

单词 故此

故此 noun ()

hence n

See also:

(of people) die, dead


cause n
former n
reason n

External sources (not reviewed)

由於會計政策的 變動只導致需要作出額外披露故此 對 每股盈利並無影響。
As the change in accounting policy only results in
[...] additional disclosures, there is no impact on [...]
earnings per share.
由於會計政策的 變動僅影響呈列方式故此對每 股盈利並無影響。
Since the change in accounting policy only impacts presentation aspects, there is no impact on earnings per share.
故此,以 下各表及论述所涵盖的是除“巴勒斯坦难民”以外的 [...]
Accordingly, the tables and [...]
discussion below comprise all programmes except “Palestine refugees”.
故此,我們要小心,不要被灰心所勝,也要小心我們 的口舌,不要成為使別人灰心的出口。
Therefore, in our walk with [...]
God, we need to guard against the disease of discouragement, especially discouraging words that may come out of our mouth!
由於雄聲發展有限公司擁有永泰出口商有限公司的公司權益 故此 前 者 被視為擁有由後者所持有之股 份。
By virtue of the corporate interest of Renowned Development Limited in Wing Tai Corporation Limited, the former was deemed to be interested in the latter’s interest in the Shares.
由於興建主幹道時需要拆卸現有的灣仔渡輪 碼頭故此必須 在現有碼頭北面的新海堤重置渡輪碼頭, 以便繼續為灣仔北過海渡輪航線提供服務。
As the existing ferry pier will need to be demolished for the Trunk Road construction, it must be reprovided [...]
at the new seawall
to the north of the existing location, so that it can continue to serve the cross harbour ferry services from Wan Chai North.
故此,特區政府供應土地的時機及數 量,會對地價產生關鍵作用,進而影響地產物業價格。
The timing and the amount of land supplied by the Government is a prominent factor of land cost in Hong Kong, and ultimately affects the price of real estate here.
(a) 由於公署財 政 穩 健故此可以聘 用 和保留 合適 的人材 , 以 及為現 職人員提供穩定 的職業及發 展 機 會,這 是 其他政府資助機 構可能 無 法 相比 的。
(a) With a good measure of financial well-being, the Office was able to recruit and retain staff of the right calibre, and provide a stable career and development opportunities for serving officers which other subvented organizations might be unable to offer.
故 此 , 吾 等 建 議 貴 公 司參考 該 等 文 件之原 中 文 版 [...]
, 並 就 該 等 文 件之合 法 性 及 詮 釋 諮詢 閣 下之法 律 顧 問 。
We would therefore advise the Company [...]
to make reference to the original Chinese edition of the documents and consult your
legal adviser regarding the legality and interpretation of these documents.
[...] 其中要求联合国会员国对女性罪犯和女性囚犯的需要做出适当的回应 故此 制定 了本规则,以便在女性囚犯待遇以及女性罪犯非监禁措施方面,适当地 [...]
Recognizing the need to provide global standards with regard to the distinct considerations that should apply to women prisoners and offenders and taking into account a number of relevant resolutions adopted by different United Nations bodies, in which Member States were called on to respond appropriately to the needs
of women offenders and prisoners, the
[...] present rules have been developed to complement [...]
and supplement, as appropriate, the
Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-custodial Measures (the Tokyo Rules) in connection with the treatment of women prisoners and alternatives to imprisonment for women offenders.
基金經理可以買賣單 位故此認購 及贖回可由基金經理酌情直接記入基金帳戶中,或由基金經理沽出或購入。
The Manager may deal in Units and subscriptions and
[...] redemptions may accordingly at the Manager's [...]
discretion be either for the direct account
of the Funds or sales or purchases by the Manager.
委員關注到, 根據家長的定義 ,該詞將會 包括 學生的監護 人,以 及並非學生的父母或監護 人
[...] 但卻實 際 管 養 該學生的人故 此學生可能有 超 過 兩名家長或監護 [...]
人 ; 而部分家長 如 有 超 過一名子女在同一學校就讀 ,或 會 比 其 他家長有更多票。
Members expressed concern that under the definition of parents, which would include a guardian of the pupil and a
person who was not the parent or guardian
[...] of the pupil but had the actual custody [...]
of the pupil, a pupil might have more than
two parents or guardians and that some parents might have more votes than others if they had more than one child studying in the same school.
倘 貴公司已物色潛在買家以變現其於聯營公司的投資,惟鑒於最初權 益為私人公司權益,與其上市對手方相比缺乏市場流動性 故此 於 最 初權益 估值時可能採用貼現。
In the event that a potential buyer has been identified by the Company for realizing its investment in the Associate, given that the Initial Interest represents interest in a private company, a discount may be applied in the valuation of the Initial Interest as compare with its listed counterparts due to lack of marketability.
故此,如淨資產的暫定公平值等與 此業務合併有關的細節,並未作批露。
Accordingly, certain disclosures [...]
relating to the business combination such as the provisional fair value of the net assets
acquired have not been presented.
故此,陸一鴻先生被視為於廣源集團有限公司所擁有之本公司全部股份 [...]
Accordingly, Mr. Luk Yat Hung [...]
was deemed to be interested in all the shares in the Company in which Wide Source Group Ltd. was interested.
故 此 由 專 責 小 組 成 員 主 持 的 會 見 的 錄 音 內 容 準 確 與 [...]
否 相 當 重 要,會 對 被 控 人 所 作 的 陳 述 日 後 是 否 可 獲 接 納 有 影 響 。
The accuracy of recording of the
[...] panelist interview is therefore of considerable [...]
importance, affecting as it may do the
subsequent admissibility of a statement by the accused.
主席預計有關風險評估研究會於未來兩星期內以新聞公報形式公布,而研究報告會 於公布後上載至中心網頁故此並無有關研究的印刷資料於會上提交。
The Chairman anticipated that the RA study would be announced in the coming two weeks in form of a press release and the report of the study would be uploaded to CFS website after the announcement.
故 此 , 由 此 而 得 之 比 率 之 比 較 價值有 限 , [...]
應 作 特 殊 考 慮 。
Ratios derived therefrom may have limited [...]
comparison value and should be considered discriminatively.
目前,审判分庭尚未对这一请求作 出裁决故此时无 法估计该请求可能对诉讼程序产生的影响。
The motion is currently pending before the Trial Chamber, and it is
[...] not possible at this time to provide [...]
an estimate of the impact that the motion
may have upon the proceedings.
不過,須注意的是,保養開支大 部分用於現時尚由有關政府部門使用的歷史建築 故此 會 在有關部門的整體 建築物保養撥款中反映。
However, it should be noted that a large portion of the maintenance expenditure is incurred on historic buildings still in use by relevant government departments and is reflected in the departments’ overall building maintenance vote.
由於目前在磋商中的出售代價不少於資產的賬面值加出售成本 故此 , 概 無在其他開支中確認源於 將出售組合重新計量為其賬面值及其公平值減出售成本(以較低者為準)的減值虧損。
No impairment loss on the remeasurement of the disposal group to the lower of its carrying amount and its fair value less costs to sell has been recognised in other expenses, as the consideration of the disposal under negotiation is no less than the carrying value of the assets plus costs to sell.
故此,我 們認為現在是適當時機再度組成跨 部門工作小組進行全面的研究,俾使香港在新的數碼時代可以持續發展。
It is appropriate in timing to revisit the topic for the sake of sustaining the development of Hong Kong in the new Internet era.
聯合國糧食及農 業組織/世界衞生組織聯合食品添加劑專家委員會(專家委員會)在二零零五年進行有 關氨基甲酸乙酯的評估,認為經食物(不包括酒精飲品)攝入的氨基甲酸乙酯分量對健康 的影響不大,但經食物和酒精飲品攝入的氨基甲酸乙酯總量,則可能對健康構成潛在風 險故此專家 委員會建議採取措施減少一些酒精飲品的氨基甲酸乙酯含量。
In 2005, the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Expert Committee on Food Additives evaluated EC and concluded that intake of EC from foods excluding alcoholic beverages would be of low concern.
故 此 , 雖 然 法 律 可 能 有 給 予 某 人 權 [...]
利 在 調 查 及 檢 控 過 程 中 的 各 個 階 段 說 ‘ 別 問 我 問 題 , 我 一 條 也 不 會 答 ’ , 但 此 人 在 依 賴 這 權 利 時 , 先 思
量 一 下 旁 人 會 如 何 理 解 他 的 行 為 方 是 明 智 之 舉 。
Accordingly, although the law [...]
may give a person the right to say at all stages of the process 'Ask me no questions, I shall
answer none', in relying upon this right, he would be wise to have regard to how people are likely to interpret his conduct.
儘管香港域名註冊有限公司(HKDNR)已盡力確保此網站資料及有關製作工具的準確性,此網站也有可能包含一些非準確、排字上的錯漏或製作工具未能達到如期操作 故此 , 我 們不能對此網站內容以及寄於或連結於些網站的任何資料之準確性、有效性或可靠性作保證。
Notwithstanding all efforts made by HKDNR to ensure the information and tools in this web site is correct, information and tools on this site may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors or may not function correctly or as intended; no warranty or guarantee is given to the accuracy, usefulness, and reliability of the content and tools hosted or referenced by this site.
與 其 他 的 指 數 追 蹤 基 金 相 似 , ETF 乃 由 基 金 經 理 採 取 被 動
方 式 管 理 , 即 基 金 經 理 須 按 指 數 成 份 股 於 相 關 指 數 的 比 重 , 投
[...] 資 於 該 等 成 份 股故 此 , 就 任 何 該 指 數 的 [...]
下 跌 , ETF 的 價 格 亦 會 相 應 下 跌 。
Like other index-tracking funds, an ETF is not actively managed meaning the fund manager does not have the discretion to select stocks
individually or to take defensive positions in
[...] declining markets. Hence, any fall in the [...]
underlying index will result in a corresponding fall in the value of the ETF.
如果该有限保证的某一部分、规定或条款,或其对任何人或任何情况下的应用被视为无 根据的、无效的或不能执行的,这部分不会产生影响,此有限保证的所有其他部分、规定或 条款仍需保留故此有限 保证的其他部分、规定、条款或应用也可视为可分割的。
If a part, provision or clause of this Limited Warranty, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is hel d in valid, void or unenforceable, s uch hol ding sha ll not affect and shal l leave all other parts, pro visions, clauses or applications of this Lim ited Warranty, and to this end such o ther pa rts, pro visions, cl auses or applications of th is L imited Warranty sh all b e treated as severable.
故此,不 论其宗教背景, 学校均应在人事管理方面恪守公平的原则,从而避免个别教师因其宗教信仰而遭 歧视。
In this respect, schools, irrespective of their religious background, should observe the fairness principle in personnel matters and hence avoid individual teachers being discriminated on the basis of religious belief.
由於董事可按個別情況決定購股權是否須達到表現目 標或持有特定時間後方可行使,加上購股權的行使價在任何情況下不 得低於上市規則規定的價格水平或董事指定的較高水平 故此 預 期購 股權承授人將盡力為本集團發展作出貢獻,從而使股份市價上升,以透 過獲授的購股權而得益。
Given that the Directors are entitled VI – 18 to determine any performance targets to be achieved as well as the minimum period that an option must be held before an option can be exercised on a case by case basis, and that the exercise price of an option cannot in any event fall below the price stipulated in the Listing Rules or such higher price as may be fixed by the Directors, it is expected that grantees of an option will make an effort to contribute to the development of the Group so as to bring about an increased market price of the Shares in order to capitalise on the benefits of the options granted.
此外,新加坡同樣經濟基 礎雄厚,從某些經濟指標中更顯示有些方面已勝過香港 故此 政 府 應制定長期措施來增強 香港的國際競爭力和經濟反彈力。
Given that Singapore also has strong economic fundamentals and has in some areas surpassed Hong Kong according to certain economic indicators, the Hong Kong Government should develop long-term measures to enhance international competitiveness and economic resilience.




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