

单词 效价能

See also:

效能 n

performance n
efficiency n
efficacy n

能效 n

efficiency n
energy efficiency n

External sources (not reviewed)

可持续发展战略的实施以及对进展的监测和 价能 力 取 决于 效 地 传播 知识和信息。
The implementation of sustainable development strategies
and the ability to monitor and evaluate
[...] progress is dependent on the effective dissemination of knowledge [...]
and information.
(d) 通过国家价能力建 设,推动创新和了解怎样 能 最 有 效 地 促 进性别平等。
(d) Promoting innovation and generate knowledge on what works for gender equality, through national evaluation capacity-building.
需要对教师的判断有一个强有力的和持续的质量保证和控制程序,以确保教 师终结性价能够对学生的学习提供 效 的 和 可靠的评估。
Robust and permanent procedures for quality assurance and quality control of teachers’
judgments are needed to
[...] ensure that their summative assessment provides valid and reliable accounts [...]
of pupils’ learning.
他们强调必须使能源多样化,开发 先进的、更清洁的效能较高的、 价 的 和 成本效益高的能源技术,包括化石 燃料技术和可再生能源技术,并且以彼此商定的优惠条件向发展中国家转让此 [...]
家倡议和优先事项以及自定目标(若有)的作用,并确保能源政策支持发展中国 家旨在消除贫穷的各项努力,并定期评价可用的数据,以审查这一目标的进展 情况。
They emphasized the need to diversify energy
by developing advanced, cleaner, more
[...] efficient, affordable and cost-effective energy technologies, [...]
including fossil fuel
technologies and renewable energy technologies, and their transfer to developing countries on concessional terms as mutually agreed in order to promote sustainable energy systems with the objective of increasing its contribution to total energy supply, recognizing the role of national initiatives and priorities and voluntary targets, where they exist, and ensuring that energy policies are supportive to developing countries’ efforts to eradicate poverty, and regularly evaluate available data to review progress to this end.
(d) 有能力以符合时间要求的方式同时掌握和管理发展中国家缔约方的多 个复杂项目,包括有能力为了共同和互补的目标而与不同的客户和利益团体效 合作;并且能力评价项目 管理的业务绩效和采取措施加强 效能。
(d) The ability to simultaneously manage and administer multiple and complex projects in developing countries in a timely manner, including the ability to work effectively with different clients and interest groups towards shared and
[...] objectives; and the ability to evaluate the operational performance of project management and to take measures to enhance its effectiveness.
在此方面,经社会指出,旨在提供安全的、价的和可靠的、而且具有成效益 和 能效 较 高 的交通运输基础设施和服务 的国家交通运输政策大有可为,它有助于社会福利和减少贫困。
In that regard, the Commission noted the role of national transport policies aimed at providing safe, affordable and
reliable transport
[...] infrastructure and services that were cost-effective and energy-efficient and supported social [...]
welfare and poverty alleviation.
(f) 采用的机制不足以处理化学品对人类健康、社会和环境产生的社会和经 济影响,而且缺少必要的客观科学标准、方法和信息, 能 在 阿拉伯区域一级价化学品的效应和风险。
(f) Inadequacy of the mechanisms used to address the social and economic impacts of chemicals on human health, society and the environment, and the lack of the objective
scientific standards, methods and
[...] information required to evaluate the effects and risks of chemicals at the Arab [...]
regional level.
定量供给比价能更有效地表示 缺水和促进对用水的调整”。
Rationing also makes scarcity manifests and elicits
[...] adjustments in water use more efficiently than pricing would do”.
为实现能源安全,中国领导层意识到,国 内政策必须着重解决节约能源、提 能效 、 减 少 污染、多元化能源组合、升级洁净技术和及时向 供应商和消费者反能源价格等问题。
To achieve energy security, the leadership recognises that domestic policy
must focus more on
[...] conservation, raising efficiency, reducing pollution, diversifying the energy mix, upgrading clean technologies and allowing energy prices to send proper [...]
signals to suppliers and consumers.
咨询委员会经询问后获悉,如资源情况允许, 维也纳和内罗毕的监测和价能力将在中期得到加强。
Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that, resources permitting, the monitoring and evaluation capacity in Vienna and Nairobi would be strengthened in the medium term.
好些非政府组织强调指出,师资培训和对师资培训人员的培训是一 举多得效能力培养的方法。
Several NGOs underscored that teacher
training and training of the trainers of teachers were
[...] examples for efficient capacity-building [...]
with a multiplier effect.
目前价能源和 更多地认 识到生态系统的影响已成为现实,代表着渔业生存的主要挑战,特别是在获得和 促能源高效技术 受到限制的发展中国家。
Current high energy prices and greater awareness of ecosystem impacts are now realities and present major challenges to the viability of fisheries, particularly in developing countries where access to and promotion of energy-efficient technologies have been [...]
食典委注意到粮农组织和世卫组织正在努力满足成员国的要求,采用电子学习课 程等新的培训方式和方法,使用 价能 力 建 设活动影响的指标等来提 效 果。
The Commission noted that FAO and WHO were trying to keep up with member country demands and were improving effectiveness with new training modalities and approaches such as the e-learning courses and the use of indicators for the impact evaluation of capacity building activities.
试行期结束后,该秘书处的 未来将基于其实现一套具体的业绩 效能 标 准 及相应目标的情况来确定。
After the trial period, the future of the Secretariat should be determined on
the basis of its achievements against a set of
[...] specific performance and effectiveness criteria and corresponding [...]
卖方收到产品订单后即是接受,但双方知道,根据情况卖方 能 取 消 订单,如果卖方无法获得 全部或部分必需材料来完成在此日期 效价 格 的 订单,或由于超出其合理控制的其他原因而造 成。
Orders for Products received by Seller are accepted subject to the understanding that orders may be cancelled by Seller because of Seller’s
inability to obtain all or
[...] part of the materials necessary to complete the order at prices in effect on the date hereof or by reason of other causes beyond [...]
its reasonable control.
虽然许多可用性报告系统都捕获 有关设备通电和正常工作时间的统计数据,但我们增加的可配置 的运行可用性统计能价值非 凡,它有助于确定停机原因是喷码 机硬件问题还是操作错误问题,以及这些问题对生 效 率 的 影响 程度。
While many Availability reporting systems capture statistics for when the equipment is powered on and functioning properly, the addition of configurable Operational Availability
statistics can be
[...] invaluable in helping to determine whether downtime is due to a printer hardware problem or an operator error, and how much the problem is affecting your productivity.
关于这一点,经社会指出了公共和私营部门对提能效、可 再生能源和低碳产品和服务进行投资的重要性。
On that point, the Commission noted
the importance of public and private
[...] investment in energy efficiency, renewable energy, [...]
and low-carbon goods and services.
能效可以 减少对能源基础设施投资的需求,降低燃料费用,提高竞争力,改善消 费者福利。
Improvements in energy efficiency can reduce the need [...]
for investment in energy infrastructure, cut fuel costs, increase
competitiveness and improve consumer welfare.
优质教育的下列方面受到了重视:支持课程体系的审查 和修订,特别是根据各国的优先工作和阿拉伯世界的需求纳 价 值 观 教育和伦理教育;“以 学习者为中心”的教育;改进教学工作,包 能 力 培 养和教师培训;提高教师地位;制定标 准进行评估;制订关于优质教育的国家标准。
The following elements of quality education were highlighted: focus on assistance in curricula review and
revision, particularly the
[...] introduction of values education and ethical approaches, in accordance with national priorities and Arab needs; “learner-centred” education; improvement of teaching including capacity-building and teacher [...]
training; improvement
in the status of teachers; development of benchmarking and assessment; elaboration of national standards regarding quality education.
对宏观和微观商业变量的分析,例如服务使用和吸收、 价效 率 、用户消费和充值行为及用户对特定活动的反应、独特用户、ARPU 和用户 NPV、网瘾分析、流失预测以及技术和运营变量,例如平台和服务正常运行时间,生产量、网络和处理瓶颈、计费效率等,使得我 能 够 为 我们的客户提供有效方案,进而获得可持续经济效益。
Analysis of macro and micro business variables, such as service usage and uptake, pricing effectiveness, user consumption and top-up behavior and user response to certain campaigns, unique user, ARPU and user NPV, net-addition analysis, churn prediction, as well as technical and operational variables, such [...]
as platform and service uptimes, throughputs,
networking and processing bottlenecks, charging efficiency, among others, allow us to suggest an effective plan to our clients, which leads to sustained economic results.
我们选择 Provide Support 是因为它能最灵活,使用最效, 价 格 合 理,而且可以按照我们的需求升级。
We chose Provide Support because it had the best
flexibility in the features and
[...] functions that it offers and a pricing model that is affordable and [...]
scalable to our needs.
国际传播发展计划业经批准的“媒体发展指标”(MDI)的应用情况表明,就多方利益 攸关方媒体发展评估而言,这些指标是一项 价 值 、 有 效 的 诊 断工具,可提供重要的政策咨 询意见以及基于证据的建议。
The application of the IPDC-endorsed Media
Development Indicators (MDIs) has shown
[...] them to be a valuable and effective diagnostic tool [...]
for multistakeholder media development
assessments, leading to important policy advice with evidence-based recommendations.
为了确保差别价系统的有效运转,发展中国家的国家法规应 该保留政府对平行进口和强制许可的批准权。
In order to ensure an effective operation of a differential pricing system, national [...]
laws in developing countries should
retain the right for the government to admit parallel imports and to issue compulsory licences.
調查小組的其中一項建議是,政府應檢討規管 證券及期貨市場上市事宜的三層規管架構(即政府、證券及期貨事
[...] 務監察委員會(下稱"證監會")和聯交所),以期提高規管制度效 能和效率, 使其更清晰、公平和更具公信力。
One of PIPSI's recommendations was that the Government should review the three-tier regulatory structure of the securities and futures markets relating to listing matters (i.e. the Government, the Securities and Future
Commission (SFC), and SEHK), with a view to
[...] increasing the effectiveness, efficiency, clarity, [...]
fairness and credibility of the regulatory system.
本次会议仔细审议了各个领域和国家的 债务转换经验,希望引导各方就债务转换在教育领域 价 值 和 效 用 提 出建议。
The meeting reflected on experiences of debt swaps in various fields and countries, in order to guide the development of recommendations for their value and use in the field of education.
會大幅超出預期目標,”;在“制訂 2007-2008 年度財政預算案時,”
[...] 之後加上“除”;在“致力”之後加上“節流和提高效率,”;在“公 共財政的管效能”之後刪除“,並”,並以“之外,也應”代替; [...]
在“適當的財政儲備水平,”之後加上“改善外匯基金投資回報 率,”;在“2006-2007
年度財政盈餘”之後加上“適切地”;及在 緊接句號之前加上“,包括調低稅率,尤其為中產人士解難紓困,致 力改善營商環境,提升企業競爭能力,以及加強支援中小企”。
To add ", as the HKSAR Government's fiscal surplus for this year is anticipated to substantially exceed its expected target," after "That"; to add "that" after "this Council urges"; to delete "to continue" after "2007-2008 Budget," and substitute with "apart from continuing"; to delete "strive to enhance" after "as necessary," and
substitute with "striving to cut
[...] expenditure and improve efficiency as well as enhancing"; [...]
to add "should also" after "management
of public finances,"; to add "improve the investment return rate of the Exchange Fund" after "appropriate level of fiscal reserves,"; to add "properly" after "fiscal surplus in 2006-2007 can be"; and to add ", including reducing the tax rates, particularly to relieve the difficulties encountered by the middle class, striving to improve the business environment, enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises and strengthening support for small and medium enterprises" immediately before the full stop.
澳大利 亚的“最佳做法监管局”要求报告监管影响,即监管行动在实现政策目标,为企 业和社区带来最小价的优点和效率 ; 协助决策者了解成本和效益;鼓励与利益 攸关者进行透明、及时和有意义的协商;确保政府与市民共享信息。
Australia’s Office of Best Practice Regulation requires a regulation impact statement on the merit and efficiency of regulatory actions in meeting policy objectives with minimal costs for business and the community, assists decision-makers’ understanding of the costs and benefits, encourages transparent, timely and meaningful stakeholder consultation, and ensures information-sharing between Government and the public.
例如,虽然一些部厅有分立的监测和 价能 力 , 设有 全职从事此类活动的工作人员,但在许多其他部厅,此类活动由工作人员临时开 展,作为其日常职责的一部分。
For instance, while a number of departments and offices have discrete monitoring and evaluation capacities, with staff devoted full time to such activities, in many others such activities are carried out, on an ad hoc basis, by staff as part of their ongoing duties.




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