单词 | 故我 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 故我 —back on formless common: one's former self Examples:依然故我—persist whatever others say • continue in one's own way (idiom); to ignore advice See also:故—therefore • intentional • hence • happening • instance • (of people) die, dead 故 n—cause n • reason n • former n
在巴士司機 的安全上,議員剛才提到一些事故, 我 就 之 前的補充質詢也說過,巴士結構 很重要、安全亦很重要,但司機的駕駛態度更是很重要的。 legco.gov.hk | As I have stated in my reply to a previous supplementary question, the structure of the bus is important, and safety is also important, but the driving attitude of the driver is even more important. legco.gov.hk |
相對於其他燃料,煤的經濟效益仍 然受到全球關注,故我們預 期需求將持續增長。 glencore.com | With the economics of coal remaining compelling globally relative [...] to other fuels we would expect demand [...]to continue to increase. glencore.com |
但是现在,因为恩典的缘故,我们有 了改变的机会,可以检讨我们的生活,自问我们是否行走在神为我们选择和命令我们行走的事奉道路上。 amccsm.org | But now in the dispensation of grace it comes with an opportunity to change, to review our lives and ask whether we are walking in the way of service that God has chosen and commanded for us. amccsm.org |
若受保人於繳交保費年期屆滿或完結後不幸 身 故 , 我 們 所 支付 的身故賠償將相等於「卓智 投 資 計劃」的 戶口 價 值。 aia.com.hk | If the insured dies upon the expiry of, or after, the premium payment period, a death benefit equal to the Account Value of the Treasure Advantage Account will be paid. aia.com.hk |
由 于时间的缘故,我会多少设法缩短我书面发言稿的内 容。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the hour, I will somewhat reduce the length of my printed statement. daccess-ods.un.org |
但若此 [...] UL標誌是被永久地標示在成品的元件上,而該元件為另一個工廠所製造的,則此將被視為例外情形,意即此完整標誌可不必透過授權標籤供應商或是OEM印製,如另一家公司將UL標誌直接射出成型在外殼上,但由於此外殼是OEM產品的重要安全元件,且已被特別描述在OEM的UL程序書(Procedure)中 , 故我 們 不 會要求該射出廠必須加入UL授權標籤供應商計畫。 ul.com | Since the enclosure is a safety critical component of the [...] OEMs product and uniquely appears in the [...] OEM's UL Procedure, we do not require [...]the molder to be in the UL authorized label suppliers program. ul.com |
但只書“鶴在”二字的確是非常曖昧的援引方法,這可能是別的 典 故 , 我 們 可 能是一知半解,壺上銘文應該留待再進一步的查考。 e-yaji.com | The two words chosen for the bottle, ‘crane’ (he) and ‘to be [somewhere]’ (zai), seem to be an oddly [...] abbreviated way of evoking that passage from [...] the classic, but this is our best interpretation [...]of the inscription at the present time. e-yaji.com |
行業分析人員預測,該等 設備將於未來數年繼續增長,故我們 預 計智能手機及掌上電腦將提供增長動力,依然為我們的業 [...] 務重心。 aactechnologies.com | Industry analysts forecast that [...] these devices will continue to grow in the [...] years to come and we expect that smartphone [...]and tablet will provide the driving [...]force and remain our major business focus. aactechnologies.com |
基 於 此 故 , 我 們 建 議 專 責 小 組 成 員 只 會 派 駐 於 規 模 較 大 的 警 署 [...] , 而 規 模 較 小 的 警 署 , 由 於 不 是 經 常 有 人 被 捕 , 且 被 捕 人 數 也 較 少 , 則 只 在 [...]有 需 要 時 才 會 求 助 於 專 責 小 組 成 員 。 hkreform.gov.hk | It is proposed that panelists should therefore be stationed only [...] at the larger stations and be called on as and when required [...]to the smaller stations where arrests are few and irregular. hkreform.gov.hk |
基 於 此 故 , 我 們 把 少 數 成 員 對 本 報 告 書 的 某 [...] 些 建 議 的 看 法 收 載 於 第 9 章 之 中 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Accordingly, we include at Chapter 9 [...] the view of that minority in respect of some of the recommendations of the Commission's Report. hkreform.gov.hk |
在本次为期 3 天的会议开幕之际,为纪念数百万 [...] 该流行病受害者,也为了我们能够拯救的所有生命的 缘故,我呼吁你们每个人为打赢抗击艾滋病的战斗而 [...]负起责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the opening of this three-day Meeting, in memory of the millions of [...] victims of the epidemic and for the sake of [...] all the lives that we can save, I call [...]on each of you to take responsibility for [...]the success of the battle against AIDS. daccess-ods.un.org |
其實這並不是任何人的錯,社會或許怪罪執政者,造成經濟成長不如預期,但除此之外,人類已長期使用過多資源,而非單一錯誤導致問題至此 , 故我 們 必 須接受現實、採取行動。 thisbigcity.net | We may blame the politicians in power for an economy [...] that no longer grows as expected, but [...] apart from the fact that we’ve all used too many [...]resources for too long, there wasn’t [...]a specific mistake that got us into this situation. thisbigcity.net |
我们还应当得到保证,一旦 出现意外和发生事故,我们将 会得到适当的补偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | We should also be provided with guarantees that, should the unthinkable occur and an [...] accident take place, we would be adequately [...]compensated. daccess-ods.un.org |
「平衡常數」作化學計算時會感到困難 , 故我 們 可 以為不同能力的學生 安排不同挑戰程度的學習課業。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | For example, as some students have difficulty in doing chemical calculations in topic VIII (c) “Hess’s law” and topic X (b) “Equilibrium constant”, tasks with varying degrees of demand can be allocated to students of different ability levels. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
受保人若不幸在保單生效期內身故, 我 們 會 向受益人支付身故恩恤賠償。 aia.com.hk | In the unfortunate event that the Insured dies while the [...] Policy is in force, we will provide a Compassionate [...]Death Benefit to the beneficiary [...]regardless of the cause of death. aia.com.hk |
因此之故,我国在 2005 年已经显示开始复苏的脆弱经济又陷入负的增 长。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result, our vulnerable economy, [...] which had shown signs of recovery in 2005, contracted into negative growth. daccess-ods.un.org |
该 计 划 的 基 础 [...] 是团队成员之间的互动与指导,从而减少多种意外 事 故 , 我 们认 为这些意外事故占所有伤害的 94%。 hermanmiller.cn | The program relies on interactions [...] and coaching between team members to reduce the kinds [...] of accidents that we believe account for [...]94 percent of all injuries. hermanmiller.com |
他们 指出,实际上,尽管 政 府 口头承诺创建一个框架,使 玛雅村庄 能 够 确定自己 对 拥 有传统权利地区 的产权,但行动上却 依旧故我, 仿佛玛雅人的 传统财产权利并不存 在,他们 在一贯 使 用和占 有的土地上却住在 棚户区 。 daccess-ods.un.org | They noted that in practice, despite the Government’s verbal commitment to create a framework though which Maya villages can establish title to the area over which they have customary rights, it continues to behave as though Maya customary property rights do not exist and Maya people are squatters on the land that they traditionally use and occupy. daccess-ods.un.org |
於未來數月,由於我們會繼續處於內部模式審批程序的「應用前」階段 , 故我 們 將 會推進實施計劃並保持與金融服務管理局經常 聯絡。 prudential.co.uk | Over the coming months we will be [...] progressing our implementation plans further and remaining in regular contact with the FSA as we continue to engage [...]in the ‘pre-application’ [...]stage of the approval process for the internal model. prudential.co.uk |
補 充 勞 工 計 劃 的 工 作 涉 及 勞 工 處 多 個 分 科 , 故 我 們 未 能 提 供 執 行 此 計 劃 的 財 政 承 擔 金 額 。 labour.gov.hk | As operation of the SLS involves different work divisions of the LD, the financial commitment for running the SLS cannot be provided. labour.gov.hk |
股票登記處及過戶代理 - 鑑於Allianz Global [...] Investors Group的產品系列全球化, 故我們將 為於盧森堡註冊成立的基金委任一名中央過戶代理,以達到國際投資 [...]者的要求。 hk.dbs.com | Registrar and Transfer Agent – Due to [...] the globalization of the product range [...]of the Allianz Global Investors Group a central [...]registrar and transfer agent will be appointed for the funds domiciled in Luxembourg to meet the requirements of international investors. hk.dbs.com |
专用办公空间:我们深知在活动地点设有专用办公空间的重要性 , 故我 们 会 在会场为您设立办公室。 beijingairport.l...acehotels.com.cn | Your Own On-Site Office: We know how important it can [...] be to have a dedicated work space at the [...] event venue so we make an on-site office available to you with our compliments. beijingairport.l...mplacehotels.com |
Denise希望我们通过这些关于钟表的珠宝来忘记时间而真正地享受生活--虽然这个意义对我来说不太成立……但不知 何 故 , 我 有 点喜欢她这些富有创造力的作品。 iontime.ch | Denise wants us to enjoy life and forget about time through these watch jewellery pieces – which doesn’t make sense to me … but somehow I like her creative work. iontime.ch |
关于望远拍摄用的替换镜头,尽管很多情况下安装有固定三角架用的台座,但该台座是用 于固定三角架的适配器,与镜头原本的功能没有关系 , 故我 们 规 定无论其是否可以拆卸,均可 不算作外形尺寸。 cipa.jp | It shall not be prohibited to exclude this pedestal from the outside dimension regardless of whether it is detachable type or not, because it is an adapter to fix a tripod stand and has nothing to do with the primary function of the lens. cipa.jp |
咖啡工場除了處理炒咖啡豆時的煙味,還要解決咖啡豆外層薄膜,因該薄膜會依附在微塵收集器之正片與地片之間,引致短路 , 故我 們 特 製的地片及正片距離比一般大,配合其運作。 greencouncil.org | Apart from the smoke, the coffee manufacturer has to deal with the membrane of coffee which may congregate and lead to short circuit the precipitator. greencouncil.org |
这并不是说我故意负 ,但我很严格的,当它涉及到产品的评论,但这个DVD Creator for Mac是我所遇到的最好的软件。 daniusoft.com | Not that I am purposely negative but I am very strict when it comes to product reviews but this DVD Creator for Mac is the best software I have come across. daniusoft.com |
在他生命即将走到尽头时,在我最喜爱的经文之一里,他说: 「 我故 此 没 有违背那从天上来的异象」(使徒行传26:19)。 amccsm.org | Towards the end of his life, in one of my favourite verses, he states: "I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision" (Acts 26:19). amccsm.org |
请不要问我故事情节 ……我只记得电影里面的: (1) 穿着猫女装的安妮·海瑟薇(Anne [...] Hathaway), (2) 超级美丽的积家超薄翻转Grande Reverso Ultra Thin 1931纪念版腕表。 iontime.ch | Please don’t [...] ask me about the story… What I will [...]remember about the film are (1) Anne Hathaway in her cat suit and (2) the [...]incredibly beautiful Jaeger-LeCoultre Grande Reverso Ultra Thin Tribute to 1931. iontime.ch |