

单词 故第

See also:


cause n
reason n
former n

External sources (not reviewed)

由于授权不一定引起与授 权一致的行为故第 2 款规定了另一条件,即授权的行为实际上得到实施。
Since the authorization may not prompt any
conduct which conforms to it, a further condition
[...] laid out in paragraph 2 is that the [...]
act which is authorized is actually committed.
第二季度有三宗損失工時工傷故, 第 一 季 度的兩宗工傷事故升級至損失工時工傷事故。
There were three lost time injuries reported in the second quarter and two injuries from the first quarter upgraded to lost time injuries.
由於第2(a)、2(b)、2(c)、2(d)及3項決議 案獲50%以上票數反對故第2(a)、 2(b)、2(c)、2(d)及3項決議案並未獲股東於股東週年 大會上通過為普通決議案。
As more than 50% of the votes were cast
[...] against the resolution numbered 2(a), 2(b), 2(c), 2(d) and (3), the resolutions numbered 2(a), [...]
2(b), 2(c), 2(d) and
(3) were not passed by the Shareholders as an ordinary resolution at the AGM.
[...] 联刚特派团和联利特派团应采取适当措施,以 处理引起航空事故的风险,以便减少 故(第 282 段)。
The Board recommends that UNMIL take
appropriate measures to address the risks which give rise to aviation incidents, so that the
[...] incidents can be reduced (para. 282).
由於證監會需要制訂規則,以便仲裁小組轄㆘成立的審裁小組可根據規則運作, 聆訊持牌買賣商與客戶之間的糾紛 故第 7(10)條須予修訂,以澄清有關的規則範 圍。
Clause 7(10) is amended to clarify the scope of rules to be made by the Securities and Futures Commission for the operation of tribunals under an Arbitration Panel to be appointed to hear disputes between licensed traders and their clients.
[...] 設計特別是第㆒期工程不會破壞周圍㆞區的生態環境 故第 ㆒ 期 工程應可按原先的工程設 計展開。
A Chinese official has pointed out that according to that full and comprehensive assessment report, which was done by a state-level organization, the regulation project, especially the first stage, will not cause ecological damage
to the surrounding areas, and so the first stage should be
[...] able to start in accordance with the original [...]
project design.
所有被判刑的囚犯都有在监狱内、外从事劳动的义务,不得安排给囚犯损 害其尊严或有特别危险或不卫生之工作,保护其免受与工作有关的事故和疾病的 发生,且所安排之工作应尽可能符合社会上采用之工作意外及职业病方面之卫 生、安全及保护之条件,并依法保护工作场所避免发生 故(第 4 0 / 94 /M 号法令 第 51及第53条)。
However, such obligation shall respect prisoners’ dignity and physical integrity and shall be performed in a healthy and safe working environment, with protection from work-related accidents and diseases.
此外,若發生有人嚴重受傷 或死亡的樹木個案,樹木管理辦事處總監和該處具備註冊樹藝師資格的人員在收 到消防處/警方/效率促進組的 1823 電話中心/路政署的通知後,會盡快趕到 現場,以取得故的第一手 資料,並指導有關的樹木管理部門處理事故。
In addition, for tree-related cases involving major injuries or loss of human life, Head / Tree Management Office and TMO staff with certified arborist qualification will arrive at the scene as soon as possible after notification from FSD / Police / the 1823
Call Centre in EU / HyD
[...] to obtain first-hand information on the incident and to provide guidance to the tree management department concerned regarding the [...]
handling of the incident.
如果忘记了显示的代码,可使用运行日 故障 (屏幕 5-14)第 39 页查看最近带有日期及时间戳的 50 条故障。
If you forget which code occurred, use Run Log Errors (Screens 5-14), page 39, to view the last 50 errors, with date and time stamps.
由於我們正積極預備在二零一二年推出新的四年制課程,目前大學 中央和學院均集中注意力於本科課程改革 故 留 待 第 二 階 段實施,較為穩當。
Given that we are gearing up to launch the new 4-year curriculum in 2012, it would be prudent at present to concentrate central and Faculty attention and effort on the Ug curriculum reform.
(3) 任何故意在違反第(1)款的情況下披露資料,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處第1級罰款。
(3) A person who intentionally discloses any information in contravention of subsection (1) commits [...]
an offence and is liable
on conviction to a fine at level 1.
(b) 对船舶、飞机上的人或财物从事的暴力、扣留或掠夺行为,可以构成中 国《刑法》规定故意伤罪(第 234 )、故意杀罪(第 232 条)、绑架罪(第 239 条)、非法拘禁罪(第 238 条)、抢劫罪(第 263 条)、抢夺罪(第 267 条)等
(b) Acts of violence, detention or depredation committed against persons or property on board vessels or aircraft may, in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Code, constitute offences of malicious injury (article 234), wilful homicide (article 232), kidnapping (article 239), unlawful detention (article 238), robbery (article 263), forcible seizure (article 267), etc.
設定連結聚合,其中您可以同時將兩個 LAN 連接埠連接至網路以防一個連故障 (請參第 38 頁)。
Set up link aggregation, where you connect both LAN ports to your network at
[...] the same time in case one link fails (see page 38).
於訂立常州來方圓補充協議、舊常州光電租賃協議及瑞聲精密製造租賃協議之時,即使根 據上市規則第14A.25及14A.26條合併計算各自之年度租金,就本集團根據常州來方圓補充 協議、舊常州光電租賃協議及瑞聲精密製造租賃協議項下應付的年度租金之適用百分比率 (定義見上市規第14.07條)仍低於0. 1% , 故 根 據 上市規 第 1 4 A .3 3條,常州來方圓補 充協議、舊常州光電租賃協議及瑞聲精密製造租賃協議均豁免遵守申報、年度審閱、公告 及獨立股東批准規定。
At the time of entering into of each of the Supplemental Changzhou LFY Agreements, Old Microtech Changzhou Lease Agreement and AAC Module Lease Agreement, the applicable percentage ratios as defined under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules in respect of the annual rent payable by the Group under each of the Supplemental Changzhou LFY Agreements, Old Microtech Changzhou Lease Agreement and AAC Module Lease Agreement, even if required to be aggregated with each other under Rules 14A.25 and 14A.26 of the Listing Rules, were less than 0.1% and therefore, the Supplemental Changzhou LFY Agreements, Old Microtech Changzhou Lease Agreement and AAC Module Lease Agreement were then exempt from the reporting, annual review, announcement and Independent Shareholders’ approval requirements in accordance with Rule 14A.33 of the Listing Rules.
如果您的职责之一包括问题管理或 故 处 理 ,请转 第 38 页“管理设备事件”。
If one of your responsibilities includes problem
[...] management or incident handling, then go to “Managing device events” on page 44.
美国文学起源于口头流传的神话、传说 故 事 , 以及 第 安 文 化的抒情诗(通常是歌曲)。
[...] literature begins with the orally transmitted myths, legends, tales, and lyrics (always [...]
songs) of Indian cultures.
提交人称缔约国应特别支 持拥有儿童监护权的家长,而在此案中尽管缔约国认可了其监护权的转移,但未 能履行此义务故违反了《公约第 二 十 四条的规定。
The author claims that the State party should support in particular the parent who has custody over the child, that in the instant case the State party
failed to meet this
[...] obligation, despite recognizing the transfer of custody, and hence violated article 24 of the Covenant.
若需要,可参第 7 页的故障排除指南以寻 求其它的解决方法。
If necessary, see Troubleshooting Guide, page 7, [...]
for other possible solutions.
由于第六届特别会议的其中一些规定在草案修订稿中没有得到充分的反映,尚须对该 草案作进一步的完善故未能遵守第 27 COM 10 号决定所规定的 2004 年 3 月 1 日这一最后 期限。
Due to the fact that some of the provisions of the 6th
extraordinary session had not
[...] entirely been reflected in the revised draft and that there was a need to further improve it, the deadline of 1 March 2004 set by Decision 27 COM 10 [...]
could not be met.
獲得提名次數最多的6名議員進入第二階段評分調查,但由於范鴻齡於10月24日,即在第一階段提名調查期間,已向行政長官申請停職並獲行政長官接納 故 即 使其 在 第 一 階段提名調查獲得較多的提名,民研計劃亦沒有將其納入第二階段評分調查當中。
Since Fan Hung-ling ask for his suspension of duties during the naming survey and was accepted by Chief Executive on 24 October, hence POP does not include him in the rating survey even he has actually obtained quite a high nominations in first stage.
獲得提名次數最多的6名議員進入第二階段評分調查,但由於范鴻齡於10月24日已向行政長官申請停職並獲行政長官接納,至今仍未復職,處於灰色地帶 故 即 使其 在 第 一 階段提名調查獲得較多的提名,民研計劃亦沒有將其納入第二階段評分調查當中。
Hence POP has not included him in the rating survey even though he has obtained many nominations in the first stage.
(第 4 条的第 4 款和第 5 款)。同一章第 5 条规定故意公 布在任公职 期间获得的机密官方文件,或无视保密义务的行为是犯罪行为。
Article 5 of the same chapter makes it an offence deliberately to publish a secret official document acquired in the course of public service or to disregard a duty of secrecy.
二零一二年上半年,在KOV露 天礦場開採的礦石為1,658,600噸,較二零一一年上半年增加44%,平均銅品位為4%;由於已從KOV露天礦場底部清除泥漿 故 二 零 一二第 三季 度將在1D礦場獲得較高品位的礦石。
Ore mined at KOV open pit during H1 2012 was 1,658,600 tonnes, 44% above H1 2011, at an average copper grade of 4%; higher grade ore will be available during Q3 2012 in Cut 1D, as mud has now been removed from the bottom of KOV open pit.
[...] 为了使其能够包括摘自关于在 2014 年筹备和庆祝国 际家庭年二十周年的经济及社会理事第 2011/29 号 的内容故已对案文进行了更新。
However, the text had been updated to
include elements taken from
[...] Economic and Social Council resolution 2011/29 concerning the preparation [...]
for and observance
of the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family, in 2014.
刑法第 37 条规定故意教 唆他人实施刑事犯罪的,对其作出的惩罚应 视同其本人实施刑事犯罪。
According to article 37 of the Criminal Code, any person who intentionally [...]
abets another person in the commission of a criminal
offence shall be punished as if he/she had committed it.
第 3 次显示故障代码时,必须按下按钮 (工具 VR00135/1) 并保持住 [...]
While this service code
[...] is displayed the third time the button [...]
(Tool VR00135/1) must be pushed and kept in this position (contact open).
吾 等 獨 立 於 貴 公 司 、 收 購 人 或 其 中任何 一 方 之任何 一 致 行 動 人 士 , 且 與 彼 此 概 無 關 連故 就 收 購 守第 2.1 條 而 言 , 吾 等 被 視 為 符 合 資 格 向 獨 立 董 事 委 員 會 、 獨 立 股 東 及 獨 立 購 股 權 持 有 人 提 供 獨 立 意 見 。
We are independent from, and are not connected with, the Company, the Offeror or any parties acting in concert with any of them and accordingly, we are considered eligible to give independent advice to the Independent Board Committee, the Independent Shareholders and the Independent Optionholders for the purposes of Rule 2.1 of the Takeovers Code.
所有不同类型的物业在缅因州等卢瓦尔河城堡和庄园别墅和农舍和部门的伟大历史和宁静的环境,使其成为一个伟大的地方,移动或使用当成 第 二 故 乡。
All different types of property are available in Maine et Loire from chateaux and manor houses to cottages and farmhouses
and the department’s great heritage and peaceful surroundings make it a great place to
[...] move or to use as a second home.




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