

单词 敌视

敌视 ()

view as enemy
stand against

See also:


enemy n



regard v
look at v

External sources (not reviewed)

Regrettably, those recommendations focused on
issues that were extraneous to genuine human rights issues and were purely put
[...] forward out of hostility towards the country.
实际情况证明,除非美国彻底摈弃长 敌视 朝 鲜民主主义人民共和国的思 想,任何问题都无法得到解决,而只能加大对峙和冲突的风险。
The reality proves that
[...] unless the long-held hostile concept of the United [...]
States towards the Democratic People’s Republic
of Korea is rooted out entirely, nothing can be resolved; rather, the confrontation and the risk of conflict will increase.
特别是,在核问题出现之前对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国实施的经济制裁与核 问题毫不相干,只是反映了美敌视 朝 鲜 民主主义人民共和国的态度。
In particular, economic sanctions imposed on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea before the rise of the nuclear issue have
nothing to do with the nuclear issue and
[...] merely reflect the hostile concept of the United [...]
States towards the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
美国对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国实施的经济制裁是其长期推 敌视 朝 鲜 民 主主义人民共和国政策的一个重要手段。
The United States economic sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
are an important tool for the pursuit of its
[...] long-standing hostile policy towards [...]
the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
就业竞 争和其他困难,往往触发对移民和少数群体 敌视。
Competition for jobs and other difficulties
[...] often trigger hostility towards migrants [...]
and minorities.
被敌对势力视为指责朝鲜民主主义人民共和国发射卫星之“依据”的安全理 事会第 1718(2006)号和第 1874(2009)号决议,是它敌视和压 制朝鲜民主主义 人民共和国的高压政策的产物,毫无半点合法性可言;它们置举世公认的国际法 于不顾,纯属一派胡言。
Security Council resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009) which the hostile forces regard as the “ground” for taking issue with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s satellite launch are a product of their high-handed policy for antagonizing and oppressing the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the height of illegality; they are faked up at random, disregarding even universally accepted international law.
考虑到对某些群体的长敌 视,需 要特别注意确保官员和其他人切实执行法律和政策。
Given the persistent hostility towards some groups, [...]
particular attention will need to be given to ensuring that laws and
policies are implemented by officials and others in practice.
敌视思想 这一根本原因依然存在,要消 敌视 思 想 ,仅仅发表言词是不 够的。
Since the root cause — the hostile concept — remains, it will take more than words [...]
to remove it.
布什政府对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国推行极其危险 敌视 政 策 ,迫使朝鲜民 主主义人民共和国完全退出《不扩散核武器条约》,并将其以发电为目的的和平 [...]
The extremely dangerous hostile policy pursued [...]
by the Bush administration forced the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
to withdraw completely from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and direct its peaceful nuclear power industry for producing electricity to the building-up of a self-defensive nuclear deterrent.
但是,当意见和表达 自由达到宣扬宗教仇恨的程度从而构成煽动 视 、 敌视 或 暴 力时,也是可以限制 此种自由的。
Yet, freedom of opinion and expression may be
restricted when it amounts to advocacy of religious hatred that constitutes
[...] incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence.
缔约国应实行必要的法律改革,凡宣传民族、种族或宗教仇恨的行为,构成 煽动视、敌视或暴 力的都应入刑;凡违反《公约》第二十条,发表言论造 [...]
The State party should adopt the legislative reforms needed to criminalize any advocacy of national, racial
or religious hatred constituting
[...] incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence and [...]
impose criminal penalties on any
person making statements whose effect is the incitement to such acts, in violation of article 20 of the Covenant.
美国还宣布,将不对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国抱 敌视 态 度 (2000 年 10 月 12 日《朝鲜民主主义人民共和国美国联合公报》)。
The United States also declared that it
[...] would not have hostile intent towards [...]
the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
(Democratic People’s Republic of Korea-United States Joint Communiqué, 12 October 2000).
[...] 或新闻界目前关于这一议题的辩论采取积极的干预行动,那就与《公约》的基本 原则互不相容,除非谈话的内容鼓吹民族、种族或宗教仇恨,或构成对 视 、敌 视或暴力的煽动。
The State party therefore contends that it must be considered incompatible with the founding principles of the Covenant if the Covenant were to be interpreted as imposing a positive duty of action on the State to intervene in a debate on a current topic which has been raised by Parliament and the press unless
it advocates national, racial or religious hatred or constitutes an
[...] incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence.
朝鲜民主主义人民共和国和美国长达 22 年的谈判历史表明,除非美国消敌视朝鲜 民主主义人民共和国的态度,就连同步行动原则都将一事无成。
The 20-year-long history of the talks between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the United States has shown that even the principle
of simultaneous action steps is not
[...] workable unless the hostile concept of the United [...]
States towards the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is removed.
因此,特别报告员鼓励各国摒弃诋毁宗教概念,转而接受构成煽动 视 、敌 视或暴 力的鼓吹种族或宗教仇恨行为的法律概念,从而以相关现行国际法律框 [...]
Consequently, the Special Rapporteur encourages States to move away from the notion of defamation of religions towards the legal concept of advocacy of
racial or religious hatred that
[...] constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence [...]
in order to anchor the debate
in the relevant existing international legal framework, and in particular that provided in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
工作组强调必须整治和打击体育领域出于种族主义动因的行为,包括煽动 种族主义、种族歧视和仇外心理及相关不容忍现象 敌视 或 暴 力行为,并促请各 国根据国内立法和国际义务,采取一切适当措施,防止、打击和整治体育赛事领 [...]
The Working Group stresses the importance of addressing and combating impunity for racially motivated acts in sport, including acts
of incitement to
[...] racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, hostility or violence, and [...]
urges States to take
all appropriate measures, in accordance with domestic legislation and international obligations, to prevent, combat and address all manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in the context of sporting events, and to ensure that racially-motivated acts are punished by law, as appropriate
根据《公民及政治权利国际公约》(大会第 2200 A(XXI)号决议,附件)第
[...] 20 条第 2 款,任何鼓吹民族、种族或宗教仇恨的主张,构成煽动 视 、 敌视 或 强暴 者,应以法律加以禁止。
According to article 20, paragraph 2, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (General Assembly resolution 2200 A (XXI), annex), any advocacy of national,
racial or religious hatred that constitutes
[...] incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall [...]
be prohibited by law.
同时,根据《宪法》第 57 条,“禁止旨在强行改变宪法制度、反对共和国的主权、领土完整和安全、反对
[...] 共和国公民的权利和自由、鼓吹战争、鼓吹社会、民族、种族和宗 敌视 、 蓄 意 危害人民健康和道德、具有民族和宗教特征的军事化团体的建立和活动。
Article 57 of the Constitution prohibits “the creation and operation of civil society organizations for the purpose of changing the constitutional order by force; opposing the sovereignty, integrity and security of the Republic and the rights and freedoms of its citizens under the
Constitution; advocating war or social,
[...] religious, ethnic or racial enmity; or impairing [...]
the health and morality of the people.
谨随函转递朝鲜民主主义人民共和国外务省 2012 年 8 月 31 日发表的备忘录
[...] ——“朝鲜民主主义人民共和国认为美国 敌视 政 策 是解决核问题的主要障碍” (见附件)。
I have the honour to transmit herewith the memorandum of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
entitled “Democratic People’s
[...] Republic of Korea terms hostile United States policy [...]
main obstacle in resolving nuclear issue”,
released on 31 August 2012 (see annex).
还需要有开放式的、关键的沟通,以便消除负面的定型观念, 而这些观念本身就是构成相互猜疑、 视 、 敌视 或 暴 力以及随之而来侵犯人权行 为的根源。
Open and critical communication is also needed to eradicate negative stereotypes, which
themselves constitute root causes of mutual
[...] suspicion, discrimination, hostility or violence and [...]
concomitant human rights abuses.
谴责煽动视、敌意或 暴力的任何鼓吹宗教仇恨的行为,不论其是否涉 及使用印刷、音像、电子媒介或任何其他手段
Condemns any advocacy of religious hatred that constitutes
[...] incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence, whether [...]
it involves the use of print,
audio-visual or electronic media or any other means
[...] 忍或歧视,对思想、良心、宗教或信仰自由的侵害,以及构成煽动 视 、 敌 对或 暴力的鼓吹宗教仇恨的做法,不论是采用印刷、视听或电子媒体,还是采用任何 [...]
in the name of religion or belief, and violations of the freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief, as well as any advocacy of
religious hatred that constitutes
[...] incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence, whether [...]
it involves the use of print,
audio-visual or electronic media or any other means
然而,政府没有对下列条款提出保留:第 2 条,该
条责成政府尊重和确保在其领土之内和管辖范围内的所有个人享有《公约》承认 的权利,不得在宗教基础上加以区别;第 20 条,该条责成政府依法禁止煽动民
[...] 族、种族或宗教仇恨,这些构成煽动 视 、 敌 对 或 暴力;第 26 条,该条禁止基 于宗教原因的歧视;以及第 [...]
27 条,该条规定成员享有信奉和实践自己的宗教的 权利。
The Government did not, however, enter reservations to: article 2, which obliges the Government to respect and to ensure the rights recognised in the Covenant to all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction without distinction on the basis of religion; article 20, which obliges the Government to prohibit by law the advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred
that constitutes incitement to
[...] discrimination, hostility or violence; article [...]
26, which prohibits discrimination on religious grounds
and article 27, which provides for the right of members to profess and practice their own religion.
按照国际人权义务,采取一切必要和适当的行动,消除基于宗教或信 仰的不容忍引起的仇恨、歧视、不容忍及暴力、恐吓和胁迫行为,以及构成煽动视、敌意和 暴力的任何宣扬宗教仇恨的行为,特别是针对世界各地宗教少数群 体成员的这类行为; (k) 通过教育系统和其他途径,促进对所有涉及宗教或信仰自由的事项的 理解、容忍、不歧视及尊重,为此鼓励广大社会更多地了解各种宗教和信仰以及 其管辖范围内现有各宗教少数群体的历史、传统、语言和文化
(j) To take all necessary and appropriate action, in conformity with international human rights obligations, to combat hatred, discrimination, intolerance and acts of violence, intimidation and coercion motivated by intolerance based on religion or belief, as well as any advocacy of religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility and violence, with particular regard to members of religious minorities in all parts of the world
(d) 颁布并执行法律,以禁止基于文化特征的歧视,以及构成煽动 视、 敌对或 暴力行为的鼓吹民族、种族或宗教仇恨的做法,同时考虑到公民权利和政 [...]
治权利国际公约第十九条和第二十条,以及消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约第四 条。
(d) Promulgate and enforce legislation to prohibit discrimination based on cultural identity, as well as advocacy of national, racial or
religious hatred that constitutes
[...] incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence, taking [...]
into consideration articles 19
and 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and article 4 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.
她说,根 据专家研讨会对《公民及政治权利国际公约》第 19 条和第
[...] 20 条间关系所作的结论:《表达自由和鼓吹 构成煽动视、敌对或 暴力的宗教仇恨》,四个禁止 煽动民族、种族或宗教仇恨的专家讲习班将于 [...]
2011 年在联合国几个会议中心举行(曼谷、内罗毕、圣地
亚哥和维也纳),她将会在人权理事会 2011 年 3 月 召开的会议上提交有关打击宗教诽谤的第 13/16 号 决议执行情况的报告。
As part of the follow-up to the expert seminar on the links between articles 19 and 20 of the International Government on Civil and Political Rights: “Freedom of expression and advocacy of
religious hatred that
[...] constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence”, [...]
four expert workshops on prohibition
of incitement to national, racial or religious hatred would be held in 2011 in several United Nations conference centres (Bangkok, Nairobi, Santiago and Vienna) and she would submit a report, at the March 2011 session of the Human Rights Council, on the implementation of its resolution 13/16 on combating defamation of religions.
[...] 所述,全面有效地禁止任何鼓吹民族、种族或宗教仇恨,构成煽动 视 、 敌对 或暴力的行为,并采取一切必要的立法、政策和司法措施加以实施。
The Ministers noted the resolve of the Durban Review Conference to, as stipulated in art. 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, fully and effectively prohibit any advocacy of national, racial, or
religious hatred that constitutes
[...] incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence and [...]
implement it through all necessary
legislative, policy and judicial measures.
[...] 仰的不容忍引起的仇恨、歧视、不容忍及暴力、恐吓和胁迫行为,以及构成煽动视、敌意和 暴力的任何宣扬宗教仇恨的行为,尤其是针对世界各地宗教少数群 [...]
(j) To take all necessary and appropriate action, in conformity with international human rights obligations, to combat hatred, discrimination, intolerance and acts of violence, intimidation and coercion motivated by intolerance based on religion or belief, as well as any advocacy of
religious hatred that constitutes
[...] incitement to discrimination, hostility and violence, with [...]
particular regard to members
of religious minorities in all parts of the world




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