

单词 教资源

See also:

资源 pl

sources pl


resource (such as manpower or tourism)
natural resource (such as water or minerals)

External sources (not reviewed)

3.2 教科文组织--IHE 水资源教育研 究所所长(以下简称“所长”)可以代表研究所接受第 3.1 条所列的各种收入,但在可能给研究所造成额外的财政义务时,所长应事先征得研 究所理事会(以下简称“理事会”)的批准和教科文组织执行局的同意。
3.2 The Director of the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education (hereafter referred to as “the Director”) may accept income as set forth in Article 3.1 on behalf of the Institute, provided that, in any case which would involve the Institute in additional financial liability, the Director shall obtain the prior approval of the Institute’s Board (hereafter referred to as “the Board”) and the consent of the Executive Board of UNESCO.
在水管理教育领域,联合国教科文组织 资源教 育 学 院由于在提 高发展中国家能力方面的出色工作而受到表彰。
In the area of education for water management the work of UNESCO-IHE was highlighted, given its successful role in building capacities of developing countries.
他还提出了两项倡议:教科文组织资源高等教育补助金计划和全球 资源教 育 和培训需求评估。
He also presented two new initiatives: a UNESCO tertiary water education grants programme, and a global water education and training needs assessment.
与会者还强调了加强教科文组织 资源教 育 学 院和该组织其它科学计划之 间的合作与配合的重要性。
The need to strengthen cooperation and synergies between IHP and the other UNESCO intergovernmental scientific programmes was also underlined.
拟议的教科文组织资源高等教育补助金计划及全球 资源教 育 和 培训需求评价得到了 理事会的全面支持。
The proposed UNESCO tertiary water education grants programme and the global water education and training needs assessment received full support from the Council.
会议认为,教科文组织的 四个环境领域重大计划拥有诸多自然的、物质上的以及智力方面的资源,特别是各国教科文组织全委会和国际 基础结构、水利和环境工程学院水教育研究所以及相关的第 2 类中心和教科文教席可以共同为教科文组织提供 巨大资源,教科文 组织还有巨大的潜力可以挖掘,以真正解决可持续环境问题和气候变化问题。
The view was expressed that there was enormous but unrealized potential for UNESCO to make substantial progress in environmental sustainability and issues of climate change, as it had access to a large external array of natural, material and intellectual assets within its four major environmental programmes, notably through their national committees, the UNESCO/IHE Institute for Water Education, the relevant category 2 centres and UNESCO Chairs and networks, which collectively represent an enormous resource for the Organization.
根据《财务条例》第 6.6 和 6.7 条,总干事已经为教科文组织-IHE 水资源教育研究所开 立了一个特别账户,并制定了《帐户财务条例》(附件 I)来管理该所的运作。
In accordance with Financial Regulation, Articles 6.6 and 6.7, the Director-General has established a Special Account for the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education and prepared Special Financial Regulations (Annex I) to govern its operations.
考虑到创建资源教育研 究所时的特殊情况以及由此产生的荷兰政府、IHE-基金会和 教科文组织之间的新型合作伙伴关系,总干事决定教科文组织-IHE 水资源教育研究所应该 尽可能以与 IHE-基金会同样的模式运作。
In view of the special circumstances involved in the creation of this Institute and the resultant innovative partnership between the Government of the Netherlands, the IHE-Foundation and UNESCO, the Director-General has decided that to the extent possible the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education should operate in the same way as the IHE-Foundation.
鉴于国际水文计划现任秘书/水科学处处长短期内将要离任,主席团认为,(i)该 职位应继续为 D2 级,并提出了几个理由,其中包括:它是自然科学部门内最大的 处,事实上也是联合国最大的处,负责一项非常庞大的计划,同时还兼管由一名 D1 级人员领导的世界水资源评估计划,与 20
个第 2 类水资源中心关系密切,并同教科文
[...] 组织国际基础结构、水利和环境工程学院水教育研究所(UNESCO-IHE)、教科文组 织资源教席及 其他几个重要的行动进行大量合作;(ii)主席团应能够参与新的处长/国 [...]
Given the likelihood that the current Secretary of IHP/Director of the Division of Water Sciences would leave the post in the short-term, the Bureau was of the view that (i) the post should be maintained at a D2 level, citing several reasons, including the fact that it was the largest division within the Natural Sciences Sector with a very ample programme, in fact the largest in the UN, including WWAP headed by a D1, close to 20 water-related category 2 centres, significant
cooperation with UNESCO-IHE, the UNESCO
[...] chairs in water resources, as well as several [...]
other major initiatives; and (ii) that
the Bureau should be able to take part in the selection of the new Director/Secretary of IHP.
(e) 从实施项目中、或出售出版物或其它特殊活动中收取的费用,其中包括收取的管理 费;以及 3.2 教科文组织--IHE 水资源教育研 究所所长(以下简称“所长”)可以代表研究所接受第 3.1 条所列的各种收入,但在可能给研究所造成额外的财政义务时,所长应事先征得研 究所理事会(以下简称“理事会”)的批准和教科文组织执行局的同意。
3.2 The Director of the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education (hereafter referred to as “the Director”) may accept income as set forth in Article 3.1 on behalf of the Institute, provided that, in any case which would involve the Institute in additional financial liability, the Director shall obtain the prior approval of the Institute’s (hereafter referred to as “the Board”) and the consent of the Executive Board of UNESCO.
[...] 划和国际原子能机构共同发起的国际水文学同位素联合计划(JIIHP)框架内,开普城的西 开普大学教科文组织地下资源教席 为 南部非洲发展共同体举办了培训班,内容是地下蓄水 [...]
Within the framework of the UNESCO-IHPIAEA joint JIIHP programme, the
[...] UNESCO Groundwater Resources Chair in the Western [...]
Cape University in Cape Town organized
a training course for the SADC countries on use of isotopes in the artificial recharge of aquifers.
1.1 根据教科文组织《财务条例》第 6 条第 6 段之规定,并依照教科文组织与国际基础结 构、水利和环境工程学院(以下简称“基金会”)的《合作协议》、教科文组织-IHE 水资源教育研 究所章程、荷兰王国与教科文组织关于该研究所所在地的协议以及荷兰 与教科文组织的《运作协议》,兹设立教科文组织-IHE 水资源教育研究所 (以下简称 “研究所”) 特别帐户。
1.1 In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 6, of the Financial Regulations of UNESCO, and further to the Cooperation Agreement, between UNESCO and the Stichting International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Delft hereafter referred to as the
“Foundation”, the
[...] statutes of the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, the agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and UNESCO concerning the seat of the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education and the Operational Agreement between the Netherlands and UNESCO, there is hereby created a Special Account for the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education hereafter [...]
referred to as the “Institute”.
但是,如果打算在 2015 年实现第三项目标,核准可用于这一教
[...] 育阶段的教学空间(教室和学校)、技 术 - 教 学 资源(教 学 设备)以及聘用的有资质 的教师是远远不足的,无法按要求的节奏实现教育普及率的进展。
However, the resources approved to guarantee the availability of educational
spaces (classrooms and schools),
[...] technical and pedagogical resources (didactic equipment) [...]
and the hiring of teachers trained
for this level of education, have not been sufficient to advance the coverage at the required rate if target 3 is to be achieved in 2015.
国际水文计划支持建立了跨界水问题大学伙伴关系,这一国际性的联合体将十所大 学的水资源专业力量聚集在一起,推动一种将建立新的 资源教 育 网络与和平、环保、和人 类安全相结合的全球性水资源管理文化的发展。
IHP has supported the creation of the Universities Partnerships for Transboundary Waters, an international consortium of water expertise, including 10 universities, seeking to promote a global water governance culture that incorporates peace, environmental protection and human security as part of the establishment of new water educational networks.
政府要分配充足资源来提供 基础设施、工资、人资源和教育培 训,并增加公共卫生支出。
Governments need to allocate
[...] sufficient resources to provide the infrastructure, salaries, human resources and training for education, and increase [...]
public health expenditure.
[...] 源挑战,提供下列方面的政策建议:调整适应全球变化对江河流域和蓄水系统带来的影响;加强可持续的水资 源治理;缺水与干旱地区;资源教 育 促 进可持续发展;合作与预防冲突;国际水资源管理。
UNESCO’s IHP response to these global water challenges is built around its specialized areas of expertise providing policy advice on: adapting to the impacts of global
changes on river basins and aquifer systems; strengthening water governance for sustainability; water scarcity and arid
[...] zones; water education for sustainable [...]
development; cooperation
and conflict prevention; and international waters management.
资源教育研 究所特别帐户财务条例》是根据教科文组织《特别账户财务条例》的 标准范本起草的,该范本适用于在教科文组织框架内创建的研究所或类似的机构(决定 156 EX /8.5),本文件所附的资源教育研 究所《特别帐户财务条例》用斜体标明与标准范 本的不同。
The Special Financial Regulations have been drawn up in accordance with the standard model Financial Regulations of Special Accounts applicable to institutes and similar bodies created in the framework of UNESCO (156 EX/Decision 8.5), which shows in italics the modifications to that standard [...]
现已建立教科文组织-国际 基础结构、水利和环境工程学院 资源教 育 学 院,并启动了开始和振兴与教科文组织--国际 基础结构、水利和环境工程及其他利益相关者在 资源教 育 方 面的合作进程,包括设立世界 水教学、培训和伦理学大学组织,协助推动这一进程。
The UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education is now established and the process of initiating and revitalizing water educational cooperation with UNESCO-IHE and other stakeholders has started, including the launching of GOUTTE of Water to help this process.
缔约国应资助独立的协会和中心, 在其工作中向妇女提供法资源,教 育 妇 女了解自己的平等权利,协助妇女为所 受歧视争取补救。
States parties should financially support independent
associations and centres
[...] providing legal resources for women in their work to educate women about [...]
their rights to equality
and assist them in pursuing remedies for discrimination.
尼日利亚联邦共和国总统在“水安全和极端水文灾害:实现非洲的可持续发展”国际 会议的主旨发言和 2006
[...] 年 2 月 27 日在阿布贾举行的教科文组织--国际水文计划全国委员会 首届非洲地区磋商会议上,敦促教科文组织“当其在全世界建立与水有关的中心、作为实施 全球资源教育和能力建设议程的一部分时,莫将非洲置之度外”。
In his keynote address at the International Conference on “Water Security and Hydrological Extremes: Towards Sustainable Development in Africa” and at the first African Regional Consultative Meeting of the National Committees for UNESCO-IHP that took place in Abuja on 27 February 2006, the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria urged UNESCO “not to leave Africa out of the
initiative on
[...] establishing water-related centres worldwide as part of the implementation of a global water education and capacity-building [...]
根据决议 31C/ 16,大会批准成立联合国教科文组织-国际基础结构、水利和环境工程学 院资源教育研 究所,并请荷兰政府和总干事最后确定《院址协议》和《运作协议》,以便资源教育研究所启动业务工作。
By 31 C/Resolution 16, the General Conference approved the creation of the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education and invited the Government of the Netherlands and the DirectorGeneral to finalize the Seat Agreement and the Operational Agreement so that the Institute might enter into operation.
中心的情况:尼日利亚的地区江河流域综合管理中心 (RC-IRBM) (第36 C/23号决议,协定于
[...] 2012年3月12日签署); 肯尼亚的东非地区地下资源教育、 培训与研究中心 (第36 C/ 24号决议); 苏丹的地区集水能力建设和研究中心(第36 [...]
学中心 (第36 C/ 22号决议,协定于2012年5月29日签署)。
The IHP Secretariat reported on the establishment of the following four category 2 waterrelated centres, subsequent to their approval at the 36th session of the UNESCO General Conference: Regional Centre for Integrated River Basin Management (RC-IRBM), Nigeria, (36 C/Resolution 23, the agreement was
signed on 12 March 2012); Regional
[...] Centre on Groundwater Resources Education, Training and Research [...]
for East Africa, Kenya (36
C/Resolution 24); Regional Centre on Capacity Development and Research in Water Harvesting, Sudan (36 C/Resolution 28); and Central Asian Regional Glaciological Centre, Republic of Kazakhstan (36 C/Resolution 22, the agreement was signed on 29 May 2012).
资源有限 且面对政治困境,政府仍在建立现代国家,以及增进 和保护人权,尤其教育权 方面取得了巨大进展。
In spite of limited resources and difficult political conditions, the Government had been able to make major progress in building a modern State, and promoting and protecting human rights, in particular the right to education.
比例,地 方当局可以决定从其预算中拨资源 来 增 加 教 师 工 资基金,免费提供住所,或吸 引大学毕业生到周边地区当教师,替他们偿还其学生贷款本金。
A local authority may, for example,
[...] decide to allocate resources from its budget to increase the wage fund for teachers, to offer a dwelling [...]
free of charge or
attract young university graduates to go as teachers to peripheral areas by offering to repay the principal sum of their student loans for them.
(a) 水资源教育和 能力建设对实现与水有关的千年发展目标至关重要,并且是联合国 [...]
(a) Water education and capacity-building [...]
are crucial to achieving the targets of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
relating to water and are central to the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UN-DESD) and the International Decade for Action: Water for Life.
亚太信通培训中心希望在下列领域获得经社会的支持:(a) 在各 个成员国内对信通技术司和亚太信通培训中心的方案开展宣传;(b) 为信
通技术司能力建设提供预算拨款,并推动为国家和地方政府提供信通技术 培训;(c) 为亚太信通培训中心政府领导人信通技术基础知识学院这一核
[...] 心方案的开展、以及最佳实践个例研究的收集和记录寻求潜在合作伙伴; (d) 在资源、专家和教员的分享方面鼓励开展区域合作,尤其是重视妇女 的参与。
APCICT seeks support from the Commission in (a) advocating for ICTD and APCICT programmes in individual member countries; (b) allocating budgets for ICTD capacity-building and promoting ICT training for national and local governments; (c) identifying potential partners for the roll-out of the APCICT core programme, the Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders and the collection and documentation of case studies of good practices; and (d)
encouraging regional cooperation
[...] in the sharing of resources, experts and trainers, with particular [...]
focus on the participation of women.
此外,长期存在的不平等现象、对她们的歧视以及缺乏经 济能力等问题,使她们难以获得商品 资源 、 教 育 、 服务和其他发展利益,并深 化了家庭、社区、政治和劳动等领域内对妇女产生影响的经济不平等和不公正问 题。
Additionally, the persistent inequalities, the discrimination against them and the lack of
economic empowerment limit their
[...] access to goods, resources, education, services and other [...]
development benefits, as well
as deepen economic inequalities and injustices affecting women in the areas of the family, community, politics and labour.
[...] 概念比“没有足够的收入”更加广泛,必须像《发展权利宣言》第8 条所述: “确保所有人在获得基资源、教育 、 保健服务、粮食、住房、就业、收入公平 分配方面机会均等”。
A breakdown of the Goals into sectoral targets is consistent with the underlying approach of the right to development to acknowledge that poverty is a broader concept than not having enough income and requires, as stated in article 8 of the Declaration on the Right to Development:
“equality of opportunity for all in
[...] their access to basic resources, education, health services, [...]
food, housing, employment and
the fair distribution of income”.
制定社会保护方案的目的必须是应对各种失衡现象、风险和脆弱性,尤其是 应对涉及获得生产资源、教育、 保健和就业机会以及妇女的生殖作用和生产性 作用方面的这些现象。
Social protection programmes must be designed to address imbalances, risks and vulnerabilities,
particularly with respect to gaining
[...] access to productive resources, education, health and work, [...]
as well as in terms of the reproductive and productive role of women.




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