

单词 敦豪快递公司

See also:

快递公司 n

courier n

快递 n

courier n

快递 v

courier v

External sources (not reviewed)

德国邮敦豪快递公司、 灾 难响应小组和联合国人道事务协调厅(UNOCHA)在灾难管理领域结成伙伴关系,将继续通力合作支持在海地的人道努力。
DHL DRT partners with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) in the area of Disaster Management and will continue the strong collaboration to support humanitarian efforts in Haiti.
最后,2011年的数据显示,提供营销服务 快递 服 务 和I T服务公司 投资比例都在其收入的10%上下。
Finally, companies offering marketing services, express delivery, [...]
and IT services all invest 10 percent or less of revenue, based on the 2011 figures.
我们的产品供亚马逊、博世、可口可乐 敦豪 速递 (DHL )、宝洁、西门子、沃尔玛以及雅马哈(摩托车)等众所周知的全球知名名 公司 日 常 使用。
Our Products are in daily use by global brands everyone knows, like Amazon, Bosch, Coca-Cola, DHL, Procter & Gamble, Siemens, Walmart and Yamaha (Motorcycles).
欲知更多偌亚奥德国国快递有限 公司 的 相 关信息,请通过下列联系方式联系我公司当地销售代表或访问网站:www.royalegermany.com 。
For more information on Royale
[...] Germany International Couriers GmbH, please contact [...]
our local sales representatives below
or visit www.royalegermany.com.
捷豹路虎也急需提升其在全球增长 快 的 豪 华 车 市场上的地位,在这个市场上,德国大型汽 公司 已 成 立好,而且美国巨头福特(NYSE: F)和通用(NYSE: GM)也在规划新举措。
Jaguar also desperately wants to boost its
[...] presence in the world’s fastest growing luxury car market, where the big German names are already well established [...]
and US giants Ford
(NYSE: F) and GM (NYSE: GM) are also planning new initiatives.
纳斯达克股票代码:TIBX)今天宣布,向企业和个人提供70磅以内的包 快递 服 务 的法国领 公司 C h r on opost选择了TIBCO软件,以期通过支持在所有Chronopost应用软件和平台间进行数据共享和重用的开放式可升级交换平台提升公司的性能和运营效率。
(NASDAQ: TIBX) today announced that Chronopost -- the leading French firm for express delivery of parcels up to 70 pounds to businesses and individuals -- has chosen TIBCO's software to enhance the company's agility and operational efficiency through an open, scalable enterprise exchange platform that supports the sharing and reuse of data across all of Chronopost's applications and platforms.
FedEx and DHL are also reliable carriers U.S. Postal Service offers a variety of services and is a good alternative for smaller pieces.
當 然 ,
[...] 我們的 機場也 正在進 行 很 多 工 作 , 正 如 我 剛 才 所 說 , 我們現 正 發展航 天廣場 和 加 建貨機 停泊位 ,例敦豪國 際快件有限公司最 近 加 強 了 我們的 快捷 空 運 投 資,而我們的 航班也 一 直 在 增加,我們現 已 有 140 個 國 際航點。
Besides, just now Mr WONG also said that other airports would make a lot of efforts to attract air cargo business by opening more air cargo routes.
敦 豪( 國 際 )香港有公司於 上 周 與 機 場 管 理局簽 署專營 協 議,在 香港國 際機場 發展專用速 遞貨運 中心, 以 及 剛才與 國泰航 空 公司宣 布 攜 手 利 用 香港國 際機場 擴 展地區 速 運 服 務,正好 顯 示 我們的 優勢。
This, together with the joint announcement by DHL and Cathy Pacific Airways earlier on their co-operation in expanding the regional express cargo services by utilizing the Hong Kong International Airport, precisely demonstrates our competitive advantages.
此外敦豪國際亦已投資超過 8 億元擴建其速遞貨運中心,以期在 明年完工時,將中心的處理能力由每年 16 萬公噸提升至每年 70 萬公噸。
In addition, DHL's $800 million expansion of its express cargo terminal at the HKIA will also be completed within 2007 to raise the terminal's capacity from 160 000 to 700 000 tonnes [...]
per annum.
没有什么事情可以像国家电视台报道超级杯比赛一样使网站流量激增。据该公司报道,由于已经预料到在超级杯转播期间刊登广告会导致其网站流量激增,因此包括沃尔沃和联 快递 在 内 22 家 公司 采 用了Akamai Technologies内容分发加速服务,以保证网页下载、可用性和应用达到标准。
Few things can drive a traffic surge to a web site like national TV exposure on a scale of the Super Bowl's. In anticipation of major spikes to their web sites as the result of
advertising that ran during the
[...] Super Bowl broadcast, 22 companies including Volvo and FedEx [...]
used the services of content
delivery accelerator Akamai Technologies to keep page downloads, availability and applications up to standard, the company reports.
應 佔 共 同 控 制 主 體 溢 利 –
[...] 其 他」主 要 包 括 分 享 中 國 外 運敦 豪 國 際快 件 有 限 公 司 的 溢 利,扣 除 分 擔 銀 河 國 際 貨 運 [...]
航 空 有 限 公 司 的 虧 損。
Share of profit of jointly controlled entities – others” mainly includes
[...] share of profit of DHL-Sinotrans International Air Courier Company Limited.
Mario Sander 已在国际供应链管理行业从业 20 多年,从 2005 年起就一直在亚洲工 作,曾担敦豪速递公司亚太 区董事和业务拓展部高级副总裁。
Mario Sander has over 20 years of experience in international supply chain management and has been working in Asia since 2005, including as an Asia Pacific Board Member and Senior Vice President of Business Development at DHL.
由於財政司司長已矢言保就業,政府作為香港 鐵路有限公司(下稱"港公司")的大 股東, 敦 促 港 鐵 公司 為須 跨區工作的人士提供票價優惠。
As the Financial Secretary had pledged to preserve employment, the Government being the
majority shareholder of MTR
[...] Corporation Limited (MTRCL) should urge MTRCL to introduce fare concessions [...]
for people who had to work across districts.
[...] International Group)是亚洲最大的独快递公司之 一 ,自1980年起为全球客户提供定制化的国际快递服务。
Royale International Group is one of the largest
[...] independent express companies in Asia and [...]
has been providing customised global express
solutions to clients worldwide since 1980.
副主席先生,本㆟動議通過議事程序表㆖所列以本㆟名義提出的議案,即「為改善新 界西北對外交通,本敦促政府盡快 採 取 有效措施,包括:第㆒,從速興建㆔號幹線 (郊公園段);第㆓,快落實興建新界西北接駁市區的集體鐵路運輸系統;第㆔, 全面擴闊青山公路(屯門至荃灣段);第㆕,增加屯門往返市區的渡輪服務;及第五, [...]
MR WONG WAI-YIN (in Cantonese): Mr Deputy President, I rise to move the motion standing in my name in the Order Paper, which is in the following terms: "That in order to improve the external transport network of
Northwest New
[...] Territories, this Council urges the Government to promptly adopt effective measures including: (a) expediting the construction of Route 3 (country park section); [...]
(b) promptly fulfilling
the task of building a mass transit railway system to connect Northwest New Territories with the urban areas; (c) implementing the full-scale widening of Castle Peak Road (Tuen Mun to Tsuen Wan Section); (d) increasing the frequency of ferry services between Tuen Mun and the urban areas; and (e) easing the current traffic congestion along Tuen Mun Road.
实际上,这些公司的投资额可能会更高一些,因 为加盟店的投资并不计快递公司的 财 务报表。
The actual investment might be a bit higher for these categories, as franchises may
[...] invest on behalf of the express companies.
新加坡,2013年4月8日---全球领先的现代物流设施提供商,中国、日本和巴西市场的领导者普洛斯今日宣布,已与中国领先的第三方物 公司 百 世 物流签订在苏州和武汉约43,000平方米(约合463,000平方英尺)的预租协议,百世物流的主要业务包括B2C的物流配送 快递 服 务
Singapore, 8 April 2013 – Global Logistic Properties Limited (“GLP”), one of the world’s leading providers of modern logistics facilities, with a market-leading position in China, Japan and Brazil, today announced that it has pre-leased approximately 43,000 square metres (“sqm”)
(463,000 square feet
[...] (“sq ft”)) in Suzhou and Wuhan to Best Logistics, one of China’s leading providers of third-party logistics with a focus on Business-to-Consumer (“B2C”) distribution and last-mile deliveries.
但是电商领域的急升也导快递业 务快速扩张,出现UPS和申通等 公司 以 及 许多追逐业务的小公司。
But the rapid rise in e-commerce has also led to an equally rapid expansion of the parcel delivery [...]
business, with major players like
UPS and Shentong joined by a huge number of much smaller firms who are chasing the business.
本通函旨在向股東提供(i)股份拆細及更改每手買賣單位以及重選本公司董事的進一步 資料;(ii)香港聯合交易所有限公司證券上市規則(「上市規則」)規定的說明函件;及(iii)有關
[...] 贊成或反對本通函所述的決議案作出知情決定,而(其中包括)有關決議案將提呈於二零一 一年五月二十三日(星期一)下午二時正假座香港金鐘道 豪 酒 店 三樓Queensway及Victoria 宴會廳舉行的公司股東 週年大會(「股東週年大會」)處理。
This circular is to provide the shareholders with (i) further information on the Share Subdivision and the Board Lot Change and the re-election of directors of the Company; (ii) the explanatory statement as required under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the ‘‘Listing Rules’’); and (iii) further information of the final dividend to be declared by the Company and all other information reasonably necessary to enable them to make an informed decision on whether to vote for or against the resolutions as mentioned herein and which, inter alia, will be dealt
with at the annual
[...] general meeting of the Company to be held at Queensway and Victoria Room, Level 3, J.W. Marriott Hotel, Queensway, [...]
Hong Kong on Monday,
23 May 2011 at 2 : 00 p.m. (the ‘‘Annual General Meeting’’).
Link to shipping charges and carrier tracking number for delivery status.
華民航空由國泰航空持有六成權益,是國泰航空的附 公司 , 為 持有其餘四成權益 敦豪 國 際 速遞(DHL Express)營運貨運速遞服務,前往亞洲十二個城市。
AHK, a 60%-owned subsidiary of Cathay Pacific, operates express cargo services for DHL Express, the remaining 40% shareholder, to 12 Asian cities with a fleet of eight Airbus A300-600F freighters and three Boeing 747-400BCF freighters dry-leased from Cathay Pacific.
現時敦豪速遞中心的貨運處理量每年約為 20 萬公噸。
At present, the DHL
[...] Express Cargo Terminal has an annual handling capacity of about 200 000 tonnes.
有關重選上述董事,本公司並無任何須根據上市規則第13.51(2)(h)至13.51(2)(v)條的任 何規定而作出披露的資料,亦無任何其他 敦 請 本 公司 股 東 注意的事項。
In relation to the re-election of the above Directors, there is no information to be disclosed pursuant to any of the requirements of the provisions of Rules 13.51(2)(h) to 13.51 (2)(v) of the
Listing Rules, and there is no other matter which needs to be brought to the
[...] attention of the shareholders of the Company.
如果检修不是由莱豪森机械制 公司 的 人 员进行,则 请寄给我们一份报告,以便补充我们的检修文件。
If inspections are not carried out by MR personnel, we request a report to supplement our inspection data.
因此敦豪公司要把莱比锡拓建成为“东欧之星”,由 此出发, 可飞往捷克、波兰和乌克兰。
DHL therefore intends to develop its Leipzig base into an “eastern star” from which it will fly to cities [...]
in the Czech Republic, Poland and the Ukraine.
(a) 利用递公司的国际邮政快递服务的现象日益增多,对此,应当鼓 励各国政府审查对通过此类服务进行的入境和出境货运进行筛选的做法和程 序;(b) 各国政府应当鼓励管理陆海空边境的执法机构制定合作协议,推动定
(a) In response to the increasing use of international mail and express transport services offered by courier companies, Governments should be encouraged to review their practices and procedures with regard to the screening of inbound and outbound consignments using those services
纽约全一快递(A PLUS EXPRESS (N.Y.))总部位于美国纽约,并在美国加州洛杉矶和免税州俄勒冈州波特兰市设有 公司 , 主 要经营美国到中国大陆的国 快递 业 务
A PLUS EXPRESS ( N.Y. ) is headquartered in the United States and the United States of New York, California in Losangeles and the free
state of Oregon
[...] Portland branch offices, mainly engaged in the United States to China 's international express delivery business.
当您收到包裹的时候请立即面对面跟快递人员一起检查包裹是否完好,是否在快递过程中有损坏,如果在快递过程中有损坏我们可以协助帮您申 快递公司 赔 偿
When you receive your package you need to immediately check your package (preferably in front of the delivery courier) to make sure no damagestook place during the shipping process.
我們亦同敦促政府,快就綜 援檢討進公開及 科學的研討,特別要留意現時基層市民的必需消費項目已有所增加, 例如學生使用資訊科技設備等,必須在新的指數中得以反映。
Particular attention must be paid to the fact that the expenses on many necessities of the grass-roots people, such as information technology equipment used by students, have already increased and must be duly reflected in the new index.




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