

单词 效忠誓词

See also:

效忠 n

allegiance n


vow loyalty and devotion to

External sources (not reviewed)

从经过誓书面证词可以看出,19 名儿童腿部受伤,2 名儿童胳膊受伤,1 名儿童头部受伤。
In cases where sworn affidavits were taken, [...]
19 children were shot in the leg, 2 in the arm and 1 child was shot in the head.
(3) “效”一词旨在 重申,这一无效性并不取决于其他缔约国或缔约组织的 [...]
反应,这在准则 3.3.2 和 4.5.3 中表述得更为清楚。
(3) The purpose of
[...] the phrase “null and void” is to recall [...]
that this nullity is not dependent on the reactions of other
contracting States or contracting organizations, something that guidelines 3.3.2 and 4.5.3 state even more clearly.
主要官員須誓擁護《基本法》 效忠 中 華 人民共和國香港特別 行政區(下稱“香港特區”)。
1.2 Principal
[...] officials shall swear to uphold the Basic Law and swear allegiance to the Hong Kong [...]
Special Administrative
Region (HKSAR) of the People’s Republic of China.
該會必須保證只有那些「擁護基本法」和 「誓效忠香港特別行政區」的議員才可在㆒九九七年以後繼續服務。
It must ensure that only those members who "uphold the Basic
[...] Law" and "pledge allegiance to the Hong Kong [...]
Special Administrative Region" will continue to serve beyond 1997.
以色列违反国际法、人权法和国际人道主义法的 行为一直在增多,其很多做法就证明了这一点,例如 在没有任何合法理由的情况下将 10 000 名巴勒斯坦 人拘押在以色列监狱和拘留所中;无视国际法院的咨 询意见,持续修建种族主义隔离墙;违反安全理事会 第
1860(2009)号决议和大会第 ES-10/18 号决议,对
[...] 加沙地带实行严密封锁;在西岸设置障碍和检查站; 以色列内阁规定犹太人作效忠宣誓 , 以 孤立以色列 境内的以色列籍阿拉伯人口;以色列议会最近的立法 [...]
的苛刻条件,但通过全民投票或经议会三分之二多数 通过则除外;以及由于时间关系,我们不能一一列举 的其他许多违法行为。
Israel’s violations of international law, human rights law and international humanitarian law have been increasing, as manifested by many practices, such as the detention of 10,000 Palestinians in Israeli jails and detention facilities without any legal grounds; the continued construction of the racist separation wall, in defiance of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice; the tight siege of the Gaza Strip, contrary to Security Council resolution 1860 (2009) and General Assembly resolution ES-10/18; the
barriers and checkpoints in the West
[...] Bank; the Jewish loyalty oath instituted by the [...]
Israeli Cabinet to isolate the Arab-Israel
population in Israel; the recent Knesset legislation setting stringent new conditions on any withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories annexed to Israel except through a referendum or the approval of a two-third majority of the Knesset; and many other violations that time will not permit us to list.
我们希望人们可以录制自己的致敬视频,以独特的方式讲述为什么进行“羞辱 词 语 ” 宣 誓 以 及 为什么认为其他人也应如此。
We want people to create their own personal
tribute videos that creatively tell the story of
[...] why they took the R-word pledge and why they [...]
think others should also.
联邦宪法》第 25(1A)条规定,对于依照第 16 A
[...] 民的人,如果联邦政府确证此人接受、担任或履行联邦以外任何国家或该国的任 何行政区的政府的任何职责、职务或在政府供职,或在该国政府的任何机构供职, 只要这种职位、职务或就业需要誓 、 确 认或宣 效忠 , 联 邦政府即可剥夺此人 的国籍。
Article 25 (1A) of the Federal Constitution provides that the Federal Government may by order deprive of his citizenship any person who is a citizen by registration under article 16A or a citizen by naturalization if satisfied that without the Federal Government’s approval, he has accepted, served in, or performed the duties of any office, post or employment under the Government of any country outside the Federation or any political subdivision thereof, or under any agency of
such a Government, in
[...] any case where an oath, affirmation or declaration of allegiance is required in respect [...]
of the office, post or employment.
世界各地都有进行“羞辱词语”宣 誓 的 狂 热支持者。
There are extremely
[...] passionate fans taking the R-word pledge all over the world.
上诉机构成员宣誓词,表 示自己必当保持独立、公正,避免直接或间接 利益冲突,并尊重上诉机构审理过程的机密性。
A member of the
[...] appeals body shall swear an oath that he or she [...]
shall be independent and impartial, shall avoid direct or
indirect conflicts of interest and shall respect the confidentiality of proceedings before the appeals body.
路和采取一切措施确保安全,但以色列继续违反其法 律义务,通过一系列已使局势加剧的非法、挑衅性措 施悍然阻止恢复直接谈判的努力,这些措施包括其政
[...] 府官员一再发表煽动性言论,以及以色列内阁最近效忠犹太国誓言通过的法西斯法案,这明显违反了在 以色列的阿拉伯人的法律和宗教自由。
While the Palestinian Authority has repeatedly affirmed its determination to pursue the path of peace and undertake all measures to ensure security, Israel continues to violate its legal obligations and blatantly impedes efforts to resume direct negotiations through a series of unlawful, provocative measures that have only inflamed the situation, including repeated inflammatory remarks by Government officials and the racist bill
recently passed by the Israeli
[...] cabinet on the Jewish loyalty oath, in clear violation [...]
of the legal and religious freedoms
of the Arab population in Israel.
内部司法理事会在其先前的报告中建议为两法庭的法官拟定具体适合他们 职责的任誓词(见 A/65/304,第 38 段;A/66/158,第 23 段)。
In both of its previous reports, the
Internal Justice
[...] Council recommended that an oath of office specially suited to their duties be developed for judges of the Tribunals (see [...]
A/65/304, para. 38 and A/66/158, para. 23).
我剛 才 在 主 體 答 覆 中 亦 提 到 ,主要 官 員 和 議 員 在誓 就 職 時,都必須 表 明 擁護《基本法》效 忠 中 華人民共和 國 香 港 特 別 行 政 區。
I have also mentioned in the main reply that principal officials
and Members of the
[...] Legislative Council must swear to uphold the Basic Law and swear allegiance to the Hong Kong Special [...]
Administrative Region
of the People's Republic of China.
安全部队的许多指挥官(包括芒古将军和安全行动指挥中心和空军指挥官) 已誓效忠瓦塔拉总统。
Many commanders of the security forces, including General Mangou and the CECOS and Air Force
[...] Commanders, pledged allegiance to President Ouattara.
它也正在种族主义的基 础上做出决定,近期的一项决定要求非犹太人向犹太效忠宣誓。
It is also making decisions based on racism, the most recent
[...] being the Jewish loyalty oath to be taken by non-Jews.
如果这些口译员或其他具有专长的人员不需 誓效忠 联 合 国,应要求他们庄 严宣誓他们将诚实、忠实、不偏不倚地履行职责。
Where such interpreters or other
persons of special competence are not
[...] bound by the oath of allegiance to the United [...]
Nations, they shall be required to declare
solemnly that they will perform their duties honestly, faithfully and impartially.
以色列国不 仅拒绝延长西岸定居活动暂停期限——这不包括东 耶路撒冷——和在过去 10 年间持续不断地推行此种
[...] 活动,而且还修订了其公民法,规定希望成为以色列 国民的条件是,必须誓效忠作为一个犹太国家的以 色列国。
The State of Israel has not only refused to extend the moratorium on settlement activity in the West Bank — which did not include East Jerusalem — and pursued such activity uninterrupted over the past 10 years, but it has amended its citizenship law, making it a
condition for anyone seeking Israeli
[...] nationality to take an oath of allegiance to the State of Israel [...]
as a Jewish State.
換 言之,未 能誓效忠的人 士會同時喪失擔任國會議員及內 閣閣員的資格。
In other words, for those individuals who
[...] could not take the oath, they would be disqualified [...]
from both Parliament and the Cabinet.
我們每個人在當選後, 無論是功能界別還是直選的議員,加入立法會時也曾 誓效忠 香 港 特區,而 不是中聯辦。
After we are elected, regardless of whether we are from
functional constituencies or we are directly
[...] elected, we had sworn allegiance to the Hong Kong [...]
Special Administrative Region, instead of the Liaison Office.
您是否因希望鼓励他人争取获得所有人的接受而进行了“羞辱 词 语 ” 宣 誓?
Have you taken the R-word pledge because [...]
you want to encourage others to fight for acceptance of all people?
他們不少已選擇 放棄本身的國籍,向香港的英國宗主國 誓效忠 , 以 便能成為英籍㆟士。
Many of them have chosen to give up their own
[...] nationality and swore allegiance to the British [...]
sovereign in order to become British subjects.
据法德里称,他和另外十来名丹戎古斯塔监狱狱 囚于 2005 年以印尼战士组织成员身份誓效忠于 多尼·托加尔。
According to Fadly, he and about a dozen other Tanjung Gusta
[...] prisoners swore an oath of loyalty (bai’at) to Toni [...]
Togar as KMI amir in 2005.
司徒華議員詢 問,根據新問責制度受聘 的主要官員 會 否需要誓效 忠 香港特區。
Mr SZETO Wah asked whether the principal officials appointed under the new accountability system
[...] would be required to swear allegiance to the HKSAR.
鉴于进行各种应对时所存在的背景, 及时性要素通常暗含于“效”一词 中。
Given the context in which such response is to be provided, an element of timeliness is
[...] implicit in the term “effective”.
主要官員在考慮加入成為任何政黨的黨員或參加政黨所舉辦的 活動時,須確保不會牴觸擁護《基本法》 效忠 香 港 特區 誓 言。
4.5 Principal officials, when considering to become a member of any political party or taking part in activities organised by political parties, shall
ensure that no conflict shall
[...] arise with their oaths to uphold the Basic Law and their oaths of allegiance to the HKSAR.
这些措施包括制定新的酷刑罪法规,认定通过酷刑获得的 词无 效,以 及如果存在酷刑危险则禁止移交罪犯。
These consist of the formulation
of a new law on the crime of torture,
[...] recognising the invalidity of confession extracted [...]
under torture and forbidding criminals
being handed over if there is a threat of torture.
Everyone takes the R-word pledge for a reason [...]
that is personal to them.
2010 年,联合国及其伙伴方通过儿童的 誓 书 面 证 词 等 方法记录了与以色 列拘留的巴勒斯坦儿童待遇问题有关的 90 起虐待儿童案件。
In 2010, 90 cases of ill treatment with regard to the treatment of Palestinian children in Israeli detention were documented by the United Nations and its partners, including through the sworn affidavits of children.
[...] 图强行颁布一系列法律和规则,其中一项是强迫非犹 太人誓效忠于犹太国家以色列的所谓公民身份法。
That effort has been underscored by a recent series of laws and regulations that the Israeli authorities have sought to impose, among
them a change in what is known as the citizenship law that forces
[...] non-Jews to declare loyalty to Israel as a Jewish State.




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