单词 | 散碎 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 散碎 —in fragmentsSee also:散—disseminate • come loose • leisurely • dispel • fall apart • break up (a meeting etc) • powdered medicine • (coll.) sack 碎—fragmentary • break down • break into pieces
我經常說,一有空便要行使這項自 由,否則便會好像是掛在牆上的裝飾品般,只放了在那處,一旦除下來 便散 碎了,即消失了自由。 legco.gov.hk | I often say that whenever we have the time, we have to exercise this freedom, otherwise, it will just be like a piece of decoration hanging on a wall. legco.gov.hk |
在此情况 下,我们鼓励南南合作特设局进一步采取资源调动措 施以吸引更多资金和实物资源,同时避免筹资安排分 散零碎。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this context, we encourage the Special Unit for South-South Cooperation to undertake additional resource mobilization initiatives to [...] attract more financial and inkind resources, [...] while avoiding the proliferation and fragmentation of financing [...]arrangements. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果对这些合作加以分析,就会有一种 分 散 、 零 碎 之 感。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Upon analysis, these forms of cooperation give the impression [...] that efforts are scattered and reactions [...]are ad hoc. unesdoc.unesco.org |
首先,《綠皮書》把行政長官和立法會普選分拆為多項選擇題 目,各個選項分散、零碎,彼此間缺乏任何連貫性。 legco.gov.hk | First of all, the Green Paper splits up the elections by universal suffrage of the Chief Executive and [...] the Legislative Council into a number of options and [...] these options are scattered, fragmented and lacking [...]in any coherence. legco.gov.hk |
因此,在這個品牌的離散瑣碎,員 工百人嗎? zh.horloger-paris.com | There would therefore trivial in [...] this brand of discrete, with one hundred [...]employees? en.horloger-paris.com |
ZWY-L系列煤矿用履带式挖掘装载机是我公司在轮轨式系列成熟基础上专为适应煤矿矿山井巷多种施工组织配套研制的产品,现已取得《矿用产品安全标志证书》的产品,广泛应用于煤矿、矿山巷道掘进无轨或有轨施工装渣,也可用于含有瓦斯或煤尘等爆炸性混合物的公路、铁路隧道以及水电引水工程导流洞环保施工;及可用于需要防爆的露天场地装 载 散碎 物 料。 mayastar.com.cn | This product can be widely used in coal mine, mine, tunneling, trackless and rail guided muck loading; it is also suitable to used for the construction of road, tunnel of railway and hydroelectric project, water and electricity diversion work, environmental protective construction in diversion tunnel, where containing gas or coal dust and other explosive mixture. mayastar.com.cn |
在这方面,发言人着重指出,目前全球 经济体系分散零碎、互 不协调,并要求各种国际组织,包括联合国、布雷顿森林 机构和世界贸易组织,加强协调和互动。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that connection, speakers [...] highlighted the fragmentation and incoherence of the current global economic system and called for greater coordination and interactions [...]between the various [...]international organizations, including the United Nations, the Bretton Woods institutions and the World Trade Organization. daccess-ods.un.org |
山中松散的山麓碎石或 开阔的潮湿砾石(很少遮蔽的)地方;2600-3600米台湾。 flora.ac.cn | Loose scree or gravel in open moist (rarely [...] shaded) places in mountains; 2600-3600 m. Taiwan. flora.ac.cn |
巡逻人员发现,当地有两 个弹坑,并散落着金属碎片和碎石, 但并未收到关于爆炸所致伤亡的报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | The patrol observed two craters [...] with metallic fragments and crushed stones in the area, but [...]there was no report of injury or death from the explosion. daccess-ods.un.org |
大会要 求各国继续对这个问题进行研究,发展更佳的技术来监测空 间 碎 片 , 汇编 并散 发关于空间碎片的数据。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Assembly called for the continuation of national research on this question, for the development of [...] improved technology for the monitoring [...] of space debris and for the compilation and dissemination of data on space debris. daccess-ods.un.org |
咨询委员会在其关于加强政治事务部的有关订正估计数的报告 (A/62/7/Add.1-40,A/62/7/Add.32 号文件,第 [...] 23 段)中注意到拟议的开 展预防性外交和调解的区域做法,但指出必须避免 分 散 和 零 碎 的 做 法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee, in its report on revised estimates relating to the strengthening of the Department of Political Affairs (A/62/7/Add.1-40, document A/62/7/Add.32, para. 23), took note of the proposed [...] regional approach to preventive diplomacy and mediation, but pointed to the need [...] to avoid a fragmented and piecemeal approach. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我們期望 教育統籌委員會在㆘㆒步作有系統的審核,將現有多項 零 散 及 細 碎 的 教 育工作目標連 貫起來,成為㆒套真正有系統的教育政策,以落實整體的目標。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, we hope that the Education Commission will in the next step make a systematic examination and combine the various splinter or piecemeal educational objectives into a really systematic policy of education so as to achieve the overall objectives. legco.gov.hk |
小组委员注意到,大会第 64/86 号决议要求各国继续对这个问题进行研究,发展更佳的技术来监测空 间碎 片,编集和散发关于空间碎片的 数据,该决议还同意需要进行国际合作,以便 扩大适当和量力而行的战略,尽量减少空间碎片对未来空间任务的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | It noted that the General Assembly, in its resolution 64/86, had called for the continuation of national research on that question, for the development of improved [...] technology for the [...] monitoring of space debris and for the compilation and dissemination of data on space debris and had agreed [...]that international cooperation [...]was needed to expand appropriate and affordable strategies to minimize the impact of space debris on future space missions. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,這些服務也變得零碎和 鬆散。 legco.gov.hk | As a result, these services [...] have become fragmentary and loose. legco.gov.hk |
以一號展廳內的中國當代藝術家展望的大型裝置藝術《The Beginning》(初始)作始,通過大爆炸中巨石 四 散 出 無 數 碎 片 的 場景,展現出每塊碎片的命運軌跡,叫人思考生命的起源,也開始引領觀者進入是次展覽的時空旅程。 think-silly.com | Through showing rocks hurled in explosion and the fate of each piece, it urges the viewers to contemplate on the origin of life. think-silly.com |
认为会员国必须更加注意包括核动力源物体在内的空间物体与空间碎 [...] 片碰撞的问题,及空间碎片的其他方面,要求各国继续对这个问题进行研究,发 展更佳的技术来监测空间碎片,编集 和 散 发 关 于空 间 碎 片 的 数据,并认为应在可 能范围内向科学和技术小组委员会提供有关资料,并同意需要进行国际合作,以 [...] 便扩大适当和量力而行的战略,尽量减少空间碎片对未来空间任务的影响 daccess-ods.un.org | Considers that it is essential that States pay more attention to the problem of collisions of space objects, including those with nuclear power sources, with space debris, and other aspects of space debris, calls for the continuation of national research on this question, for the development of improved [...] technology for the [...] monitoring of space debris and for the compilation and dissemination of data on space debris, also considers [...]that, to the extent possible, [...]information thereon should be provided to the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, and agrees that international cooperation is needed to expand appropriate and affordable strategies to minimize the impact of space debris on future space missions daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然大多数国家已批准的两项条约以及一般性意见中载有涉 及老年人问题的条款,但这些条款零 碎 分 散 , 提 供的保护也不充分。 daccess-ods.un.org | While there were articles in two treaties already ratified by a majority of States and general comments that tackle older persons, those articles were fragmented and provided insufficient protection. daccess-ods.un.org |
认为会员国必须更加注意包括核动力源物 [...] 体在内的空间物体与空间碎片碰撞的问题,及空间 [...] 碎片的其他方面,要求各国继续对这个问题进行研 究,发展更佳的技术来监测空间碎片 , 编集 和 散发 关于空间碎片的 数据,并认为应在可能范围内向科 学和技术小组委员会提供有关资料,并同意需要进 [...] 行国际合作,以便扩大适当和量力而行的战略,尽 [...]量减少空间碎片对未来空间任务的影响 daccess-ods.un.org | national research on this question, for the development of improved technology for the monitoring of space debris [...] and for the compilation and [...] dissemination of data on space debris, also considers that, to the extent [...]possible, information [...]thereon should be provided to the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, and agrees that international cooperation is needed to expand appropriate and affordable strategies to minimize the impact of space debris on future space missions daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 承认获得信息权,避免使用机密商业信息特权来掩盖关于采掘业使用 或产生的、人类和野生生物可能会接触到的危险物质方面的健康和安全信息,例 如化学分散剂和液压破碎法 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Recognize the right of access to information and avoid using the privilege of confidential business information to shield health and safety information on the hazardous substances used and produced by [...] extractive industries, to which humans [...] and wildlife may be exposed, such as chemicals dispersants and hydrofracking [...]solutions daccess-ods.un.org |
特别报告员遗憾的是,质役婚姻问题已经演变,而且以 零 碎 分 散 的 方 式得 到处理。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur regrets that the issue of servile marriage has evolved and been addressed in a fragmented way. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管联合国各实体和非政府组织通过万维网、电子知识网络和其他途径散发 [...] 的资料范围广、有价值,但关于两性平等主流化培训的现有资料往往缺乏系统性, 比较零碎,散落在联合国不同实体中。 daccess-ods.un.org | Notwithstanding the multitude and the value of information distributed by various United Nations entities and non-governmental organizations via the World Wide Web, electronic knowledge networks and other paths, the available information on [...] gender mainstreaming training is often [...] non-systematic, fragmented and dispersed across the different [...]United Nations entities. daccess-ods.un.org |
首 先,問題是生態 資料不足 而 且 零 碎 分 散 , 以 致政府 在 土 地 發 展 的 前 期 規 劃時考慮不足 ,甚或在 規 劃後期才 發 現 建 議會影響生 態 環境。 legco.gov.hk | To begin with, our ecological information is both insufficient and fragmentary, with the result that the Government may be unable to consider all factors adequately during the initial planning of land development, or even discover that the ecological environment will be affected only at the late stage of planning. legco.gov.hk |
她 在 議 案中 的第(三 )點 提 出 檢 討 及 改 善有關法例和 機 制,以便從 一些零碎 分 散 的法例, 整 理制訂出一套 有 效 的 自然保 育 政 策 ;並且 在進行大型 基 建 工 程 的 可行性研 究 時 , 同 時進行環境評 估 的 研究, 令 環保意 識 盡 早融入 整 體 的工程 規 劃內, 避免在 工 程 進行到某個 階 段 時 才被叫 停 , 被 環境評 估 及規劃 組 否決, 引起社 會 矛盾的 激 化 , 並導致 不 必 要 的 資 源 浪 費 。 legco.gov.hk | Part (c) of her motion proposes to review and improve the existing legislation and mechanisms relating to conservation, so as to sort out an effective conservation policy from the fragmentary treatment of this area under the existing legislation; she also proposes that in case of large-scale infrastructure projects, the relevant feasibility studies and EIAs should be conducted on a simultaneous basis, so that environmental considerations can be incorporated into the overall project planning at an early stage. legco.gov.hk |
然而,政府對學前教育只是酌情撥款,結果由各類機構提供的學前 教育零碎分散。 legco.gov.hk | However, government funding of pre-school education was discretionary with the result that the provision of pre-school education was patchy and diverse. legco.gov.hk |
无论是政府的还是私营的空间行为方的不断增加、空 间天气的有害影响、空间碎片的扩散 以 及 私人空间飞行的发展等等都使得能否继 续在安全的空间环境里运作的问题受到质疑。 daccess-ods.un.org | The growing number of space actors, both governmental and [...] private, the harmful effects of [...] space weather, the proliferation of space debris and the development [...]of private human spaceflight [...]all call into question the ability to continue operating in a safe space environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
專責小組相 信,採取綜合及全面的方式有助制訂整全的雙待青少年相關政 [...] 策,並應從跨政策範疇的角度探討及處理問題,以免在提供各 項支援服務時出現零碎分散的情況 legco.gov.hk | The Task Force believes that the adoption of an integrated and holistic approach will facilitate the formulation of NEY-related policy in a comprehensive manner, with due [...] regard to relevant considerations spanning different policy areas, and avoid the delivery of [...] services in a fragmented manner. legco.gov.hk |
要 改 善上述 情況,政府應全 面 檢 討 與 環保有 關的法例,解決現時法例零 碎 分 散 的 問題, 讓 城 市 規 劃 及政府 工 程 有一套 清 晰 的法規可 循 。 legco.gov.hk | To remedy the situation mentioned above, the Government should launch a comprehensive review on all the existing legislation that deals with environmental protection, with a view to solving the problem of fragmentation, so that a set of clear-cut laws can be formulated for both town planning and government works projects. legco.gov.hk |
充氣氣球爆破 時,若其內的易燃物質及氣球本身的 碎 片 散 落 至環狀燈飾之 上,不但可能影響到環狀燈飾的電力開關裝置的性能,亦有可 能對其安全運作構成潛在危險。 legco.gov.hk | The release of flammable substances inside the balloon upon its explosion as well as any particles of the balloon itself falling onto the upper side of the lighting ring may not only affect the performance of the electric switchgear at the lighting ring but may also result in potential risk to its safe operation. legco.gov.hk |
政府當局在2007年 3月匯報,專營巴士 [...] 公司已同意,在所有巴士上層的強化擋風玻璃貼上一層透明保護 膜,以有效防止玻璃意外碎裂後散落 , 或把有關玻璃換成夾層玻 璃。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration reported in March 2007 that it had agreed with franchised bus companies to apply a transparent protective film onto the upper deck toughened glass windscreens of all [...] existing buses, which would [...] effectively contain the shattered glass fragments in the event [...]of an accident, or to replace them with laminated glass. legco.gov.hk |
此外,小组成员还呼吁采用一种兼容并顾的绿色经济方法。就信息的获 取问题而言,他们认为,数据的可获取性与获取本身对于决策的制定和工作重点 [...] 的设定至关重要,但同时指出,目前的信息来源甚广, 零 碎 分 散。 daccess-ods.un.org | On access to information, they argued that availability and access to data was critical for [...] decision-making and priority-setting, but noted that information was [...] currently fragmented across a [...]wide array of sources. daccess-ods.un.org |