

单词 敌我矛盾

See also:


the enemy and us


conflicting views

External sources (not reviewed)

換言之,政府現時的做法會製 造香港金融㆗心的我矛盾。
In other words, the current practice of the Government will only result in conflicts within the financial sector of Hong Kong.
然而,土㆞的開發及保育可能互矛盾,我們必須在兩者之間取得平衡,並配合適當管理,方可為香 港建設優美的鄉郊環境。
The development and conservation objectives appear to be conflicting at times and they need to be well balanced and managed to bring about a quality countryside.
这样做看矛盾,但我不能 不借此机会感谢直 接或间接支持法语国家努力的我们主要合作伙伴。
As paradoxical as that may seem, I cannot fail [...]
to avail myself of this opportunity to thank our main partners who directly
and indirectly support the efforts of la Francophonie.
代理主席,到了有一天,當我們國家的穩定再不與人民權利有任 何根矛盾,當我們國 家的穩定是建立於公民權利的基礎之上時,我 們的國家才是真正屬於人民,我們的國家才會是一個真正強大的國 家。
Deputy President, when
[...] there is no deep-rooted conflict between the stability of our country and the rights of the people, and when the stability of our country is built [...]
on the basis of civil
rights, by then our country truly belongs to the people, and our country will truly be strong and powerful.
丹麦在他们最近一场对阵斯洛伐克的友谊赛中主场1 -3 不 敌 对 手 ,而 我 们 还知道,他们没能从2012年欧洲杯四分之一决赛B组中出线。
Denmark lost 1-3 at home in a friendly match against Slovakia in
[...] their last match, and as we all know, didn’t qualify [...]
for the Euro 2012 quarter-final
from Group B. Even though they beat the Netherlands in their opening game there, they proceeded to lose against both Germany and Portugal.
正如哈马斯发言人法特 希·哈马德在阿克萨电视台上公然地宣布: “巴勒斯坦人民已经用妇女、儿童、老人和 圣战者的身躯组成一道人盾牌, 仿佛向犹太复 国主敌人宣布:我们响 往死亡,犹如你们响 往生命’。
As Hamas spokesman Fathi Hamad was proud to announce on Al-Aqsa
Television, “Palestinians
[...] have created a human shield of women, children the elderly and the jihad fighters, as if to say to the Zionist enemy, ‘We desire death as [...]
you desire life’”.
主席先生,在後過渡期,不單香港政府須肩負起應有的責任,確保社會保持穩定及減 少內矛盾,我們在座每㆒位立法局議員,同樣有責任要緊守崗位,致力保持現時行 [...]
之有效的制度不變,維護市民對憲制架構的信心,而非事事挑起無謂的爭端,破壞社 會的穩定團結。
MR NGAI SHIU-KIT (in Cantonese): Mr President, during the late transitional period, not only the Government should take up the responsibility
to maintain social stability and
[...] reduce internal conflicts, we as Members of the [...]
Council should also dedicate ourselves
to performing our duty and try our best to maintain the existing system which has been proved to be effective so that the public will continue to have confidence in our constitutional structure.
外交安全局和纽约警察局于 2007 年 11
[...] 月单方面决定撤去给我团的警察保 护,这不仅为针我团的敌对和挑衅活动提供了便利,也是一种怂恿。
The decision taken in November 2007 by the Diplomatic Security Service and the New York Police Department to unilaterally remove the police protection from
the Mission not only facilitates but is also an
[...] incentive for such hostile and provocative [...]
activities against the Mission.
在卷入国际或非国际性武装冲突,包括占领的情况下,有关各国应采取一切必要的措 施,使自己的行为符合保护文化遗产的要求,尤其是符合习惯国际法以及有关 敌 对 时 期保 护这类遗产的各项国际协定和教科文组织建议书的原则和宗旨。
When involved in an armed conflict, be it of an international or non-international character, including the case of occupation, States should take all appropriate measures to conduct their activities in such a manner as to protect cultural heritage, in conformity with customary international law and the principles and objectives of international agreements and UNESCO recommendations concerning the protection of such heritage during hostilities.
[...] 国机构似乎更愿意在国家计划中与教科文组织进行合作,但想法和实践依然相矛 盾。
Under the pressures coming up from the conclusions of the report of the High-Level Panel on United Nations Reform, there seems to be more openness from other
United Nations agencies to cooperate with UNESCO in country programmes, but still the picture
[...] and practice is contradictory.
尽管该宣言没有专门论敌对时期文化遗 产保护问题,但关于在武装冲突,包括占领的 情况下保护文化遗产的第 V 部分规定各国有义 务使其战时的活动“符合习惯国际法以及有关敌对时 期保护这类遗产的各项国际协定和教 科文组织建议书的原则和义务”。
While the Declaration is not specifically focused on the protection of cultural heritage during hostilities, Part V on the Protection of cultural heritage in the event of armed conflict, including the case of occupation provides for the obligation [...]
of States to conduct their wartime
activities in conformity with “customary international law and the principles and objectives of international agreements and UNESCO recommendations concerning the protection of such heritage during hostilities”.
盾不是相 對我的矛盾 ⎯⎯ 當然這跟我的看法上有盾 ⎯⎯ 最大的矛盾 是,市民正等待住屋、要求住屋、希望住屋的質素提升。
This is not a conflict with me ― though I have different views ― the greatest conflict is that the public is waiting for accommodation, demanding accommodation and hoping for an improvement in the quality of accommodation.
依照第 2
[...] 款(b)项为扩大保留的领土范围发出通知,如果此类扩大将引致相矛盾的保 留对同一领土适用,通知则没有效力。
A notification purporting to extend the territorial scope of reservations within the meaning of paragraph 2 (b) shall be
without effect if such an extension would give rise to the
[...] application of contradictory reservations [...]
to the same territory.
不過我覺得有一矛盾,便 是因近期林瑞麟局長在討論政改時, 談到未來時,他不斷要求我們不要說得太長遠,討論得太長遠便是越俎 代庖,現在我們討論“生果金”時,張局長說2033年時有四分之一人口是 [...]
However, I think that there is some contradiction because recently, [...]
when Secretary Stephen LAM was talking about constitutional
reform and about the future, he kept asking us not to talk about the too faraway future because doing so was to take someone else's job into our hands. Now, when discussing the "fruit grant", Secretary CHEUNG said that by 2033, a quarter of the population would be elderly people, adding that if we do not formulate the relevant policy now, would the situation not be very bad by then?
某些大使对我国和我国政治领导人使用的前所 未有的挑衅性言辞,为我完成今天的任务提供了便
[...] 利,因为他们所讲的话突出了我们和其他友好大使已 经说过的话,即:我国正在我们的 敌 人 作 为攻击目 标,它们把原则当作借口,而不是出于任何人道主义 [...]
The unprecedented, aggressive language used by certain ambassadors against my country and against its political leadership has facilitated my task today, for
their discourse underscored what we and other friendly ambassadors have said, namely, that my country is being
[...] targeted by its enemies on the basis of [...]
principle, and not on
any humanitarian reasons whatsoever.
阿富汗坚信,通过努力落实我们涉及安全、发展 和治理的全面国家议程,以及通过实施我们的重返社 会与和解举措,我们将成功地稳定阿富汗局势,并且 防止那些反对建立稳定、繁荣的阿富汗 敌 人 再 度掌我们的国家。
Afghanistan is confident that by pursuing our comprehensive national agenda for security, development and governance, and by implementing our reintegration and reconciliation initiative, we will succeed in
stabilizing Afghanistan
[...] and preventing the enemies of a stable and prosperous Afghanistan from regaining control of our country.
第二個我們認為需要處理的深層 矛盾 , 導 致 我 們 投 棄權票的原 因,是要求政府回應社會對房屋的最大期望,即是復建居屋和加建公 屋。
The second
[...] deep-rooted conflict that, in our opinion, calls for action and causes us to abstain from voting is that we want the Government [...]
to respond to the
greatest aspiration of the public, that is, to resume the HOS and build more public rental housing (PRH).
无效保留的无效性的后果产生了两个相 矛盾 的 命题,第一个命题是可分 割性的命题,根据这一命题,无效保留的提出者受条约的约束而没有得到提出保 留的好处,第二个命题是“纯粹共同同意”的命题,根据这个命题,保留的无效 性将保留者排除到缔约国的圈子以外,保留是保留方同意受条约约束的一个先决 条件。
The consequences of the nullity of an invalid reservation gave rise to two conflicting theses, the first being the thesis of severability, according to which the author of an invalid reservation was bound by the treaty without the benefit of its reservation, and the second being the thesis of “pure consensualism”, according to which the invalidity of the reservation excluded the author from the circle of States parties, the reservation being a sine qua non for the author’s consent to be bound by the treaty.
我們在這邊有這個要求,但在 另一邊卻又要求他們柔柔順順,這樣互 矛盾 , 我 們 是沒有辦法培養他 們的自信心的。
We have this requirement on the
[...] one hand, but we also require them to be absolutely obedient on the other; it is so contradictory that it is [...]
impossible to foster their self-confidence.
[...] 層貧窮化、長者缺乏足夠照顧,以及市民置業越來越困難等的深層矛盾,都是因我們的 財政政策沒有好好及有效地採取應對措施。
We can see that the deep-rooted conflicts nowadays, such as the widening wealth gap, the impoverishment of the grassroots, the lack of adequate care for the elderly and the increasing difficulty of the
public in acquiring their own properties, are all
[...] attributable to the failure of our fiscal policy in taking [...]
effective counter-measures.
伟大领袖金正日同志 1997 年 8
[...] 月 4 日指出,我国无意把美国作为我们的敌,我国希 望实现朝鲜民主主义人民共和国美国关系正常化。
The great leader Comrade Kim Jong
Il said on 4 August 1997 that we did not intend to regard the
[...] United States as a sworn enemy, but wished for the [...]
normalization of Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea-United States relations.
所以,我想再次問你,地方與中央之間的深層 矛盾 ,我 們也 須面對,你會否代表香港人告知中央,如果不徹底解決政制民主化 問題,其他的一切社會和經濟等矛盾是難以徹底解決的?
As we have to address the deep-rooted conflict between the SAR and the Central Authorities, will you tell the Central Authorities on behalf on Hong Kong people that if the problem with democratization of the political system is not fully addressed, all other social and economic conflicts can in no way be resolved completely?
基于各方的承诺,而且由于双方减少敌对行动,我在 4 月 19 日给安全理事会主席的信(S/2012/238)中建议设立联 [...]
On the basis of the commitments of the parties and
[...] the reduction in hostilities by both sides, I [...]
proposed the establishment of UNSMIS
in my letter to the President of the Security Council of 19 April (S/2012/238).
例如檢討 租金調整年期,舊機制是 3 年一檢,新制是兩年一檢;舊機制是以入息中位 數來決定調整幅度,但新機制是以公屋租戶家庭收入作調整準則,兩者分別 既大,又互矛盾,我實在看不到兩項條例能如何並存而互不影響。
The rent review cycle in the old mechanism is three years, whereas the one in the new mechanism is two. The old mechanism uses the median income to determine the rate of adjustment, whereas the new mechanism uses the family incomes of PRH tenants as the criterion for making adjustments to rents.
不過,黃議員的修正建議與我的修正並沒有很大 矛盾 ,因 為我的重 點是“善用資源”,如果發覺現有資源已經非常足夠,只是在調配 上出現問題,我想如果調配後仍是非常足夠的話,黃議員也未必一定要堅持 在這樣的環境下仍要增撥資源的。
If it can be ascertained that existing resources are already adequate, and there is only a problem with deployment — I mean, if it can be ascertained that resources will be adequate after redeployment, Mr WONG may not necessarily insist on asking for additional resources.
我們希望有清晰的指引和指示,不要令不同人 等有不同的詮釋,接着引起一矛盾 及 紛 爭, 我 剛 才 發言時提及,有打架 事件因此而起。
We just hope to have clear guidelines and directions to avoid different interpretations by different people, thereby leading to conflicts and disputes, or even fighting incidents, as I mentioned earlier in my speech.
我希望 在我說完今天這番話後,局長可以替我澄清一下,究竟我們今天早上看到的 policy brief,即政府給我們的政策文件表示不會改善這 4
[...] 個地鐵站,與你剛 剛說香港會是一個無障礙城市當中這 矛盾 , 我 希 望 局長稍後會解答,也希 望透過主席女士向她提出這項問題。
I hope, with my remarks today, the Secretary will seek clarification for me about the policy brief we read this morning, in which the Government states that
no improvement would be made to the four
[...] MTR stations, contradicting the Secretary's [...]
earlier remark that Hong Kong would be a barrier-free city.
不 過,所有㆟都察覺到行政局的角色已減弱,而那些只能提供意見和作出制衡的本㆞政 治家,將無法取得所需的廣泛經驗去解 我 們 之㆗ 的 矛盾 和 管 治香港。
However, all realized that the role of the Executive Council has diminished and that local politicians, who can only advise, check or balance, could not have gained the necessary breadth of experience to resolve conflicts among ourselves and to run the administration of Hong Kong.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监 敌 对 行 动的停止; 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部 署;确保“蓝线”得到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“蓝线”和利塔尼河之 间的地区没有任何未经授权的武装人员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进敌 对 活 动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 境和其他入境点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经其许可进入黎巴嫩。
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include,
inter alia, monitoring
[...] the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized armed personnel, assets and weapons, taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and [...]
assisting the Government
of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
府以及一方的国民(包括自然人和法人)对另一方的政府或者另一方拥有或控制 的实体提出的下列两类所有损失、损害或伤害索偿要求:(a)
[...] 与作为《框架协 定及其执行方式》和《停敌对行动协定》主体的冲突有关;(b) 因为违反包 [...]
括 1949 年日内瓦四公约在内的国际人道主义法,或者其他违反国际法的行为。
The mandate of the Commission is to decide through binding arbitration all claims for loss, damage or injury by one Government against the other, and by nationals (including both natural and juridical persons) of one party against the Government of the other party or entities owned or controlled by the other party that are (a) related to the conflict that was the subject of the Framework Agreement, the
Modalities for its Implementation and
[...] the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, and [...]
(b) result from violations of international
humanitarian law, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions, or other violations of international law.




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