

单词 救赎

救赎 adjective ()

redemptive adj

救赎 ()

rescue and redeem




See also:


rescue v
save v



External sources (not reviewed)

伊拉克伊斯兰国组织宣布 对 10 月 31 日在巴格达发生的“圣救赎教堂 ”袭击案负责,该次袭击杀害了 55 [...]
人,其中包括 3 名儿童。
ISI had taken responsibility for the attack on 31 October
[...] against Our Lady of Salvation Church in Baghdad [...]
that killed 55 people, including 3 children.
Their only means of salvation seems to be the [...]
legendary Nautilus (Captain Nemo’s submarine) hidden somewhere on the island.
田园诗》中最出色的诗歌是《无限》,写于 1819
[...] 年,这一年诗人处于重度忧郁状态,差点到了自杀的地步,同时也激发了他的欲望,以创作作为自 救赎 的 方 式。
The most defining poem of the Idilli is L’Infinito, written in 1819, a year in which the poet experienced a deep state of melancholia,
leading him almost to the point of suicide but which at the same time sparked in him a need
[...] to write as a means of salvation.
编剧兼导演Stephen Hayes表示:“《男人的自救赎》能 参加今年的上海国际电影节,我非常兴奋。
I am thrilled to have LUCKY 7 included in this year's edition of the Shanghai International Film Festival.
正如本雅明在此文的第三篇论文中写道,人类 救赎 在 于 接受我们的所有过去留下的借鉴,克莱尔•方丹组合(Claire Fontaine)的作品希望喻救赎的可能,但也揭示了灾难的无法弥合。
As Benjamin writes in the same text, in the thesis III the redemption of mankind will be to receive all our past as citable, this work of Claire Fontaine wishes to allude to the possibility of redemption, but points out to the irreparable catastrophe.
这些设想包括,作为一种完全邪恶的,注定把宿命论的世界意识,并为行星逃生 救赎 的 愿 望。
These ideas include a sense of fatalism for a world regarded as completely evil and doomed, and a desire for
[...] planetary escape and salvation.
而是实现了末世,鲁滨逊(以下乔治Florovsky)讲一个“开幕末世”,由耶稣的死亡和复活,该公司发行并引发了一场王国新阶段,在“来世”上帝 救赎 的 目的将达到成立一个末世其完成。
Instead of realized eschatology, Robinson (following Georges Florovsky) speaks of an "inaugurated eschatology", an eschatology inaugurated by Jesus' death and resurrection, which released and initiated a new phase of the kingdom in which "hereafter" God's redeeming purpose would achieve its fulfillment.
例如,2010 年 10 月,由于伊拉克 伊斯兰国组织对“圣救赎教堂 ”的袭击,据报道,巴格达的许多学校,常常与 [...]
其教会共用场地,由于害怕伊拉克伊斯兰国组织或另外的叛乱团体为恐吓社区而 发动类似的袭击,停课数周。
For example, in October 2010, as a result of the attack by ISI
[...] against Our Lady of Salvation Church, it was reported [...]
that many schools in Baghdad, often
sharing the same grounds as their churches, cancelled classes for several weeks out of fear of a similar attack taking place by ISI or another insurgent group intending to terrorize the community.
[...] 只有一位独一的三一神—父、子、灵;耶稣基督是神的儿子,道成肉身成为人;基督为我们的罪死在 十字架上,流出血救赎我们;第三天他的身体从死人中复活;他已被高举在神的右边,被立为万有 [...]
Every genuinely saved one has what the Bible calls the "common faith" (Titus 1:4), which includes what we must believe in order to be saved: we must believe that the Bible is the complete divine revelation wholly inspired by God; that there is a unique Triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit; that
Jesus Christ is the Son of God incarnated to
[...] be a man; that Christ died on the cross [...]
for our sins, shedding His blood for our
redemption; that on the third day He was bodily raised from the dead; that He has been exalted to the right hand of God and made the Lord of all; and that He is coming again for His own and to set up His kingdom on earth.
使我们脱离罪救赎是为了买赎我们,使我们得称为 义所付出的代价。
The redemption from sin was the price paid to purchase our justification.
救赎,因 此,现在是,神圣的合作完成的人类和因素,宿命,只是上帝的预知一个怎样的人自由地决定。
Salvation, therefore, is accomplished [...]
by the cooperation of human and divine factors, and predestination is merely God's
foreknowledge of what a person has freely decided.
汉密尔顿电影节(Hamilton Film Festival)“观众票选奖”(Audience Choice Award)获奖影片、由boomerang films inc.独立制作的加拿大故事片《男人的自 救赎 》 (L UCKY 7)将在2012年6月举行的第15届上海国际电影节(SIFF)上首映。
Winner of the Audience Choice Award at the Hamilton Film Festival, the independently produced Canadian feature film LUCKY 7 by boomerang films inc. announces its International Premiere at the 15th Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF) June 2012.
从最初的错误配对和失去联系,两人开始了一段寻找归属、家庭 救赎 、 爱和接受的过程。
Initially mismatched and disconnected – the two begin a journey in search of
[...] belonging, family, redemption, love and acceptance.
对于巴格救赎圣母 教堂和埃及亚历山大两圣教堂发生的事件,领导人深表 遗憾,强调了恐怖分子以这些公民为目标,是要扩大我们阿拉伯人民各个组成部 分之间的纷争,煽动骚乱和制造歧视,以削弱和瓦解社会结构,破坏阿拉伯国家 的稳定。
The leaders absolutely deplore the events that took place in the Church of Our Lady of Salvation in Baghdad and the Two Saints Church in Alexandria, Egypt, and stress that the terrorist targeting of this group of citizens is intended to spread civil strife, provocation and discrimination amongst the various components of our Arab peoples, with a view to weakening and unravelling the fabric of society and undermining the stability of the Arab nation.
重生就是我们借着基督救赎,在 我们的灵里从圣灵而生(约三 6),因而神将他的生命和性情分赐到我们的灵里,使我们的灵因神的生命活过来。
in our spirit (John 3:6) through the redemption of Christ and thereby to have the life and nature of God imparted into our spirit.
的确,在历史上曾有一些神学观点,其唯一目的似乎就是要为“被捡选的”找借口,不去关心那些失去的,不以任何方式参与他们 救赎。
Indeed historically there have been theological ideas developed seemingly
for the sole purpose of excusing the "elect" from caring for or in any way
[...] being involved in the salvation of the lost.
也为祂救赎工作 继续得胜,以及祂继续恩膏带领团队和机构的工作来祷告,好让中国境内的人和AM-CCSM事工的我们都能够宣告:"感谢神!常帅领我们在基督里夸胜。
And pray for His saving work to continue [...]
in triumph and for His continued anointed leading on teams and the work of the
ministry, so that both inside of China and in the ministry of AM-CCSM we might proclaim afresh: "But thanks be to God, Who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ.
四 我们在各地站住所有信徒合一的立场;凡是在基督里蒙宝 救赎 , 由 圣灵重生的信徒,我们 都承认他们是当地教会中的肢体。
4. We stand on the ground of the oneness of all
believers in each locality; we recognize
[...] all the blood-redeemed and Spirit-regenerated [...]
believers in Christ as members of the one church in each city.
在以极端快速的发音为特点的叙述中,致狄俄尼索斯的荷马史诗代表了经典文学中最受欢迎 的主题之一,同时也是对狄俄尼索斯的神秘和力量的优美描写,以及他那些侍从们的本质特
[...] 点:奇迹、野兽的转变、对敌人的暴力、怜悯、爱以及对那些能够理解的人 救赎 : 狄 俄尼 索斯和海盗的故事。
In a narration characterized by the extreme rapidity of diction, The Homeric Hymn to Dionysus presents one of the most favorite themes in classical literature, and at the same time a charming depiction of Dionysus' majesty and power along with the essential characteristics of his worship: miracles,
bestial transformation, violence to
[...] enemies, pity, love, and salvation for those who understand: [...]
the story of Dionysus and pirates.
一旦 我们被告知,称义是在我们顺服律法以外给我们的一种公义,是通过信耶稣基督得到的,是因着 神的恩典给罪人的,是通过基督 救赎 买 来 的……所有这些概念就都表明了人跟义毫无关系的真 理。
When we are told that justification is a righteousness given apart from our obedience to the Law, that it is given through faith in Jesus Christ, that it is given to sinners by God’s grace, and that it is paid for by the redemption of Christ… all of these ideas express the truth that man has nothing to do with this righteousness.
佛教末世仍有进一步发展和修改 救赎 B r a hm inistic主义哲学方面,以及在什么,严格来说,所有的末世神学和​​否定的高潮 [...]
- 不希望一个没有上帝的信仰,崇高的道德准则奖励或惩罚的恐惧以下。
Buddhist eschatology still further develops and modifies
the philosophical side of the
[...] Brahministic doctrine of salvation, and culminates in [...]
what is, strictly speaking, the negation
of eschatology and of all theology -- a religion without a God, and a lofty moral code without hope of reward or fear of punishment hereafter.
我不认为失去的羊代表已救赎但走 失了的以色列人,而是未 救赎 的 以 色列人,他们的特点就是没有听,并容易走远,不与已 救赎 羊 群 认同。
I don't think that the lost sheep represents the redeemed of Israel who got lost, but the unredeemed of Israel who characteristically hadn't listened and was prone to wandering far away, not identifying with the redeemed flock.
还要知道他当时在世上事工的目的不是要医治世上每一个人的所有疾病,而是要为他究竞是谁准备合适的见证人,以通过他将要赐给 救赎 , 把 他们带到更大,更普遍,更持久的医治。
Realize also that the purpose of his earthly ministry was not to heal everyone on earth at the time of all their particular problems, but to provide an appropriate witness of who he was in
order to lead them to a greater and universal and permanent
[...] healing through the salvation he would provide [...]
in the future.
15:1 - 作为一个信息,就是基督为我们的罪死4,被埋葬,第三天上涨再次在圣经的预言实现,从而提供了为罪孽深重的人 救赎 的 方 式。
15:1 - 4 as the message that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day in fulfillment of the prophetic Scriptures and thereby provided the way of redemption for sinful humanity.
或者换一个说法,基督为了挽救亚当和夏娃犯罪所造成的堕落而成就 救赎 大 工 (为一切接受祂的人)不但洗清我们的罪,也让我们有机会经历改变的生命,而这生命使我们能够合宜地来事奉祂。
Or, to put it another way, the redeeming work of Christ that undoes the fall caused by Adam and Eve's sin (for those that accept Him) not only washes away our sins, but also offers us the opportunity to experience changed lives that will serve Him aright.
他们开始在他的信中说,无辜的受害者耶稣是上帝的羔羊,上帝-之父所发送在受害人… 自己救赎人类 的罪… 《由于法律,削弱了肉体,是无能为力的,上帝就差遣自己的儿子在相似的罪孽深重的肉体和罪恶…》(罗马书8:3),《… [...]
他是为我们的罪作了劝解(上帝-之父),不只是为我们,也为整个世界的罪》(约翰一书2:2), 《… 他出现,是为了带走我们的罪…》(约翰一书3:5)… 其结果是,我们只需要相信耶稣真的是基督,— 并没有其他事情可做:我们的罪被赦免了,天堂是保证
They stated in their Epistles that innocently killed Jesus was a Lamb of God allegedly
sent by God-the-Father as a sacrifice… to
[...] Himself — as atonement for the sins [...]
of people… “Since the law was weak as it acted
through the flesh, God sent His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh as a sacrifice for sin…” (Rom 8:3), “… The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7), “… He is the propitiation (for God-the-Father) concerning our sins, and not concerning ours only, but also concerning the sins of all the world” (1 John 2:2), “… He was revealed that He might take away our sins…” (1 John 3:5)… As a result, it turns out that it is enough just to come to believe that Jesus was indeed a Christ — this is all we need to do: then our sins are remitted and paradise is guaranteed for us




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