

单词 教庭



Inquisition (religion)



See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

因此一切的行動或組織,無論是在教理教學、傳教、慈善、社會、 庭 、 教 育 及 其他有關牧靈的計劃,都必須有所協調。
In this way all undertakings and organisation,
[...] whether catechetical, missionary, charitable, social, family, educational, [...]
or any other programme serving
a pastoral goal will be coordinated.
2005 年,在家庭医生服务中心和各省妇产医院内部建立了 13 个孕期庭 教育中心,2006 年又开办了 6 个孕期庭教育中心。
In 2005, 13 family antenatal
[...] educational centres have been created within the Family Doctors Centres (FDC) and in the raion [...]
maternity houses,
whilst during 2006 another 6 centres have been opened.
法兰西共和国政府声明,《公约》第 5 条(b)项中的“庭教育” ,必须解 释为与家庭有关的公共教育,在任何情况下,第 5 条的适用必须受《公民及政治 权利国际公约》第 17 条和《欧洲保护人权与基本自由公约》第 8 条的限制。
The Government of the French Republic declares that
[...] the term “family education” in article 5 (b) of the Convention must be interpreted as meaning public education concerning the family and that, in [...]
any event, article 5
will be applied subject to respect for article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
政府试图把宗教活动限制于政府批准的组织和已登记的宗教活动场所,以此控制已登记和未登记的宗教团体的发展和活动范围,包括 庭教 会。
The government sought to restrict legal religious practice to government-sanctioned organizations and registered places of worship and to
control the growth and scope of the activity of both registered and unregistered religious
[...] groups, including house churches.
在国家、社会和家庭的参与下,在对儿童的日常照 顾、营养保健、教育娱乐和庭教育 方 面各司其职,实现儿童的全面发展,并和 [...]
The goal is for the children to be able to develop to their full potential in harmony with their sociocultural background and
their environment, by involving the State,
[...] society and the family as partners in [...]
their day-to-day care, with shared responsibility
for their health, nutrition, recreation and upbringing.
在会员国中开展幼儿和庭教育能 力建设的成 果是,建立了一个促进加强家庭支助的地区网络,以及每月出版一期教科文组织幼儿教育政 [...]
Capacity-building in Member States for early
[...] childhood and family education resulted from [...]
the establishment of a regional network
to promote strengthening family support, and the monthly UNESCO policy briefs on early childhood education dealing with controversial and challenging issues.
当局经常干扰庭教会聚 会和静修,拘留、殴打并骚扰其领导人和成员,并没收 庭教 会 领 袖和成员的私人财产。
Authorities often
[...] disrupted house church meetings and retreats; detained, beat, and harassed leaders and church members; and confiscated the personal property of house church leaders and [...]
为了加强庭教育和 社区动员(世界卫生组织预计,通过 庭教 育 和社会动 员可确保并发症发病率、产妇死亡率和新生儿死亡率下降 30%),2006 年在“为 了一个健康活泼的孩子”的主题下,开展了对未来母亲和子女的“全国宣传活 [...]
In order to strengthen the education of the family and mobilisation of the community, which according [...]
to the WHO estimates
may reduce the ratio of complications and maternal and neonatal deaths with 30%, in 2006 the National Communication Campaign was launched on the future mothers and children under the title of “for a Handsome and Healthy Child”.
关于将注重性别特点纳入庭教育问 题,试点国家(柬埔寨、中国和吉尔吉斯斯坦)确定了实施项目的可能地点以及用 来进行将性别特点纳入庭教育培 训的信息和传播技术模式,并制定了根据本国情况开展和 实施培训的行动计划。
Concerning the inclusion of gender
[...] perspectives in family education, the pilot countries (Cambodia, China and Kyrgyzstan) have identified potential project sites and ICT modes which will be used for the training on inclusion of gender perspectives in family education, and have developed [...]
action plans for
country adaptation and delivery of the training.
他很快就进入到一个与教皇尼古拉一尼古拉的冲突是急于延长超过拜 庭教 皇 的不断增长的电力和有兴趣在保加利亚管辖,转换(864)下Photius拜 庭 基 督 教。
He soon entered into a conflict with Pope Nicholas I. Nicholas was eager
both to extend the
[...] growing power of the papacy over Byzantium and interested in the jurisdiction over the Bulgarians, converted (864) to Byzantine Christianity under Photius.
这给孩子们带来了更大的风险,他们被招募为帮派成员,尤其是在传统的社 会结构和保护环境——其学校和庭 、 教 会 — —由于地震而解体之际。
This poses an increased risk for children, who are recruited as gang members, especially as conventional social
structures and protective environment —
[...] their schools and families, churches — remain disintegrated [...]
as a result of the earthquake.
毛 里求斯系统性地展现了较高水平的承诺,即,在如下信念的基础上,致力于为全 民提供教育机会:如果早期儿童方案可为儿童接受初等教育做好准备并提供机 会,加强和补充庭教育经 验,并帮助应对语言和社会劣势,初等和中等教育则 可为发展广泛能力奠定基础,为青少年成为终身学习者并为社会做出贡献做好准 备。
Mauritius has systematically shown a high level of commitment to the provision of educational opportunities for all based on the conviction that, if early childhood programmes prepare children for primary education and provide opportunities to enhance and complement their educational experiences at home while helping to combat linguistic and social disadvantages, primary and secondary education for their part lay the foundation for the development of a broad range of competences and prepare young people to become lifelong learners and productive members of society.
新來港人 士服務則包括適應活動、語言課程和導修班、社交/互助小組、輔 導、加強庭教育的 活動,以及轉介服務。
The post-migration service includes
orientation programmes,
[...] language and tutorial classes, social/mutual help groups, counseling, activities to strengthen family education, and referral [...]
for assistance.
社会工作局提供多种支援服务,例如经济援助、婚姻辅 导、庭教育和免费膳食等。
This Department has a team of specialized technical staff, such
as social workers,
[...] psychologists, nursery teachers, legal advisers, etc. The SWB provides several support services, such as economic assistance, marriage counselling, family education and [...]
free meals.
如果未成年人的安全、健康、道德培养和教育没有受到损害,法院依然可决 定采用其认为充分的措施,尤其是解决儿童在 庭 、 教 育 或 福利机构中的安置问 题。
If the security, health, moral upbringing and education of the minor are not in jeopardy the Court may still decide to apply measures which
it considers adequate, specifically the placement of
[...] the child in a family or in an education or welfare establishment.
相对于单亲家庭而言,庭教会( 全家为教友)负有特别使命。后者应开放自己的家门,欢迎相熟的单亲家庭子女到访,让他们分享家庭生活,体会家庭不同成员的角色模型和行为榜样。
Domestic churches (i.e. families whose members are all Catholics) have a special [...]
mission towards the single-parent families:
they should open their doors to welcome the visits of the children of single-parent families whom they know, allowing these children to share their own family life and to have some experience of the roles and behaviour models of different family members.
因此,特奥会将获得优质的多语言交流网站,从而能够向世界各地的运动员、 庭 、 教 练 、志愿者和合作伙伴传递重要信息。
As a result,  Special Olympics gains a quality, multilingual
communication site that can relay vital
[...] information to athletes, families, coaches, volunteers and [...]
partners around the world.
他们参与教英文、照顾孤儿、事奉未曾听闻福音的少数民族、训练年轻的信徒、训练未来的 庭教 会 领 袖、经营生意,当然还有学习中文及少数民族语言,以及其他事工。
Amongst other things, they are
[...] involved in teaching English, caring for orphans, serving unreached minority peoples, discipling young believers, training future house church leaders, [...]
running businesses and,
of course, studying Chinese and minority languages.
他曾担任西班牙国王菲利普三世 (Philip III) 的儿子和侄子的庭教师, 并且被菲利普三世册封为高级制图师和编年史学家。
Labaña tutored the sons and nephews of King Philip III of Spain, who also named him senior cartographer and chronicler of the kingdom.
教育记录指 34 CFR 第 99 部分(实施《庭教育权》和 1974 年《隐私权法》,20 U.S.C. 1232g (FERPA) 的法规)中的“教育记录”定义所涵盖的纪录类型。
Education records means the type of records covered under the definition of ‘‘education records’’ in 34 CFR Part 99 (the regulations implementing the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 20 U.S.C. 1232g (FERPA)).
新《宪法》引进或加强了经济、社会和文化权利和基本自由。除其他外, 这特别包括:获得足够营养丰富的食物和清洁水的权利;适足住房权;获得良好
[...] 卫生标准的权利;充足使用排污系统和电力的权利;结婚和 庭 权 利; 受 教 育的 权利;工作权;罢工权;享有退休金的权利;参加文化生活的权利;以及拥有财 [...]
Economic, social and cultural rights and fundamental freedoms introduced or strengthened under the new Constitution include, inter alia: the right to adequate, nutritious food and clean water; the right to adequate housing; the right to a good standard of health; adequate access to sewerage
and electricity; the right to
[...] marriage and family; the right to education; the right to work; [...]
the right to strike; the right
to enjoy a pension; the right to take part in cultural life; and the right to enjoy property.
用户不仅可以上载视频、图片,发表博客,添加好友,而且还可以为他们的 庭 、 教 堂 、牧师或计划构建他们自己的子网。
Not only can users upload videos, upload pictures,
publish blogs, add friends and even develop their own
[...] sub-networks for their families, churches, ministries or projects.
[...] 方案,帮助女孩了解自身权利和如何享有这些权利,以及针对男子、男 孩、庭、教育者 、社区、政治及宗教领袖的教育方案。
Awareness-raising programmes that inform girls of their rights and how to claim those rights must be widely
implemented, as well as programmes that
[...] educate men, boys, families, educators, community, [...]
political and religious leaders.
在儿童基金会支持下取得的其他成果包括:以方便获得基本社会服务为目的的迁 徙儿童登记系统,北京已经成功借鉴了这种做法并将其纳入北京的第 11 个“五
[...] 年规划”;将儿童权利和性别平等纳入全国 庭教 育 框 架和家长教育服务;建立 针对留守儿童的社会支助网络,帮助他们应对与父母分离的问题。
Other UNICEF-supported results were the registration system for migrant children to increase access to basic social services, which was successfully replicated in Beijing and incorporated into Beijing’s 11th Five-Year Plan; the incorporation of child
rights and gender equality
[...] into the national family education framework [...]
and parental education services; and the establishment
of social support networks for left-behind children to help them cope with separation from their parents.
此 外,访问了 242 个家庭 1 967
[...] 名家庭成员,向他们提供了关于如何预防艾滋病毒/ 艾滋病以及庭教育的 基本信息,其中包括个人卫生和环境卫生、妇孺健康等的 [...]
In addition, 242 households were visited and 1,967 family members have been reached and provided with
basic information on the prevention of
[...] HIV/AIDS and family education, including hygiene [...]
and sanitation and mother and child health.
委员会关切的是,广大公众对《任择议定书》的了解很少,有关规定的宣 传,特别是在受武装冲突影响的地区对儿童、 庭 、 教 师 和地方当局的宣传还 不够。
The Committee is concerned that awareness of the Optional Protocol among the general public is low and that efforts to disseminate
the relevant provisions, especially
[...] among children, families, teachers and local authorities [...]
in areas affected by the armed conflict, are insufficient.
关于保护患有艾滋病毒/ 艾滋病儿童免受耻辱的问题,注意到哈萨克斯坦已
[...] 经和联合国儿童基金合作,建立了一个有保健人员和心理学家参与的小型网络, 为庭、教师和护士进行培训。
Regarding the protection of children with HIV/AIDS against stigmatization, it was noted that Kazakhstan, in cooperation with the United Nations Children’s Fund, had
established small networks involving health workers and psychologists to
[...] conduct training for families, teachers and nurses.
局域网USB延长器可携带、小体积,它可以迅疾接好,为所连接的USB周边设备传送高速USB2.0信号给PC,完美应用于那些要求易搭建、高品质输出、迅疾设备共享/数据接收/USB信号延伸的场所,例如公共广播、展览、 庭 、 教 室 、会议室、交易所、公交站台等。
With its portability and small footprint, it can be plugged in quickly to deliver high speed USB 2.0 signal to PC from the connected USB peripherals, which is perfect for situations that require immediate devices sharing/ data receiving / USB signal extension with easy set up and high quality output
such as applications on public
[...] broadcasting, exhibits, courtrooms, classrooms, boardrooms, [...]
stock tickers, bus stations etc.




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