

单词 敢不从命

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我也相信可以辦到這㆒點,而不會 妨礙我們的執法機關,特別是每日為 我們冒命危險的勇敢警務㆟員。
I also believe that this can be done
without undermining our
[...] law enforcement agencies, especially the brave officers who literally put their lives on the line for us every day.
幼儿通过这些挑战建立信心从而敢 于 尝 试其它生活挑战并坚 不 懈。
The confidence built up through these challenges gives these young children the courage to try and persist with other demanding life tasks.
巴基斯坦的历史不乏充 满巨大挑战的时期,但 是,巴基斯坦人从来都是勇敢地面 对这些艰难境 遇,而且带着尊严,百不挠。
The history of Pakistan is replete with periods of intense challenges, but the Pakistani people have always faced those difficult situations with boldness and have rebounded with dignity.
安理会还在关于“恐怖主义行为对国际和平与安全造成的威胁”的第 1373/2001 号决议(安理会“关切地注意到国际恐怖主义与跨国有组织犯罪、非法 药物、洗钱、非法贩运军火、非法运送核、化学、生物和其他潜在 命 材 料 之间 的密切联系”和关于“非洲和平与安全”的主席声明(S/PRST/2009/32)(“安理 会关切地注意到,贩毒和相关的跨国有组织犯罪在一些情况下对包括非洲在内的 世不同区 域的国际安全构成严重威胁”)中 从 较 广 泛的角度审议了该问题)。
It also considered the issue from a more general point of view in resolution 1373 (2001) on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts (the Council “[noted] with concern the close connection between international terrorism and transnational organized crime, illicit drugs, money-laundering, illegal arms-trafficking, and illegal movement of nuclear,
chemical, biological and other potentially deadly materials”) and in the presidential statement (S/PRST/2009/32) on peace and security in Africa (“the Security Council notes with concern the serious threats posed in some cases by drug trafficking and related transnational organized crime to international security in different regions of the world, including in Africa”).
(h) 不处不听从命令实施或隐瞒构成酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有人格 的待遇或处罚的行为的人员
(h) Not to punish personnel for not obeying orders to commit or [...]
conceal acts amounting to torture or other cruel, inhuman
or degrading treatment or punishment
已经houvi通话杀死,甚至她的母亲是纯粹的毒药,它杀死一个孩子或如果你喜欢“胎儿”听说过,但也有点运气,沿奥钢联的母亲,以及,那些谁杀的,得较多的应该不使一个差异,这一切,如果你是怀孕的需要,不可能是一个懦夫,不担心别人,你的生活负责任地承担起自己的行为, 敢 肯 定 ,这孩子将是一个祝福,他的母亲感到非常自豪,无论情况中,它是生成的,事实是,它是一个新的 命 , 不 论 父亲或母亲将有它自己的生命,采取借此机会以来融入世界,就像你有机会,最后,我有一个肯定,上帝保佑所有没有区别,并祝福你和你儿子。
Already houvi talk that kills even her mother is pure poison, which kills a child or if you like "fetus"'ve heard, but also with a bit of luck along vai mother, well, for those who kill, morer should not make a difference, all this, if you are pregnant take, not be a coward, do not worry about others, live your life responsibly assume their acts, I'm sure this baby will be a blessing, a great pride to his mother, no matter circumstances in which it was generated, the fact is that it is a new life, regardless of the father or mother will have its own life, take this opportunity to come into the world, just like you had the chance, finally, I have a certainty, that GOD BLESS ALL WITHOUT A DIFFERENCE, and bless YOU AND YOUR SON.
同时,利比里亚武装部队人不服 从命 令 的 事件令人关切,必须加大努力,确保 处理那些令人想起过去安全人员为非作歹情况的不当行为。
At the same time, incidents involving insubordination of Armed Forces [...]
of Liberia personnel are of concern, and greater effort
needs to be made to ensure that inappropriate behaviour, reminiscent of past abuses by security personnel, is addressed.
由于许多引人注 目的事件—从对重组 DNA 发明的 Asilomar 辩论、切尔诺贝利核事故和印度博帕尔灾难、 疯牛病危机、到对欧洲基因改良食品的公开辩 论,政府和民众不敢随意 相信科学家的声 明。
A number of high-profile events – from the Asilomar controversy over the invention of recombinant DNA, through the disasters at Chernobyl and Bhopal, and the crisis over BSE to the public controversy in Europe of GM foods have made both governments and publics wary of trusting the statements [...]
of scientists.
自独立以来,支持妇女的政策仅限于吉布提全国妇女联盟开展的 敢 的积 极行动从 1999 年提高妇女地位部设立以来才真正开始。
Following independence, UNFD
[...] campaigned actively and courageously in favour of women’s [...]
rights, but it was only in 1999 with
the creation of the Ministry for the Advancement of Women that a genuine policy for women was established.
本㆟可以坦白的說,為獎 券基金爭取更多收入不單只是本㆟為未來社會福利服務經費爭取最佳的保障,更重 要的是本 專業社工匡扶正義的使命,本㆟實在 敢 鬆 懈
What is more important is that I, as a professional social worker, dare not allow myself the slightest letup in the discharge of my mission to uphold justice and righteousness.
中国反对导弹防御系统屏蔽保护台湾,因为中国认为自己的弹 道导弹对台湾有威慑作用从而使台 湾 不敢 宣 布 独立。
China opposes missile defence systems that could be deployed to protect Taiwan because Beijing views its ballistic missiles as a deterrent to prevent Taiwan from declaring independence.
一个 答复者提议教科文组织在确定重大计划 I 的目标时更多地使用注重权利的方法,因为这种方 法考虑了伙伴关系从战略 上清楚地明确了虽然 使 命不 同 但是具有互补性的各组织的作用和 责任。
One respondent suggested that UNESCO should make more use of the rights-based approach when identifying the objectives of Major Programme I, as this approach takes into account partnerships,
and identifies roles and
[...] responsibilities of organizations with different but complementary mandates [...]
in a clear and strategic way.
我要向安理会成员及整个联合国证实,不用担心 利比亚,不论是国家团结方面还是安全威胁方面,因 为我们的人民非常清楚目前阶段的严重性,因为我们 的命者们非常敢,能 够应对来自前政权残余的 任何威胁,我们认为,前政不再能 威胁到我们的 安全。
I would like to confirm to Council members and the entire United Nations that there is nothing to fear from Libya — not in terms of national unity nor in terms of security threats — because our people are very aware of
the critical nature of
[...] the current period and because our revolutionaries are courageous and can deflect any threat from the remnants of the former regime, [...]
which we no longer
believe could threaten our security.
兩岸政府從來沒有(或不敢)否 定「辛亥 命 」 和「五四運動」。
Governments on both sides of the Strait have
[...] never negated (or dared not negate) the "1911 Chinese Revolution" and the "May [...]
Fourth Movement".
不過,目前要更改用 途須涉及不同的政府部門,要向城規會、消防處、屋宇署、地政總署等部門 作出申請,提供大量不同的文件,又要等待各部門開會審批,以至到場核實, 過程冗長,手續亦很繁複,申請人往往都被這些審批手續弄至疲於 命 ,終 於嚇不敢申請
But at present, the change of uses will involve various government departments, as it is necessary to apply for the permission of the Town Planning Board, Fire Services Department, Buildings Department and Lands Department and also submit a huge volume of documents.
不管你是在 GUI 中点击一个按钮还从命令行中键 命 令 , 打印 不 能 算 是一项很互动化的进程。
Printing is not an involved process whether you click on a button in a GUI or type commands from the command line.
如今,该项目为博士生、硕士生以 从 事 博 士后研究的学生提供 了在各种学术机构(这些学术机构的 使 命不 同 ,学生群体多元 化,对教师的期望值也各异)观察和体验教师职责的机会。
Today PFF programs provide doctoral students, as well as some master’s and postdoctoral students, with opportunities to observe and experience faculty responsibilities at a variety of academic institutions with varying missions, diverse student bodies, and different expectations for faculty.
SARS 一 役 中,不 敢 肯 定 說 299 條命 是 否 都 因 為在 生福利及食 物局領 導 之 下,加上其他的局 [...]
( 不過,主要 是 在 生福利及食物局的 領 導和 處 理 之 下 ) ,致令多少人無 辜枉死 , 但 我
肯 定有部 分 人是在 醫 院 內因受交叉 感 染 而 喪 命 的。
I am not sure whether it was under the leadership of the Health, [...]
Welfare and Food Bureau plus other Bureaux (it was mainly
under the leadership and management of the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau) that 299 innocent people were killed during the battle against SARS.
为此将根据多国办事处和地区办事处的具体职能和本组织的总体 使 命 , 从 战 略 高度加 强两类办事处的工作。
Strengthening of both types of office will thus be done strategically based on the specific mandates of the types of office and the overall global functions of UNESCO.
一切建立在不真实基础上所产生的汽爆著作、汽爆成果、汽爆项目、汽爆研究,均是无效而有害的,他 从不敢 公 开 关于汽爆的重要数据-爆发速度;也不敢公开他们的“汽爆”实验设备的爆发速度。
All built on the false basis of work produced by steam explosion, steam explosion results, the project steam explosion, steam
explosion research, are ineffective and
[...] harmful, they can not open from the steam [...]
explosion on the importance of data -
the outbreak of speed; not dare to open their "steam explosion" outbreak of laboratory equipment speed.
如果大家問㆒㆘在座的葉錫恩議員,問㆒些較為年長的㆟,就會知道 20 年前的香港是㆒
[...] 個警察集體「收規」的年代,低㆘階層市民的生活可說是活在噩夢之㆗,有錢可以使得「鬼 推磨」,橫行霸道;沒錢就自命苦 , 敢 怒 不敢 言。
If you ask Mrs Elsie TU, who is here among us, or if you ask an older
person, you will find that, 20 years ago, Hong Kong was in an era of
[...] corruption involving the Police Force collectively.
Google的强大之处就在于想用户之未想,甚至想用户 不敢 想 , 从 而 实现不可思议的现实,你敢想吗?
Thanks to Google Chrome Beta we have witnessed at first hand the emergence of themes for the browser, autocomplete forms and support for bookmark sync.
刚去的潜水Safari浏览器,你可以下潜许多珊瑚礁每一天船,进一步远离大陆,以删除你的人群的游客,谁是攻击的沿海珊瑚礁和吓唬远离所有的海洋 命 , 从 而 使你的最有趣的 不 变 珊 瑚礁和岛屿。
Just go to the dive safari you can dive in as many reef every day boat out further and further away from the mainland, to remove you from the crowds of tourists, who are attacking the coastal reefs and scare away all the marine life, thus bringing you to the most interesting and untouched reefs and islands.
如果公司代表在和潜在客户洽谈时老是再 三强调公司正面临的“困难”局面,情况是潜在客户对于你们之间的业务犹豫不决,甚至会被这样一家在“困难”经济下的公司吓 不敢从 那 里 购买东西。
If the company representative comments away on the “difficult” conditions the company is facing while talking to a potential client, chances are that
the potential client will
[...] start to have second thoughts about and even be scared away from purchasing [...]
from the company in
such a “difficult” economy.
此案是,申诉人因武装抢劫罪在监狱服刑释放 不 久 又 犯下了一系列罪行, 包括偷盗汽车和肆无忌惮地威胁他人 命 , 从 而 促 使缔约国采取行动。
Here, the author‟s release from prison after his armed robbery convictions was soon followed by a series of further offences, including thefts of automobiles and reckless endangerment of life, that prompted the State party‟s action.
这是真的,他没有足够的基督意图承认人性中的任 不 完 整的,他和所有的基督一开始只 从命 题 的 所有活动,所有的意志和智慧的人的出发点,作为最终的原则,基于这个理由,他们声称单靠基督团结每英寸
It is true enough that he had no intention of admitting any incompleteness in the Humanity of Christ, and that he and all the Monophysites started merely from the proposition that all activity, all will, and intelligence proceed from the person, as ultimate principle, and on this ground alone they asserted the unity of each in Christ.
不幸的是,本周发生的进一步命损失 再次提醒我们,非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混 合行动的官兵们是何等敢,他 们拯救 命 的 任 务是 何等重要。
Tragically, this
[...] week’s further loss of life has reminded us again how brave the troops of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur are and how crucial their lifesaving mission is.
加㆖到目前仍看不到任何令㆟信服的監管制度和投資風險的責任承擔,本㆟實 不敢 貿然 向市民推薦,除非政府提供更詳盡的資料,例如㆒直沒有公開在九㆔年年底委託 顧問公司完成的強制性私㆟公積金可行性報告,並且承諾盡快解決目前所有老㆟家的 退休生活問題。
In view of the absence of any satisfactory monitoring system and commitment to insurance against investment risks, I would be slow to recommend it to the general public unless more detailed information be made available, such as the feasibility study report, which was never published, in respect of a mandatory privately-run provident fund scheme completed at the end of 1993 by a consultant company appointed by the Administration; or unless there are promises that the livelihood problems of elderly people after retirement will be well taken care of.
鑒於協會建議當局容許所有"為港捐軀"的殉職公務員在浩園永久土葬,並將"為港捐軀"界定為"公務員在執行行動性任務時, 不 能 估計的原因而犧牲 命 , 又 或是 敢 犯 險 而付出生命",當局有否就該建議展開相關的研究,以及若研究結果為當局因現行的法律原則及未能修例而不能允許所有殉職公務員永久土葬,當局會否參考外國的做法(例如興建私人墓園),讓殉職公務員永久土葬;及
given that JPOA has suggested that the authorities allow all civil servants who "sacrificed their lives for Hong Kong" to be given permanent earth burial at Gallant Garden and that "to have sacrificed lives for Hong Kong" should be defined as "a civil servant who loses his life as a result of
unexpected reasons while
[...] discharging operational duties, or who courageously stands against danger and gives his [...]
life eventually",
whether the authorities have commenced relevant studies in response to such suggestions, and if the results of the studies reveal that the authorities, due to prevailing legal principles and inability to effect legislative amendments, are unable to allow permanent earth burial for all civil servants who died on duty, whether the authorities will make reference to the practices of foreign countries (e.g. constructing private graveyards), so as to allow permanent earth burial for all civil servants who died on duty; and




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