

单词 故交


交通事故 n

wreck n

See also:


cause n
reason n
former n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 後每手買賣單位之市值將高於現有每手買賣單位之市值 故交 易 成 本佔每手買賣單位之市值 之比例將會降低。
Moreover, as the market value of each board lot upon the Share Consolidation becoming effective will be higher
than the market value of each existing
[...] board lot, the transaction cost as a proportion [...]
of the market value of each board lot will be lower.
港鐵公司在處理該事故時,已依據現行 機制通報運輸署緊急故交通協調中心,向運輸署及其他公共 運輸服務機構發出紅色警報,並向傳媒發放有關故障及列車服 務安排的資料。
In handling the incident, MTRCL has notified the Emergency Transport Co-ordination Centre (ETCC) of TD, issued to TD and other public transport operators a Red Alert according to the established mechanism and disseminated to the media the information about the incident and train service arrangement.
董事 認為由於中國系統集成行業正高速增長 故交 易 事 項將讓本集團作好準 備,掌握系統集成行業於中國之發展前景,此對本集團及其股東整體而言 [...]
The Directors consider that since the SI Industry
in the PRC is currently experiencing
[...] high growth, the Transaction will allow the [...]
Group to position itself to capture the
growth prospect of the SI Industry in the PRC, which is beneficial to the Group and its Shareholders as a whole.
董事亦認為由於大部份代價將以發行代價股份之方式支付 故交 易 事 項將 不會對本集團之現金流量帶來重大影響,反而將進一步加強本公司之資金 [...]
The Directors also consider that as the majority of the Consideration will be
settled by way of the issue of the
[...] Consideration Shares, the Transaction will not have [...]
a material impact on the cashflow of the
Group and will further strengthen the Company's capital base.
中国政府还通过提供辐射监测和 医疗救护向日本政府提供援助,中国专家与其在日 本和其他国家的同行就该故进行了 交 流。
His Government had also offered to assist the Japanese Government with radiation monitoring and
medical care and Chinese experts
[...] had engaged with their counterparts from Japan and other countries regarding the accident.
由於交易的最高適用百分比率(定義見香港上市規則第14.07條)高於0.1%但低於5 %, 故該項交易須 遵守香港上市規則第14A章項下的申報及公告的規定,惟獲豁免遵守獨 立股東批准的規定。
As the highest applicable percentage ratio (as defined under Rule 14.07 of the Hong Kong
Listing Rules) in
[...] respect of the Transaction exceeds 0.1% but is less than 5%, accordingly, such Transaction is subject [...]
to the reporting and announcement
requirements, but is exempt from the independent shareholders’ approval requirement under Chapter 14A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules.
除道交通事故之外的伤害占中上收入国家(包括俄罗斯联 邦)和中低收入国家(包括中国)的残疾调整寿命年数的较大比例。
[...] other than road traffic accidents accounted [...]
for a major share of the DALYs in upper middle-income countries, which
include the Russian Federation, and in low middle-income countries, which include China.
基於此情況以及根據經更新供應總協議擬進行 交 易 屬持 續性質故該等交易亦 將根據上市規則第14A章構成本公司的持續關連交易。
In the circumstances, the transactions under the Renewed Master Supply Agreement which are of a continuing nature will also constitute continuing connected transactions of the Company [...]
under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
14.07 條而言,涉及上述交易的一 個或多個適用的百分比率皆超逾
[...] 0.1%,而全部該等比率皆低於 5%,故相關交易可 獲豁 免遵守須經獨立股東批准的規定,但必須遵守上市規則第 [...]
14A.37 至 14A.40 條及第 14A.45 至 14A.47
For each of Wheelock and Wharf, since one or more of the applicable percentage ratios in respect of the abovementioned transactions is/are greater than 0.1% while all such ratios are below 5%
for the purposes of Rule 14.07 of the
[...] Listing Rules, the transactions are exempt from [...]
the requirement for shareholders’ approval,
but are subject to requirements regarding reporting and announcement etc. under Rules 14A.37 to 14A.40 and Rules 14A.45 to 14A.47 of the Listing Rules.
若干代表团认识到由于道交通事故 给 公共健康和发展带来的负担, 并强调了继续倡导和执行与道路安全有关的举措的重要性。
Several delegations recognized the
public health and development burden
[...] resulting from road crashes and stressed the [...]
importance of continuing advocacy and implementing
initiatives in relation to road safety.
(C) 在不違反上述(B)項規定之前提下,當任何聯名帳戶持有人身故、精神失常及/或其他喪失行為能 力、或發生無力償債事件,吾等將會將所有帳戶中持有的貸方餘額以及吾等在任何交易及服務下 應向聯名帳戶持有人支付的所有款項及資產交予聯名帳戶持有人的生存者(若所有聯名帳戶持有 人全部故,則應當交予最 後生存的聯名帳戶持有人的遺囑執行人或遺產管理人),而吾等就以 上所述完成的任何支付應當被視為已完全地、絕對地解除吾等針對所有聯名帳戶持有人的負值 (包括已身故的聯名帳戶持有人及其繼承人),前提是吾等會要求提供身故證明文件及/或身故者 遺產的相關法律受讓文件。
(C) Subject to paragraph (B) above, we shall hold on the death, or mental and/or other incapacity of or the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any of the joint Account holder all credit balance or balances and properties in all the Accounts and all monies due by us to the joint Account holders under any Transactions and Services to the order of the surviving joint Account holder (in case of death of all of the joint Account holders, to the executors or administrators of the last surviving joint Account holder) and any payment by us above shall be an absolute full and conclusive discharge of us as against the joint Account holders (including the deceased and his/her/estate and successor) provided that we may require the production of documentary proof of the death and/or the relevant legal grant to the estate of the deceased.
因此,缔约故意使提交人面临风险,尤其是因为,这些文件是在提交人向委员会提交来文 且特别报告员允许采取临时措施之后寄到外交代表机构的。
The State party has therefore knowingly put the author at risk especially since these documents were sent to the diplomatic representation after the author’s submission of his communication to the Committee and the granting of interim measures by the Special Rapporteur.
最 值得关注的是,其中介绍了世界各地为消除道 交 通 事 故 的 主要风险因素以期减 少相关死伤所作的努力。
Most notably, it describes efforts undertaken around
the world to address the major risk
[...] factors for road traffic crashes with the goal [...]
of reducing resultant deaths and injuries.
由於上述持續關連交易的年度上限,不超過本公司於上市規則第14A章所述的適用百分比率 的2.5%,故該持續關交易僅須遵守上市規則第14A.45至14A.47條有關申報及公告的規定。
As the annual caps of the above-mentioned continuing connected transactions do not exceed the applicable percentage ratios of the Company of 2.5% as referred to in
Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules, the
[...] continuing connected transactions are only subject to [...]
the reporting and announcement requirements
as set out in Rules 14A.45 to 14A.47 of the Listing Rules.
审议了秘书长转递关于加强全球道路安全的报告的说明及其所载各项建议,1 认识到道交通重大碰撞故造成 的死亡是巨大的全球负担,并且每年还有 两千万至五千万人在非致命道交通 事 故 中 受 伤,其中许多人留下终生残疾
Having considered the note by the Secretary-General transmitting the report on improving global road safety and the recommendations contained therein,1 Recognizing the
tremendous global burden of
[...] mortality resulting from road traffic crashes, as well as the twenty to fifty million people who incur each year non-fatal road traffic injuries, many of whom are left [...]
with lifelong disabilities
(c)节提供了增效方面的信息,其中包括 交 通 事 故 调 查 程序 中引入标准化表格等举措,这使得人小时和使用的纸张减少;通过将联东综合团 [...]
总部和国家电网连接起来减少发动机燃料消耗;通过外地支助套件应用程序使用 行政程序网上表格;通过每个周末在整个特派团区域实行‘无车日’政策减少燃
料所需资源,每天节省 1 800 升燃料。
C of the proposed budget and includes such initiatives
as the introduction of standardized forms
[...] in the traffic accident investigation process, [...]
which has translated into reduced
man-hours and less paper; the reduction in generator fuel consumption by connecting UNMIT headquarters to the national power grid; the use of online forms for administrative procedures through the Field Support Suite application; and the reduction in fuel requirements through the implementation of a “no vehicle day” policy throughout the Mission area every weekend, resulting in savings of 1,800 litres of fuel each day.
由於根據IP許可證協議擬進行之交易之各個百分比率(盈利比率除外)按年 度計算均低於1%,而根據IP許可證協議擬進行的交易僅因涉及一位身為本公
[...] 司關連人士的人士(基於其與本公司附屬公司的關係)而成為關 交 易 ,故 IP許 可證協議獲豁免遵守上市規則內有關申報、年度審閱、公告及取得獨立 [...]
As each of the percentage ratios (other than the profits ratio) for the transactions contemplated under the IP License Agreement is on an annual basis less than 1% and the transaction contemplated under the IP License Agreement is a connected transaction only because it involves a person who is a connected person of the Company by
virtue of its relationship with the
[...] subsidiary of the Company, the IP License Agreement [...]
is exempted from the reporting, annual
review, announcement and independent shareholders’ approval requirements under the Listing Rules.
By submitting your stories and/or images [...]
you agree to allow Special Olympics, Inc. its Accredited Programs, subsidiaries
and affiliates ("SOI") to use the content on its or their website/s, as the case may be, for non-commercial use and to promote Special Olympics.
交 通死亡事故是一 个重大的公共健康威胁,占 16-24 岁男性死亡人数的约 [...]
85%和 25-44 岁男性死亡人数的约 65%。
Road traffic fatalities were a significant [...]
public health threat, accounting for approximately 85 per cent of deaths in 16-
to 24-year-olds and about 65 per cent of deaths in 25- to 44-year-olds.
确认世界卫生组织发表了《道路安全全球现状报告:行动起来》,该出版物 首次评估了全球道路安全状况,并强调指出,易受伤害的道路使用者占所有道交通事故死亡 者的一半,全世界已制订关于道路安全关键风险因素的全面立法的 国家比例较低
Recognizing the World Health Organization publication entitled Global Status Report on Road Safety: Time for Action, which provides the first assessment of the road safety situation at the global level and highlights the fact that half of all road traffic deaths are among vulnerable road users, as well as the relatively low proportion of the countries in the world that have comprehensive legislation on ke y road safety risk factors
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據 此,收 購 事 項 的 代 價 比 率 不 少 於25%但 不
足100% 。因 此,根 據 上 市 規 則 第14A章 及 第14章,收 購 事 項 分 別 構 成 本
[...] 公 司 一 項 關 連 及 重交 易,故 須 根 據 上 市 規 則 遵 守 [...]
申 報、公 告 及 獨 立 股 東 批 准的規定。
On such basis, the consideration ratio for the Acquisition is not less than 25% but is less than 100%, the
Acquisition therefore constitutes a
[...] connected and major transaction for the Company [...]
under Chapter 14A and Chapter 14 of the
Listing Rules respectively and is subject to the reporting, announcement and independent shareholders’ approval requirements pursuant to the Listing Rules.
全球有很多城市的流动问题出现危机,这已不是什么新鲜事:不可持续的用 地,加上城市密度低,以及私人轿车和摩托车的使用,不仅导 交 通 堵 塞,故 率迅 速上升,政治家们还日益面临严重的地方空气污染及其市民和社区的有关健 [...]
Unsustainable land use with low urban densities and the use of private cars and
motorcycles have not only led
[...] to traffic congestion and a rapid increase in the accident rate. Politicians [...]
are also increasingly
facing severe local air pollution and related health problems for their citizens and communities.
[...] 提高健康水平和针对预防和治疗艾滋病毒/艾滋病、减少危险行为、在低收入国 家防治传染病、防止滥用烟草和酒精、减少道 交 通 事 故 和 枪 械暴力的干预措施。
The Secretary-General detailed a variety of interventions for improving health and reducing risk behaviours in various contexts, directed at HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, combating infectious diseases in
low-income countries, preventing tobacco use and alcohol abuse, and
[...] reducing road traffic accidents and firearms [...]
如果一个人的生命取决 于使用未经全面测试的药物,在这种困难情况下,允
[...] 许父母或法定监护人给予同意,是合理的,特别是交通事故案例 中,但是必须在法律范围内。
In difficult circumstances where the life of a person depended on the use of medication that had not been fully tested, it would be reasonable to allow
parents or legal guardians to be able to give such consent, especially
[...] in cases of road accidents, albeit within [...]
legal limits.
在已知的预算限制条件下,上述关注问题催迫我们在 2009 年度开展了若干 行动,以设立相关工作组并签署协议来提高对聋盲人口的关注和帮扶力度,同时 也不忘防患于未然,防范各类可能导致残疾的风险因素,如环境污染 交 通事 故。
Concerns such as these were the driving force behind a number of initiatives in 2009, existing budgetary constraints notwithstanding, such as the establishment of round tables and agreements aimed at helping people to become more knowledgeable about disabilities such as deafblindness and at improving related services.
由於 創業板上市規則下有關出售的適用百分比率超過25%但低於75%,根據創業板上市規 則,出售亦構成本公司的一項主交 易 , 故 須 遵 守創業板上市規則第19章項下的通 知、公告及股東批准規定。
As the applicable percentage ratios under the GEM Listing Rules in respect of the Disposal exceeds 25%
but less than 75%, the Disposal also
[...] constitutes a major transaction of the Company [...]
under the GEM Listing Rules and is therefore
subject to the notification, announcement and Shareholders’ approval requirements under Chapter 19 of the GEM Listing Rules.
在公司法條文的規限下,倘董事會認為必需或適宜,本公司可於董事 認為適合的地點設立及存置一份本地股東名冊或股東分冊,而由於本
[...] 公司的已發行股本經董事會同意乃於香港的任何證 交 易 所 上市故 本公 司應於香港存置其股東總冊或股東分冊。
(B) Subject to the provisions of the Companies Law, if the Directors consider it necessary or appropriate, the Company may establish and maintain a local or branch register of shareholders at such location as the Directors think fit and, while the issued share capital of the Company is,
with the consent of the Directors,
[...] listed on any stock exchange in Hong Kong, the Company [...]
shall keep its principal or a
branch register of shareholders in Hong Kong.
授予許可:您將保留提交內容的擁有權,不過,每次您向該推廣活動 交故 事 及/或影片,您均授予 Logitech 及其附屬公司全球性、非獨佔、免版權、可轉授以及可轉讓許可,在與該推廣活動和 [...]
Logitech 業務有關的情況下,包括但不限於以任何媒體格式、透過任何媒體渠道
(包括 YouTube 網站上的 Logitech 頻道) 推廣和再分配部分或全部 Logitech 網站 (以及衍生作品) 來使用、改編、修改、發佈、再造、分發、製作衍生作品、向公眾展示及發表您的故事及/或影片 (部分或全部)。
License Grant: You retain all of your ownership
[...] rights in your submissions, however, with each submission of story and/or video [...]
to this Promotion, you
grant Logitech and its affiliates a worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free, fully-paid, sub-licenseable and transferable license to use, adapt, modify, publish, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, and perform your story and/or video submissions, in whole or in part, in connection with this Promotion and in connection with the marketing, advertising and promotion of any and all Logitech digital video security products and/or other Logitech products that work with, or are compatible with digital video security cameras.




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