

单词 教义



Doctrine and Covenants


compulsory education

原教旨主义 n

fundamentalism n

See also:


meaning n
justice n
righteousness n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 一个主要单位,延伸至更大的社区和社会制度,且通常遵从于土著法律和 教教 义。
These structures often have the family as a primary unit,
expanding to larger communal and social institutions, and are generally governed by
[...] indigenous law and sacred teachings.
此外,乌克兰文化艺术机构定期组织活动并邀请非洲文化艺术人员参加,以 加强宽容和族裔间对话,增进对非洲人民历史、文化和传 教义 的 认 识。
Furthermore, Ukrainian cultural and art institutions regularly organize events that include African participants, with the
objective of enhancing tolerance and
[...] inter-ethnic dialogue and teaching about the history, [...]
culture and traditions of African peoples.
Apart from offering religious instructions, many major religious bodies have established schools and provided health, welfare and other social services and facilities.
这些习俗都起源于阿富汗社会中对妇女作用和地位的歧视性看法和认识,虽 然某些宗教领袖以伊斯教义对这些有害习俗的解释起了强化作用。
Such practices are grounded in discriminatory views and beliefs about the role and position of women in Afghan society, although some religious leaders reinforce these harmful customs by invoking their interpretation of Islam.
但 是这些问题并不是阿富汗独有的问题,我们正采取一 切必要步骤,杜绝这种非法、不符合伊斯 教义 和不 道德的做法。
Though such problems are not unique to Afghanistan, we are taking all necessary steps to stop this illegal, un-Islamic and immoral practice.
也参阅波兰反对巴基斯坦对“禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道和有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约” 的保留:“巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国在上述保留中提到伊斯 教义 法 律 及其国内立法,认为可 能影响对“公约”的适用。
See also the objection by Poland to the reservation formulated by Pakistan to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment and Punishment: “The Islamic Republic of Pakistan refers in the above-mentioned reservations to the Sharia laws and to its domestic legislation as possibly affecting the application of the Convention.
在这样的方式,Shulḥan“约瑟夫Aruk卡罗,取得比Mishneh诵读经文,对迈蒙尼德更大的实际效果,欠其权威的,这是作为对犹太法典 教义 最 方 便的编纂公认的事实,而论文对宗教哲学,争取早的时间萨蒂娅协调与所有可能的情况下提到的犹太法典的权威独立思考的结果犹太教的真理,在他们可以很容易地画出了他们的论文确认和论据。
In like manner, the Shulḥan 'Aruk of Joseph Caro, which achieved greater practical results than the Mishneh Torah, of Maimonides, owed its authority to the fact that it
was recognized as the most convenient
[...] codification of the teachings of the Talmud; [...]
while the treatises on the philosophy of
religion which strove as early as the time of Saadia to harmonize the truths of Judaism with the results of independent thinking referred in all possible cases to the authority of the Talmud, upon which they could easily draw for a confirmation of their theses and arguments.
理事会积极参加澳大利亚的公共政策辩论,按照天主教 的社教义以及 《世界人权宣言》和联合国其他文书中规定的一系列权利,争取 [...]
It is an active participant in public policy debate in Australia — seeking social justice and the protection of
human rights according to the principles
[...] of Catholic social teaching and the system [...]
of rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights and in other instruments of the United Nations.
她指出,可以从伊斯教义、摩 洛哥文化和 传统、摩洛哥政府和摩洛哥的新《宪法》中汲取地方治理的原则,指出需要通过 采取一致和全面的战略,更好地协调权力下放进程和举措,在所有有关的行为体 [...]
Noting that tenets of local governance could be drawn from [...]
the precepts of Islam, Moroccan culture and traditions, the Moroccan
administration and the new Constitution of Morocco, she pointed to the need to better coordinate the decentralization processes and initiatives through a consistent and comprehensive strategy with a clear division of responsibilities and competencies among all the concerned actors and institutions, based on the principle of subsidiarity and local autonomy.
波斯尼亚人的行为之道》列出了每位信徒都必须了解、信仰和履行的 54 项教义务, 后面是对虔诚信众应为和不应为之事的建议。
Bosnian Book of the Science of
Conduct is a work that
[...] lists 54 religious duties that each believer must know about, believe in, and fulfill, followed by advice on what a religious person should [...]
and should not do.
[...] 或信奉自主选择的宗教或信仰的自由,以及单独或集体、公开或非公开地 教义、 实 践、礼拜和戒律表明其宗教或信仰的自由, 深为关切世界各地不断出现针对个人及宗教社区和宗教少数群体成员、基于 [...]
形式的不容忍和歧视这一领域取得的进展有限,认为因此必须加紧努力,促进和 保护思想、良心、宗教或信仰自由的权利,并消除基于宗教或信仰原因的一切形 式的仇恨、不容忍和歧视,如同 2001 年 8 月 31 日至 9 月 8 日在南非德班举行的 反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为世界会议以及 2009 年 4 月 20 日至 24 日在日内瓦举行的德班审查会议上指出的那样
Deeply concerned about continuing acts of intolerance and violence based on religion
or belief against individuals and
[...] members of religious communities and religious minorities [...]
around the world and about the
limited progress that has been made in the elimination of all forms of intolerance and of discrimination based on religion or belief, and believing that further intensified efforts are therefore required to promote and protect the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion or belief and to eliminate all forms of hatred, intolerance and discrimination based on religion or belief, as also noted at the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, held in Durban, South Africa, from 31 August to 8 September 2001, as well as at the Durban Review Conference, held in Geneva from 20 to 24 April 2009
[...] 选择的宗教或信仰的自由,以及单独或集体、公开或非公开地 教义 、 实 践、礼 拜和戒律来表明其宗教或信仰的自由
Reaffirming that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion or belief, which includes the freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of one’s choice and the freedom, either alone or in community
with others and in public or private, to manifest one’s religion
[...] or belief in teaching, practice, worship [...]
and observance
根据监察组的保守估计,青年党每年从下列来源 获得 7 000 万到 1 亿美元:机场和港口的关税和收费、货物和服务税、以实物
[...] 形式对国内产品征收的税、“圣战捐款”、检查站收费和以 教义 务 或 教 会 税形 式进行的各种形式勒索。
The Monitoring Group conservatively estimates that Al-Shabaab generates between $70 million and $100 million per year, from duties and fees levied at airports and seaports, taxes on goods and services, taxes in kind on domestic produce,
“jihad contributions”, checkpoints and various forms of extortion justified
[...] in terms of religious obligation, or zakat.
某些海湾合作委员会成员国还为保护和发展 儿童权利制定了专门的战略计划和国家法律,成立 了协调国家政策、执行《儿童权利公约》的专门委
[...] 员会,制定了以《公约》的原则与规定为内容的培 训计划,出版了普及手册,向公众解释其与伊斯教义的关联。
Programmes had been organized to provide training in the principles and provisions of the Convention
and educational manuals for the public had been published to explain how they were linked
[...] to the rights under the sharia.
在薄弱 社区提供符合伊斯教义的、 有效的、低成本医疗设 施可能是削弱极端分子吸引力的一种方式。
Providing effective, low-cost health care, in accordance with Islamic principles, in vulnerable communities might be one way to dent extremist appeal.
强调要采取措施让学生了解伊斯兰教的理想和精神, 认识教义和生活方式,同时使他们具备不同知识和科学范畴的能力。
Emphasis is given to taking steps so that the students can understand the ideals and spirit of Islam, learn about its doctrines and ways of life, and simultaneously attain competencies in different branches of knowledge and science.
德高望重的卡塔叶坤僧侣已经接受过照顾 HIV 病毒携带者的专门培训,他把这个培训同 教教义 中 的 怜悯心相结合,帮助这些需要帮助的人。
Venerable Monk Khun Khat has received special training to support people living with HIV, combining it with the central Buddhist practice of compassion and helping those in need.
该联合会的正式章程中列举了其目标,主要内容如下:(a)协调各天主教医学协 会在研究和在世界范围内传播基督教原则方面的努力;(b)鼓励所有国家天主教 医疗联合会的发展,以帮助天主教医生在道德和精神上的发展以及技术上的进 步;(c)按照天主教教会教义,参 与医疗事业的一般发展,推进健康和社会工 作;(d)致力于研究医学和伦理问题及其实际和理论解决办法;(e)建立与发展 中国家在保健和牧灵方面开展合作的模式。
The aims of the Federation are listed in its official statutes and are as follows: (a) to coordinate the efforts of Catholic medical associations in the study and spread of Christian principles throughout the world; (b) to encourage the development of Catholic medical associations in all countries, in order to assist the Catholic physician in his moral and spiritual development and technical advancement; (c) to take part in the general development of the medical profession and to promote health and social work, in accordance with the magisterium of the Catholic Church; (d) to devote itself to the study of medical and ethical problems and their practical and theoretical solution; (e) to establish models of cooperation in health and pastoral care with developing countries.
要强调每个例子中所用到的,有纯正 教义 和 做 法,又有助于推动符合圣经的、健康的建 [...]
Stress the principles used in each
example which contributed toward facilitating
[...] biblical and healthy church planting movements [...]
with sound doctrine and practice.
西班牙征服墨西哥早期,在宗教教师没有学会土著人民的语言前,他们使用图画故事来描绘基本 教义 , 传播基督教福音。
In the early period of the Spanish conquest of Mexico, before religious instructors had learned the
languages of the indigenous peoples, they used pictorial stories
[...] describing basic teachings to spread the Christian Gospel.
马尔代夫《宪法》第 70 条规定:“马尔代夫的立法权属于人民议会”。9根 据《宪法》,人民议会有权:修正《宪法》;制定法律和修改或废除任何可能违 反伊斯教教义的法 律;监督法律的执行;批准年度预算和补充预算;依法决定 与独立委员会和独立办公室有关的事宜;以及就具有公众重要性的问题举行公民 投票。
Article 70 of the Constitution of the Maldives prescribes that “The legislative authority of the Maldives shall be vested in the People’s Majlis”.9 According to the Constitution, the
People’s Majlis has
[...] the power to amend the Constitution; enact legislation and amend or repeal any laws that may be in contravention to the tenets of Islam; [...]
supervise the executive;
approve the annual and supplementary budgets; determine matters relating to Independent Commissions and Independent Offices in accordance with law; and hold public referendums on issues of public importance.
出于良心拒绝服兵役是“广泛范围内的行为”4 之一,包括通过礼拜、戒 律、实践教义来表 明宗教或信念的自由。
Refusal to perform military service for reasons of conscience is among the ―broad
range of acts‖4 encompassed by the freedom to
[...] manifest religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching.
一个国 家表示已采取措施鼓励在学校中进行不同宗教间和不同文化间的对话,而且该国
[...] 一所大学还为宗教领袖推出了一门课程,目的是从 教教义 中 萃取民主方面的元 素和防止极端分子颠覆学校。
One State noted that it had implemented initiatives to encourage interreligious and intercultural dialogue in schools and that one of its universities had introduced a course for religious leaders
aimed at bringing out the democratic aspects
[...] of religious teachings and preventing [...]
the subversion of schools by extremists.
社区、家庭、教教义和社 会习 俗都会在生殖决定方面发挥作用,但在每一项决定中,人的良知仍然起到最终 [...]
The community,
[...] family, religious teachings and social conventions [...]
will play a role in reproductive decisions, but in each
decision, the individual conscience has the ultimate say.
[...] 自由以及记者参与确定相关媒体机构的编辑方针的自由,除非其具 教义 或 教派 性 质;记者有权获取信息来源和专业的独立性和保密保护,有权依法选举编委; [...]
以及有权创建报纸和其他任何出版物,无论以前有何行政授权、约定或限制 (《宪法》第 38(1)条)。
Freedom of the press is guaranteed by the Constitution, implying, inter alia, the freedom of expression and creativity of journalists and other staff, as well as the freedom of journalists to take part in determining the editorial policy
of the media body in question, save
[...] when it is doctrinal or denominational in nature; the [...]
right of journalists to have access
to sources of information and to the protection of professional independence and secrecy, as well as their right to elect editorial boards, in accordance with the law; and the right to create newspapers and any other publications, regardless of any prior administrative authorisation, bond or qualification (Art. 38 (1) CRP).
在符合美国法律的情况下,如果委员会经逐案审查认定,出于人 道主义需要,包括为履行教义务, 此类旅行是合理的,或予以豁免将促进阿拉 伯利比亚民众国实现和平和民族和解的目标,以及该区域实现稳定的目标,将准 [...]
To the extent consistent with United States law, travel exceptions will be granted if the Committee determines on a caseby-case basis that such
travel is justified on
[...] the grounds of humanitarian need, including religious obligation, or that an [...]
exemption would further
the objectives of peace and national reconciliation in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and stability in the region.
[...] 织者、促进者和演讲者参加了有关“侵犯人权和违背伊斯 教义 的 家 庭暴力”、 “《消除对妇女歧视公约》背景下的阿拉伯妇女权益”和“社会中的妇女:社会 [...]
Participated as an organizer and
[...] facilitator and lecturer in workshops [...]
related to “Family violence as a violation of human
rights and Islam”, “Arab Women’s Rights in the Context of CEDAW” and “Women in Society: Social Equity and Rights” Women and child rights advocate.




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