

单词 故意输掉


故意输掉(比赛) v

throw v

See also:

故意 adv

intentionally adv
wilfully adv


on purpose

External sources (not reviewed)

(2) 任何人不得致使、准許或容受任何投射物、物品或其他的任何物體被推向、拋擲故意丟掉在任 何巴士、西北鐵路車輛或鐵路其他部分。
(2) No person shall cause permit or suffer any missile, article or
other object whatsoever to be propelled at
[...] or thrown at or wilfully dropped upon any [...]
bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or other part of the railway.
Moseby需要Zack和Cody的棒球比赛时, 意 外 捕 获了一个棒球波士顿红袜 输掉 了 比赛,但在波士顿,每个人都恨他。
Mr. Moseby takes Zack and
[...] Cody to a baseball game, but when he accidentally catches a baseball that makes the [...]
Boston Red Sox lose
the game, everyone in Boston hates him.
穆罕默德和艾哈迈德回忆他们差一点在一次地道塌方 故 中 死 掉 的 情 形。
Mohammed and Ahmad recall how they almost died together in a tunnel collapse.
评注将解释,担保交易法可笼统规 定,对登记处用户由于登记处工作人员的过失、严重过失 故意 行 为 而遭受的 损失或损害,登记处工作人员负有赔偿责任,也可针对具体指明的情形(举例 说,登记处工作人员把以纸质通知提交的信息错误 输 入 登 记处记录)规定登 记处工作人员负有赔偿责任,或规定免除登记处工作人员的任何赔偿责任,或 者也可规定将该事项留待一般性法律处理。
The commentary will explain that secured transactions law may foresee liability of registry staff for loss or damage suffered by a
registry user as a
[...] result of negligence, gross negligence or wilful conduct on the part of the registry staff in general or in the case of specified situations (for example, information submitted in a paper notice was entered erroneously into the registry [...]
record by the registry
staff) or that the registry staff are exonerated from any liability, or, alternatively, the matter may be left to general law.
从1982年起,化学工业的输事故信息 和救援系统(TUIS)为化学品事故的妥善处理提供了有力支持。
The German chemical industry established its Transport Accident Information and Emergency Response System (TUIS) in 1982 to provide assistance in the event of chemical accidents.
在 2009 年内发生的意外事故中,9 起涉及非法拥有或企图贩卖核材料或放射源,26 起涉
[...] 及放射性物质被盗或丢失,89 起涉及发现无管制物质以及未经许可处置和 故意 未经许可输和储存核材料、放射性物质及受放射性物质污染的材料。
Of those which had occurred in 2009, nine involved illegal possession and attempts to sell nuclear material or radioactive sources, 26 involved thefts or losses of radioactive sources and 89 involved
discoveries of uncontrolled material,
[...] unauthorized disposals and inadvertent unauthorized shipments [...]
and storage of nuclear materials,
radioactive sources and radioactively contaminated materials.
(2) 任何人不得致使、准許或容受任何投射物、物
[...] 品或其他物體、厭惡性物體或廢物被推向、拋擲 故意 丟掉 在任 何鐵路巴士或鐵路車輛或在鐵路上,而相當可能危及鐵 [...]
(2) No person shall cause, permit or suffer any missile, article or other
object, offensive or waste matter to be propelled at
[...] or thrown at or wilfully dropped upon any [...]
bus of the railway or vehicle of
the railway or the railway likely to endanger the railway premises or railway operations.
陷入困境的豪门雅典AEK本赛季以1-0的比 输掉 了 他 们的两场比赛,并且他们的低迷状态可能会在本周对阵阿里斯特萨隆基尼的比赛中继续。
Troubled giants AEK Athens lost both of their matches by 1-0 scorelines this season and their poor form could continue when they host Aris Thessaloniki this weekend.
议定书》通过扩大罪行清单,将诸如 使用船只造成死亡、严重伤害或损害 故意 运 输 生 物 、化学和核武器; 故意运 输对生 物、化学和核武器的设计、制造和交付有重大贡献的任何设备、材料或软 件或相关技术等罪行纳入清单,修订了原来的文书。
The Protocols amended the original instruments by broadening the list of offences to include, for example, using a ship in a manner that causes death, serious injury or damage; transporting a biological, chemical or nuclear weapon, knowing it to be such; and transporting any equipment, materials or software or related technology that significantly contribute to the design, manufacture or delivery of a biological, chemical or nuclear weapon, with the intention that it be used for such a purpose.
即使我们获得了公 正的审判,我们也输掉这场 官司,因为没有蒙古 法律可以保护我们。
Even if we enjoyed a fair trial, we would lose the case because there is no Mongolian law to protects us.
确认海底光纤电缆输全球大部分数据和通讯,因而对全球经济及所有国家 的国家安全都极为重要,意识到这些电缆很容易受到航运和其他活动有意和意外 的损害,注意在各种讲习班和研讨会上,已提请各国注意这些事项,意识到各国 需要制订国家法律和法规,保护海底电缆, 故意 损 坏 电缆的行为或因重大过失 而损坏电缆的行为定为应受惩处的罪行
Recognizing that fibre optic submarine
[...] cables transmit most of the world’s data and communications and, hence, are vitally important to the global economy and the national security of all States, conscious that these cables are susceptible to intentional and accidental damage from shipping and other activities, noting that these matters have been brought to the attention of States at various wor kshops and seminars, and conscious of the need for States to adopt national laws and regulations to protect submarine cables and render their wilful damage or damage [...]
by culpable negligence punishable offences
我怀疑多特蒙德是否记得他们第一次超级杯的比赛,他们 输掉 的。
I doubt that Dortmund would like to remember their Supercup comeback also as the first time they lost it.
一些与会者意应更 加重视结果的评估工作,但同时提到要警惕“盲目实用主义”, 因为并非所有的活动都即刻能量化和衡量,而且本组织最终可能会 掉 哲 学和伦理方面的问 题。
Some participants, while agreeing that greater importance should be attached to results measurement, warned against “blind pragmatism”, as all activities are not immediately quantifiable and measurable and the Organization may end up doing away with philosophical [...]
and ethical issues.
内部司法理事会承认,一些 案件适于作简短判决,但是指出,在许多情况下,有说服力的理由说明将教输 掉官司的一方,让他们知道为何裁决对其不利,从而为管理层和工作人员提供一 个指导,让他们了解他们应当如何规范其行为,同时也有助于法律的发展。
The Internal Justice Council recognizes that some cases may be amenable to brief judgements, but suggests that in many cases persuasive reasoning would educate losing parties as to why the decision was against them, provide a guide to management and staff as to how they should regulate their conduct and help in the development of the law.
通过采用正确适合的专业技术、高可靠性产品、高可靠元件,操作体验简单轻松 意 味 着德国SebaKMT先进产品能快速、准确、可靠、高效地定位电力电缆和架 输 配 电线 路 故 障。
The use of the right technology, a very high
level of reliability
[...] and components that are easy to operate means that SebaKMT can locate faults in cables and overhead lines quickly, reliably and efficiently.
这条规定故意以开 放的方式(“为确定……是否”),这样,如果条 约的解释过程也不确定,则可以预测适用第 [...]
6 和第 7 条的可能性。
The provision is intentionally drafted in an open-ended [...]
manner (“to establish whether”), so as to anticipate the possibility
of applying articles 6 and 7 if the process of interpreting the treaty, too, proves inconclusive.
如果出现电故障,或开关意外关掉 电 脑 系统或人工rebooted由于有些软件问题 这就字节仍将为07hf7h成语或窗口操作系统时,下次有一脚有某种不关闭窗口,然后利用它的磁盘扫描程序(ScanDisk)核实磁盘出错.
If there is a power failure, or the Power switch of the computer is accidentally turned OFF or the system is manually rebooted due to some software problem, then this byte will remain as 07H or F7H which informs the Windows Operating System when next time it is booted that there was some kind of improper shut down and then Windows uses it’s disk scanning program (Scandisk) to verify the disk for errors.
其實,余若薇議員早前亦曾詢問這方面的資料,但她問得更為齊全,除 了自殺外,亦問及所意外掉下月 台的 故 資 料 ,我們亦以綜合資料方法回 答,檔案上已有這項紀錄。
Apart from data on suicides, she also
[...] asked for information on accidental falls from platform.
在体育运动中,胜利者和失败者的差距可能只能通过 几分之一秒、英尺或磅的差别来衡量,而使用兴奋剂会带来百分之一或百分之二的优势时,那 些正直的运动员极有可输掉而非 赢得比赛。
In sports where the difference between winner and also-ran may be measured in fractions of a second, inch, or pound, and where doping can provide even a one or two percent advantage, the clean athlete is far more likely to lose than to win.
有人说,在英格兰,“足球是一个有趣的、古老的游戏”--埃弗顿的哈日卡里承认5分钟 输掉 3 个 进球,如此之快简直令人难以置信。
It’s said in England that ‘football can be a funny old game’ – Everton’s 5minutes of Hari-Kari to concede 3 goals so quickly was unbelievable.
至于法律费用问题,瑞典法律体系的一项原则是,在法庭 输掉 官 司 的一方 承付自己的法律费用和得胜方的法律费用。
Regarding the question of legal costs it is a principle in the Swedish legal system that the party that has failed to prove their case in court pays for their own legal costs and for the costs of winning party.
我心中有一个疯狂的想法就是曼联输球,而实际上他们在本赛季确实比斯旺 西 输掉 了 更 多的球--24球比22球。
The method in my madness is United are conceding goals, they have in fact conceded more goals this season than Swansea have – 24 goals to 22 goals.
如果承租人、与其共同居住的家庭成员或其他 故意 破 坏或拆毁租住的房 屋,或改变其既定的用途故意违反 共同居住原则,使得其他人无法与他们合 住,而且相应的预防措施和公共约束手段都未产生任何效果,应出租人和其他利 益相关方的请求,可以迫使从事上述破坏或违规甚至犯罪行为的住户搬走,而且 [...]
If the lessee, members of his/her family or
other persons, who live
[...] together with them, systematically destroy or damage the living spaces, or do not use them according to its purpose, or if by systematically [...]
breaching the
common living rules make it impossible for others to live with them in the same apartment or in the same house, and the preventive and public constraint measures have not showed any progress, the evacuation of the guilty ones at the request of the leaser or other interested parties is made without a subsequent offer of another living space.
在最近8年的英超联赛中,这是第一次曼 输掉 了 揭 幕战。
It was the first time in 8 years that Man U lost their opening match in the EPL.
咨询委员会获悉,这种方法有以下益处:(a) 所有地 点都有全球范围的大幅度折扣;(b) 能更快确定问题的症结所在,从而最大限度 地减少本组织网意外停机时间;(c) 具备互操作性,减少了故发生 时多个供 应商之间相互指责的现象,还可在所有办事处执行共同的最终用户电话程序。
The Advisory Committee was informed that this approach provides the following benefits: (a) significant worldwide discounts for all locations; (b) speedier diagnosis
of problems, thereby
[...] minimizing unplanned downtime of the Organization’s networks; and (c) interoperability, which reduces finger-pointing among multiple vendors when incidents occur and also allows [...]
implementation of
common end-user procedures for telephones at all offices.
(c) 明知船舶或飞机成为海盗船舶或飞机的事实,而自愿参加其活动的行为 以及教唆故意便利 有关海盗行为的行为,根据中国《刑法》,可以将其作为相 [...]
关具体行为所构成犯罪的共同犯罪处理(第 25、26、27、29 条);教唆有关海盗 行为的行为,还可能构成中国《刑法》规定的传授犯罪方法罪(第 295 条)。
(c) Any act of voluntary participation in the operation of a ship or of an aircraft with knowledge
of facts making it a pirate ship or aircraft
[...] or of inciting or intentionally facilitating an act [...]
of piracy may, in accordance
with the Criminal Code, be dealt with as complicity in the commission of the offence constituted by the specific act in question (articles 25, 26, 27 and 29); acts inciting piracy may also constitute the offence of passing on criminal methods (article 295).
[...] 裁判委員參與的制度,擴大取得法院法律程序紀錄文本的權利,准許裁判官判處部分分 期執行的監禁刑期,撤除法院故意 作 虛 假證供行為循簡易程序判罰的權力,就有關在 [...]
遺產㆗撥作未經指明慈善用途的遺囑遺贈,授予高等法院司法管轄權,以及對刑事法律 作出若干雜項修訂。
THE ATTORNEY GENERAL moved the Second Reading of: “A Bill to abolish the special jury, to establish the Criminal Procedure Rules Committee, to provide for evidence of the speed of vessels, to abolish marine magistrates, to abolish assessors in proceedings before magistrates, to expand the right to obtain copies of court proceedings, to permit magistrates to impose partly consecutive sentences of
imprisonment, to remove the power to punish
[...] summarily for wilful false testimony, [...]
to give the High Court jurisdiction in
connection with testamentary gifts for unspecified charitable purposes and to make a number of miscellaneous amendments to the criminal law.
此外,對於局長稍後會就因不合理及不合法解僱而根據第32P條判 給的補償,以及根據第32O條判給的終止僱傭金,納入擬議的第43N(1) 條下指明的權利定義內,我要求當局在執法時,把給予受嫌人陳辭機會
[...] 及規定須取得勞工處處長同意作為檢控的先決條件,確保擬議罪行只針故意拖欠的情況。
In addition, regarding the inclusion of compensation under section 32P and terminal payments under section 32O arising from unreasonable and unlawful dismissal in the specified entitlements in the proposed section 43N(1) which the Secretary is going to propose later, I urge that when enforcement action is to be taken, the suspect should be given an opportunity to be heard and the consent of the Commissioner for
Labour (CL) prescribed as a prerequisite to prosecution to ensure that the proposed
[...] offence pinpoints wilful defaults only.
蓄意破坏对人类具有重要意义的文化遗产, 故意 不 采取适当措施禁止、防止、制止 和惩罚这种蓄意破坏行为的国家,不论该遗产是否列入教科文组织或其他国际组织的保护名 单,要在国际法规定的范围内承担该破坏行为的责任。
A State that intentionally destroys or intentionally fails to take appropriate measures to prohibit, prevent, stop, and punish any intentional destruction of cultural heritage of great importance for humanity, whether or not it is inscribed on a list maintained by UNESCO or another international organization, bears the responsibility for such destruction, to the extent provided for by international law.
當然,掉一些的 意思並 非指政府可以亂用,而是希望政府可用於減稅,還富於民;用於扶貧 助弱;用於投資香港的基建,提高我們的競爭力;用於推行小班教學,改善 我們的教育質素及投資我們的將來等。
Rather, we hope that the Government can spend it on tax reduction to return wealth to the people, on helping the poor and the disadvantaged, on investment in infrastructure development in Hong Kong to boost our competitiveness, on implementing small-class teaching to improve the quality of education and on investing in our future.




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