

单词 敞篷


敞篷车 n

cabriolet n


convertible (car)


convertible car
open car

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

欧陆GT双门跑车与GTC敞篷系列都配备可爆发567制动马力(575马力/423千瓦)的W12引擎,该发动机更加强大的动力输出也得益于对GT Speed发动机的重新调教。
The 567 bhp (575 PS / 423 kW) W12 powertrain of the Continental GT coupe and GTC convertible models also benefits from enhancements made to the more powerful  GT Speed.
Mistral后来演变成了Ghibli,这股汽车新潮流的强大魅力甚至感染了亨利•福特二世,他曾驾驶一辆玛莎拉 敞篷 车 出 现在底特律。
The Mistral morphed into the Ghibli and the
strength of the new motoring currents affected even Henry Ford II who took to driving
[...] around Detroit in a Maserati Spyder.
它的客户涵盖日本所有主要的轿车 敞篷 货 车 、厢装货车、摩托车以及建筑机械供应商。
Its clients include all the major Japanese manufacturers of cars, trucks, vans, motorcycles and construction machinery.
2008 年,该赛车制造商凭敞篷 RS Spyder 重返勒芒赛场,与 [...]
Michelin 携手迅速获得了 LMP2 级别的第一名。
The Sports Car manufacturer returned to Le Mans in
[...] 2008 with the open RS Spyder and [...]
promptly took first place in the LMP2 class together with Michelin.
这天风和日丽,他们乘坐Gottlieb Daimler的敞篷摩托艇外出旅行。
One sunny day, they set out for a trip on Gottlieb Daimler's open motor boat.
Because convertibles give you a stronger [...]
sense that you are being watched by other people, and being able to see the person
you’re angry with keeps you from objectifying or dehumanizing him/her.
全新 Aventador LP 700-4 Roadster 是一款具有优美弧线、实现运动性能与雅致外观完美平衡的 敞篷 跑 车
The new Aventador LP 700-4 Roadster is a completely open vehicle with sleek lines combining perfectly balanced sportiness and elegance.
[...] 箱或予以密封,但专家组注意到,包括可可在内的大多数过境货物都 敞篷 卡车 运输(见 S/2009/521,图十二)。
Although Burkinabé Customs authorities insist that all transit goods are containerized or otherwise
sealed, the Group notes that most transit cargoes, including cocoa, are
[...] transported in open trucks (see S/2009/521, [...]
fig. XII).
它不仅是一敞篷版的 双门轿跑车,还诠释了 Murcielago Coupé 和 Roadster 的传统之美,风格自成一派。
The Spyder is not just an open-top version of the Coupé, it sets forth the tradition as seen with Murcielago Coupé and Roadster creating a self standing model.
全新 911 硬頂車型在全新鋁鋼複合車身方面的研發成果,延續在 Cabriolet 敞篷車型 的全新獨特頂篷結構上發揚光大:智慧型輕量化設計,甚至將鎂合金運用至頂篷材料中,以減輕重量並提升運動風格、降低油耗及提高舒適性。
What the Coupé began with the new aluminium-steel body, the Cabriolet continues with the all-new, unique hood: intelligent lightweight design, even including the use of magnesium in the hood, ensures less weight and more sportiness, lower fuel consumption and greater comfort.
本田讴歌将推出的两款新NSX车型分别是cou pe 和 敞篷 跑 车 车型。
Acura is planning two versions of the NSX – coupe and convertible.
该车的发动机排量增至3.7升,随后,Sebring也采用了此款发动机,但Mistral Spyder最初仅配备了3.5升版发动机,因为设计人员认为,这一排量足以达 敞篷 行 驶 的要求。
The engine was increased to 3.7 liters, the same unit that would later be fitted to the Sebring, while the Mistral Spyder would initially be fitted with the 3.5 version, deemed sufficient for drop-top motoring.
相关数据足以说明一切;DB9轿跑车的刚度增加了20%,DB9 Volante硬敞篷跑车增加了30%,此外,在我们工程师们的努力下,全新DB9的重量减轻了15kg。
The figures speak for themselves; a 20% increase in stiffness in DB9 Coupe, a huge 30% increase in DB9 Volante, we went further, our engineers made more of less – the new DB9 is 15 kg lighter.
不言而喻,如此独特的外观自然需要可靠的支撑: M I N I 敞篷 跑 车 独特的17英寸双十字车削轻质铝合金轮圈能够吸引众人艳羡的目光。
It goes without saying that such an appearance requires a sound
footing: the exceptional 17-inch light-alloy Double Cross turned
[...] wheels of the MINI Cabrio attract all the [...]
admiring looks.
與會貴賓皆對全新Boxster之超越前衛的動感外型驚艷不已,包括:更寬的輪距、加大的輪圈、神似經典超跑Carrera GT的車側進氣口,以及融入LED尾燈組的全新擾流尾翼;而全新全電動 敞篷 更 只需短短9秒即可開啟或關閉,輕量化頂篷上部採用堅固的鎂鋁合金,完美融入車身的優雅線條中。
Made of intelligent lightweight magnesium and aluminium construction, the new power convertible roof takes only 9 seconds to open or close and fuses seamlessly into the elegant silhouette of the vehicle.
这并不是什么虚荣心作怪:Miura Roadster 在 1968 年布鲁塞尔车展上展出也有助于测试客户对在该系列引 敞篷 车 的 反应。
It was not simply a matter of vanity: the presentation of the Miura Roadster at the Brussels Car Show in 1968 also helped test customer reactions to the possibility of introducing a convertible to the range.
在此之后,R8由单一车型扩展为四种车型,并可选择V8或V10发动机以及双座跑车 敞篷 式 Sp yder车身设计风格。
Since that date the R8 has expanded from a single model to four, with a choice of V8 or V10 engines and coupé or open-topped Spyder body styles.
同時,全新敞篷車頂 技術使此車型首度得以完全保有 911 經典的車頂線條:即使當頂篷關上時,Cabriolet 車型仍可顯現清晰可辨的 911 輪廓 – 令 Cabriolet 與 Coupé 車型前所未有的相似。
At the same time, the new convertible top technology enables the typical 911 roof line to be retained in full for the first time: even with the top closed, the Cabriolet reveals the unmistakable 911 silhouette – never before were Cabriolet and Coupé so similar.
研究显示,驾敞篷车的 司机发生“路怒症”的可能性要低于驾驶普通车型的人。
Studies have shown that people in convertibles experience less road rage than people in sedans with tinted windows.
承繼四屆的熱烈反應與良好口碑保時捷體驗動感駕訓營不但規模更甚以往,並齊聚 2011 年式保時捷最新車款共 25 部,包括:道路版賽車 911 GT3;最具輕量化敞篷跑車 Boxster Spyder;眾所期待混合動力車系 Panamera S Hybrid與 Cayenne S Hybrid;再現車壇跑車傳奇 911 Carrera S、Carrera S Cabriolet;敞篷後輪 驅動跑車與四輪驅動的 911 Carrera 4S 與 911 Turbo;同時保有硬頂的安全實用,又能提 敞篷 跑 車 的開闊自在之 911 Targa 4S;最佳雙敞篷跑車Boxster S;美國專業汽車雜誌遴選「最佳駕馭車款」 ( Best Driver’s Car ),同時也榮獲英國專業汽車媒體 Auto Express 「最佳跑車」的 Cayman S 中置引擎雙門跑車;多功能休閒越野道路王者 Cayenne Diesel、Cayenne S 與 Cayenne Turbo;以及自推出來廣受好評的 Panamera、Panamera 4 以及 Panamera Turbo。
Street-legal race car — the 911 GT3; the ultra-light convertible sports car — the Boxster Spyder; the highly anticipated hybrid models of Panamera S Hybrid and Cayenne S Hybrid; the legends, the 911 Carrera S and Carrera S Cabriolet; the convertible, rear-wheel drive 911 Turbo, and the all-wheel drive 911 Carrera 4S; the practical as a coupe yet thrilling like a convertible 911 Targa 4S; the best two-passenger convertible in the world, the Boxster S; the winner of Best Driver’s Car by Motor Trend Magazine, and Best Sport Car by Auto Express, the mid-engine coupe Cayman S; the powerful SUV Cayenne Diesel, Cayenne S and Cayenne Turbo; as well as the widely received Panamera, Panamera 4, and Panamera Turbo.
SLS AMG Roadster的電動啟閉隔音隔熱材質織布軟 敞篷 , 其 軟篷與車窗、後擋風玻璃接軌順滑無縫,有效降低車輛行駛間的風噪;軟篷上更特別設計排水孔道,下雨時能有效導引水流;當車主欲享受開篷時光,座椅上的AIRSCARF頸部暖氣系統,擁有三段式可調溫的暖氣出風,只需簡單地切換舒適的溫度,暖意輕輕地繞到後頸、脖子和頭部,就好像被圍巾包著一樣,車內恆溫空調設定,無論寒冬、炎夏,車主皆得以開篷,享受陽光微風的洗禮。
At high speeds or low outside temperatures you can simply switch it to high and let the comfort system produce more heat. The air then gently wraps itself around the nape and front of your neck and head area like a warm scarf.
911車系跑車再一次展現實力成為大贏家, 敞篷 版 的GTS與Turbo S到四輪驅動的GT3與GT3 RS,獲得的總票數達後繼對手的三倍之多,再清楚不過地證明911車系在跑車界中享有最高榮譽。
The top models of the 911 line once again proved to be winners, from the open Carrera GTS and the Turbo S Cabrio to the quasi race cars GT3 and GT3 RS.
Pappelsee 的 趣味湖,丛林游戏抑或高尔夫课程-不管你是骑自行车还是开 敞篷 车 甚至乘着您自己 的私人飞机,坎普-林特福特都欢迎您的到来,放松心情,尽情享受快乐。
The Spaßbad Pappelsee (public indoor and outdoor swimming pool), the play jungle or the golf course – whether you're arriving by bike, towing a caravan or even flying in with your own private plane, rest assured that a world of fun awaits you here in Kamp-Lintfort.
本 集 團 金 融 資 產 及 財 務 擔 保 合 同 的 信 用 風 險 源 自 交 易 對 方 違 約,最 大 風敞 口 等 於 這 些 工 具 的 賬 面 金 額。
The Group’s credit risk of financial assets and financial guarantee contract arises from default of the counterparty, with a maximum exposure equal to the carrying amounts of these instruments.
剩餘基礎風敞口乃 對此進行積極管理的Glencore商品部門團隊的主要專注點。
Residual basis risk exposures represent a key focus point for Glencore’s commodity department teams who actively engage in the management of such.
由于很难取得建筑许可证以扩大和改善现有的学校和建新校,以容纳 C 区的学生人数,不适当的建筑结构,包括 篷 、 窝 棚和粗糙的水泥结构都被用作 学校;而在东耶路撒冷,由于欠缺 1 000 个教室以上,每年都有大量巴勒斯坦儿 童被剥夺了在耶路撒冷市和以色列教育部开设的市立学校入学的机会。
Inadequate structures, including tents, shacks and crude cement structures, are being used as schools owing to the difficulties in obtaining building permits needed to expand and upgrade existing schools and build new ones to accommodate the student population in area C, while in East Jerusalem, each year large numbers of Palestinian children are denied admission in the municipal schools run by the Jerusalem municipality and the Israeli Ministry of Education owing to a shortage of over 1,000 classrooms.
我們建議引入一套法定規管制度,類近 於現時在《建築物(小型工程)規例》(第 123 章,附屬法 例
[...] N )中為訂明建築工程(即違例的小型 篷 、 晾 衣架和冷 氣機支架)而設的同類制度,容許某些現存的違例招牌(例 [...]
在經註冊建築專業人士或註冊承建商進行安全檢查後,可繼 續使用。
We propose to introduce a statutory control system, similar to the one for
prescribed building works at present (i.e.
[...] unauthorized small canopies, drying racks [...]
and supporting frames for air-conditioners)
under the Building (Minor Works) Regulation (Cap. 123 sub. leg. N) (B(MW)R), under which the continued use of certain existing unauthorized signboards (e.g. those that are within stipulated dimensional requirements, or not blocking operation of emergency vehicles, etc.) will be allowed after safety checks by registered building professionals or registered contractors.
吸引大批市民參與的活動,通常會在 敞 的 場 ㆞,如遊憩用㆞ 或球場舉行;至於表演項目及電影或錄影帶欣賞會,則通常會在 [...]
內備有適用設施 的社區會堂舉行。
Functions that attract large crowds are
[...] normally held in spacious venues such as open [...]
spaces or ball courts, while performances
and film or video shows are usually held in estate community halls where facilities suitable for such purposes are provided.
(c) 樓宇(1)部 —設有 3 個地區分組,負責規管違例建築工程和確
[...] 保現存樓宇安全的職務;另設有 1 個專責事務組( 負責處理篷和樓宇巡查等事宜)、1 個功能組( 斜坡安全組) [...]
及樓宇安全貸 款計劃小組。
(c) Existing Buildings (EB) Division 1 – The division is made up of three district sections responsible for duties related to the control of unauthorised building works (UBW) and safety of
existing buildings; one special task
[...] section (dealing with canopies and building inspections, [...]
etc.) and one functional section
(the Slope Safety Section) and the Building Safety Loan Scheme Unit.




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