单词 | 故纸堆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 故纸堆 —a pile of old booksExamples:钻故纸堆—dig into piles of outdated writings (idiom); to study old books and papers See also:故—therefore • intentional • hence • happening • instance • (of people) die, dead 纸堆—papers • stack of paper 堆 n—pile n • bunch n • mass n 堆—heap • pile up • a mass • heap up • classifier for piles of things, such as trash or sand • large amount
例如,对堆叠 2 中触发重张进纸的文 档进行堆叠可 能是对无法按大小或补充码 分类的较厚文档进行分类的方法。 graphics.kodak.com | For example, stacking documents that trigger a multifeed alarm in Stack #2 can be [...] a way to sort thicker documents that you cannot sort by size or patch. graphics.kodak.com |
故此,這些堆填物料部分被 運送往台山作填海之用。 legco.gov.hk | As such, some of these fills materials were delivered to Taishan for reclamation purposes. legco.gov.hk |
文字作品-书籍、演讲、杂志和报纸 文 章 、小说 、 故 事 、 诗词、 论文、剧本、课本、网页、广告、舞谱。 wipo.int | Written works – books, speeches, magazine and newspaper articles, novels, stories, poems, essays, plays, text books, web pages, advertisements, and dance notations. wipo.int |
送入足够的纸张确保 打印纸堆叠合适。 printronix.cn | Feed sufficient paper to [...] ensure the paper stacks correctly. printronix.cn |
活动进纸栅栏和链条的高效组合可使 纸 张 精 准 堆 叠 , 直到装满整 个 纸 盒。 printronix.com | Highly effective combination of moveable fences and [...] chains allows for precise stacking all the way up to a full box [...]of paper. printronix.cn |
雖然如此,政府當局表示, 該 3 個策略性堆填區會在2010年代陸續飽和 , 故 有 必 要擴 建 堆填 區。 legco.gov.hk | Notwithstanding this, according to [...] the Administration, the three strategic landfills would start to approach their capacity [...]one by one in 2010s [...]and their extension would be necessary. legco.gov.hk |
利用本来应该丢进垃圾堆的材料制成 纸 张 , 这意味着减少了垃圾,同时也是欧盟以及匈牙利政府非常愿意看到的。 voith.com | Less waste is dumped, and this is exactly what the EU and the Hungarian government want. voith.com |
如果把德国人一年内使用的纸堆放在一起,那么这 个 纸堆 的 高 度将达到从地球到月球的距离那么高-甚至超过这个数。 news.groz-beckert.com | If this amount of paper were placed in a pile, its height would reach from the earth to the moon - and even beyond! news.groz-beckert.com |
如果您知道要扫描故障重张进纸 (即,页面上 粘贴有便利贴或者批次中存在信封),这非常有帮助。 graphics.kodak.com | This is helpful if you [...] know that a false multifeed (i.e., sticky note [...]is attached to a page or there is an envelope in the [...]batch) is about to be scanned. graphics.kodak.com |
我们承包原木场,这意味着要做的工作有 :卸载 卡车、装载树皮机和给车床填料或给 纸 浆 原 木 堆 填 料。 volvospiritmagazine.com | We’re contracted to run the log yards at the mills, which means doing jobs like unloading the trucks, loading the de-bark machines and feeding the lathes or the pulp log decks,” says Matthews. volvospiritmagazine.com |
小組委員會認同一位西貢區議員的觀察所得,即鑒於新 [...] 界東南堆填區實際處置的固體廢物量自2006年起一直穩定下 降,並減至低於堆填區擴建工程的環評報告估計 的 堆 填 空 間需 求,故此再 無理據支持擴展新界東南堆填區。 legco.gov.hk | The Subcommittee shares the observation of a SKDC member that as the solid waste actually disposed of at the SENT Landfill has steadily decreased [...] since 2006 and fallen below the [...] estimated landfill demand cited in the EIA Report for the [...]landfill extension project, it [...]is no longer justifiable to extend the SENT Landfill. legco.gov.hk |
由於有 80 米闊的東面水道把工地與堆填 區分隔,故堆填區對這項工程計劃的施工和運作,不會構成危險,無 須採取防護措施。 legco.gov.hk | However, it is separated from the landfill by the 80 m wide Eastern Channel. legco.gov.hk |
伯利恒-- 在意大利政府资助的“伯利恒地区保护和管理计划”框架内 (500,000 美元),启动、继续开展或完成了如下活动:(i) 对伯利恒、拜特 贾拉和拜特萨候尔这三个历史名城的城市结构进行 1:500 的详细勘测(定 性勘测)已经完成;(ii) 对 9 [...] 个学校进行了第一层次的“社区摸底调查”, [...] 这是促进当地人群积极参与规划的一种手段(要求学生分析所在城市以及所 在街区并通过各种手段将分析结果反映出来(绘图 、 故 事 以及 用 纸 板 、 石膏 和泥土等制作的 3 维模型);(iii) 启动参与战略,让当地社区参与进来。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Within the framework of the Bethlehem Area Conservation and Management Plan, funded by the Government of Italy ($500,000), the following activities were launched, continued or terminated: (i) the second phase of the 1:500 detailed survey (qualitative survey) of the urban fabric of the three historic towns of Bethlehem, Beit Jala and Beit Sahour was completed; (ii) the first level “community mapping” was conducted in nine schools, as a tool to enhance the active participation of local population in the plan (students were asked to analyse their town and neighbourhood [...] and produce a representation [...] of it by using various means (drawings, stories, 3D models made [...]of cardboard, gypsum, clay, [...]etc.)); and (iii) the participation strategy was launched, with the involvement of local communities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
与由教科文组织科学计划(国际地质对比计划、国际 水文计划、政府间海洋学委员会、人与生物圈计划和 社会变革管理计划)5 位主席组成的指导小组就环境 与可持续发展问题举行了几次会议;出版了教科文组 织就切尔诺贝利核反应堆事故所开 展的活动的最后报 告;制作了题为“教科文组织在世界山脉中”的光 盘,通报了山区生物圈保留地(人与生物圈计划), 世界遗产地(世界遗产公约)以及国际水文计划和国 际地质对比计划的山脉计划的情况。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Several meetings held with the Steering Group consisting of the five chairpersons of UNESCO’s scientific programmes on environment and sustainable development (IGCP, IHP, IOC, MAB, MOST); The final report on UNESCO’s activities with regard to the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident was published; A CDROM entitled UNESCO in the Mountains of the World was produced to inform on mountain biosphere reserves (MAB programme), mountain world heritage sites (World Heritage Convention), and on the mountain programmes of IHP and IGCP. unesdoc.unesco.org |
SurePath 纸张处理提供高级进纸和堆叠功 能,可提高性能并减少预备时间。 graphics.kodak.com | SurePath Paper Handling delivers advanced feeding and stacking functions for increased [...] performance and reduced prep time. graphics.kodak.com |
Moxier拼贴帮助您创建和共享引人注目的电子卡,拼贴 , 故 事 , 图片板, 壁 纸 , 想法,说明,等等。 cn.moba-app.com | Moxier Collage helps you create and share compelling electronic cards, collages, storyboards, picture boards, wallpaper, ideas, notes, and much more. moba-app.com |
通过重张进纸触发异常堆叠可 提供附加功 能。 graphics.kodak.com | Triggering exception stacking by multifeed can provide [...] additional functionality. graphics.kodak.com |
按ON LINE/CLEAR [...] (联机/清除)键来将显示屏上的“LOAD PAPER”(装纸)故障信息移 除。 printronix.com | Press ON LINE/CLEAR to remove [...] the “LOAD PAPER” fault message from the [...]display. printronix.cn |
靓女壁纸,女人故事,眼 中男孩,流行时尚。 business-china.com | Pretty girl wallpaper, woman story, in eye boy, [...] popular fashion. business-china.com |
如果您 知道在某个批次的几个文档或所有文档中会发 生 故 障 重张 进 纸 , 这非 常有帮助。 graphics.kodak.com | This is helpful if you know that false multifeeds will occur over several or all documents in a batch. graphics.kodak.com |
位於屯門稔灣的臨時隔油池廢物處理設施,其運作量已超出設計 容量,而該設施佔用的土地不久便要撥 供 堆 填 廢物 , 故 須 以 位於市區 的永久隔油池廢物處理設施取代。 legco.gov.hk | It has to be replaced by a permanent GTWTF located in the urban area. legco.gov.hk |
我們會根據對這項服務的需求,來檢討是否需要在其 他 堆 填 區設立類似設施。 legco.gov.hk | Depending on the demand for the services, we shall review the need for setting up similar [...] facilities at other landfill sites. legco.gov.hk |
政府當局表示,作為不可循環再造的廢物及殘餘廢物 的最終貯存地的3 個策略性堆填區會在2010年代中期至後期陸 續飽和,故有必要擴建堆填區。 legco.gov.hk | According to the Administration, the three strategic landfills for final repository of non-recyclable and residual waste would start to approach their capacity one by one in the mid to late of 2010s and their extension would be necessary. legco.gov.hk |
根據㆒九七八年㆔里島 核電意外的評估報告顯示,發生緊急 事 故 時 ,反 應 堆 ㆟ 員 須履行的職務實在太多。 legco.gov.hk | An evaluation of the nuclear incident at Three Mile Island in 1978 concluded that there were too many tasks for the reactor crew to perform during the emergency. legco.gov.hk |
为防止进纸故障 但不更换橡胶滚轮,建议每 10,000 页(或根据需要)清洁一次进纸滚筒上 的滚轮。 graphics.kodak.com | To prevent feeding problems and avoid rubber tire replacements, it is recommended that you clean the tires on the rollers every 10,000 pages or as needed. graphics.kodak.com |
针对这一要求,秘书长在 2004 年关于大会和会议管理部改革问题的 [...] 报告中提出了 5 种替代交付方法,即用数字录音来取代简要纪录;减少有权获得 [...] 简要记录的机构数目;只制作英文简要记录;限制简要记录的长度;只提供原始 记录电子副本(而不提供纸质副 本)(A/59/172,第 53-63 段;另见 A/60/93)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In response to that request, the Secretary-General, in his report in 2004 on the reform of the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, suggested five alternative methods of delivery, namely, replacing summary records with digital recordings; reducing the number of bodies entitled to summary records; producing summary records [...] in English only; [...] restricting their length; and providing only electronic (rather than paper) copies of [...]the original records [...](A/59/172, paras. 53-63; see also A/60/93). daccess-ods.un.org |
過去10年,當局銷毀私煙的方式為何;鑒於有專家指私煙含重金屬及致癌物質,不宜焚毀 , 故 建 議 當局 以 堆 填 的 方式處理,當局有何措施確保銷毀私煙的工作安全及不會影響環境生? legco.gov.hk | how the authorities destroyed illicit cigarettes in the past 10 years; given that some experts have pointed out that as illicit cigarettes contain heavy metal and carcinogenic substances, [...] incineration is not [...] appropriate, and have therefore suggested that the authorities should dispose of the illicit cigarettes by landfilling, what measures [...]the authorities have [...]to ensure that the destruction of illicit cigarettes is safe and will not affect environmental hygiene? legco.gov.hk |