单词 | 敝 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 敝—worn outless common: shabby my (polite) ruined defeated Examples:凋敝adj—hardadj 敝帚千金—I wouldn't be parted with it for anything. lit. my worn-out broom, a thousand in gold (idiom); fig. sentimental value 敝屣—worn-out shoes a worthless thing
严重的政治权力的不平与财富分配的不均皆能导致社 会失衡、经济败坏和民生凋敝。 legco.gov.hk | Both uneven distribution of political power and wealth, if become serious, can cause imbalance in society, deterioration of the economy and the decline of democracy. legco.gov.hk |
为确保使用安全产品,敝公司建议您只使用专 用Leica电池BP-DC10(→8)。 us.leica-camera.com | To ensure that safe productsare used we urgently recommend to use only the Leica battery BP-DC10 (→8). us.leica-camera.com |
敝司生産并贩卖用於制造 LED 的各种酸,硷,溶剂及制程中的各种经混合・最优化处理後的 蚀刻液,剥离液,清洗液。 hpc-j.co.jp | LTD. produces and provides various Acid, Alkaline, and Solvent for LEDProduction, in addition to various Etchant, Resist Remover, and Rinse Agents formulated and optimized for each process. hpc-j.co.jp |
敝子弟有意参加乐器班训练课程(乐器班名称:_________________________)。 logosacademy.edu.hk | My child intends to participate in the instrumental training course (Musical instrument: _____________). logosacademy.edu.hk |
本人同意敝子弟出席有关科目之所有补课。 logosacademy.edu.hk | I agree to my child attending the additional lesson(s) of the related subject(s). logosacademy.edu.hk |
敝中心只收取钉装及影印费用,邮费另计,唯需先行付款作实。 hkupop.hku.hk | We only charge photocopying and binding costs, on top of postage if required. hkupop.hku.hk |
屈完回答说:“承蒙您惠临敝国并为我们的国家求福,忍辱接纳我们国君,这正是我们国君的心愿。 chinesestoryonline.com | Qu Wan replied, "If your highness is here to bless our state, and is willing to condescend to receive our king, then serving you is our king's wish. chinesestoryonline.com |
(b) 在㆒九九㆔年,水警在海面采取拘捕行动的次数及拘捕後检控之次数;及 (a) 目前,水警船队包括 66 艘水警轮,由 6.9 米长的机动船以至 40 米长的指挥轮 不等;还有 100 艘开敝式水警船只,由小型橡皮救生艇到 9.5 米长的快速硬壳 橡皮艇等。 legco.gov.hk | (a) At present, the Marine Police fleet consists of 66 police launches, ranging from 6.9 m motor boats to 40 m command launches, and 100 police open boats ranging from small rubber dinghies to fast 9.5 m rigid hull inflatables. legco.gov.hk |
把工具型号输入机床可减少给形状下定义的时间和工夫。3D工具型号可在敝社网页, 用MORI-NET Global Edition Advance下载。 moriseiki.com | Importing 3D tool models into the machine eliminates the time and effort to define shapes.3D tool models can be downloaded from the Mori Seiki webpage using MORI-NET Global Edition Advance. moriseiki.com |
然而,再强的谍照,也无法令我们的眼睛透过车上的遮敝物;即使在上月有一些图片在网上传出,但资料来源的可靠性亦实在强差人意。 hkcarworld.com | Unfortunately, the testers did a pretty good job keeping the revisions hidden. We also saw a few more leaked images last month, but the source was not very reputable. hkcarworld.com |
敝公司今后仍将继续大力推动环保产品的生产和事业活动,希望各方理解环保工作的重要 性,并给我们大力的协助和支持。 sii.co.jp | SIIwill continue its eco-friendly production and business activities, so we will be grateful for our suppliers’ cooperation based on their understanding the importance of activities for environment conservation. sii.co.jp |
最新版的程序和手册可从敝公司的Web网站下载。 cybozu.net.cn | You can get the latest program and the latest manual on our website. manual.cybozu.co.jp |
国家软弱无力、经济凋敝、基础设施崩溃以及受政治 因素驱动的各种行为者和犯罪集团所从事的武装敌 对行动,还有环境退化、干旱、水灾或大流行病,这 些都加剧了所有群体的脆弱程度。 daccess-ods.un.org | A weak State, a debilitated economy, collapsing infrastructure and armed hostilities carried out by a variety of politically driven actors and criminal groups, as well as environmental degradation, drought, floods or pandemics, increase the vulnerability of entire populations. daccess-ods.un.org |
敝司先进的各型机器设备及研发能力,可以达成客户高品质的OEM及ODM产品要求. trade-taiwan.org | Most of our products are OEM & ODM, we have ability to produce with customers' particular specification. trade-taiwan.org |
并不断改善制程,研发新材质与关键技术,持续提升敝司生产层次。 interfiliere.com | Consistently improving the production process, developing new materials and [...] upgrading production techniques. interfiliere.com |
最新版的安装包可从敝公司的 Web 网站下载。 cybozu.net.cn | The latest installer can be downloaded on our website. manual.cybozu.co.jp |
敬覆者:本人得悉 贵校中六级第一学期考试的安排,自当督促敝子弟留意各科考试日期,并勤 加温习。 ktscss.edu.hk | I have been notified of the arrangement of the First Term Exam and will advise my son / daughter to revise accordingly. ktscss.edu.hk |
民意快讯》自九六年九月发刊,目的是按月记录敝中心民意研究组锲而不舍的民意调查工作,并以最快速度把研究成果与各界人仕分享。 hkupop.hku.hk | POP EXPRESS was first published in September 1996, as part of our persistent effort to collect opinion data for public consumption. hkupop.hku.hk |
本人同意敝子弟參加「新來港学童适应班」,并会督促敝子弟遵守新來港学童适应班的 要求,跟进其学习进度。 csshk.edu.hk | I have noted the details of the After-School Adaptation Class for Newly Arrival Children, [...] and I □ agree my son/daughter [...]to participate in the Class and I will remind him/ her to obey the classroom regulations. csshk.edu.hk |
本使用条款(以下称“本使用条款”)适用于用户使用DESTINY INTERNATIONAL株式会社(以下简称“敝公司”)在本网站上所提供服务时的所有行为。 zh.fallineyez.com | These Terms of Service (hereafter referred to as the "TOS") apply to any and all acts by users when using the services provided on this website by Destiny International Co. en.fallineyez.com |
SII集团(以下称为敝公司)根据其环保方针,自1999年开始,生产原料不用赘言,就是 小到办公用的物品,也都在供应商的理解和协助下,持续地开展着绿色采购活动。 sii.co.jp | Since 1999, based on the SII Group (SII) Environmental Policy, we have been promoting our green procurement from production goods to office supplies with the cooperation of our suppliers. sii.co.jp |
继承创业时的造型精神,敝公司造型部ZEPPET熟练运用从原来的造型技术到最新地3DCG技术,持续帮助工作人员以及客户的想法得以成为现实。 ida-entertainment.com | Through continuous development, our modeling section “ZEPPET” makes full use of everything from traditional modeling techniques to the latest digital 3D CG technology to continue the realization of the staff and client’s image. ida-entertainment.com |
这是由于以色列采取种种非法行动的缘 故,特别是在加沙地带,那里遭到非法、不人道的封 锁已经超过了两年,导致当地经济瘫痪,民生凋敝,对超过 170 万平民的健康和社会及每日生计都造成严 重冲击,事实上,他们已经无以为生。 daccess-ods.un.org | That is due to illegal Israeli practices, in particular in the Gaza Strip, which has been besieged in an illegal and inhuman manner for more than two years. daccess-ods.un.org |