单词 | 教育背景 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 教育背景—educational backgroundSee also:教育n—educationn teachingn 教育pl—schoolspl 背景n—backgroundn backgroundspl contextspl matrixn 背景—context backdrop
水科学处强调 F 先生的多学科教育背景,明确 说,该处募集了预算外资金。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Division highlighted the multidisciplinary training of Mr F, and stated that the Division had sought extrabudgetary funding. unesdoc.unesco.org |
Kornel 相信他的澳洲教育背景为他带来了更大的竞争优势。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Kornel believes [...] his Australian Education giveshim a competitive [...]advantage. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
Kornel 相信他的澳洲教育背景为他带来了更大的竞争优势。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Kornel believes [...] his AustralianEducation giveshim a competitive [...]advantage. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
企业对知识的运用不只是雇 佣具有相关教育背景的人, 还有跟特定地区的研 发单位合作以使用他们的成果或受委托的具体 [...] 研究。 businessinmalopolska.com | Enterprises use knowledge not only to employ [...] people withrelevant education, but alsoby cooperating [...]with R&D units in a given region, [...]using their achievements or commissioning specific research. businessinmalopolska.com |
她还说, 基于网络的技术和社会传媒是在所有教育背景下分享信息和知识的关键手段,并 且可为打击种族主义、种族歧视和仇外心理及相关不容忍现象发挥重大的作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | She added that web-based technology and social media were crucial tools [...] in sharing information and knowledge in [...] all settingsof educationandcouldplay [...]an important role in combating racism, racial [...]discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. daccess-ods.un.org |
这类课程适用於之前没有医学或其他卫生健康职业教育背景人员的培训。 hkca.org | This refers to the training programme for persons without previous medical or [...] other health care professional education. hkca.org |
通过同其他联合国机构和国际伙伴进行协作,包括在初等教育和中等教育中修改学校课程、课 本和教育方法,增强了在优质教育背景下为推动人权、和平、民主公民身份和文化间谅解而制订联 [...] 合框架和国家行动计划的工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The development of joint frameworks and national plans of action for the promotion of human rights, peace, democratic [...] citizenship and intercultural understanding in [...] the context of quality education wasenhanced [...]in collaboration with other United Nations [...]agencies and international partners, including revision of school curricula, textbooks and teaching methods at primary and secondary levels. unesdoc.unesco.org |
通过 2006 年 4 月 25 日第 434 号政府决定,首次实行了合同制入学办法。 这导致高等教育学生数量在某种程度上的减少,尤其是教育背景比较弱的学生。 daccess-ods.un.org | For the first time by means of the Government Decision No. 434 from 25 April 2006 matriculation on basis of contract was adopted, which lead to the reduction [...] to a certain extent of the number of [...] students in highereducation,especially those with a weak educational background. daccess-ods.un.org |
由於本校学生來自不同族裔,教育背景不同 ,亦有不少新來港学童,以致个别差異颇 大。 hktawts.edu.hk | Coming from [...] different cultural and educational background, individual learning [...]differences is therefore existed among our [...]students, especially for those who are new arrival. hktawts.edu.hk |
专题的专业培训团队由民间社会的重要相关行动者组成,尤其是具有必要教 育背景的法 官和专家,可贡献他们的知识和经验(方法和所定方案见附件)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The team of specialized trainers is made up of major civil society actors, with the notable presence of judges and experts who have the necessary training to be able to contribute their knowledge and experience to the project (the methodology and programme are described in annex I). daccess-ods.un.org |
第二类(A)课程适用於那些已有医学教育背景的人士获得脊骨神经医师安全并相对有效地治疗 [...] 病人所需的最低要求。 hkca.org | Category II(A) Suitable for persons with a [...] solid medical education to attain minimal [...]registerable requirements to practise safely and relatively effectively as chiropractors. hkca.org |
团队成员有着中西方的工作经验,双语语言技能以及良好的国际教育背景,从而使我们在处理问题时不仅拥有全球的视角,同时专注於中国国情。 a-louie.com | Our team includes personnel with [...] both Chinese and Western experience, [...] language skills andeducation thus allowing us [...]to have a global perspective, with a Chinese focus. a-louie.com |
我的教育背景包括:教育心理学哲学博士,专攻政策研究、计量、评价和人 类发展;教育硕士,主修计划和课程制定及教学;历史和法文专业文学学士。 daccess-ods.un.org | Doctor of [...] Philosophy in EducationalPsychology, with a focus [...]on policy research, measurement, evaluation and human development; [...]Master of Education in programme and curriculum development and teaching; and Bachelor of Arts in History and French. daccess-ods.un.org |
重 要 的 一 点 是 必 顸 [...] 查 明 所 有 曾 影 响 被 告 人 意 志 的 事 情 , [...] 而 那 会 是 包 括 查 看 被 告 人的教 育 背 景、天生 的 胆 怯 程 度 、 对 权 力 [...]的 反 应 、 智 能 , 以 及《 法 官 规 则 》可 有 遭 到 违 反 。 hkreform.gov.hk | It is important that all the circumstances that operated on the defendant's mind be [...] ascertained, and that will [...] include looking athiseducational background,naturaltimidity, [...]reaction to authority, intelligence [...]and at any breaches of the judges' rules. hkreform.gov.hk |
备注:具备丰富的相关教育背景或同等资历,并通过性向测试及入学面试。 ipass.gov.hk | Remark : with [...] substantial relatededucation background or equivalent. ipass.gov.hk |
在教育质量并不能适应经济需要的情况下,受教育背景并不能 作为应聘受雇的有效筛选机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | To the extent that the quality of [...] education is not adapted to the needs [...] of the economy,educational qualifications [...]may not serve as an efficient screening mechanism for employment purposes. daccess-ods.un.org |
由香港大学民意研究计划负责的《港大民意网站》(http://hkupop.hku.hk),今日公开「2003年11月23日区议会选举票站调查」的详细数据,当中包括选民的性别、年龄、婚姻状况、教育背景、 职业背景、宗教背景,及七一效应等的分项数据。 hkupop.hku.hk | The Public Opinion Programme at the University of Hong Kong releases today via its "HKU POP SITE" detailed figures of the "Exit Poll of 2003 District Council Election", including breakdown figures of [...] voters' gender, age, [...] marital status,education attainment, occupation and religious background, [...]as well as the influence of the July 1 Demonstration. hkupop.hku.hk |
Yukino有着亚洲的文化背景以及欧洲的教育背景,并 在国际上不同行业富有工作经验,她深刻理解品牌背后文化阐述的力量,并引导客户找到突破文化障碍的品牌解决方案,同时又真正符合品牌的原始价值和核心理念。 labbrand.com | With an Asian backgroundcombined with solid European education and international [...] working experiences across industries, [...]Yukino understands the power of culture specific interpretations behind brands and leads clients to find a branding solution that transcends any culture boundaries and yet truly in line with the brand’s original value and core ideas. labbrand.com |
参加者的甄选是依据他们各自的科研、工程和教育背景以及 参与由举措所主导的方案和项目的经验。 daccess-ods.un.org | Participants were selected on the basis of their scientific, [...] engineering and educational backgroundsandtheirexperience [...]in implementing programmes [...]and projects in which the Initiative played a leading role. daccess-ods.un.org |
因具有多学科的教育背景和参与各种协会的经验,本人得以在商业治理和管 理项目的筹备和管理工作中发挥重要作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thanks to my [...] multidisciplinaryeducational background andmy involvement [...]in various associations, I have been able to play [...]a significant role in the preparation and management of business governance and management projects. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们向本网站的用户提供与职业简历有关的专业内容和服务,包括但不限于建立电子档案、简历组织和功能转换、视频剪辑、照片、图表、图片、表格、文本、数据、英语测试、人格评测及能力评测、CV [...] 2.0(定义见下文)或其它CV 2.0项目例如教育背景、工作经历或英语水平等的核实、用户意见、告示、信息、文章或其它类似内容(该等内容及服务统称“服务”)。 cn.1stjob-network.com | We provide users of the Site with access to certain specialized content and services related to professionals’ resumes, including without limitation, the creation of electronic profiles, resume organization and conversion functionality, video clips, photographs, graphics, images, charts, text, data, English tests, personality type assessment and competency assessments, verification [...] of a CV 2.0 (as defined below) or CV [...] 2.0 itemsuchaseducation,working experiences [...]or English level, user comments, postings, [...]messages, articles and other similar content (such content and services, collectively, the “Services”). en.1stjob-network.com |
某些情况下,在国外高等教育院校学习的第一年(有时是第二年), 在挪威不被视为拥有高等教育背景。 studyinnorway.no | In special cases, the first (and sometimes [...] the second) year of study at a foreign higher [...] education institution will not be recognised as higher education inNorway. studyinnorway.no |
我们的员工拥有良好的教育背景,能 说包括英语在内的多种语言。 chainssprockets.com | Our staff have strongeducational backgroundsand speakmultiple [...] languages including English. chainssprockets.com |
教育背景:俄罗斯联邦外交部莫斯科国家国际关系学院(1970 年) 家庭状况:已婚,有一个女儿 主管管理和改革事务美国代表向联合国秘书长致意,并谨此提名乔治·巴尔 蒂斯奥塔斯先生参加在第六十六届大会期间举行的联合检查组选举,请将提名转 递大会为荷。 daccess-ods.un.org | Married, with one daughter The United States Representative for Management and Reform has the honour to submit to the Secretary-General for transmission to the General Assembly the nomination of Mr. George A. Bartsiotas for election to the Joint Inspection Unit at the elections to be held during the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 确保拟进行的交易的性质、复杂性和风险适合有关客户,当中应考虑到客户的财政 目标、教育背景、投资经验和对金融事务的理解能力等。 tma.org.hk | (b) Ensure that clients fully understand the nature and potential risks of the products offered to them before the transactions are concluded This is especially important for complex transactions (such as some derivatives) and new financial products; and tma.org.hk |
在您创建个人资料、提交申请或者授权我们取得“消费者信用报告”(比如背景调查报告)时,我们会收集以下信息:姓名、地址、电话号码、简历、工作经历、薪酬、教育背景、此前从我处获得的资助、社会保险号码(如果是英国求职者,则为国家社会保险号码;如果是其他求职者,则为求职者当地的相应号码)及其他信息。 gatesfoundation.org | When you create a profile, submit an application, or authorize us to obtain a "consumer report" (such as a background check), we tend to collect this kind of information: name, address, [...] telephone number, resume', employment, [...] compensation and educational history,previous [...]grants from us, social security number [...](or national insurance number for an Applicant based in the UK or other local equivalent) and so on. gatesfoundation.org |