

单词 救主

救主 noun ()

SaviourBE n


救世主 n

saviourBE n




the Savior (in Christianity)

See also:


save v
rescue v


External sources (not reviewed)

局長今天在這裏不戰、不和、不走,是捨 救主 , 是 因為曾先生下了一 度鐵命令:堅決要令他所稱的反對派一無所得。
The Secretary, in not fighting, making
peace or beating any retreat today, is
[...] sacrificing himself to save his master because [...]
Mr TSANG has issued a steely order: he
is determined to make what he called the opposition gain nothing.
至于那些还活着的已经接受他救主 和 主 的 人, 在那一天会被耶稣接去。
Those who have
[...] accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord, while they [...]
were living upon the earth, will be accepted by Jesus, at that day.
[...] 朋友和熟人被带到小组,有机会了解耶稣,并接受耶稣作他们 救主。
Through the working of the Holy Spirit, these friends
and acquaintances are brought into the group and have opportunity to learn about Jesus and
[...] receive Him as their Savior.
[...] 能力定我们的罪,因我们称义不是靠成就律法而是因相信并接受耶稣救 主。
The law no longer has any power to condemn us
because our righteousness no longer comes from fulfilling the law but in accepting it as a gift
[...] when we accept the Lord.
救主,鑒察,知我心思, 求主今試驗,知道我意念; 若在我心隱藏罪惡念頭, [...]
Search me, O God, and know my heart
[...] today, Try me, O Savior, know my thoughts, [...]
I pray; See if there be some wicked way in
me; Cleanse me from every sin, and set me free.
从出生在一个稳定的克里希纳,他是牧羊人和贤士崇拜,领袖带领通过一系列活动的那 救主 相 关 的确切同行。
From the birth of Krishna in a stable, and his adoration by
shepherds and magi, the leader is led on through a series of events the exact counterparts of
[...] those related of Our Divine Lord.
[...] 原来受影响较小的经济部门和国家,那么仍然有可能产生保护性措施;如果国家救主导行 业的结果导致保护“国家龙头企业”不被外国企业收购,那么危机过 [...]
Protectionist pressures, however, could still potentially arise from the spreading of the crisis to less-affected
economic sectors and countries, and a new
[...] wave of economic nationalism could occur in the [...]
aftermath of the crisis, if the exit
of the State from bailed-out flagship industries leads to the protection of “national champions” from foreign takeovers.
6 月,普里兹救主教堂的修复工程开工,资金来自由德国政府提供的 15 [...]
万欧元 捐款。
In June, restoration work
[...] began on the Holy Savior Church in Prizren, [...]
funded by the €150,000 contribution of the Government of Germany.
知道神的旨意是让每个男人、女人、儿童都有机会听到并理解福音,从而接受耶稣基督作他们个 人主和救主。
Know that it is God’s will that every man, woman, and
child hear and understand the Gospel and have the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as
[...] their personal Lord and Savior.
阿,我救主,求 祢不讓我逐少的跌倒,看所犯 的罪不大,自以為能承擔而放縱,不斷的犯罪。
O my Savior let me not fall by little [...]
and little, or think myself able to bear the indulgence of any known sin because it seems so insignificant.
福音派相信,每个人都有通过他的赎罪死在十字架上的信仰的精神重生和个人承诺,以耶稣基督 救主 , 需 要(常见的是,虽然不一定通过一个具体的转换经验)。
Evangelicals believe that each individual has a need for
spiritual rebirth and personal commitment to
[...] Jesus Christ as savior, through faith [...]
in his atoning death on the cross (commonly,
although not necessarily, through a specific conversion experience).
当那位太太用“福音桥”说明我们需 救主 , 耶 稣如何为我们的罪死在十字架上时,X开始明白了。
As the wife used the ‘Bridge' illustration to explain
[...] our need for a Saviour and how Jesus [...]
came to die on the cross for our sins, ‘X' began to understand.
你何不今天就邀请主耶稣并接受祂做救 主,拯救你脱离罪恶和地狱?
Why don’t you invite Him and receive Him as your Savior from sin and Hell today ?
我们下一周将学习最后一课,耶稣是谁 救主?
Next week we will study our final lesson in this series – Who is Jesus for?
And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his
[...] Son to be the Savior of the world.
就如这些犹太人视耶稣为能够把他们从罗马的统治之下解脱出来,并能在他们坐着什么也不做时给他们食物的政治领袖,许多基督徒视耶稣是他们 救 的 救主 , 能 够给他们永生的生命和他们今生就能享受的眼前益处,但同时却不愿按他说的去做。
Just as these Jews saw Jesus as a political leader who could deliver them from the Romans and provide for them miraculously while they sit back and do
nothing, so also many Christians
[...] view Jesus as Lord over their salvation, who provides [...]
them with eternal life and the temporary
benefits they receive in this life, but at the same time are not really willing to do what he says.
祂是以赛亚书53章受苦救主,和 诗篇24:910荣耀的王。
He is the Suffering Savior of Isaiah 53 [...]
and the King of Glory of Psalm 24:9-10.
耶稣已代替我们满足了律法,今天我们所要做的就是相信我们 救主 并 接受 从他而来的丰盛恩典和公义的恩赐。
Jesus has fulfilled the law on our behalf and our part today is to
[...] believe in our Savior and receive the [...]
abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness.
在學校的日常生活裏,學生必須覺得,他是被召喚以他的行為,作天主愛的活見證,而且,他也是救恩歷史的一部分,這救恩史的目標是世界 救主 基 督
In the daily life of the school, the pupil should learn that he is called to be a living witness to God's love for men by the way he acts, and that he is part of that salvation history which has Christ, the Saviour of the world, as its goal.
其实有三种——但我认为“自由派”的人太偏异了,已不能算作“基督徒”了)一般说来,无法的基督徒愿意接受基督 救主 , 但不愿接受他为主,墨守律法愿意接受基督为主,但不愿接受基督 救主。
(Actually there are three - but the "liberals" I reckon as too deviant to even be considered in the category
of "Christian") In
[...] general, the Lawless accept Christ as Savior but not as Lord, while the Legalists accept Christ as Lord but not as Savior.
世上有許多人、許多不同的宗教和信仰都留有記載,記 救主 曾 到 世上造訪先知,但我從未讀過或聽過任何記載敘述有人蒙受了神和耶穌基督的造訪,不過這正是發生在約瑟‧斯密身上的事。
There are many people, religions
and Faiths in the world that have given
[...] accounts of the Savior visiting Prophets [...]
on the earth but i have never read or
heard any accounts of a man being visited by both GOD AND JESUS CHRIST,Which is what happened to Joseph Smith The implications to this is POWERFUL!
開表白他們的信仰並接受堅信禮,現在我奉教會的頭,我們 救主 耶 穌基督 的名及台福基督教會的權柄宣告並接納他(們)成為______教會的會員,有份 於主的聖餐與新約的恩典。
I, in the name of the head of Church Jesus Christ and the authority of EFC, proclaim and accept them to be members of EFC of _____, qualifying to participate the Lord’s Supper and grace of the New Testament.
紅磡官立小學 九龍塘學校(小學部) 靈糧堂秀德小學 路德會梁鉅鏐小學下午校 閩僑小學 天主教伍華小學 天主教佑華小學 保良局陳溢小學 保良局黃族宗親會小學 啓新書唍 玫瑰崗學校(小學部) 路德救主學校(小學部) 聖公會奉基小學 聖公會聖紀文小學 順德聯誼總會胡少渠紀念小學(下午校) 天主教聖母聖心小學上午校/全日制 天主教聖母聖心小學下午校 天主教石鐘山紀念小學 官立嘉道理爵士小學 聖公會基樂小學 香港扶幼會則仁中心學校 聖文德天主教小學 聖安當小學上午校 聖安當小學下午校 聖保祿學校(小學部) [...] [...]
聖伯多祿天主教小學 聖士提反堂小學 順德聯誼總會梁潔華小學 東華三院港九電器商聯會小學上午校 東華三院李東海小學 大埔舊墟公立學校
S.T.F.A. Wu Siu Kui Memorial Primary School (P.M.) Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Primary School (a.m.) Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Primary School (p.m.) Shak Chung Shan Memorial Catholic Primary School Sir Ellis Kadoorie (Sookunpo) Primary School
(k) (i) 第㆒太平銀行的權利或法律責任,如憑藉本條例而成為或當作 為東亞銀行的權利或法律責任,即東亞銀行及所有其他㆟自指 定日期起,即具有同樣的權利、權力及 救 ( 尤 其是提出法律 程序,或在法律程序㆗抗辯,或向任 主 管 當 局提出或反對申 請的權利及權力),以便確定、完成或強制執行該權利或法律 責任,猶如該權利及法律責任在任何時候均屬東亞銀行㆒樣; 而由第㆒太平銀行提出或針對該銀行向任何主管當局提出、並 在緊接指定日期之前存在或待決的法律程序,或由第㆒太平銀 行提出或針對該銀行向任何主管當局提出、並在緊接指定日期 之前存在或待決的申請,均可由東亞銀行繼續進行,或可繼續 針對東亞銀行進行。
(h) (i) Where by virtue of this Ordinance any right or liability of First Pacific Bank becomes or is deemed to become a right or liability of Bank of East Asia, Bank of East Asia and all other persons shall, on and from the appointed day, have the same rights, powers and remedies (and in particular the same rights and powers as to taking or resisting legal proceedings or making or resisting applications to any authority) for ascertaining, perfecting or enforcing that right or liability as if it had at all times been a right or liability of Bank of East Asia; and any legal proceedings or application to any authority existing or pending immediately before the appointed day by or against First Pacific Bank may be continued by or against Bank of East Asia.
(c) 在所有法律诉讼程序进行之中向暴力行为女性受害人提供以确保有机 会得到司救济并避免间接受害为目的的法律援助、咨询和法庭上的支助服务 及其他这类服务,其中可包括根据请求或需要翻译法律文件。
(c) Providing legal aid, advice and court support services in all legal proceedings to female victims of violence in order to ensure access to justice and avoid secondary victimization and other such services, which may include the translation of legal documents where requested or required.
任职者将负责指导对 地勤辅助设备的各项要求的规划和提供工作,以支助特派团的飞机运行、加油、
[...] 旅客上下、货物装卸、机场和空港安全标准和设备、坠机紧 救 援 车辆和设备, 包括对工作人员职等、资格和经验的要求,为此向特派团提供指导意见、起草 [...]
作说明,确定设备规格,与其他部门密切联系,以拟定设备和车辆的预算和系 统合同,并就培训要求提供指导。
The incumbent would be responsible for directing the planning and provision of aerospace ground support equipment requirements to support aircraft handling, refuelling, passenger handling, cargo handling, airfield and air
terminal security standards and equipment,
[...] emergency crash rescue vehicles and equipment [...]
in missions, including requirements
for staff levels, qualifications and experience by providing guidance to missions, drafting statements of work, developing requests for proposals for contractors, preparing the statements of work for aircraft support units of troop-contributing countries, determining equipment specifications, liaising closely with other sections to establish budgets and systems contracts for equipment and vehicles, and providing guidance on training requirements.
大会第六十届、第六十三届和第六十五 届会议决定将近救济工 程处咨询委员会成员数目增至 21 个,之后又增至 23 个, 其后又增至 24 个(第 60/522 号决定、第 63/91 号决议和第 65/98 号决议);邀请巴 勒斯坦作为观察员出席并全面参与咨询委员会会议;邀请欧洲共同体出席咨询委员 会的会议;并邀请阿拉伯国家联盟作为观察员出席咨询委员会的会议。
At its sixtieth, sixty-third and sixty-fifth sessions, the Assembly decided to increase the membership of the Advisory Commission on UNRWA to 21, then to 23, and then to 24 (decision 60/522, resolution 63/91 and resolution 65/98); to invite Palestine to attend and fully participate in its meetings as an observer; to invite the European Community to attend its meetings; and to invite the League of Arab States to attend its meetings as an observer.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐主义而 开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.




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