

单词 故弄玄虚

See also:

玄虚 n

mystery n

External sources (not reviewed)

故意捏造虚假指控或干扰道德调查本身就是对该规范的重大违反,并且 [...]
可能导致被立即解聘 。
Knowingly making a false allegation [...]
or interfering with an ethics investigation is itself a major violation of the Guidelines
and may lead to immediate termination of your employment.
(h) 葉李杏怡女士、郭譚佩儀女士及黃 玄 先 生 均對 梁先生的申請予以支持。
(h) Mrs YIP, Mrs KWOK and Mr WONG had all given support for Mr LEUNG's application.
这个城市还是保存完整的休眠火山和古 玄 武 岩 村庄遗址的发源地。
The city is also home to preserved dormant volcano sites and ancient basalt villages.
我們呼籲那些疑似特首候選人,除了我們最近看到很多都有“落 區 ”與市民會面一下,所謂“做 show”式故弄玄虛之外,其實也應該 實實在在地向市民交代治港理念,而且要面對羣眾,扎扎實實地聆聽 各階層市民的訴求。
We call upon the probable Chief Executive hopefuls, apart from going to the districts to meet with members of the public in such an obscure way as though they were staging a show, of which we have seen a lot lately, they should specifically present to the public their visions on governing Hong Kong.
禁止通过盗窃、蒙骗、欺诈、欺骗和其他不诚实 弄虚 作 假的 方式获取任何事物,包括钱财、影响、不公平的优势、工作、竞争信息 或其他人的批准。
It prohibits stealing, cheating, fraud, deception and other forms of dishonesty or trickery to acquire anything including money, influence, unfair advantage, jobs, competitive information or the approval of others.
非政府组织和民间社会组织制定了各种支持儿童的做法,保证代 表的透明性,反对操纵弄虚作假
NGOs and civil society organizations have developed practices to
support children, which safeguard the transparency of representation and counter the risks
[...] of manipulation or tokenism.
更 重要的是,政府 不 應 該 繼 續 採取目前的荒 唐 制 度 ,
[...] 就所有重大政策作 出 決定時, 幾乎都 是以一、兩間 顧問公故 弄 玄 虛 的報告為主 要的基 礎 。
A much more important point is that the Government should cease to adopt the present absurd practice of basing its decision on a
major policy primarily on the
[...] insubstantial and deliberately mystifying reports compiled [...]
by one or two consultancy firms.
对于如实报告潜在违规行为的个人,或者参与公司或政府调 查或诉讼程序的个人,除非其提故 意 弄虚 作 假的信息,否则高露洁不会采取任何有针对性的报复 行动。
Colgate will not retaliate against any individual who reports information concerning potential violations in good faith, or who participates in any investigation or proceeding by the Company or the government, unless the information provided is found to be intentionally false.
在过去几个月中,在整个前线对阿塞拜疆平民和民用设施的攻击加强了。阿 塞拜疆领导人的敌对言论空前增多,对战争根源以及解决冲突进程充满 弄虚作 假 和扭曲事实的歪曲,这证实了人们对亚美尼亚政策具有颠覆性影响的严重担 忧,给该地区的和平、安全和稳定构成了直接威胁。
Intensified attacks over the last months on Azerbaijani civilians and civilian objects across the front line and an unprecedented increase of hostile statements by Armenian leadership, full of historical falsifications and factual distortions as to the root causes of the war and conflict settlement process, confirm the validity of serious concern over the destabilizing effect of Armenia’s policy and represent a direct threat to peace, security and stability in the region.
维持了核电站用电缆特有的高安全性和信赖性,保证发电站寿命期间的正常运营,并且应该承受1年期间发生1次 虚 拟 设计 事 故 ( D B E: Design Basic Accident)。
In order to have a high-level of safety and reliability, the cables used in nuclear power plants are required to have trouble-free
operation during the entire lifespan of the plants in
[...] addition to passing an annual DBE (Design Basic Accident) [...]
(c) 无论在任何情况下,交易文件(包括发票、领事文件、信用证等)中不 得弄虚作假、错误陈述故意开高价现象,其中包括文件或文件中信 息的删除和遗漏或故意对文件进行误导
(c) In all cases, however, there must be no falsification, misrepresentation or deliberate overbilling reflected in any document (including invoices, consular documents, letters of credit, etc.) involved in the transaction.
故事有的是虚构的 ,有的是源自她孩子环游世界的真实经历。
Leaving the legal world, Ms. Flint has pursued her passion
[...] for writing stories based on fictional, and sometimes [...]
real, adventures of her children travelling the world.
相反故意 捏造虚假指 控本身将被视为对该规范的违反。
Conversely, knowingly making a false allegation is considered a violation of the Guidelines itself.
同一周玄叶光外相与其他会员国 和国际组织的代表一道主办了一次部长级活动。活动 [...]
期间,近 400 名参加者就公平和人的安全等重要概念 进行了富有成果的讨论,并分享了关于在实地为推进 实现千年发展目标进程而采用的具体方法的有益信 息。
That same week, Minister for
[...] Foreign Affairs Genba, together with [...]
other Member States and international organizations, hosted
a ministerial-level event in which approximately 400 participants engaged in fruitful discussions about important concepts such as equity and human security, and shared useful information about the concrete methods being used on the ground to advance the process of the achievement of the MDGs.
仅以2003 年为例,“决议”在所有阶段,从起草到正式提交,都被当作绝 密对待,表决前夕突然提交,经由美国、日本和欧盟成员国的专横跋扈、独断专 行、幕后压力弄虚作假而强行通过。
Just to take an example in 2003 alone, the “resolution” was treated as top secret at all stages, from drafting to official submission, tabled in the form of a surprise raid shortly before voting and forcibly adopted through the high-handedness, arbitrariness and behindthe-scenes pressure and trickery of the United States, Japan and the States members of the European Union.
亚美尼亚常驻代表的信函再次表明该国毫不掩饰地企图通过肆无忌惮 弄虚 作假来误导国际社会。
The letter of the Permanent Representative of Armenia represents yet another unconcealed attempt to mislead the international community by means of blatant falsifications.
所以,我干脆自己写了一个前后完全不相干的紊乱 故 事 ,我 被 弄 烦 了 !不 弄 了 , 所以后来,内容比较奇怪,扯了很多无关痛痒,但是要继续下去的东西,似乎是关于西方人的:比如牛奶厂,和一个德国丈夫的关于奶汁品质的隐瞒,还有一个关于美国的前后历史背景。
But the things I wanted to carry on with seemed to be about westerners: for example, a dairy farm, a German husband’s cover-up of dairy product quality issues, and something about the historical background in the USA.
(b) 不得在鐵路處所內髹上、書寫、繪畫或貼上任何文字、圖象或字樣,故意弄污或弄髒鐵路處所,或破損、切割、抓刮、撕扯、毀損或以其他 方式損壞鐵路處所的任何部分,包括任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛,或其任 何配件、家具、裝飾或裝備,或其內或其上的任何公布、告示、一覽 [...]
(b) paint, write, draw or affix any word,
representation or
[...] character upon or wilfully soil or defile the railway premises or break, cut, scratch, tear, deface or otherwise damage [...]
any part of the
railway premises including any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any of the fittings, furniture, decorations, or equipment thereof or any publication, notice, list, time-table, advertisement, number plate, number, figure or letter therein or thereupon or remove therefrom or detach any such article or object
民间社会本身被一些应受 指摘的做法侵蚀,包弄虚作假 、欺诈和个人无度追求高升。
Civil society itself is being undermined by such reprehensible practices as cheating, fraud and an unbridled quest for personal advancement.
如在本表中发现任弄虚作假, 填表者将依法按伪证和伪誓罪论处。
Any false statements can and will be punishable under the laws of perjury and false swearing.
有人覺得這方面應懲罰輕一點,那方面又不應採取行 動等......他們還說,你們真的沒用,無緣 故弄 出 這樣的報告,是不 應該的,你們的議案要被否決。
They even say that you people are useless, having made this report for no reason, and that it should not be done.
为此,我们特别邀请世服宏图中国区高级经理Michaela Julian女士来为我们讲述更多关虚拟 办 公室 故 事。
Their Virtual Office solutions are at the forefront and we caught up with Senior Manager Michaela Julian to get more of an insight.
该保证金的作用在于,如果承包商在 施工过程弄虚作假 ,在工程结束时他将得不到什么好处。
That deduction has the effect of guaranteeing that when completing the project the contractor will not find it more profitable to begin a fresh assignment rather than deal with any reservations arising.
話醜得吉”,蓮塘斷裂帶若出事,令大亞灣和嶺澳兩間核電站一 起發生故,我們要不弄個石 棺材出來?
In the event of
[...] any mishap in Liantang fault zone, two nuclear power [...]
stations in Daya Bay and Lingao will have problems,
do we have to make such a concrete coffin?
由此可知, 很多人指那些反對派沒做過甚麼,他們也不過說說而已。當我們在說具體的 事項,指政府應做這些、不應做那些的時候,往往是說具體的事項時便被指 是叫口號,不說具體的事項時便被說成 玄 學 , 是幻術。
From this we know that there are many people alleging that the opposition camp has not done anything for they know only to pay lip-service, but when we are talking about concrete matters, telling the Government to do this and not to do that, we are often said to be chanting slogans when we are actually talking about concrete matters, and when we do not talk about concrete matters, we would be described as practising occult arts and portraying illusions.
监察组的调查已将过渡联邦政府的一些高级官员与签 弄虚 作 假做法挂 上钩,其中包括副总理兼渔业部长阿卜迪拉赫曼·哈吉·亚丁·伊比、妇女事务 和两性平等部长Fowsiya Mohamed Sheikh以及宪法事务部长Madoobe Nunow Mohamed。
Monitoring Group investigations have linked a number of senior officials of the Transitional Federal Government to the practice of visa fraud, including the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Fisheries, Abdirahman Ibrahim Adan Ibbi, the Minister for Women’s Affairs and Gender, Fowsiya Mohamed Sheikh, and the Minister of Constitutional Affairs, Madoobe Nunow Mohamed.55 The Constitutional Minister is a repeat offender: in April and June 2009 he organized delegations to attend a constitutional training workshop in Germany convened by a prestigious institution, as part of the UNDP-coordinated constitution-building activities in Somalia.
这番话完全是以玩弄历弄虚作假 为依据的,而且演讲者的腔调完全 是亚美尼亚优于其他民族,包括阿塞拜疆。按亚美尼亚国家首脑的话来说,阿塞 [...]
Apart from being based on
[...] evident historic falsifications, these words [...]
were uttered in the direct context of the speaker’s
vision of the superiority of the Armenians over other nations, including the Azerbaijanis, who were characterized by the head of the Armenian State as a “Turkic Muslim nomadic tribe”.
病人如果在使用私家醫療服 務的時候,出現醫療故,先要弄清 楚是哪個環節出了錯、投訴的是誰、 屬哪個部門管,而在現實情況下,這些正正是要調查的工作,確實令到 當事人不知所措。
If the patients are involved in medical incidents when using private medical services, they should first clarify which part of the process has gone wrong, the person whom they will complain against, and which department is in charge.
美国还明故犯而且虚伪地污蔑古巴阻止其公民进入全球网络;而事实 正相反,由于美国实施的封锁法,古巴不能连接到古巴群岛周围的光纤 电缆,因而被迫支付昂贵的卫星服务。
With complete cynicism and hypocrisy, the United States falsely accuses Cuba of preventing its citizens from accessing the global network, while the very different reality is that Cuba is unable to connect to the fibre-optic cables that surround the Cuban archipelago, owing to the embargo laws applied by the United States, forcing the country to pay for expensive satellite services.




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