

单词 政治异议人士

See also:

政治 adj

political adj

异议 pl

objections pl

异议 n

argument n

External sources (not reviewed)

不过,普遍定期议进程涉及到 的并不仅仅是行政当局,国家 政治人士 也 应积极参与;为此鼓励部级部门参与 这一进程。
However, the process
[...] should involve not only the administration, but also the politicians in the country; therefore, ministerial [...]
involvement was encouraged.
许多泰政治 分析人士和观 察人士对前景持悲观态度,他们认为 不管选举结果如何,反独联或者民盟支持者总有一 方将会重回街头议。
Many analysts and observers of Thai politics are pessimistic and predict that either UDD or PAD supporters will soon return to the streets, whatever the outcome of the polls.
长期以来国家情报和安全局拘 政治异 见 人士 、 涉 嫌参与反叛组织活动者 及人权维护者的行为一直是记录在案的人权方面的主要问题。
Detention of political dissidents, persons suspected [...]
of involvement in the activities of rebel groups, and human rights
defenders by the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) has long given rise to well-documented human rights concerns.
委员会呼吁柬埔寨政府 尊政治异见者、记者、律师人权 维 护者的言论自由权、集会和结社的权利, 并确保他们的安全。
The Commission called upon the Government to
[...] respect the rights to freedom of expression, assembly and association of political opponents, journalists, [...]
lawyers and human
rights defenders and to ensure their safety.
他是否仍为民主与社会进步联盟的成员 并非决定因素,因为他曾经是一名成员;申诉人具有相同的姓氏;以及被怀疑政治反对派的人是刚 果民主共和国当局系统针对的目标,移送前危险评估干事对 此并异议。
Whether the latter is still a UDPS member is not decisive, as he has been one in the past; the complainant has the same
family name; and
[...] persons suspected of political opposition are systematically targeted by the authorities of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which the PRRA officer does not dispute.
基督异议人士余傑(音译)指出 政 府 认为刘晓波"是代表性人物,认为他们可以用这样严厉的判刑来威胁他人保持沈默。
Christian activist Yu Jie commented that the authorities see Liu Xiaobo "as a representative figure, and think they can scare the others into silence with such a harsh sentence.
议方案 预算导言第 54 段所述,由新的和(或)订正的任务规定引起的异影响到第 3 款(政治事务)、第 15 款(人类住区)、第 17 款(妇女署)和第 22 款(西亚经济和社会发展)。
As indicated in paragraph 54 of
[...] the introduction to the proposed programme budget, differences resulting from new and/or revised mandates affect section 3, Political affairs, section 15, Human settlements, [...] [...]
section 17, UN-Women, and section 22, Economic and social development in Western Asia.
[...] 大科摩罗岛反对实施修订过的《宪法》 政治人士 不 再 进行司法调查,他们没有 受到拘禁。
It also stated that the politicians in Grande Comore [...]
who defied the implementation of the revised Constitution no longer
faced judicial investigation and were not in detention.
这一进程中所遇到的主要挑战在于如何保持教科文组织作为一个专门机构的异 性和 能力,这个专门机构拥有复杂的政府间委员会,在促进国际公约、规范性和确立 标准的方案以作为解决在该组织管辖权领域内主要的全球问题表率中各自具有自己政治和技术议程。
The major challenge encountered in this process has been how to
maintain UNESCO’s
[...] specificity, hence strength, as a specialized agency with its complex composites of intergovernmental committees with its own political and technical agendas in the promotion of international conventions, normative and standard-setting programmes to serve as exemplars in addressing major global issues in the fields of competence of the Organization.
在 7 月 29 日第 41 次议上,下列人士作了介绍性发言:(在项目 13(a) 下)联合国秘书处经济及社会理事会的经济及社会理事会支助和协调办公室主 任,和发政策委 员会代表;(在项目 13(d)下)联合国人类住区规划署(人居署) 纽约办事处处长;(在项目 13(e)下)联合国环境规划署纽约办事处、联合检查组 和联合国系统行政首长协调理事会的代表;(在项目 13(m)下)欧洲经济委员会运 输司危险货物和特别货运科科长。
At the 41st meeting, on 29 July, introductory statements were made by the Director, Office for Economic and Social Council Support and Coordination, Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, and the representative of the Committee for Development Policy (under item 13 [...]
(a)); the Director, United
Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), New York Office (under item 13 (d)); the representatives of the United Nations Environment Programme, New York Office, the Joint Inspection Unit and the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (under item 13 (e)); and the Chief, Dangerous Goods and Special Cargoes Section, Transport Division, Economic Commission for Europe (under item 13 (m)).
在这方面, 考虑到以色列作为占领国在巴勒斯坦被占领土上广泛而持续地侵犯和违反包括 国人道主 义法在内的国际法,各位部长呼吁 士政 府 作 为《日内瓦公约》保 存国尽快安排《日内瓦第四公约》缔约国 议 , 以 采取法律措施确保在此种状 态下尊重和遵守《日内瓦公约》。
In this regard, while taking into account the magnitude and persistence of the violations and breaches of International Law, including International Humanitarian Law, being committed by Israel, the Occupying Power, in the
Occupied Palestinian
[...] territory, the Ministers called for the Government of Switzerland, as the depositary of the Geneva Conventions, to speedily arrange for a Conference for the High Contracting Parties to the [...]
Fourth Geneva Convention
to adopt legal measures to ensure respect for and compliance with the Conventions in this situation.
大赦国际遗憾的是,一些重要议遭 到 拒绝,包括撤销或修正1999年刑 法中的国家安全法,使之符合国际法;取消 异 见 、 政治 反 对派、表达和结社自 由的其他限制;释放良心犯。
Amnesty International regretted the rejection
[...] of important recommendations, including the repeal or amendment of national security laws of the 1999 penal code inconsistent with international law; the removal of other restrictions on dissent, political opposition, the [...]
freedoms of expression
and assembly; and the release of prisoners of conscience.
建 議增設的政治領導層旨在為行政長官提供更大的空 間,從政黨、公務員、專業或商業界別中引 政治 人才, 參與政府的工作,並為他們提供機會,在從政治工作時與各方人士建立網絡。
The proposed additional political layers sought to provide
more room for CE to bring in political
[...] talents from political parties, civil service, professional or business sectors to participate in government work, and provide opportunities for them to establish a network with various stakeholders while engaging in political work.
这种一般性职能经过数年演变,发展成为规模 异 、 人 员 结构不同、风格异、在国际舞台上具政治影响 力的联络处。
This common function has evolved over the years
into liaison offices of
[...] various sizes, different staffing structures, styles, funding and political impact on the international stage.
自 2009 年 3 月 1 日以来已完成各种其他文书:(a) 黎巴政府与 黎巴嫩 问题特别法庭之间关于特别法庭驻黎巴嫩办事处的谅解备忘录,2009 年 6 月签 署;(b) 工作人员行为守则,已予实施;(c) 关于人异地安置的示范议草案, 已提交各国审议。
Since 1 March 2009, various additional instruments have been finalized: (a) a
memorandum of understanding
[...] between the Government of Lebanon and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon concerning the Office of the Special Tribunal in Lebanon, signed in June 2009; (b) a code of conduct for staff, which has been put into effect; and (c) a draft model agreement on witness relocation, which has been submitted to States for their consideration.
Chhim 女士持有加利福尼亚大学伯克利分 政治 学 ( 成绩 异 ) 与 修辞学双 士 学 位,且持有康奈尔大学国际法和比较法法学博士/法学硕士学位。
Ms. Chhim received a BA from the University of
[...] Berkeley, with a double major in Political Science (cum laude) and Rhetoric, [...]
and a JD/LLM in International and Comparative Law from Cornell University.
六十多年来,大屠杀、房屋拆毁、粮食和药物禁 运、绑架和监禁;以各种方式威胁其邻邦,包括使用
[...] 核武器;对巴勒斯坦和黎巴嫩发动无数次战争;暗政治和宗教人士和精 英;公开或隐蔽地干涉他国的政 治、经济和文化事务;违反国际法和国际人道主义法 [...]
一切已构成充足的理由,要求国际社会采取果断措施 来制止这些暴行,并给予巴勒斯坦人民几十年来一直 被剥夺的合法权利。
More than six decades of massacre, home demolitions, food and medicine embargos, abduction and imprisonment; the threatening of its neighbours in various ways, including with nuclear weapons; the waging of numerous wars against
Palestine and Lebanon; the
[...] assassination of people, political and religious figures and elites; [...]
overt and covert interference
in the political, economic and cultural affairs of other States; violations of international law and international humanitarian law and all-out violations of human rights, including the killing of children and women — all of this should be reason enough for the international community to take decisive measures to stop these brutalities and grant the people of Palestine the legitimate rights of which they have been deprived for decades.
这次会议使秘书长之友有机会在三个重要方面进一步同心协力:(a) 敦促缅 甸与联合国合作,根据缅甸问题秘书长之友小组核可的五 议 程 以 及我上次访问 期间留给缅甸领导人的各项提案,确保包容性对话进程并为举行可信的选举创造 必要条件;(b) 维护联合国在处理缅甸当前和长期挑战方面的作用和经验,包括 推动民族和解,促进对人权的尊重,支持可持续发展,协助民主转型;(c) 表明 国际社会愿意帮助缅甸人民以并行和同等关注的方式处理 政治 、 人 道 主义和发 展方面的挑战,特别是推动实现千年发展目标。
The meeting gave the Friends an opportunity to consolidate unity of purpose and action in three important respects: (a) to urge Myanmar to work with the United Nations to ensure an inclusive process of dialogue and create the necessary conditions for credible
elections, consistent with the fivepoint agenda endorsed by the Group of Friends and with the proposals that I left with Myanmar’s senior leadership during my last visit; (b) to uphold the role and experience of the United Nations with regard to
[...] Myanmar’s immediate and long-term challenges, including in fostering national reconciliation, promoting respect for human rights, supporting sustainable development and helping the transition to democracy; and (c) to signal the international community’s willingness to help the people of Myanmar to address their political, humanitarian and development challenges in parallel and with equal attention, particularly to advance the Millennium Development Goals.
中间民主国际参加了新闻部/非政府组织各次会议和人权理事会会议,并就 缺乏言论自由、酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚、有罪不罚 和调查真相、酷刑和任意拘留人权 卫 士 、 政治 犯 及国际合作与发展 议 题发 言。
Centrist Democratic International participated in various Department of Public Information/NGO conferences and Human Rights Council sessions, speaking on such topics as lack of freedom of expression, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, impunity and
truth, torture and
[...] arbitrary detentions, human rights defenders, political prisoners and international cooperation [...]
and development.
[...] 一名警官,试图在选举后的示威活动期间避免镇 政治 抗 议人士 , 因 而向其上司 泄漏了自己的政治观点。
The Committee also notes that the author is a police
officer who sought to
[...] avoid repressing political protesters during the [...]
post-election demonstrations, thus revealing his political convictions to his superiors.
它 们议教科 文组织与非政府国际组织合作,在教育领域开展各种活动,包括:支持制定和实 施性别异政策; 通过妇女充分、平等、有效地参与各级解决冲突、重建和和平建设,来支 持和平文化;加深人权的 了解和认识。
They proposed that UNESCO implement various activities in the field of education in cooperation with international NGOs, including: assistance in the elaboration and implementation of gender-sensitive policies; support to culture of peace through full, equal and effective participation of women at all levels of conflict resolution, reconstruction and peace-building; and the promotion of better knowledge and understanding of human rights.
委员会表示严重关切的 是,不断有报告说,行政机构不正当地利用法律程序,任意限制言论自由,恐政治异见者,尤其是森朗西党,记者 人 权 维 护者和律师。
It expressed grave concern at the persistent reports of the improper use of legal processes by the executive to arbitrarily restrict
[...] [...] freedom of expression and intimidate political opponents, particularly from the Sam Rainsy [...]
Party, journalists, human rights defenders and lawyers.
大赦国际的代表在2009年5 月访问阿拉伯利比亚民众国时注意到,内部 安全局似乎具有不受制约的实际权力,可以逮捕、拘留和讯问涉嫌 政治 制 度持 异议或被视为威胁安全的人,将 他们长期隔离关押,禁止他们与律师联系,甚 至违反该国《刑事诉讼法》中规定的有限保障。
In a visit to the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in May 2009, representatives of Amnesty International noted that the Internal Security Agency (ISA) appeared to have unchecked powers in practice to arrest, detain and interrogate individuals suspected of dissent against the political
他的抗争和光辉典范已经载入当代历史,并激励 各人士矢志努力建设一个更加美好的世界;一个更 加平等和公正的世界;一个尊人权 、 差 异 、 人人平 等和机会均等的世界;一个各民族和各国普遍相互理 解、精诚团结的世界;一个人人都应享有经济和社会 发展平等权利,而没有这种权利,稳定、和平与民主 就不可能实现的世界;一个没有歧视的世界。
His fight and towering example are imbedded in contemporary history and constitute an inspiration for all those who strive for a better world, a more equal and just world, a world respectful of human rights, of difference, of equality and equal opportunities for all; a world where mutual understanding and active solidarity among peoples and countries should be the rule; a world where everyone should have an equal right to economic and social development, without which stability, peace and democracy cannot thrive; a world free of discrimination.
A.39. 联合国志愿人员的合同条件规定,如果联合国志 人 员 对 联合国的政 决定有异议,则 把争议提交仲裁,各当事方将接受仲裁小组的裁决为争端的最后 解决办法。
A.39 In the event that a Volunteer disputes an administrative decision of the Organization, the conditions of contract provide that the dispute will be submitted to arbitration and that the award of the arbitration panel will be accepted by the parties as the final resolution of the dispute.
法庭 感谢议的协 办者和主办者——加州大学洛杉矶分校法学院的萨内拉·戴安 娜·詹金人权项 目以及芬兰、荷兰和 士政 府。
The Tribunal is grateful to the
[...] co-organizers and sponsors of the Conference — the Sanela Diana Jenkins Human Rights Project at UCLA School of Law and the Governments of Finland, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
( 见上文第4.3和4.4段) ,也鉴于 申人声称自己是变革力量联盟的知名党员,他在 士 的 政治 活 动 不会招致酷刑 风险,尤其是考虑到在瑞士发生许多政治示威,他的许多同胞也参与其中,而且 出现在相关媒体公布的照片和录像中的示威者很多,甚至多达上百名。
In view of the political developments in Togo (see paragraphs 4.3 and 4.4 above) and the
complainant’s allegation that
[...] he is a well-known UFC member, his political activities in Switzerland could not give rise to a risk of [...]
torture, especially
given that numerous political demonstrations take place in Switzerland, that many of his compatriots also take part in them and that photographs or video recordings, many of them showing large numbers, even hundreds, of demonstrators, are made publicly available by the relevant media.
(d) 建议人权理事会推动大会作为紧急事项采取适当的永久性措施,确保 土人民的治理机 关和机构、包括传统的土 政 府 、土 著 议 会 、 代表大会和理事 会能够作为观察员参与联合国活动,至少与具有经济及社会理事会咨商地位的非 政府组织一样,享有同等的参与权。
(d) Proposed that the Council should encourage the General Assembly to adopt, as a matter of urgency, appropriate permanent measures to ensure that indigenous peoples’ governance bodies and institutions, including traditional indigenous Governments, indigenous parliaments, assemblies and councils, [...]
were able to participate
at the United Nations as observers with, at a minimum, the same participatory rights as nongovernmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council.




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