

单词 救治



treat the disease to save the patient
criticize a person in order to help him

See also:


treat (a disease)
harness (a river)
wipe out (a pest)


research v
punish v

External sources (not reviewed)

这给医生和护士带来很大的压力,也将那些真正需要立 救治 的 病人置于危险境地。
This puts a lot of stress on the doctors and nurses, and puts the lives of people who are in genuine need of their immediate attention in jeopardy.
若是您接受到一連串的脈衝或是不適症狀沒有 停止的跡象,請您致電醫療人員或者儘快就醫 接受救治療。
However, should you receive a series of
[...] shocks, or should the symptoms persist, then please call a paramedic [...]
or go to a hospital as soon as possible.
在同一届会议上,委员会还获悉,根据联合国的决定和采取的措施,禽流感特设工作 组以东道国有关当局制定的政府计划为基础,制定了一项教科文组织特别计划,包括一整套 措施预案,一矣出现 H5N1
[...] 病毒导致人类间传染的疫情,本组织即可将该计划付诸实施,它 包括了预防救治两方面的措施。
At the same session, the Committee was also informed that, in accordance with the decisions and measures taken by the United Nations, the avian flu task force had drawn up a special UNESCO plan based on the governmental plan prepared by the competent authorities of the host country, which set out measures which the Organization must implement in case of an
epizootic due to the H5N1 virus leading to human contamination, both in terms of
[...] prevention and reactive treatment and care.
但是,它允许避免重启单纯因医疗原因停 止实施的连续医救治或进行循环医 救治 (第 14b 条)。
However, it is permitted to avoid the
innovation of a
[...] consecutive medical treatment which has been terminated only due to medical reasons, or the innovation of a cyclic medical treatment (section 14b).
如果没有此类说明或决定,那么是否停止为临终 病人提供医救治的决 定将由其主治医生做出,医生在做出决定前应将病人家属 的隐性证词考虑在内,如果没有此类家属,就考虑病人监护人的立场(第 4b 条 (1)和(2))。
If there are no such instructions or decisions, a decision whether to avoid granting medical treatment to the terminally ill patient will be made by the responsible physician, having had consideration of an implicit testimony from the patient’s relative, and in the absence of such relative, considering the position of the patient’s guardian (section 4b (1) and (2)).
舉例來說,古樹名木出現問題時,會值得用上大量努力和公帑加救治;但 若是普通樹木,則或許沒有充分理由這樣做,因為我們可 輕易另種新樹替代有問題的樹木,而所節省的資源可用於種植更多植 物。
But for an ordinary tree, it may not be justified to do the same as we can easily plant a new tree (or trees) to replace the problem tree, and the public resources thus saved can be used to undertake more vegetation.
他的兄弟,Anwar 和 Akram 也受伤,以色列士兵甚至阻止巴勒斯坦医护人员接救治这 3 名伤员,使他们数小时流血不止。
His brothers, Anwar and Akram, were also wounded, and the soldiers even prevented access by Palestinian medics to aid the three wounded men, who bled for hours.
中醫藥着重保健、全救治,已 有不少臨床 經驗指出,中醫藥對化療後的身體調理有顯著的效果。
Chinese medicine stresses
[...] enhancement of health and treatment of the whole person, [...]
and as many clinical experiences have
pointed out, Chinese medicine has significant effects in regulating the health conditions of patients who have undergone chemotherapy.
(e) 蓄意摧毁医院和诊所,阻挠和剥夺对伤病人 救治 , 袭 击公立和私立 医院,杀害在医院中的受伤抗议人士
(e) The deliberate destruction of hospitals and clinics, the obstruction and denial of medical assistance to the injured and sick, and the raids and killing of wounded protesters in both public and private hospitals
(b) 通过提供救、治疗和 应急服务,管理工作场所的风险;核准工作人员 及其在册家属、军事观察员、民警监督员及联合国维和部队的医疗后送和医疗遣 [...]
返要求,并就此提供咨询和协助;向危机处理小组提供医疗方面的意见;拟订人 流感大流行及其他紧急情况的应对计划,包括与纽约卫生和心理卫生局及纽约市
(b) To manage risks in the workplace, through the provision
[...] of first aid, treatment and emergency [...]
services, approving, advising on and assisting
with medical evacuations and repatriation requests by staff and their recognized dependants, military observers, civilian police monitors and United Nations peacekeeping troops, providing medical inputs to the Crisis Operation Group, developing preparedness plans for pandemic human influenza and other emergencies, including liaison with the New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and other health authorities and medical facilities of New York City
强调会员国必须继续将《世界预防道路交通伤害报告》作为道路安全工作的 纲领,酌情采用其中的建议,特别注意其中列出的不使用安全带和儿童约束装置、
不使用头盔、酒后和吸毒后驾驶、车速不当和超速以及缺乏适当基础设施等重大 风险因素,加强道路安全管理,尤其注意行人、骑自行车和骑摩托车以及使用不
[...] 安全公共交通工具的人等易受伤害的道路使用者的需要,以及改进道路重大碰撞 事故受害者碰撞后救治
Underlining the importance for Member States to continue using the World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention as a framework for road safety efforts and implementing its recommendations, as appropriate, by paying particular attention to the main risk factors identified, including the non-use of safety belts and child restraints, the non-use of helmets, driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, inappropriate and excessive speed and the lack of appropriate infrastructure, by strengthening road safety management and by paying particular attention also to the needs of vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians, cyclists
and motorcyclists, and users of unsafe public
[...] transport, as well as by improving [...]
post-crash care for victims of road crashes
12 月 28 日上午,县协调专员 Elahi 在医院召集曾参救治布托女士的医 生开会,他要求医生们就布托女士 救治 情 况 提交报告。
On the morning of 28 December, the doctors who treated Ms. Bhutto were convened at the
[...] hospital by DCO Elahi who requested that they submit a report concerning the treatment given to Ms. Bhutto.
在德拉,当朝拜者离开位于前往大坝路上的 Hussain 清真寺后,有人聚集在
[...] 营地门口,向警卫和执法部队投掷石头和两枚自制燃烧弹,导致驻德拉国家安全 部队五人受伤,伤者被送往国家医 救治。
After worshippers had left the Hussain mosque on the road to the dam in Dar’a, people gathered at the entrance to the camp and threw stones and two Molotov cocktails at security and law enforcement
forces, injuring five men from the State security forces in Dar’a, who were taken to the
[...] National Hospital for treatment.
然而我們一旦同 意,將會遵守您的要求,除非此資料是向您 提供救治療所必需。
If we do agree, we will comply with your request unless the information is needed
[...] to provide you emergency treatment.
拟议预算第 20 段显示,非索特派团支助办将继续为非 索特派团的医生、医务工作者和士兵提供创伤培训,以确保驻摩加迪沙的非索特 派团和非索特派团支助办全体人员在需要时能立即得到创 救治。
It is indicated in paragraph 20 of the proposed budget that UNSOA would continue to provide trauma training for AMISOM doctors, medical staff and soldiers to ensure that immediate trauma care is available to all AMISOM and UNSOA personnel in Mogadishu.
倘若不得不如此,他们将会为您提供出色 救治。
But if you do, they will give you excellent care.
中国正健全对艾滋病、结核病、血吸虫病、乙型肝炎等严重传染病的预防控 制和医救治体系 ,对艾滋病、结核病、血吸虫病等重大传染病患者提供免救 治,专 门成立国务院防治艾滋病工作委员会、防治经费逐年增加。
China is strengthening systems to prevent, control and treat serious infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis,
schistosomiasis and hepatitis B.
[...] It provides treatment free of charge for those suffering from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and schistosomiasis, and has set up a working committee on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment under the State [...]
Council; the budget
for prevention and treatment is being increased yearly.
自 1988
[...] 年投入商业应用以来,LMA™ 气 道已在例行和救治疗中对 2 亿多名患者使 用。
Since its commercial introduction in 1988, the LMA™ airway has been used in over 200 million patients for
[...] routine and emergency procedures.
两大集团分别介绍了各自的医疗技术设备及收治患者情况,商讨可合作领域,初步规划,在不久的将来中孟两国将能实现先进医疗技术资源及医学人才共享,从而共 救治 伤 患
In the exchanging meeting, both the host and guests discussed about the prospective cooperation areas with a hope that Bo Ai Group (BA) and Gonoshasthaya Kendra
(GK) can share the advanced medical technology resources and
[...] medical talents and save patients together [...]
in the near future.
急性卒救治过程 或 ED 组成中应包括神经病学专科医生或卒中医师 [99 ]。
A neurologist or stroke physician should be involved in the acute care of stroke patients and available in the ED [99].
冠心病事件和脑卒中会突然发生,如果未得到及 救治 会导 致死亡。
Heart attacks and strokes can strike suddenly and can be fatal if assistance is not sought immediately.
它吁请会员国开展道路安全活动,特别是在 道路安全管理、道路基础设施、车辆安全、道路使用 者行车分心等行为、道路安全教育和碰撞 救治 等领 域开展活动,包括残疾人的康复活动。
It calls upon Member States to implement road safety activities, particularly in the areas of road safety management, road infrastructure, vehicle safety, road user behaviour, including distractions in traffic, road safety education and postcrash care, including rehabilitation for people with disabilities.
1998 年,他们第一次在 TunaHAKI
[...] 中心相聚,这是第一批被 TunaHAKI 儿童发展中救治的几百名艾滋病孤儿和街头流浪儿。
came together in 1998 ³ the first of
hundreds of AIDS orphans and vulnerable street
[...] children to have been rescued by the TunaHAKI Centre [...]
for Child Development.
内政部提供技术手段,允许重病患者和重伤员在捷克共 和国境内接救治,同 时做出安排,确保这些人在捷克共和国境内合法居留,并 [...]
The Ministry of the Interior provides the technical means and the possibility for medical help for these
seriously ill and injured patients in the Czech
[...] Republic and at the same time guarantees [...]
the arrangement of the legal stay of
these patients in the Czech Republic, as well as covering all the costs in relation to their medical cure and arrangement of transport back to their country of origin.
12 名儿童死亡( 据卫生部说) ,并有许多18岁 以下的人身受重伤。委员会深为关切地注意到,有资料说,示威中儿童近在咫 尺,安全部队依然使用了催泪弹、橡皮子弹和真枪实弹,并且由于无法确认身份 而拒绝将受伤儿童送医救治。
It notes with deep concern information that children were in close proximity of and affected by tear gas, rubber bullets and live bullets during the demonstrations and that injured children were refused access to health care due to the lack of identification.
托斯卡纳地区赞助了很多计划,其中包括将巴 勒斯坦的病重儿童送往以色列的医院进 救治 的 “ 拯 救 儿 童 ”计划,以及在刚果 开展的民主管理培训计划等等。
The region of Tuscany supports many projects,
[...] including a "Save the Children" project which brings sick Palestinian babies to Israeli hospitals, and it conduct training for democratization and governance in Congo.
造 成这一问题的原因包括:财务管理经验不足,为了维继这样一个偏远、与世隔绝
[...] 的社区需要支付相应的高额资本支出,以及医疗服务费用,包括岛民的海外医救治费用
Contributing factors include inexperience in financial management, the amount of capital expenditure needed to maintain
such a remote and isolated community and the cost of medical services, including
[...] offshore medical treatment for islanders.
负责这起诉讼案件的执行法官曾经查访了上述监狱,他明确表示说:“这 所监狱就不是人待的地方,里面拥挤不堪而且没有经过装修;不但伙食很差,生 了病的囚犯也不能立即得到医救治 , 哪 怕是药物也得不到;没有机动车辆来转 移囚犯,监狱的基础设施也不足,只能容纳 50 到 60 名犯人,可那里却关押了 118 名犯人”。
The habeas corpus enforcement judge inspected the facility and observed that “the inmates are living in inhumane conditions caused by overcrowding and the lack of rehabilitation; the food is inadequate and there is no immediate access to medical care or medicines; there is no vehicle in which to transport inmates, and the infrastructure of the jail, which has an inmate capacity of 50 to 60, does not offer sufficient physical space to lodge the 118 prisoners”.




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