

单词 教徒

教徒 ()

follower of a religion



follower of Catholicism


adherent of Hinduism

新教徒 n

Protestants pl

See also:

on foot
no avail
prison sentence
bare or empty
surname Tu

External sources (not reviewed)

最后,他有兴趣听取特别报告员对伊朗牧师因 被指称背教而面临死刑的案件及最近发生的针对埃 及基教徒的暴力事件的看法。
Lastly, he would be interested to hear the Special Rapporteur’s views on the cases of the Iranian
pastor facing the death penalty
[...] for alleged apostasy, and the recent incidents of violence against Christians in Egypt.
澳大利亚是一个以基督教为主的国家,全国约有 64 % 的人口为基教徒。
Australia is a predominantly Christian country, with around 64 per cent of all Australians
[...] identifying as Christians.
這兩條條文現予修訂,目的是將提 到教徒㆗頗 大數目的㆟的宗教感情改為 教徒 ㆗ 共有的宗教感情。
These two clauses are now amended so
that instead of
[...] referring to the religious susceptibilities of a significant number of followers of the religion, reference is now made to the religious susceptibilities common to the followers of that religion.
(viii)宗教教士 建議應在條例草案訂明例外規定,容許有組織的宗教只僱 用某一種族或人種的人士擔任與該宗教有關的工作,惟限
[...] 制的目的必須是為符合該宗教的教義或避免傷害 教徒共 有的宗教感情。
It is proposed that an exception should be provided in the Bill for an organized religion to limit employment to a person from a certain racial or ethnic group for a job related to that religion, provided that the purpose of such restriction is to
comply with the doctrine of that religion or to avoid offending the religious
[...] susceptibilities common to its followers.
他在任职期间,勤奋工作,促进中国所有派别天 教徒 之 间 的了解,并为中国和圣座之间的和解点燃了希望之光。
During his years of service, he
worked diligently to promote understanding
[...] between Chinese Catholics of all persuasions [...]
and provided a beacon of hope for reconciliation
between China and the Holy See.
2 月 7 日以色列定居者破坏东耶路撒冷 Beit Safafa
[...] 居民区的一所学校, 在学校墙壁上喷涂“阿拉伯人去死吧”等种族主义和暴力的口号,他们 还在耶路撒冷城一座十一世纪的希腊东正教修道院的墙上喷涂“基教 徒去死吧”的口号。
On 7 February, Israeli settlers vandalized a school in the Beit Safafa neighbourhood of East Jerusalem, spraying racist and violent slogans such as “Death to
Arabs” on the school walls
[...] and “Death to Christians” on the walls of an eleventh century Greek Orthodox monastery [...]
in the City.
伊拉克政府已采取各种措施保护基 教徒 和 其他少 数群体免受恐怖行为,同时注意到这种行为不分穆 [...]
His Government had undertaken measures
[...] to protect Christians and other minorities [...]
from terrorist acts, noting that such
acts did not distinguish between Muslims and non-Muslims.
为增强维护亚美尼亚族、马龙教徒 和 拉 丁人的身份、文化和历史,所有各区均 各自开设了不同的学校,而来自上述各群体的学生都得到了国家的补助。
To promote the preservation of the identity, culture and history of the Armenians, Maronites and Latins, respective schools are operating in all districts and students from these groups are subsidized by the State.
他发起从其阿尔及利亚东北部的家乡 Tlemcen 驱逐犹太人的运动,以及他对伊斯兰教僵硬的 教徒 式 解 释,都将自己描绘为一个煽动叛乱者。
His campaign to expel the Jews from his hometown of Tlemcen, in northwestern Algeria, and his rigid, puritan interpretation of Islam, rendered him as a firebrand.
在亚历山大举行牢牢任何天教徒的 传统,对法治的信仰,至少在理论上,但除了让自己的传统,他们推测,使“Hypotyposes”克莱门特帐户已几乎完全失去了对这些错误的发现在这些地方,和奥利的作品下跌下的教会的禁令,但其作者过着圣人的生活,死亡后不久,Decian迫害,他已在它经历了痛苦。
The Alexandrians held as
[...] firmly as any Catholics to tradition [...]
as the rule of faith, at least in theory, but beyond tradition
they allowed themselves to speculate, so that the "Hypotyposes" of Clement have been almost entirely lost on account of the errors which found a place in them, and Origen's works fell under the ban of the Church, though their author lived the life of a saint, and died, shortly after the Decian persecution, of the sufferings he had undergone in it.
希族 塞人和马龙教徒申请 返回北部并永久居住,但无进展(见 S/2009/609,第 17 段)。
There have been no new developments regarding the requests of Greek Cypriots and Maronites who seek to return to, and permanently reside in, the north (see S/2009/609, para. 17).
(h) 加紧迫害未得到承认的宗教少数群体,尤其是巴 教徒 , 包 括利用国营 新闻媒体等手段,攻击巴教徒;有 越来越多的迹象表明国家在竭力查找、监 视和任意拘留巴教徒,不让巴 教徒 上 大学和谋生;没收和毁坏其财产;破 坏其墓地;屡次剥夺七名巴哈教领导人受到宪法保障的适当法律程序权利,包 括及时、充分地接触自选的法律代理人及得到公正、公开审判的权利,将他们 判处十年监禁
(h) Increased incidents of persecution against
[...] unrecognized religious minorities, particularly members of the Baha’i faith, including attacks on Baha’is, including in State-sponsored media, increasing evidence of efforts by the State to identify, monitor and arbitrarily detain Baha’is, preventing members of the Baha’i faith [...]
from attending university
and from sustaining themselves economically, the confiscation and destruction of their property, the vandalizing of their cemeteries and the sentencing of seven Baha’i leaders to ten years’ imprisonment despite being repeatedly denied the due process of law that they are constitutionally guaranteed, including the right to timely and adequate access to legal representation of their choice and to a fair and open trial
在决议草案 A/HRC/13/L.1( 作为第13/16 号决议通过)第21 段中,理事会请
[...] 当代形式种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关的不容忍现象问题特别报告员就 诋毁宗教行为的各种表现,向理事会第十五届会议提交报告,特别是仇视伊斯兰 教对伊斯教徒享有 各项权利造成的严重影响。
In paragraph 21 of draft resolution A/HRC/13/L.1 (adopted as resolution 13/16), the Council requested the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance to report on all manifestations of defamation of religions, and in particular on the ongoing
serious implications of
[...] Islamophobia, on the enjoyment of all rights by their followers, to the Council [...]
at its fifteenth session.
插图中画着一位长胡教徒,正 在病人头顶上方挥舞着一根木棍,还画了一个骷髅和两根交叉的人骨,警告人们这种看病方法是非常危险的。
It shows
[...] a long-haired holy man waving a wand [...]
over his patient’s head as a skull and crossed bones warn of danger.
如 果 一 个 人 洞 察 自 我
的 真 实 本 质、 有 明 确 的 最 终 目 标, 并 且 急 切 地 想
[...] 踏 上 自 我 与 无 上 之 神 合 一 之 路, 那 么 无 论 他 是 基教 徒、 穆 斯 林、 犹教 徒, 还 是 任 何 其教 徒, 他 都 将 是 不 变 的 及 永 恒 的。
So, if anywhere on the earth there is a man who is aware of the true nature of Self and his ultimate goal, and who is eager to take to the way which will eventually lead
his Self to the
[...] Supreme Spirit, be he a professed Christian, Muslim, Jew, or anything else, he undoubtedly also belongs to the [...]
fold of Sanatan Dharm-the changeless and eternal.
这显示出穆斯林和教 徒之间 的紧张关系正愈演愈烈,也说明不同宗教之 间的不信任会轻易地被高涨的极端民族主义情绪操 控。
It was a worrying development as it cast the tensions as Muslim versus Buddhist and showed how easily the distrust between religions could be manipulated by rising ultra-nationalist sentiments.
联塞部队尚未从土族塞人当局 收到其对九个马龙教徒家庭 和两个希族塞人关于永久居留在其北部传统村庄 所提要求的答复。
UNFICYP did not receive an answer from the Turkish Cypriot authorities on the request submitted by nine Maronite families and two Greek Cypriots for permanent residence in their traditional villages in the north.
这是一项团结年轻基教徒与天主 教徒 的 跨 区计划,她投入许多时间协助Barsa Mica孤儿院的工作,希望改变大家对待儿童的方式。
She spent time at the Barsa Mica orphanage, which tried to change the way in which the children were treated.
Christians believe that Jesus [...]
is 'the son of God', the Messiah sent from Heaven to save the world.
但是在过去 12 年,特别报告员
[...] 收到了若干关于该国侵犯人权的严重指控,例如基于宗教进行逮捕,或发动官方 宣传运动,以期迫使基教徒放弃 他们的宗教。
During the past 12 years, however, the Special Rapporteur has received a number of serious allegations of human rights violations by the
State, such as arrests on the basis of religion, or official campaigns aimed
[...] at forcing Christians to renounce [...]
their faith.
大多数 居民(85%)为罗马天教徒,也有其他基督教派的信徒。
The majority of the population (85 per
[...] cent) is Roman Catholic, with other [...]
Christian denominations also represented.
y 第九届和第十二届会议,讨论当代形式的种族主义、种族歧视、仇外
[...] 心理和相关的不容忍现象问题特别报告员的报告,尤其是仇视伊斯兰 教的严重影响及其对伊斯教徒享有各项人权的影响。
Ninth and twelfth sessions, to discuss the report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related
intolerance, in particular the serious implications of Islamophobia and its impact on the
[...] rights enjoyed by followers of Islam.
(e) 变本加厉地歧视宗教、族裔、语言或其他方面属于少数的人士,无论其 地位是否得到承认,这除其他外包括阿拉伯人、阿泽里人、俾路支人、库尔德人、 基教徒、犹 太人、苏非派人和逊尼派穆斯林以及维护他们权益的人,并在其他 方面侵犯其人权,尤其是利用国营新闻媒体攻击巴 教徒 及 其 信仰;有越来越多 的迹象表明国家在竭力查找、监视和任意拘留巴 教徒 , 不 让巴 教徒 上 大 学和 谋生;继续羁押 7 名于 2008 年 3 月和 5 月被捕并面临严重指控的巴哈教领导人, 后者未曾充分或及时获得法律代表
(e) Increasing discrimination and other human rights violations against persons belonging to religious, ethnic, linguistic or other minorities, recognized or otherwise, including, inter
alia, Arabs, Azeris,
[...] Baluchis, Kurds, Christians, Jews, Sufis and Sunni Muslims and their defenders, and, in particular, attacks on Baha’is and their faith in State-sponsored media, increasing evidence of efforts by the State to identify, monitor and arbitrarily detain Baha’is, preventing members of the Baha’i faith from attending university and from sustaining themselves economically, and the continuing detention of seven Baha’i leaders who were arrested [...]
in March and May 2008
and faced with serious charges without adequate or timely access to legal representation
委员会承认种族和宗教歧视的“交叉性”,建议缔约国确保宗教少数群体,特别 是犹教徒和巴哈教徒,自 由信奉自己宗教的权利受到保护,保证他们在任何时 候进行礼拜的安全和自由。
discrimination, recommends that the State party ensure that the rights of religious minorities, particularly Jews and the Baha’is, to freely practice their religion, are protected by guaranteeing their security and freedom of worship at all times.
研究毛拉纳的大部分学者都 承认,对毛拉纳世界性影响的最美好纪念莫过于他的葬礼-长达四十天的哀悼马拉松,参加 葬礼的有穆斯林、基督徒、犹太人、印 教徒 、 佛 教徒 和 琐 罗亚思 教 信 徒 在 伤 心和哭泣, 他们的真心哀悼让人以为毛拉纳属于他们的每一个人。
Most of those scholars who have studied Mawlana admit that there was no more beautiful tribute to Mawlana’s universality than his funeral, a 40-day marathon of grieving attended by distraught and weeping Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Zoroastrians who mourned in such a manner that one would have believed that Mawlana belonged to each one of them.
地方警察和防暴武警绝 大多数由若开族教徒组成 ,他们在最好的情况下 也只不过是对穆斯林受害者漠不关心,而在最坏的 [...]
Local police and riot police are overwhelmingly made up
[...] of Rakhine Buddhists who are at best [...]
unsympathetic to Muslim victims and at worst
allegedly complicit in the violence.
y 第八届会议,对巴基斯坦进行普遍定期审议,讨论了反亵渎立法与人 权不相容,对阿尔及利亚进行普遍定期审议,讨论了对基 教徒 的迫 害。
Eighth session, on the universal periodic review of Pakistan, to discuss the incompatibility of anti-blasphemy legislation with human rights, as well as the universal periodic review of Algeria to discuss Christian persecution.
研究亦提出以伊斯教徒為主 的國家對人權的看法是否有別於其他國家,從那些有關問題的回應中,發現以伊斯 教徒 為 主 的國家不合比例地偏離主流意見,但在每個個案中,亦有其他伊斯 教徒 為 主的國家與全球主流意見不謀而合。
In response to some questions majority-Muslim nations appear disproportionately among those who deviate from the dominant norm, but in every case there are other majority-Muslim nations that strongly align with the global norm.
此外,必须就此指出,巴勒斯坦城市拜特贾拉是一个以基 教徒 为 主 的社区, 该社区受到以色列非法占领政策,尤其是其非法定居点活动的严重损害,其中包 括建造定居点、隔离墙和绕行道路、征用土地、实施严格和武断的种族主义许可 证制度及行动限制,使成千上万的家庭流离失所;还有这种殖民化运动的许多其 他表现形式。
Moreover, in this connection, it is significant to note that the Palestinian city of Beit Jala is a predominantly Christian community that has been severely harmed by Israel’s illegal occupation policies, especially its unlawful settlement activities, ranging from the construction of settlements, the Wall and the bypass roads, the expropriation of land, the stringent, racist and arbitrary permit regime and movement restrictions that have displaced thousands of families, as well as numerous other manifestations of this colonization campaign.




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