

单词 教与

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 是,阿尔巴尼亚代表团所关心的一些问题没有得到 解决,包括尝试将诽谤教与种族 歧视联系起来。
Unfortunately, some of his delegation’s
concerns had not been addressed, including the attempts to associate
[...] defamation of religions with racial discrimination.
她指出磋商正在继续进行,表示 相信该草案的通过可以重申国际社会消除一切基于 宗教和信仰原因的各种形式的不容忍和歧视以及促 进教与意识自由的意愿。
Consultations were continuing; adoption of the draft resolution would reaffirm the international community’s determination to eliminate all
forms of intolerance and of discrimination based on
[...] religion or belief, while promoting freedom of religion and conscience.
大会第六十五届会议请秘书长就决议执行情况向大会第六十六届会议提交 报告,包括说明诽谤教与不同 宗教和不同种族交汇,世界许多地区煽动、不容 忍和仇恨言行激增之间的关联以及各国为消除这一现象而采取的步骤(第 65/224 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit at its sixty-sixth session, a report on the implementation of the present resolution, including the correlation between defamation of religions and the intersection of religion and race, the upsurge in incitement, intolerance and hatred in many parts of the world and steps taken by States to combat that phenomenon (resolution 65/224).
促进世界 主要教与文化 之间的互动对话与谅解是一种崇高 的思想,我们都必须予以适当尊重,而且必须为此采 [...]
取一致行动并作出持久承诺,以实现我们的希望,建 设一个和平世界,一个普遍存在相互宽容和尊重及互 谅互让,而不是排斥和对抗的世界,一个不同民族之
The promotion of interactive dialogue
and understanding between and among the
[...] world’s major religions and cultures is [...]
a noble idea to which we must all pay due
respect and towards which we must exert our concerted action and sustained commitment, so that we can attain our hope for a peaceful world, where tolerance, respect and accommodation, rather than rejection and confrontation, prevail, and where misunderstandings based on ignorance and fear between and among peoples are removed.
动词“shanah,”原本的意思是“重复,”收购后圣经希伯来语的特殊部队 教 ” 与 “ 学 ”说这是不以书面形式发送,但只有口服;的内涵发展是由于这一事实,即在口耳相传交给保留下来的教义是可能的,只有经常背诵。
The verb "shanah," which originally meant "to repeat,"
acquired in post-Biblical Hebrew the
[...] special force of "to teach" and "to learn" [...]
that which was not transmitted in writing
but only orally; the development of connotation being due to the fact that the retention of teachings handed down by word of mouth was possible only by frequent recitation.
围绕着“文明的和谐与共同繁荣”的总主题,北京论坛除了每年举办年会,还成功举办了多场高端演讲和文明对话活动,其中包括美国麻省理工学院乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)教授北京大学演讲会、哈佛大学霍米巴巴(Homi Bhabha)教授北京大学演讲会、林毅夫对话诺贝尔经济学奖得主、伊斯兰与儒家文明的对话、基 教与 儒 家文明的对话、轴心文明的对话等。
With the general theme of “The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All”, Beijing Forum has held several lectures and dialogues in addition to the annual conference, including the lecture of Prof. Noam Chomsky of MIT at PKU, the lecture of Prof. Homi Bhabha of Harvard University at PKU, the dialogue between Justin Yifu Lin and Nobel Laureates in Economics of Roger Myerson and James Mirrlees, Islamic-Confucian Dialogue, the Christian–Confucian Dialogue, Dialogue on Axial-Age Civilizations, etc.
令人关注的是,真正 的风险在于若开邦的暴力冲突可能会进一步演变成教与穆斯 林之间的对抗,并可能在其他许多有穆 斯林少数民族居住的地区蔓延开来。
In particular, there is a real risk that the violence in Rakhine State will take on a more explicitly Buddhist-Muslim character, with the possibility of clashes spreading to the many other areas where there are minority Muslim populations.
要确定自己是否有权获得退款,请核查教育机构的退款政策及 与教 育 机 构签署的相关协议。
To determine if you are entitled to a refund, please check your provider’s refund policy and the agreement you have with your provider.
感谢宜人,气候温和,您可以在这里过得愉快,在一年的任何时间和城市也有一些美妙的中世纪,也有几个小教堂和博物馆美术学 与教 会 的圣Caprais的罗马式建筑值得一去的,5 Goyas的集合。
Thanks to its pleasant and mild climate you can enjoy your stay here at any time of the year and the city also has some wonderful
medieval properties and there
[...] is also the church of St Caprais- a romanesque building with several chapels and the Musee des Beaux arts is worth going to, with a collection [...]
of five Goyas.
此外,在最不发达国家和其它低收入国家里,极低的人力和经济开发水平意味着应 该首先增加用于贫穷人口基本健 与教 育 服 务的援助资金支出。
Moreover, in LDCs and other low income countries, extremely low levels of human and economic development
mean that priority is rightly given to increasing aid expenditures on
[...] basic health and education services for [...]
poor people.
此外,包括监报任务组成员联阿援助团、世卫组织、儿基会和人道协调厅在 内的相关行为体就军事占领和有关卫 与教 育 设 施的干预措施与国家和国际安 全部队开展了接触,联阿援助团主张继续制订各类政策,以减少冲突中的平民伤 亡。
In addition, relevant actors including Country Task Force for Monitoring and Reporting members, UNAMA, the World Health Organization, UNICEF and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, engaged with national and international security forces on military occupations and interventions in health and educational facilities, and UNAMA advocated for the continued development of policies to reduce civilian casualties of conflict.
(c) 开展公共教育,提高意识和调动社会的运动,阐明体罚的有害影响, 以期扭转对这种做法的普遍态度,推行正面、非暴力、参与性和进行教育的抚与教育子女的替代纪律形式。
(c) Introduce public education, awareness-raising and social mobilization campaigns on the harmful effects of corporal punishment with a view to changing the general attitude towards this
practice and promote positive,
[...] non-violent, participatory forms of child-rearing and education as alternative [...]
forms of discipline.
一大批具体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建立大学的对 与 网 络;青年科学家的 对话,邀教科文组织教席担任者 与 对 话 活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
[...] 目内从事的主要活动做出了贡献,该项 与教 科 文 组织指定的地点有关,这些指定地点包括 [...]
在世界旅游组织实施的项目组成部分(与世界遗产地和生物圈保护区有关的旅游)选定的地 区之内。
UNESCO Venice Office contributed to the identification of the key activities to be carried out within the MDG-F joint programme
“Sustainable Tourism and Rural Development”,
[...] in relation with the UNESCO designated [...]
sites included in the areas selected by
the project component to be implemented by UNWTO (tourism related to World Heritage Sites and biosphere reserves).
在进一步采取跨部门行动的问题上,与会者建议信息传播技 与教 育 挂 钩(如在上面 “教育”部分已提出的那样), 与教 育 部 门一道促进虚拟大学和培训中心之间的合作。
As regards further intersectoral action, participants suggested linkages between ICTs and education (as
is already elaborated above under
[...] “Education”) and the promotion of cooperation between virtual universities and training centres (together with ED).
儿基会将更具战略性地使干预措施侧重于促进在教育部门计划内取 得公平和包容性的成果,注重兼顾失学儿童以及有辍学和不学习风险的儿童,关与教育部 门计划有关的上游政策工作以及公平教育预算,重视加强国家监测和 评价系统。
UNICEF will focus its interventions more strategically on promoting equitable and inclusive results within education sector plans, on maintaining attention to both out-of-school children and children at risk of dropping out and not learning, on upstream policy work related to education sector plans and equitable education budgets, and on strengthening national monitoring and evaluation systems.
也门接受了与这些权利有关的所有建议,以 与教 育 和保健权和减贫有 关的所有建议。
Yemen had accepted all recommendations related to these rights and to
[...] the rights to education and health and [...]
to poverty alleviation.
2000 至 2010 年期间初期的特点是:(a) 学校建造和教师工资的单位成本极其高昂;(b) 教 育系统内部缺乏效力,表现为高复读率和辍学率;(c)
国家中部大型社区以宗教 为由反对现代法语学校;(d)
[...] 接受初等教育方面存在严重的空间和性别差距; (e) 非国家利益攸关方未充分与教育政 策的设计和执行;(f) 质量管理存在重 大缺陷;(g) 教育体制多变,决策机构多样,阻碍了对教育部门的监督。
The early part of the period 2000 to 2010 was characterized by (i) extremely high unit costs for school construction and teacher salaries; (ii) the education system’s internal ineffectiveness, as shown by high repetition and dropout rates; (iii) rejection of modern French schools for religious reasons by large communities in the centre of the country; (iv) major spatial
and gender disparities in
[...] access to primary education; (v) insufficient involvement of non-State [...]
stakeholders in the design
and implementation of education policies; (vi) major inadequacies in quality control; and (vii) institutional instability and a multiplicity of decision-making bodies that hinders oversight of the sector.
(i) 在妇女和女孩接受和与教育、 培训和科学技术,包括促进妇女平等获 得充分就业和体面工作以及促进妇女参与科学知识交流方面加强国际合作,并欢 迎和鼓励这方面的南南、北南和三角合作,确认探索加强南南合作机遇的承诺并 [...]
(i) Strengthen
[...] international cooperation in the area of access and participation of women and girls in education, training, [...]
science and technology,
including for the promotion of women’s equal access to full employment and decent work and the promotion of women’s participation in the exchange of scientific knowledge, and welcome and encourage in this regard South-South, North-South and triangular cooperation and recognize that the commitment to explore opportunities for further South-South cooperation entails not seeking a substitute for but rather a complement to North-South cooperation
缔约国说,市政府当时正准备举 与教 师 节 有关的其他活动,因 此,建议组织者选择另一地点集会,同时建议在该城市的另外几个备选地点举办 [...]
Therefore, the organizers were given the option to
conduct the picket at another location, and
[...] were provided with several suggestions [...]
for alternatives in other parts of the city.
[...] 可能高的政府级别,确认已设置的国家人权机构的相关贡献以及民间社会, 特别是妇女组织在推动落实《北京宣言和行动纲领》以及促进妇女和女孩充 分平等地接受和与教育、 培训和科学技术方面发挥的重要作用。
The Commission acknowledges the important role of national machineries for the advancement of women, which should be placed at the highest possible level of government, the relevant contribution of national human rights institutions where they exist, and the important role of civil society, especially women’s organizations, in advancing the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and in
promoting the full and equal
[...] access and participation of women and girls in education, training and [...]
science and technology.
[...] 助之下联合举办的,会议得到了欧洲联盟的支持,会议为加速增长、促进包容性 人的发展和改进保与教育提 出了具体政策建议。
Organized jointly by the Government and the United Nations country team, in collaboration with the Myanmar Development Resource Institute and with the support of the European Union, the conference produced
specific policy suggestions for accelerating growth, promoting inclusive human development
[...] and improving health and education.
在此期间,HBI主席Benedict S.
[...] Maniscalco博士主持了一个全球心血管联盟圆桌会议,与会人员就一个全球性联盟中的心脏中心的目标进行了讨论,以制定出能够覆盖各类心血管疾病的筛查、预防、后续治 与教 育 项目,让尽可能多的患者从中受益。
In conjunction with the American College of Cardiology (ACC) 2012 expo in Chicago, March 24 - 27, HBI Chairman Dr. Benedict S. Maniscalco hosted a GCA roundtable session and discussed its goal of heart centers in a global alliance to develop
screening, prevention,
[...] follow-up care and education programs covering the spectrum of cardiovascular [...]
disease to make the
most impact and reach the greatest number of patients.
联合国儿童基金会收集的资料显示,打游戏、交友和娱乐是主要上网活动,接受调查的半数以上城市儿童和三分之一农村儿童将互联网用于学习、发 与教 育 有关的内容或聊天。
While data collected by UNICEF shows gaming, social networking and entertainment are the dominant activities online, more than half of urban children and one third of rural
children surveyed reported using the
[...] Internet for educational purposes and sending education-related text [...]
or chat messages.
[...] 与其合作伙伴间分享并传递信息;参加联合国机构组织的国际活动 与教 科 文 组 织及国家委员会建立信任气氛;促进世界联合会的财务独立;关注促进南北国家 [...]
Indeed, inspired by the recommendations adopted by delegates, this Plan of Action revolves around the following objectives: provide additional training for the managers of the national federations and clubs; disseminate and circulate information between the World Federation and its partners; participate in international events organized by
United Nations agencies; establish an
[...] atmosphere of trust with UNESCO and the national [...]
commissions; encourage the financial
autonomy of the World Federation; foster solidarity between the countries of the North and those of the South with respect to UNESCO’s priority areas.
法令还禁止在提供 货物、服务或设施方面存在不公正的歧视,这些包括通过银行或保险方式或者捐 款、贷款、信贷或金融提供的设施;在公众有权或者允许进入或使用的任何地
[...] 方、车辆、船只、飞机或直升飞机等的公共场所方面;在土地、住房或其他住宿 的提供方面;在获得和与教育方面。
It also prohibits unfair discrimination in the provision of goods, services or facilities, including facilities by way of banking or insurance or for grants, loans, credit or finance; access by the public to any place, vehicle, vessel, aircraft or hovercraft which members of the public are entitled or
allowed to enter or use; the provision of land, housing or other accommodation;
[...] access to, and participation in, education.
摩尔多瓦共和国国家 政策构想》在政治、国家与法律、社会经济、培训、文 与教 育 、对外政策等领 域规定了国家政策的主要方针、原则、目标和具体指标。
The Concept of national policy of the Republic of Moldova contains priority directions of the national policy, principles, aims of the national policy, as well as specific targets in the political, State and legal, socio-economic, training, cultural and educational, external policy spheres.




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