

单词 救灾



disaster relief funds


earthquake relief headquarter


provide relief during times of emergency and disaster [idiom.]


relief provisions
material assistance

See also:


rescue v
save v



clear (as of water)

External sources (not reviewed)

向 受灾群众询问对得到的援助是否满意,这 救灾 机 构采取的最佳措施。
Asking the affected people about their satisfaction with the assistance delivered is the best measure of agency performance.
[...] 况时使用卫星网络事宜提供了指导方针,并提供信息介绍了适 救灾 电 信 服务 的总体系统和最终设计。
The recommendations provide guidelines on the use of satellite networks in the event of natural disasters and similar emergencies,
providing information about the overall system and terminal design that
[...] is suitable for disaster relief telecommunications.
会议注意到,粮农组织的新战略就侧重于在面临粮食及农业威胁及紧急情 况时更好地备灾和有效救灾。
The Conference noted that FAO’s
new corporate strategy is therefore focused
[...] on improved preparedness and effective [...]
response to food and agricultural threats and emergencies.
卫星短信转发和移动通信在预 警以及援救灾和拯救努力 中,也非常有用。
Satellite-enabled text messaging and mobile communications were also very useful in early warning as well as
[...] in assisting in relief and rescue efforts.
根据《联合检查组章程》第 11 条的规定,总干事将下列联合检查组 的报告连同他本人的评论和意见转交给执行局审议:进一步采取措施,加 强联合国系统对非洲发展新伙伴关系的支助的报告(JIU/REP/2005/8); 联合国系统监督制度的缺陷的报告(JIU/REPORT/2006/2);第二次审查
[...] 和其他便利的情况的报告(JIU/REPORT/2006/4)和争取建立一个负救 灾和减 灾工作的联合国人道主义援助方案:从印度洋海啸灾害中得到的教 [...]
训的报告(JIU/REPORT/2006/5 和 Corr.1)。
In accordance with Article 11 of the Statute of the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU), the Director-General transmits the following JIU reports to the Executive Board for consideration, accompanied by his own comments and observations: JIU/REPORT/2005/8 Further measures to strengthen United Nations system support to the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD); JIU/REPORT/2006/2 Oversight lacunae in the United Nations system; JIU/REPORT/2006/4 A second review of the implementation of Headquarters agreements concluded by United Nations system organizations: Provision of Headquarters premises and other facilities by host countries; and JIU/REPORT/2006/5 and Corr.1
Towards a United Nations humanitarian assistance
[...] programme for disaster response and [...]
reduction: Lessons learnt from the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster.
国际、区域和 国际各级组织,例如联合国外层空间事务处、国际山区综合开发中心 和美国地质调查局、以及诸如亚洲哨兵和国际空间和重大灾难宪章等
[...] 倡议,都向巴基斯坦国家航空署提供了图像和地图,共同协助该救 灾工作
International, regional and national-level organizations, such as the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development and the United States Geological Survey, and initiatives, such as Sentinel Asia and the International Charter Space and
Major Disasters, had provided imagery and maps to the national space agency of Pakistan
[...] to assist during the disasters.
印度国救灾部队 正在受灾地区帮助搜索和救援受难者。
The Indian National Disaster Response force is helping with search and rescue in the affected areas.
经社会满意地注意到一些成员国向其他一些发展中国家提供了 支助,以帮助降低其在灾害面前的脆弱性,以及开展灾害风险管理的能力建 设,并向受灾的国家提供救灾援助
It noted with satisfaction that some member States had supported other developing countries in their efforts to reduce vulnerability to disasters and
to build capacity in disaster risk management, and had provided
[...] disaster relief and aid to countries struck by disasters.
对住房提供帮助救灾机构需要投入资源,以解决这 个领域的复杂问题。
Agencies that engage in shelter provision need to invest in the resources to deal with the complexity of the sector.
人类第一”组织与联合国合作实施了一些项目,为各种项目提供一系列 技能,总共捐助了 44 500 美元,其中包括:2010 年,海地地震后与联合国特 派团合作开救灾活动 ;在 2010 年乌干达发生泥石流后,为联合国儿童基金会 (儿童基金会)Bulucheke 营地的难民提供医疗服务;2009 年,支助联合国近东 巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处 (近东救济工程处),在加沙地带分发紧急援助包; 2007 年的飓风过后,在孟加拉国 Rangabali 地区开救灾工作;2005-2006 年 巴基斯坦地震过后,除了救灾信托 基金捐款之外,还与联合国一道协 救灾 活动
Humanity First has worked with the United Nations on a number of projects, providing a range of skills and contributing a total of $44,500 to various
projects, including the
[...] following: in 2010, relief activities in collaboration with the United Nations mission following the earthquake in Haiti; following landslides in Uganda in 2010, medical services for refugees at the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) camp in Bulucheke; in 2009, support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) for the distribution of emergency aid packages in the Gaza Strip; relief efforts in Rangabali, Bangladesh, following the 2007 cyclone; and, in 2005-2006 following the earthquake in Pakistan, in addition to contributing to a trust fund for disaster relief, coordination of relief activities [...]
with the United Nations.
有效的国际对策需要 进救灾规划与备灾、详细评估脆弱性与风险、更有 效的多边协调,以及预防性外交。
An effective international
[...] response requires disaster planning and [...]
preparedness, detailed assessments of vulnerability and
risk, more effective multilateral coordination and preventive diplomacy.
它意味着有关行动者应当避免采取 那些可能干涉受灾国内部事务的行为,从而确保 救灾 行 动 如第 2 条草案要求的 那样适当和有效。
It implied that the actors involved should refrain from committing acts which might constitute interference in the internal affairs of the domestic State, so as to ensure an adequate and effective response as required by draft article 2.
委员会意识到,这样的处理办法代表 了人道主义援助界目前所存在的思维,这正如 2005 年联合国在日本兵库举行的 世界减灾大会所确认的,以及最近的条约和其他文书所确认的,包括 2007
[...] 年红 十字会和红心月会国际联合会国 救灾 和 灾 后 初期恢复援助的国内协助及管理准 则。
The Commission was aware that such approach represented contemporary thinking in the humanitarian assistance community, as confirmed by the 2005 World Conference on Disaster Reduction, convened by the United Nations at Hyogo in Japan, as well as by recent treaties and other instruments, including the 2007 IFRC
Guidelines for the domestic facilitation and regulation of
[...] international disaster relief and initial [...]
recovery assistance.
[...] 我要求联合国海地问题特使、美利坚合众国前总统威廉·克林顿 救灾 和 重 建工 作中发挥更大的作用,在国际一级帮助协调联合国各机构、捐助方和私人投资者 [...]
In the light of the vast needs in Haiti and the many actors involved, I asked the United Nations Special Envoy for Haiti, former President of the United States of
America, William J. Clinton, to take on an
[...] expanded role in the relief and reconstruction [...]
effort in order to help coordinate at
the international level the work of, among others, United Nations agencies, donors and private investors.
会议认识到,加强灾、救灾方面的能力建设很有好处,特别是在地方及社 区层面,并应该在灾害风险管理中以社区为基础。
The Conference recognized the benefits of
strengthening capacities to prepare for and
[...] respond to natural disasters, particularly at [...]
the local and community levels, and
with a special focus on community-based disaster risk management.
加州电动汽车先驱者ZAP(场外柜台交易股票代码:ZAAP),将在自己的Xebra电动车及卡车工厂设立一 救灾 基 金,援助在5月12日中国四川地震中的受害者。
California electric car pioneer ZAP (OTCBB: ZAAP)
[...] is starting a relief fund with the [...]
factory for its Xebra electric car and truck
to aid victims of the May 12 earthquake in Sichuan, China.
灾和救援方面,巴黎消防大队一支“人才荟萃”,集中了训练有素的军人,可以 加救灾行列 ,尽管我们并不希望看到由其垄断该项工作。
In regard to fire and emergencies, the Paris Fire Brigade provides a permanent pool of very well-trained military personnel who might join [...]
the ranks, even if
it is not desirable that a monopoly be established in principle.
另外,以色列 的进攻目前不止于蓄意破坏近东救济工程处的设
[...] 施,还干涉其人员流动,这些人员要接受搜查和盘 问,这导致延误了难民获得急需 救灾 物 资 和服务。
Furthermore, the Israeli aggression had now extended beyond the deliberate destruction of UNRWA facilities to include interference in the movements of its personnel, who were subjected
to searches and questioning that led to delays in the delivery
[...] of much-needed relief supplies and [...]
services to refugees.
正如梁将军在其声明中所提到的,我们同意研究一系列联合军事活动,从海上搜救到人道主义援助 救灾 、 反 海盗、反恐怖主义及更多。
As General Liang mentioned in his statement, we agreed to look into a number of joint military
activities ranging from
[...] maritime search and rescue to humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, counter-piracy, [...]
counterterrorism, and more.
注意到国际社会作出巨大努力和大力声援,表明必须最充分地协 救灾 工作 并考虑到海地国家发展的轻重缓急,包括《海地国家恢复和发展行动计划》,因 [...]
Noting the enormous effort and the solidarity of the international
community, reflecting the importance of the fullest
[...] coordinated response and taking into [...]
account the national development priorities
of Haiti, including the Action Plan for National Recovery and Development of Haiti, that will be required to rebuild the affected areas in order to alleviate the grave situation arising from this natural disaster
在国家一级设 立了类似机制,例如,斐济于 2004 年设立了国救灾和重建基金。
Similar mechanisms have been created at the national level; for
[...] example, the National Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation [...]
Fund of Fiji was established in 2004.
在自然灾害发生后主要是在外部支持救灾的背 景下,开发署的支持重点正转向协助国家当局、地方政府和地方社区发 展能力,以便确定并分析灾害风险,并通过有助于制订可信恢复计划的工具和准 则,规划和领导灾后恢复进程。
In a context where the practice is largely one of externally-supported response to natural hazard events after they occur, UNDP’s support is shifting the focus towards assisting national authorities, local governments and local communities to develop capacities to identify and analyze disaster risks, and to plan and lead disaster recovery processes through tools and guidelines that enable credible recovery plans.
就委员会的工作重点提出了几个建议,包括根据现行国际法界定保护的概念 和确定发生灾难时不同行为者的权利和义务;审议在获得人道主义援助权和提供 保护责任问题上第三国的权利和义务问题;分析国际合 救灾 的 法 律问题;就以 下事达成共识:预防措施、准备就绪情况和能力建设、救济和援助的协调、提供 技术援助和专门知识以满足紧迫人道主义需求以及提供和接 救灾 援 助 的各国 之间的有关分担费用安排。
Several suggestions were made regarding the focus of the Commission’s work, including defining the concept of protection and then determining the rights and obligations of the different actors involved in disaster situations under existing international law; considering the question of the rights and obligations of third States in relation to the right to humanitarian assistance and the responsibility to protect; analysing the legal issues
involved in international
[...] cooperation in disaster relief; and identifying areas of common understanding on preventive measures, readiness and capacity-building, the coordination of relief and assistance, the provision of technical assistance and expertise to meet immediate humanitarian needs and appropriate cost-sharing arrangements between States providing and receiving disaster assistance.
在这种情况下,它们无法将意见反映给主管部门,因此受影响民众的意见和 愿望也不可能纳救灾计划
Under such circumstances, their input cannot reach the
appropriate instances and the opinions and wishes of the affected persons are not
[...] integrated into the disaster response.
勒罗伊先生(以法语发言):自 1 月 12 日的悲剧 发生以来,联合国海地稳定特派团(联海稳定团)一直
[...] 把重点放在三个主要目标上,即支持和便 救灾行 动,确保法律、秩序和安全以及恢复特派团由于人员 [...]
Mr. Le Roy( spoke in French ): Since the tragedy of 12 January, the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) has
focused on three main objectives: supporting and
[...] facilitating relief operations, ensuring [...]
law and order and security, and —
given its enormous losses in personnel and infrastructure — restoring the Mission’s capacities.
[...] 起来,并在国际和政府一级为他们作代表,以确保继续制定职业技能和教育方面 的高标准,同时尊重各社区的特点,帮助建筑物的可持续发展 救灾 和 “ 住房无 边界”。
The International Union of Architects works to unite the architects of the world on a democratic basis and to represent them at international and governmental levels so to ensure the continued development of professional methods and the high-level of educational criteria while respecting the specificity of different communities
and providing aid in the sustainable development of
[...] the built environment, disaster relief and “housing [...]
without borders”.
该部门维护一个灾害情况频率管理在线数据库,并促进行政 部门、国家监管当局救灾机构 和组织,特别是联合国紧急救济协调员、紧急 [...]
电信工作组和人道协调厅,按照制订的灾害情况操作程序,在线使用该数据 库。
ITU-R maintains an online database for frequency management in disaster situations and facilitates online access to
it for administrations, national
[...] regulatory authorities, disaster relief agencies [...]
and organizations, in particular the United
Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator, the Working Group on Emergency Telecommunications and OCHA, in accordance with the operating procedures developed for disaster situations.
通过部署非联合国安全合作伙伴,联海稳定 团与美利坚合众国、加拿大、西班牙、意大利和法国的部队形成了有效的分工,
[...] 在莱奥甘、雅克梅勒、太子港及其周围地区提 救灾 和 人 道主义援助,联海稳定 团则继续为整个海地提供地区安全保障。
With the deployment of non-United Nations security partners, an effective division of labour was established with forces from the United States
of America, Canada, Spain, Italy and
[...] France to provide disaster relief and humanitarian [...]
assistance in the areas of Léogâne,
Jacmel, Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas, while MINUSTAH continued to provide area security throughout Haiti.
一个代表团指出,儿童基金会的人道主义反应和发展工作之间关 系紧张,而另一个代表团支持该组织作为从 灾 到 救灾 和 从 恢复到能力建设的延 续的做法。
One delegation pointed to the tension between humanitarian response and development work for UNICEF while another supported the organization’s approach as a continuum from preparedness to response and recovery to capacity-building.
(a) 审查国家政策、战略和计划,并采取行动,将性别平等观点纳入针对减 少灾害风险救灾和灾后恢 复的政策、规划和筹资活动,并考虑到自然灾害对妇 女和男子的不同影响
(a) Review national policies, strategies and plans and take action to integrate a gender perspective into
policies, planning and
[...] funding for disaster risk reduction, response and recovery, considering the different impacts that natural disasters have on women and men




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