ballot papers marked
“A” for African States do not contain
[...] votes for more than nine candidates; that the [...]
ballot papers marked “B” for Asia-Pacific
States do not contain votes for more than eight candidates; that the ballot papers marked “C” for Eastern European States do not contain votes for more than three candidates; that the ballot papers marked “D” for Latin American and Caribbean States do not contain votes for more than six candidates; and that the ballot papers marked “E” for Western European and Other States do not contain votes for more than eight candidates.
但是,由于三位候选人—— Linares Cantillo 女士(哥伦比亚), Amilcar Jean-François 女士(海地)和 Moosa 女士(阿曼)
[...] ——所得票数相同,因此他建议让这三人也进入第 二次投票,使有资格的候选人数达 到 九 人。
However, since three candidates — Ms. Linares Cantillo (Colombia), Ms. Amilcar Jean-François (Haiti) and Ms. Moosa (Oman) — had received the same number of votes, he suggested that
all three should be included in the second ballot, bringing the total number of
[...] candidates eligible for election to nine.
该国在耶鲁大学和哥伦比亚大学最近发布的《2010 年环境绩效数》中排名九。
The country was ranked ninth in the 2010 Environmental Performance Index, released recently [...]
by Yale and Columbia Universities.
关于言论自由,七(7) 个数民族电台九(9) 家少数民族报社九(9) 份少数 民族 杂志组成了色雷斯开放、活泼而多元化的媒体环境的一部分。
As regards freedom of expression, seven (7) minority radio stations, nine (9) minority newspapers and nine (9) minority magazines are part of an open, vibrant and pluralistic media environment in Thrace.
行预咨委会在进行询问后获得了一个表格,该表显示与向后勤基地转移职 能提议相关的所需经费估计数和 2012/13
[...] 年度拟议支助账户所需经费相应减少总 额估数(见下文附九和 A/66/721,第 24 和第 26 段)。
Upon enquiry the Advisory Committee was provided with a table showing an estimate of requirements in connection with the proposed transfer of functions to UNLB, and the
corresponding overall reduction in the 2012/13 support
[...] account proposal (see annex IX below and A/66/721, [...]
paras. 24 and 26).
撒哈拉以南非洲的难民数已经连续 九 年 下降,尽管下降幅度比前些年有所 减小。
The number of refugees in sub-Saharan African
[...] continued to decline for the ninth consecutive year, although [...]
less so than in previous years.
社会保障计划覆盖人口的详数据 见附 件 九。
Detailed data on the population covered by social security schemes is submitted in Annex IX.
就委员数而言,三九人 (产权组织107 和气象组织)不等。
In number, membership may range
[...] from three to as many as nine at WIPO107 and WMO.
[...] 言论自由的权利,包括持有主张而不受干涉的自由,和通过媒介和不论国界寻求、 接受和传递消息和思想的自由,而在当前这 数 字 时 代,第 九 条 的 意义比 60 年前更为重要。
She said that article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which stated that everyone had the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas
through media and regardless of frontiers, was more relevant
[...] in the current digital age than it had been six decades ago.
2000-2007 年期间的统计数据显示, 文盲人数仍然高度集中在几个人口大国:文盲 数 中有 67%是九个人口大国(孟 加拉国、巴西、中国、埃及、印度、印度尼西亚、墨西哥、尼日利亚、巴基斯坦)。
Statistics for the period 2000-2007 show that the highest concentrations are in countries with large populations: 67 per cent of the total number were located in the E-9 countries, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria and Pakistan.
九 八 九 年 , EMS 的 个数 目 在 美 国 突 然 上 升 , 共 有 超 过 1 500 人 患 病 , 其 中 至 少 37 名 患 者 死 亡 。
In 1989, there had been an outbreak of the disease Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome (EMS) affecting over 1500 people with at least 37 deaths in the USA.
经济及社会理事会在其 2010 年 11 月 10 日第 50 次全体会议上回顾大会 1957 年 11 月 26 日关于请理事会设立联合国难民事务高级专员方案执行委员会的第 1166(XII)号决议,以及其后关于增加执行委员会成员的各项大会决议: (a) 注意到 2010 年 7 月 12 日刚果常驻联合国代表团给秘书长的普通照会所 载关于增加联合国难民事务高级专员方案执行委员会成员数目的请求;8 (b) 建议大会在其第六十五届会议上就将执行委员会成 数 目 从七 十 九个 增加到八十四个国家的问题作出决定。
(a) Took note of the request to enlarge the membership of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees contained in the note verbale dated 12 July 2010 from the Permanent Mission of the Congo to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General;8 (b) Recommended that the General Assembly, at its sixty-fifth session, decide on the question of enlarging the membership of the Executive Committee from eighty-four to eighty-five States.
同 时,仅在五年时间内中低收入国家接受艾滋病毒治疗的 数 就 增加 了 九 倍 ,使 2008 年底接受抗逆转录病毒治疗的人数达到 400 万。
At the same time, HIV treatment access in low- and middle-income countries increased tenfold over a span of just five years, bringing to 4 million the number of people on antiretroviral therapy at the end of 2008.
托斯卡神父最重要的作品是 Compendio Matemático(数学汇编》),共九 卷 , 撰写于 1707–1715 年,内容除涉数学和 几何外,还涵盖天文、地理、航海、军用工事、光学以及透视法等学科。
Father Tosca’s most important book was Compendio
[...] Matemático (Mathematical compendium), a nine-volume work composed in 1707–15 that covered, in addition to mathematics and geometry, [...]
such subjects as astronomy,
geography, seamanship, military architecture, optics, and perspective.
目之前,我谨根据惯例,提请大会注意文件 A/65/691/ Add.1,秘书长在其中通知大会主席,继印发载于文 件 A/65/691
[...] 中的他的来函(A/65/691)之后,津巴布 韦已缴付必要款项,将其拖欠会费减至《宪章》第九条规定的数额以下。
Before proceeding to the items on the agenda, I should like, in keeping with established practice, to draw the attention of the General Assembly to document A/65/691/Add.1, in which the Secretary-General informs the President of the Assembly that, since the issuance of his communication contained in document A/65/691,
Zimbabwe has made the necessary payment to reduce its arrears
[...] to below the amount specified in Article 19 of [...]
the Charter.
主席(以法语发言):我谨按照惯例提请大会注意 文件 A/65/691/Add.2、A/65/691/Add.3、A/65/691/ Add.4、A/65/691/Add.5 和
A/65/691/Add.6,秘书长 在其中通知大会主席,自其载于文件 A/65/691/Add.1 的信印发以来,尼泊尔、帕劳、圣基茨和尼维斯、圣
[...] 文森特和格林纳丁斯和汤加已缴付必要款项,将其拖 欠会费减至《联合国宪章》第九条 规定 的 数 额 以 下。
The President( spoke in French ): In keeping with established practice, I should like to draw the attention of the General Assembly to documents A/65/691/Add.2, A/65/691/Add.3, A/65/691/Add.4, A/65/691/Add.5 and A/65/691/Add.6, in which the Secretary-General informs the President of the General Assembly that, since the issuance of his communication contained in document A/65/691/Add.1, Nepal, Palau, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and
Tonga have made the necessary payments to reduce their
[...] arrears below the amount specified in Article 19 of [...]
the Charter.
议程项目138(续) 联合国会费分摊比额表(A/66/668/Add.13) 主席(以英语发言):在开始审议我们议程 上的项目之前,我谨按照惯例,提请大会注意文件 A/66/668/Add.13,其中秘书长通知大会主席,自文 件A/66/668/Add.12所载的其信件印发以来,利比里 亚已缴付必要款项,将其拖欠款额减至《宪章》第九条规定的数额以下。
Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations (A/66/668/Add.13) The President: Before proceeding to the item on our agenda, I should like, in keeping with the established practice, to draw the attention of the General Assembly to document A/66/668/Add.13, in which the Secretary-General informs the President of the General Assembly that, since the issuance of his communication contained in document A/66/668/Add.12, Liberia has made the payment necessary to reduce its arrears below the amount specified in Article 19 of the Charter of the United Nations.
九条称,《2010 数码经济法》要求网络服务提供商针对用户采取措施 而无需经过法律程序,164 [...]
域名注册机构Nominet 正在考虑应警方要求在无法院 命令的情况下冻结域名。
Article 19 stated that the Digital Economy Act 2010 [...]
required internet service providers (ISPs) to inter alia take measures
against subscribers without legal process;164and Nominet, the domain name register, was considering freezing domain names at the request of the police, without a court order.165 90.
在上文中,我们已经探讨了下列的诸要素: 要素之一:代际之间的语言传承(等级) 要素之二:使用一种语言的绝对人口(实际数字) 要素之三:总人口中使用该语言的比例(等级) 要素之四:在现存语域的使用趋势(等级) 要素之五:新领域和媒体的回应(等级) 要素之六:用于语言教育和学习材料(等级) 要素之七:政府的和机构的语言态度和语言政策,包括官方地位和使用(等级) 要素之八:社区成员们对自己语言的态度(等级) 要素九:语言记录数量与 质量(等级) 语言社区先用这些要素测试评估其语言状况并决定是否需要采取行动。
With regard to ‘Availability of Materials for Language Education and Literacy’, I have given Mapoyo a 1, because a practical orthography has been developed for the first time and will be presented shortly to the community, along with audiovisual learning materials.4 Finally, although Venezuelan Sanima is basically undocumented, unannotated recordings of varying quality exist, as does a grammatical sketch of the closely related and better-documented Brazilian variety.5 Thus, it may be ranked as a 1 on ‘Type and Quality of Documentation’.
继我 2009 年 2 月 4 日的信函(A/63/725)之后,谨通知你,多米尼加共和国 和巴拉圭已缴付必要款项,将其拖欠会费减至《联合国宪章》第 九 条 规定 的数 额以下。
Further to my letter dated 4 February 2009 (A/63/725), I have the honour to inform you that the Dominican Republic and Paraguay have made the payments necessary to reduce their arrears below the amount specified in Article 19 of the Charter of the United Nations.
我 2009 年 2 月 4 日和 3 月 5 日的信(A/63/725 和 Add.1)谅悉,兹通知你, 马绍尔群岛已缴付必要款项,将其拖欠会费减至低于《联合国宪章》第 九 条规数额。
Further to my letters dated 4 February and 5 March 2009 (A/63/725 and Add.1), I have the honour to inform you that the Marshall Islands has made the payments necessary to reduce its arrears below the amount specified in Article 19 of the Charter of the United Nations.
特点: 1 )在由高品质的素E1与三聚氰胺刨花板完成 和PVC带
2 )高耐用,易于护理,安全的日常磨损 3 )现代,简洁,时尚,精巧的设计 4
[...] )竞争力的价格,可靠的递送 5 )九龙/数包 6 )颜色可供选择:枫木,淡黄色枫木,橡木黑色,白色,奥勒岗 [...]
根据要求(基于2 × 40 '柜) 7 )可调式货架,以适应间隔根据您的需要
8 )的不同组合适合在家办公的任何大小 9 )门可用于无尘存储在不同大小和样式 10 )抽屉可插入货架 11 )宽敞顺利抽屉与抽屉停止 12 )主席与弯曲帧和调节泵提供 出色的舒适性 13 )两个大的台式机提供大量的工作空间
Features: 1) Made from high-quality E1 particleboards with melamine finish and PVC band; 2) High durability, easy care; 3) Modern, simple, stylish
and sophisticated design; 4) Competitive
[...] prices, reliable delivery; 5) K/D package; [...]
6) Colors available: maple, light yellow
maple, black oak, white, or according to request (based on 2 x 40' FCL); 7) Adjustable shelves to adapt spacing according to your needs; 8) Different combinations fit home office of any size; 9) Doors available for dust-free storage in different sizes and styles; 10) Drawers may be inserted into shelves; 11) Spacious and smooth running drawers with drawer stop; 12) Chair with bentwood frame and adjustable pump provides excellent comfort; 13) Two large desktops provide plenty working space.




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