

单词 敖贝得

See also:

surname Ao

currency (archaic)
surname Bei

External sources (not reviewed)

贝尔奖得主、政府部长和发展机构的 领导人参加了国际对话,以确定新的、有效的科学研究和教育战略。
Nobel Prize winners, government ministers, [...]
and leaders of development agencies joined in an international dialogue to determine
new, effective strategies for scientific research and education.
我们将带您前敖德萨 老城中心的杰里巴斯大街购物,那里小店和摊贩鳞次栉比。
We will take you shopping along Deribasovskaya Street in the
[...] heart of old Odessa, where government [...]
stores rub shoulders with major retail outlets.
最古老的收藏是在帝国图书馆,圣 得 堡 , 以前 敖 德 萨 圣经学会的图书馆。
The oldest collection is that in the Imperial
[...] Library, St. Petersburg, formerly in the Odessa Biblical Society's [...]
本公司已無限期押後有關決定敖包 特陶勒蓋地下礦藏進行地下採礦作業的可行性和經濟問題的研究。
The Company has indefinitely delayed studies to determine the feasibility and economics of conducting an underground mining operation at the Ovoot Tolgoi Underground Deposit.
此外,丹尼瑟·科格兰代表贝尔 奖共 同 得 主 国 际禁止地雷运动和朱迪·威 廉姆斯致辞。
In addition, a message was delivered by Denise Coghlan on
[...] behalf of the Nobel Peace Prize co-laureates the International [...]
Campaign to Ban Landmines and Jody Williams.
Odessa marries old with new, [...]
seen in the mix of architectural styles ranging from Renaissance to Art Nouveau.
庭长帕特里克·鲁滨逊(牙买加)、副庭长 敖 昆 (大 韩民国)、检察官塞尔 日·布拉默茨和书记官长约翰·霍金继续履行其法庭职责。
President Patrick Robinson (Jamaica); Vice-President O-Gon Kwon (Republic of Korea); the Prosecutor, Serge Brammertz; and the Registrar, John Hocking, continued to fulfil their duties at the Tribunal.
公里。由於蘇木貝爾礦藏鄰敖包特 陶勒蓋煤礦,其未來的開採作業可共 敖 包特 陶勒蓋煤礦現有的基礎設施。
The proximity of the Soumber Deposit to the Ovoot Tolgoi Mine will allow any future mining operation at the Soumber Deposit to share existing infrastructure with the Ovoot Tolgoi Mine.
[...] A/64/L.35 提出以来,下 列国家已成为提案国贝宁、佛得角 、 乍 得 、 刚果、 多米尼加共和国、埃塞俄比亚、几内亚、利比里亚、 [...]
马里、纳米比亚、秘鲁、塞拉利昂、索马里、南非、 美利坚合众国和赞比亚。
I would like to announce that, since the introduction of draft resolution
A/64/L.35, the following countries
[...] have become sponsors: Benin, Cape Verde, Chad, the Congo, [...]
the Dominican Republic, Ethiopia,
Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Namibia, Peru, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, the United States of America and Zambia.
体验乌克兰风情的最好方式就是加入我们的观光团前 敖 德 萨
A good way to make the most of your vacation time in the Ukraine is to
[...] join us on the Odessa city walking tour.
的主要資產是在蒙古的礦產勘探許可證,尤其是 敖 包 特 煤炭項目相關 的許可證。
Aspire’s primary focus is its Mongolian coal assets, particularly those
[...] pertaining to the Ovoot Coking Coal [...]
大 赦 国际建议按 以下方式加 强这些建议:承认对被占领土适 用 以 色列根据国际人权和人道 主义法 所 承担的责任,调 查 战争罪和其他违 反 国际 法 的行为 , 将 罪 犯 绳 之 以 法 , 向受害 者提供 赔偿; 取 消 对 加沙地带 的 封锁, 让 居 民和货 物 通行无阻; 停 止 扩 大 以 色列定 居 点 、 摧毁巴勒斯坦房 屋 、在加沙地带 建 造隔离墙/屏障;并撤除 500 多个妨碍巴勒斯坦人行动的路卡和壁垒;收回妨碍在 被占领土、以及在以色列贝 都 因得 医疗保 健 、 教育、 住房、工作和适足生 活水准权的政策 和 做 法 。
suggested the recommendations be strengthened as follows: to recognize the applicability to the occupied territories of Israel’s responsibility under international human rights and humanitarian law and to investigate war crimes and other violations of international law, hold the perpetrators accountable and provide reparation to victims; to lift the blockade of the Gaza Strip and allow the unhindered passage of people and goods; to halt the expansion of Israeli settlements, the destruction of Palestinian homes and the construction of the wall/fence in the West Bank; and to remove the more than 500 checkpoints and barriers which impede the movement of Palestinians; to reverse policies and practices which undermine the rights to health, education, housing, work and an adequate standard of living in the occupied territories, as well as for the Bedouin communities in Israel.
在您畅游于城市林荫的同时,千万不能错过古代连接港口和城市的 敖 德 萨 阶梯”。
Relax in the city’s leafy parks such and don’t miss the famous Potemkin steps, the formal entrance to the city, accessed from the port.
在我开始之前, 我愿赞扬今年的贝尔和得主— —利比里亚的埃伦·约翰逊·瑟里夫总统和利 比里亚的 [...]
Leymah Gbowee 以及也门的 Tawakkul Karman。
Before I begin, I would like to pay tribute to
[...] this year’s Nobel Peace Prize laureates — President [...]
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Leymah Gbowee
of Liberia and Tawakkul Karman of Yemen.
如未得格罗茨-贝克特的书面应允, 得 以 任 何形式复制或者 以任何电子方式存储、编辑、转载或者传播本出版物或其中的任 何部分。
This publication or any parts thereof may not be reproduced or stored, processed, duplicated or distributed using electronic systems in any form or by any means whatsoever without the express written consent of Groz-Beckert.
Khane 先生 (委员会秘书)说,下列国家已经
[...] 加入提案国行列:阿尔巴尼亚、阿尔及利亚、安哥 拉、亚美尼亚、孟加拉国、白俄罗斯 贝 宁 、 佛得 角、 刚果、科特迪瓦、古巴、多米尼加共和国、埃 [...]
及、厄立特里亚、埃塞俄比亚、加纳、海地、洪都 拉斯、冰岛、印度尼西亚、牙买加、日本、肯尼亚、
黑山、摩洛哥、纳米比亚、尼加拉瓜、尼日利亚、 挪威、菲律宾、大韩民国、摩尔多瓦共和国、塞内 加尔、塞尔维亚、塞拉利昂、苏丹、斯威士兰、前 南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、东帝汶、坦桑尼亚联合 共和国和乌拉圭。
(Secretary of the Committee) said that the following countries had joined as sponsors of the draft resolution:
Albania, Algeria, Angola, Armenia,
[...] Bangladesh, Belarus, Benin, Cape Verde, the Congo, [...]
Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, the Dominican Republic,
Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, Honduras, Iceland, Indonesia, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Montenegro, Morocco, Namibia, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, the Sudan, Swaziland, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Timor-Leste, the United Republic of Tanzania and Uruguay.
另外,在撒哈拉以 南非洲四国—贝宁、乍得、马 里和乌干达——未得到满足的需求也有所增加。
Furthermore, in four countries of
[...] sub-Saharan Africa — Benin, Chad, Mali and Uganda [...]
— unmet need increased.
[...] Wi-Fi测试解决方案将会大幅提高我们质量保证确认流程的效率,帮助确保我们的客户能够拥有他们所期望的 贝 尔 金 公司 得 的 可 靠、高品质802.11n无线解决方案。
We are confident that the Azimuth 802.11n Wi-Fi test solutions will dramatically streamline our QA validation processes and help
ensure that our customers receive the reliable, high-quality 802.11n
[...] wireless solutions they have come to expect from Belkin.
The original writings in your diary also have as much copyright
[...] protection as the novels of a Nobel Prize winner.
深度從300米至600米 (指定用作地下開發)的整個煤炭延長層均位 敖 包 特 陶勒蓋現有開採許可證礦權地之內。
The entire extension of the coal at depth from 300m to 600m that is designated for potential underground development is located inside the existing Ovoot Tolgoi mining license.
敖先生 陳述公共專業聯盟的意見書, 當中建議政府考慮發展新界的廢棄工業用地作房 屋、商業及基建用途。
Mr Kelvin SIT presented the submission of The Professional Commons, which proposed the Government to consider developing the brownfield sites in the New Territories for housing, commercial and infrastructure purposes.
在 2009 年 10 月 26 日的全体特别会议上,帕特里克·鲁滨逊法官(牙买加)和 敖 昆 法 官 (大韩民国)分别当选法庭庭长和副庭长。
At the extraordinary plenary session of 26 October 2009, Judge Patrick Robinson (Jamaica) and Judge O-Gon Kwon (Republic of Korea) were re-elected to the positions of President and Vice-President of the Tribunal, respectively.
规则委员会司法成员由阿吉乌斯副庭长(主席)、梅龙庭长以及克里斯托 夫·弗吕格法官、阿方斯·奥里法官和 敖 昆 法 官组成。
The judicial membership of the Rules Committee comprises Vice-President Agius (Chair), President Meron, and Judges Christoph Flügge, Alphons Orie and O-Gon Kwon.
秘书长在 2009 年任命两名新的和平使者:获得格莱美奖的歌曲作者/音乐家 史提夫·汪达,他将特别关注残疾人问题;环境活动家和 贝 尔 奖 获 得 者 旺 加 里·马塔伊,他将特别关注环境和气候变化问题。
Two new Messengers of Peace were appointed by the Secretary-General in 2009: Grammy-award-winning songwriter/musician Stevie Wonder, with a special focus on persons with disabilities; and environmental activist and Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai, with a special focus on the environment and climate change.
如果说在科索 沃北部、在其他强硬派塞族人中间发生了一系列暴 力,包括烧毁 31
[...] 号门以及袭击米特罗维察地区法院, 那么所有这一切都是北部塞族社区的强硬分子干的, 而且不幸的是,他得到了贝尔格莱德当局的支持。
If there has been a long line of violence in northern Kosovo and among other hardline Serbs, including the burning of Gate 31 and the attacks on the Mitrovica district court — all of that was done by
hardliners of the Serb community in the north, with the very
[...] obvious support, unfortunately, of the authorities in Belgrade.
围绕着“文明的和谐与共同繁荣”的总主题,北京论坛除了每年举办年会,还成功举办了多场高端演讲和文明对话活动,其中包括美国麻省理工学院乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)教授北京大学演讲会、哈佛大学霍米巴巴(Homi
[...] Bhabha)教授北京大学演讲会、林毅夫对话 贝 尔 经 济学 得 主 、 伊斯兰与儒家文明的对话、基督教与儒家文明的对话、轴心文明的对话等。
With the general theme of “The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All”, Beijing Forum has held several lectures and dialogues in addition to the annual conference, including the lecture of Prof. Noam Chomsky of MIT at PKU, the lecture of Prof. Homi Bhabha of Harvard
University at PKU, the dialogue between
[...] Justin Yifu Lin and Nobel Laureates in Economics of Roger [...]
Myerson and James Mirrlees, Islamic-Confucian
Dialogue, the Christian–Confucian Dialogue, Dialogue on Axial-Age Civilizations, etc.
2009 年,哥斯达黎加、巴
[...] 拿马及拉丁美洲和加勒比另外六个国家的试验基地投入使用,方案还在非洲贝宁、佛得角、 马里和多哥)、巴尔干地区(阿尔巴尼亚、克罗地亚、黑山、 [...]
塞尔维亚、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国)和中亚(土库曼斯坦)设立了新基 地,预计
2010 年将在欧洲联盟委员会资助下,向经济合作组织国家(阿富汗、 阿塞拜疆、伊朗伊斯兰共和国和哈萨克斯坦)提供援助。
The year 2009 saw the coming online of Costa Rica and Panama, together with a further six States in Latin America and the
Caribbean, and the establishment of new
[...] sites in Africa (Benin, Cape Verde, Mali and Togo), [...]
the Balkans (Albania, Croatia, Montenegro,
Serbia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) and Central Asia (Turkmenistan), with the European Commission funding the Economic Cooperation Organization countries (Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Kazakhstan) targeted for assistance in 2010.
环境数据采集软件 - 连续排放监测/过程监控功能:视窗98/NT™作业系统易于使用开放的数据结构实时数据压缩,验证和演示灵活的报告和数据分析工具连续自动监测设施,40CFR 60,64和503
[...] PEMS参数监测图形数据演示接口来,H2NS -的cpp - 3794,敖德萨DSM系列远程Modem接入实现当今不断演变的环境法规放在非科学的用户越来越多的复杂的数据采集和报告的要求,H2NS欣然提呈数据链。
Environmental Data Acquisition Software - Continuous Emissions Monitoring / Process Monitoring FEATURES: Windows 98/NT™ Operating System Easy To Use Open Data Structure Real Time Data Reduction, Validation and Presentation Flexible Reporting and Data Analysis Tools CEMS, 40CFR 60, 64, 503 PEMS and Parameter Monitoring
Graphical Data Presentations Interfaces to,
[...] H2NS-CPP-3794, Odessa DSM Series Remote [...]
Modem Access Realizing today's ever evolving
environmental regulations have placed increasingly more complex data acquisition and reporting requirements on the non-scientific user, H2NS is pleased to present DataLink.
敖包特 陶勒蓋煤礦的產品包括用於煉焦(或冶金)的煤炭(主要為半軟原焦煤)以及可通過洗煤生產半軟焦煤 的高灰份原煤。
Products from the Ovoot Tolgoi Mine include coals with coking (or metallurgical) applications, primarily a raw semi-soft coking coal together with raw medium and higher-ash coals, which can be washed and blended into semi-soft coking coal.




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