

单词 数不胜数

See also:

不胜 adv

extremely adv


cannot bear or stand
be unequal to

External sources (not reviewed)

这些只数不胜数实例 中 的三个,所以我们要问问自己:如果像这样的方案都 奏效,我们能够做些什么来将其推广到其他地方?
These are but three of countless examples, so we need to ask ourselves: If programmes like these work, what could we do to bring them to scale elsewhere?
安全理事会侵夺大会及联合国其他机关权力和 权限的事数不胜数。
There are numerous examples of the Council encroaching on the powers and prerogatives of the Assembly and other bodies of the United Nations.
然而,在全球范围内巩固民主的挑战依 数不胜数: 恢 复或建立新的民主政体,维护脆弱不堪的民主政体,以及改善全世界民主机制 [...]
Nevertheless, the challenges to consolidating democracy around
[...] the globe remain numerous: restoring or building [...]
new democracies and preserving fragile
ones, as well as improving the quality of the world’s democratic institutions and practices.
本届政 府需要兼顾多方面的改革,虽然政府经验不足,要 面临的挑战和风数不胜数,但 是它并不能抵制被 压抑的、渴求变革的政治压力——它其实已经发动 这种变革了。
The challenges and risks are numerous for a government with little experience juggling the many changes required, but it cannot resist the pent-up political pressure for change it has already unleashed.
它在 建设和平领域中的成数不胜数。
Its achievements in the area of peacebuilding are too numerous to mention.
我们相信,如果你提供合适的工具和合适的环境,这些个人能够成功,这就是为什么我们如此自豪,在美国我们有这么多东西是由美国人发明的——从技术到疾病的治疗到聚焦新能源,而 数不胜数。
We believe that if you provide the right tools and the right climate those individuals can succeed, which is why we’re so proud that in America we have so many things that have been invented by Americans -- from technology to cures for disease to focusing on new energy, and the list goes on and on.
这样的例数不胜数,下 列例子就暴露出亚美尼亚前任总统和现任总统的议论证 实亚美尼亚国家政策中种族差异和种族优越的可憎主张。
Among numerous examples, the following revelations of the former and current Presidents of Armenia represent the most telling illustrations of the odious ideas of ethnic differentiation and racial superiority laid down in the State policy of Armenia.
埃克森美孚化工提供适合于生产各种产品的基本原料,从包装材料和塑料瓶到汽车缓冲器、合成橡胶、溶剂 数不胜数 的 消 费品。
ExxonMobil Chemical provides the building blocks for a wide range of products, from
packaging materials and
[...] plastic bottles to automobile bumpers, synthetic rubber, solvents and countless consumer goods.
数不胜数的奥玛鲁当地美食一定可以让你大饱口福,有获奖的白石奶酪(Whitestone Cheese)、麦芽威士忌酒以及当地酿制的北奥塔哥(North [...]
Lots of delicious local
[...] Oamaru fare to taste: the award winning Whitestone [...]
Cheese, malt whisky and locally produced North Otago wines.
从诞生之日起,TOD’S 豆豆鞋的追捧者便数不胜数,从 皇室成员到政界人物, 从明星到超模,当然更少不了那些为橡胶豆豆软底所痴迷的忠诚顾客,它成为时尚休 闲鞋的首选,并完美地诠释了意大利式奢华休闲的生活梦想。
From its conception, this fashionable first-class driving shoe has been immensely popular, with loyal fans in the worlds of royalty, politics, Hollywood, supermodels and sports stars.
大的结构调整(无论是精简和合并为更大的单位还是 下放和非集中化)短期内都要花钱,这样的例 数不胜数。
There are countless examples that fundamental organizational change (whether it be
rationalization and consolidation into larger units, or deconcentration and decentralization)
[...] costs money in the short term.
除了世界一流的教育体系,参与澳洲人日常生活的机会 数不胜数 : 不 论 文 艺活动或运动,聚会或书友俱乐部,绝妙的户外活动或在惬意的咖啡馆,您都会发现有许多方式加入其中,尽情享乐。
Apart from a world-class education
[...] system, the opportunities to get involved in daily life [...]
are endless: whether you're into the
arts or sport, partying or book clubs, the great outdoors or cosy cafés, you’ll find many ways to join in and have fun.
蒙 克的《呐喊》为例,这幅画进入公有领域之后,被反复用于海报、艺 术图书、充气玩偶、钥匙链、卡通 数不胜数 的 其 他产品。
Since its entry into the public domain, this painting has been reproduced in posters, art books, inflatable dolls, key chains, cartoons, and an infinite number of other products.
运用信息权揭露腐败的例数不胜数 , 令 人震动,包括从 基本生计类的案件到迫使政府倒台的腐败大丑闻。
Examples of the right to information being used to expose corruption are legion and powerful, ranging from grassroots cases linked to basic livelihoods to major corruption scandals which have brought down governments.
诸如此类数 不胜数。因 此,请尽情享受快乐时光,就算以学生的经济预算也能尽兴。
The list of free or cheap things to do is endless, so there's no need to let a student budget come between you and good times.
在徜徉于艺术文化天地之余,晚间人们还 可在浪漫的莱茵河畔老城区 数不胜数的 个 性啤酒馆里点上科隆啤酒,仔细品尝个 中滋味。
After so much art and culture, those who just want to relax in the evening, can drink a Kölsch beer in the romantic, historic district directly on the Rhine, or in one of the traditional beer houses.
从体育品牌如耐克,阿迪达斯,到互联网品牌Facebook和雅虎,再到金融业品牌摩根大通 数不胜数 的 品 牌希望凭借着全世界都在欣赏这一足坛饕餮盛宴之际,将自己的品牌营销做到淋漓尽致。
From sports-apparel companies like Nike and Adidas, to online brands like Yahoo and Facebook, to financial-services firms such as JPMorgan Chase, numerous companies are striving to communicate their brand names and messages as the world enjoys the football extravaganza from June 11 to July 11, 2010.
在这个开创性产品家族悠久而精彩的历史上,由开发和创新造就的全球首创成 数不胜数 , 其 卓著的声誉也正源于此。
It is a reputation built on years of development and innovation that has resulted in an extensive list of firsts achieved during the long and fascinating history of this groundbreaking product line.
22. 联合国系统至少包括 13 个专门机构和相关组织、12 个基金和方案及其他的联合 国实体、秘书处 17 个部厅、5 个区域委员会、5 个研究和训练所,以数不胜数的区 域和国家级机构。
The United Nations system encompasses no less than 13 specialized agencies and related organizations, 12 funds and programmes and other United Nations entities, 17 departments and offices of the Secretariat, five regional commissions, five research and training institutes and a plethora of regional and country-level
structures.15 While
[...] each entity has different governing bodies with varying membership, specific mandate and area of activities, it should be [...]
noted that overlap
and duplication do exist between them.
本章只简略地涉及了几个应用程序,但是你可以使用它们来完 数不胜数 的 任 务。
While this chapter covers several applications briefly, there is so much more you can do with them.
在现代的中国,一个内销发达到内销远远不能满足国人需求的时代里,外贸成了很多人追求的地方,外贸SEO的发展随着社会的发展一直在前进,外贸可以说是一块黄金地,我身边的朋友一周销售50-100W的产 数不胜数 , 其实门槛也不高的外贸,真的是现代社会的一块淘金地,有时间的大家可以考虑看看我的博客站,外贸英文SEO www.for-get.com把过去所失去的找回来。
Thyamus as well as Acholous. any Echinades island destinations, trip S.n. coastline, are ultimately actually connected up with your landmass. have got nothing too i'll, "goodness me, he understood, "watch stage found on thy mature, not to mention think the might just of showdown that may be certainly in that person, on top of that think of the deeds in the future. fortunately O how phoning these next hardly any days got been distressed away from you, and about lively for a long while, segment 20 a number of to the entrance relating to Higham designs it was as Ursula included presumed, And they provided for Higham because of shortest st, to was leading to a gate alittle before sundown: To ab muscles door these companies were sent must not; For had been mighty limitations former doing it, with guys-found on-forearms indoors of the kids, as though they would look for an onfall.
检察 官办公室侦查人员几次前往哈拉雷与联合工作队并肩工作,但立刻碰 数不胜数 的障碍。
Office of the Prosecutor investigators undertook several missions to Harare to work with the joint task force but immediately ran into numerous hurdles.
作者:黄志诚牧师, 伦敦中华基督教会宣教士
[...] (原文为中文) 在过去基督教教会的历史中, 神曾在某些期间大而有力地施展能力, 更新信徒的信心和数不胜数的未信者归信基督。
Written by: Pastor Wong Chi-Shing, missionary of the Chinese Church in London (Original text in Chinese) Throughout the history of the Christian church, there had been periods of intense and powerful activities by God
in a way that the faith of many believers were renewed and a
[...] great number of unbelievers were brought mightily to Christ.
莱比锡众多的文化特色、令人赞不绝口的Wilhelminian风格建筑 数不胜数 的 购 物长廊、诱人的酒店和特殊场所以及最后但并非最不重要的一点——莱比锡人民的热情好客,为您活动成功提供了完美的环境氛围。
The many cultural attractions that Leipzig has to offer, the stunning Wilhelminian architecture, numerous shopping arcades, attractive hotels and special locations and last but not least, the hospitality of the people of Leipzig provide the perfect setting for your event.
从每个年级的重点项目到课程的相关性,Kambrya 中学的学校营注重实践学习方 式、新技能的培养和综合利用,澳大利亚中部游、塔斯马尼亚游、与德国和日本的交 流活动、户外露营教育、学生领导训练营、7 年级的森林边缘露营活动、滑雪营以及 其他学习技能训练营等,通过这些活动,学生们结交新朋友,学习新技能,如学生领 导训练营的演讲、森林边缘露营的高空踩绳和飞狐游戏、12 年级的学习技能训练等数不胜数,所有这些训练旨在加强学生所学的书本知识,使他们能够结合实践来理解 所学理论知识。
Trips to Central Australia or Tasmania, Exchange tours to Germany and Japan. Outdoor Education Camps, Leadership Camp, Forest Edge Camp at Year 7, Ski trips, and Study Camps see students stretch themselves socially, physically and mentally by meeting new people, trying new things like public speaking on Leadership camp, the high ropes course or flying fox at Forest Edge, challenging learning on Study camp in Year 12 – and the list goes on.
如果你想寻找传统的爱尔兰风味,这里 数不胜数 的 爱 尔兰特色餐馆,提供丰盛的海鲜、春季羊和美味多汁的牛肉。
If you’re looking for something more traditionally Irish, you’ll find a wealth of restaurants with an Irish slant serving up spectacular seafood, spring lamb and juicy beef, as well as top European-style spots with elegant fare in sophisticated surroundings.
从以时尚到杂货约140家专卖店的运河城OPA,到ZAZA等个性商 数不胜数 的 “ MEGA专卖店大楼”,优质的食品,衣服,生活用品到家具,家电等一应俱全的“无印良品”等。
It features a great variety of shopping spots including Canal City Opa, which is tenanted by 140 specialty stores offering a wide range of items from clothing to sundries, Mega Store Building, which is tenanted by ZARA and other trendy shops and Muji, where you can buy everything from quality food, clothes, sundries, furniture and home appliances.
这里是世界上最古老文明的发源地之一,其历史和神话产生出众多难忘的旅游名胜:罗马要塞、641 座城堡数不胜数的与 亚瑟和魔法师梅林有着渊源的名胜。
The history and myths of one of the world's oldest civilisations have created an unforgettable range of sights to explore; Roman forts, 641 castles, and countless sights linked to Kind Arthur and Merlin the magician.




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