

单词 救人一命胜造七级浮屠

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在犹太人的传统中,我们得到的教导是 救人一 命胜造七级浮屠。
In the Jewish tradition we are taught that
[...] whosoever saves a single life saves an entire universe.
中國人還有一句話:救人一命,勝 造七 級浮屠”。
There is also a Chinese saying
[...] which goes "saving one life is better than building a seven tier pagoda".
所謂 人 命 關 天 ,政府實在不可掉 以 輕 心 ;救 人 一 命 , 勝 造七級 浮屠” ,政府有責 任 嚴 肅 處 理 這個問題。
Since human lives are extremely important, the Government should not take the
problem lightly. As the
[...] saying goes, "saving a life is better than building a seven-storey pagoda"; [...]
the Government is duty-bound to address the problem seriously.
2010 年,冲突后和灾后平台秘书处建立了冲突 后和灾后门户网站并进行了级,其中包括针对海地、巴基斯坦和婆 浮屠 紧急 情况的在线捐助工具。
In 2010, the PCPD Platform secretariat has
[...] launched and upgraded the PCPD Web Portal, which included the online donation tool for the emergencies in Haiti, Pakistan and Borobudur.
我們不是要替市民洗腦,洗腦當然是不對的,而是我們要 把這種觀念扭轉過來,將幫助別人的觀念,即中國人有云: 救人一命 ,勝 造七級浮屠”的觀念推廣,我覺得這樣會較為有效。
We are not trying to brainwash the public for brainwashing is definitely not right, but we are trying to change this idea and promote the idea
of helping others, and that is, as the
[...] Chinese saying goes "saving one life is better than building a seven tier pagoda".
人体健康一样, 对于国际争端而言,“预防 始胜于救治”
In international disputes, just as with one’s health, it is always better to prevent than to correct.
粮食署采取了支持发展妇女事业一 系 列 措施,包括:更多 地利用设在联合王国的克兰菲尔德管理发展中心,评估可 胜 任 高 级 管 理 职务的 妇人选;通过中级管人方案 支持妇女;通过私营部门伙伴关系,在比利时的 欧洲管理中心和美国圣克拉拉大学开设针对妇女的高级领导课程。
WFP takes a number of measures to support women’s career development, including expanded use of the United Kingdom-based Cranfield Management Development Centre, to
assess women
[...] candidates for potential senior management positions; supporting women through a middle-managers programme; and providing tailored senior leadership programmes for women at the Management Centre for Europe in Belgium [...]
and at Santa Clara
University in the United States of America, through a private-sector partnership.
实现林依救了他的命,埃里克七嘴 八 舌地吻她,但太阳下山,林依晨变换 一 条 美 人 鱼。
Realizing that Ariel had saved his life, Eric rushes to kiss her, but the sun sets and Ariel transforms back into a mermaid.
谨通知你,纳米比亚共和国政府于 2009 年 2 月 9 日和 10 日在温得和克为可 持续发展委员会第七届会 议非洲区域主办了主题为“21 世纪非洲农业:迎接挑 战,造一个可持续的绿色命”的 高 级 别 会 议。
I have the honour to inform you that the Government of the Republic of Namibia hosted,
in Windhoek, a
[...] high-level meeting for the seventeenth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development for the Africa region on 9 and 10 February 2009, on the theme “African Agriculture in the Twenty-first Century: Meeting the Challenges, Making a Sustainable Green Revolution”.
在这种环境下,我们所说的主题公园2.0的所有者,经营者和知识产权权利人和合作公司与能提供给他们全面解决方案的公司们合作,来开拓创新的身临其境的体验,”超级78总裁及创意总监 Brent Young说道,“我们一个很好的造 引 人 入 胜 故 事 的纪录,所以这种设计和开发旅游景点的扩展,是 级 7 8 的 一 个有机进展。
In this environment, what we call Theme Park 2.0, owners, operators and IP holders are partnering with firms that offer comprehensive solutions to develop innovative, and immersive experiences,” said Brent Young, Super 78 principal and creative director.
一些情況下,當資料當人或其他 個 人 的 生命 有危險時,提供其所在地點資料是同等重要,以便有關當局即時到達採救援行動,以造成嚴 重的身體或精神損害。
In some situations, when the life and limb of the data subject or other individual is at stake, the provision of the location data is of equal importance to facilitate immediate access and rescue actions to be taken [...]
by the relevant authorities
to prevent serious physical or mental harm to be suffered.
通过我们综合的系统创新方法,各知名OEM厂商已经证实,Clarity+技术在为1.1微米像素图像传感器 造 新 的 性能 级 方 面 明显 胜一 筹。
Our total system approach to innovation has led prominent OEMs to
confirm that Clarity+ technology has
[...] clearly succeeded in producing a new level of performance for 1.1um [...]
pixel image sensors.
[...] 們那“七級浮屠”評分制的認許,其實是等於對我們考評局推出的 一至 五、五*五 **、七級浮屠”的 計分制進行了一次外評 ⎯⎯ 一次海外“照 肺 ”。
Recently, the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) announced that our seven-tiered pagoda rating system was recognized by the UCAS of the
United Kingdom, in fact, it was an overseas
[...] assessment of the "1-5, 5*, 5**" seven-tiered pagoda scoring system of [...]
the HKEAA.
七人中有 五人在战斗中受伤,他们在得到草草 救 后 被 转移到阿萨 布一处羁 押设施,他们在那里受到讯问并被羁押了近两个月。
Five of the seven had been injured during the fighting and received superficial first aid before being transferred [...]
to a holding facility
in Assab, where they were interrogated and remained in detention for almost two months.
自2005年10月开始,持续整整6年的上海宏源照明电器有限公司与德国西门子全资子公司欧司朗(OSRAM)有限公司之间的专利侵权纠纷案,历经上海第二中级人民法院、上海高级人民法院,国家知识产权局、北京 一 中 级人 民 法 院、北京高级人民法院几轮诉讼历程,最终,上海高院及北京高院两纸终审判决结案,宣告了宏源照明的全 胜 诉。
Since October 2005, the 6-year-long patent infringement lawsuit between Shanghai Hongyuan and OSRAM ended up with Hongyuan’s wining judged by Higher People’s Court of Shanghai Municipality and Higher People’s Court of Beijing Municipality after several rounds of litigation procedures of No. 2 Medium People’s Court of Shanghai, Higher People’s Court of Beijing Municipality, State Intellectual Property Office, No.1 Medium People’s Court of Beijing and Higher People’s Court of Beijing Municipality.
土耳其共和国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处和瑞士其他国际组织代表团向联合国 人权事务级专员办事处致意,并 人 权 理 事会第 七 届 会议 任 命 第 二任少数群 体问题独立专家的任务负责人之际,谨在此转达土耳其的申明。
The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Turkey to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland presents its compliments to the
Office of the United
[...] Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and, on the occasion of the appointment of the second holder [...]
of the mandate of
independent expert on minority issues by the Human Rights Council at its seventeenth session, has the honour to convey herewith the statement by Turkey.
人一个星期为德国工作六天,在 七 天 为 英国 胜 利 祈 祷。
The Swiss work
[...] six days a week for Hitler's Germany, and on the seventh pray for a British victory.
北京耀中中学部的科学老师Padmini Sirimanne 博士人入胜地向 同学阐述了史蒂芬·柯维(Stephen Covey)众所周知的著作《高效人士 的 七 个 习 惯》。
An engaging presentation by YCIS Beijing Secondary Science teacher Dr. Padmini Sirimanne provided students with Stephen Covey’s well-known “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
我想在只有民主自由思想的廣 大香港市民的支持下,在支聯會的不懈的努力下,在有良知香港的法律
[...] 工作者和立法會議員的幫助下,我的作品新民主女神像,和天安門的‘六 四 ’屠殺大型浮雕,一定會成功在維園廣場展出,並和熱愛民主自由, 維護公民尊嚴的香港市民見面。
I believe that with the widespread support of members of the Hong Kong public upholding the ideas of democracy and freedoem, the unfaltering efforts of the Allinace and the assistance from people in the legal profession and Members of the Legislative Council with a conscience in Hong Kong, my art works, a new statue of the
Goddess of Democracy and a large
[...] bas-relief on the 4 June Massacre in Tiananmen Square, [...]
will surely be displayed in the square
of the Victoria Park and meeting members of the Hong Kong public who love democracy and freedom and uphold citizens' dignity ardently.
联合人权事务高级专员办事处 2010 年关于哥伦比人权状 况的报告 (A/HRC/16/22)指出,准军事组织复员后出现的武装团体造成暴力事件增加,特 别是,此类团体内部及彼此之间发生争 造 成 的 屠 杀 事 件增加 40%。
An increase in the violence caused by armed groups that emerged after the demobilization of paramilitary organizations — and in particular a 40 per cent increase in massacres in the context of violent disputes between and within such groups — has been noted in a report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on Colombia for 2010 (A/HRC/16/22).
Ghanea 女士总结了五条初步 结论:(a) 讨论表达自由的限度不能 脱离根 据 整 个公约所承 担 的总体义务,例 如,法律面前人人平等,应有的程序 和 少数人 的权利等;(b) 与表达没有合理的联系的随意的或 人 指 挥 的暴力行为不应成为对 表达自由加以限制的理由;(c) 在仇恨本身就引起暴力的地方,表明了一种更广泛 的暴力模式;启动了第 20 条就表明国家没有能够保证第 26 条所规定的不受歧视 的权利;(d) 第 20 条也要求有仔细的分成不同等级的制裁;最 一级 , 不 应侵害 表达本 身 ,最一级,可引 发制裁 ;要小心不要让 限制对总的表达自造 成 消极 影响;(e) 在国家范畴内还需要其他的行动。
Ms. Ghanea drew five preliminary conclusions: (a) the discussion on limitations to freedom of expression could not be dissociated from the overall obligations under the Covenant as a whole, such as full equality before the law, due process and rights of minorities; (b) random or orchestrated acts of violence that have no reasonable link to expression should not justify limitations to freedom of expression; (c) where hatred
itself incited to violence, it showed a
[...] broader pattern of violations; triggering article 20 demonstrated a failure of the State to guarantee the right to non-discrimination under article 26; (d) article 20 also required a careful and calibrated range of sanctions; at a minimum, it should not infringe expression itself and at a maximum it could trigger sanction; care had to be taken for the limitations not to have a chilling effect on freedom of expression in general; and (e) other actions in the national sphere were needed.
又吁请请求归还非法资金的所有国家充分履行承诺,将反腐败斗争作为级政府 的优先事项,制止非法转移资金,在有关将被归还资金用于实现经济、 社会和文化权利的决策方面实行问责、透明和参与的原则,以改进预防和侦察程 序,纠正已查明的弱点或管理不当现象,防止有罪不罚现象,提供有效 救措 施,争取造条件,避免新的侵人 权 行为,全面改进司法
Also calls upon all States requesting the repatriation of funds of illicit origin to fully uphold their commitment to make the
fight against corruption
[...] a priority at all levels and to curb the illicit transfer of funds, and to apply the principles of accountability, transparency and participation in the decision-making process regarding the allocation of repatriated funds to the realization of economic, social and cultural rights in order to improve prevention and detection procedures, correct identified weaknesses or mismanagement, prevent impunity, provide effective remedies directed at creating conditions for avoiding new human rights violations [...]
and improve the
overall administration of justice
蒲甘、婆浮屠和吴 哥窟只是本区域古代庞大的贸易和文化网络 中一小部分。
Bagan, Borobudur and Angkor Wat are but a small testimony to the vast trading and cultural network that the [...]
region had in ancient times.
我們的盈餘除了是用作提供就業機會、 提供長者安居服務、提救命鐘服務外,現時亦在進 一 些 研 究和發展工作 ( R&D),看看如何一些患上老人痴呆 症的 人 或 其他需要服務的殘人 士,在戶外也可以獲救命鐘服 務,例如當他們在戶外迷失了,按救命鐘, 便可以讓我們找到他們。
Our surplus is used for, besides creating job opportunities and providing home
safety services for the
[...] elderly and the help bell service, conducting R&D studies to examine ways to enable patients suffering from senile dementia or needy people with disabilities to access our help bell service outdoor so that when they get lost outdoor, for instance, they may press the help bell to enable [...]
us to locate them.
Genection简化了一流程 ,允许临床医生与其他医疗服务提供商共享检测结果和遗传信息,这可以辅助对 人 的 诊断,加快制定个性化治疗方案和 造 更 多 拯 救 生 命 的 治 疗方法。
Genection streamlines this process, allowing
[...] to share test results and genetic information with other healthcare providers, which can assist in a diagnosis for a patient and accelerate creation of individualized treatment plans and potentially life-saving therapies.
公平提供人道主义援 助可能具有关键重要性;以军事人员、警察人员或文 人 员 协 助维持治安可 以救生命、创造安全 状况以便进行谈判;如果各方愿意,联合国还可以协 助和解工作。
Humanitarian assistance, impartially provided, could be of critical importance; assistance in maintaining security, whether through
military, police or
[...] civilian personnel, could save lives and develop conditions of safety in which negotiations [...]
can be held;
the United Nations could also help in conciliation efforts if this should be the wish of the partners.
我作為長者安居服務協會的創人之 一 ,在出席有關平安鐘的會議時, 有些同事便向我反映很多收費電視公司真的會跟 人 家 說到有所謂的 bundling(即捆綁服務),即是說如果要申 救命 鐘 服 務,必 一 併 申請收 費電視服務,這做法令長者安居服務協會的救命鐘服務也受到影響。
I am one of the founders of the Senior Citizen Home Safety
Association and
[...] when I attended meetings on the Personal Emergency (PE) Link Service, some colleagues told me that many pay television companies had indeed adopted a bundling tactic, that is, they would tell the senior citizens that if they wanted to apply for PE Link, they [...]
had to make a joint
application for pay television service as well.
2010-2011 年发生一系列 自然灾害:海地地震(2010 年 1 月)破坏了海地社 会的文化结构和社会结构;巴基斯坦洪灾(2010 年 8 月)使世界遗址摩亨佐达 罗考古遗迹和塔塔城遭受影响;印尼爪哇岛默拉皮火山的大喷发(2010 年 10 月)破坏了婆浮屠寺庙 群和普兰巴南寺庙群。
The years 2010-2011 witnessed a series of natural disasters: the earthquake in Haiti (January 2010) destroying the cultural and social fabric of Haitian society; flooding in Pakistan (August 2010) affecting the Moenjodaro and Thatta World Heritage properties; and a major volcanic eruption of Mt.
最近,政府用法律控告司徒 華,控告支聯會常委和義工的合法請願,利用娛樂法例強搶兩個民主女 神像和六屠殺浮雕,清楚顯示特區政府未能堅守香港的核心價值,利 用法律打壓香港的自人權。
This shows clearly that the SAR
[...] Government cannot abide by the core values of Hong Kong, and it is using the law to suppress freedom and human rights in Hong Kong.
所以,當特區政府近日公然干擾和打壓支聯會的六四悼念宣傳活 動,並一些似是而非的所謂法律規定,強行搶走兩個民主女神像和天 安屠殺浮雕的時候,便立即遭到香港市民和輿論的強烈譴責,因為悼 念六四不單代表香港市民的集體情懷,更代表香港市民對國內民主及香 港民主的核心價值。
So when the SAR Government acted blatantly to interfere with and suppress the activities held by the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China (the Alliance) to commemorate the 4 June incident and when the Government invoked some specious provisions in law to confiscate the two goddess of democracy statues and the bas-relief on the Tiananmen massacre, it was met with strong public outcry and condemnation.




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