

单词 政治体



form of government

See also:

政治 n

politics n

政治 adv

politically adv

政体 n

polity n

External sources (not reviewed)

它形成了新的世界现实,为了应 对它的挑战,我们必须调整我们的社会、文化、经济 政治体 制。
It has created new world realities and we must adjust our social,
[...] cultural, economic and political systems in order [...]
to cope with its challenges.
平等进入、参与公共事务,尤其进入、出任在澳门特 政治体 制 和公共行 政内部门内的公共事务职位的权利都得到保障。
Equal access to, and participation in public life, and in particular the access to, and
the exercise of, public office and positions
[...] within the MSAR political system and Public [...]
Administration, is guaranteed.
该远景规划的三大支柱将确保肯尼亚实现并维持经 济领域的增长,通过公平的社会发展建立一个公正和团结的社会,创造清洁和安 全的环境,建立民政治体制, 促进以问题为导向的政治以及法治,并且保护个 人和全社会的所有权利和自由。
The three pillars of the Vision will ensure that Kenya achieves and sustains growth in the economic sphere, build a just and cohesive society through equitable social development, and a clean and secure environment and produce a democratic political system that nurtures issue-based politics, the rule of law, and protects all the rights and freedoms of every individual and society.
常设论坛呼吁各国确保不以政治体 制 和结构为理由,推卸其落实土著人民 权利方面的国际人权义务的国家责任。
The Permanent Forum calls upon all States to
[...] ensure that their political institutions and [...]
structures are not used as a reason to relieve
the State of its responsibility to implement international human rights obligations in relation to the rights of indigenous peoples.
由总统任 命成员组成的宪法法庭做出了一项有争议的判决, 由此引发的争论导致一些法庭成员遭到弹劾诉讼,
[...] 并最终辞职,这凸显了立法机构的权力,以 政治 体系在 转型中所面临的风险,因为新组建的部门会 [...]
A dispute over a controversial ruling by the presidentially-appointed Constitutional Tribunal led to impeachment proceedings and the resignation of the tribunal members, highlighting
both the power of the legislature, and
[...] the risks to a political structure in transition [...]
as new institutions test the boundaries of their authority.
部分是由于政治原因,只有通过有 效政治体制,领导者才会有信心制定经济发展和生态皆可持续的政策,采取影响水 资源配置和管理的各项措施。
The reasons for this
[...] are partly political, because it is only through effective political institutions that leaders [...]
will have the confidence
to direct measures which will affect water resource allocation and management to develop economically and ecologically sustainable policies.
特别报告员访问肯尼亚 (A/HRC/4/32/Add.3) 时指出,该国政治体制将 土著 社区划分为不同的行政和选举单位,严重影响了土著人民充分享有政治参与权, 削弱了土著人民代表权的效力。
During his visit to Kenya (A/HRC/4/32/Add.3), the Special
Rapporteur observed that
[...] the fact that the political system divided indigenous communities into different administrative and electoral [...]
units seriously hindered
the full enjoyment of the right to political participation, diminishing the effective power of representation of indigenous peoples.
瑞士 经济高度发达,这得益于瑞士的自由的经济体系、稳定 政治体 系、以及与其他国家的经济紧密融合。
The Swiss economy’s high degree of
development exists thanks to its liberal
[...] economic system, its political stability and its [...]
close integration with the economies of other countries.
我们认为,执行和平协定 的进程必须与提供人道主义和紧急援助;创建能够解
[...] 决冲突、使冲突各方实现和解并且使国家与被治理者 能够对话政治体制; 开展安全部门改革;进行行政 和经济重组以及增强弱者的力量、建立尊重人权文化 [...]
We believe that the process of implementing a peace agreement must run side by side with the provision of
humanitarian and emergency assistance; with the
[...] creation of political institutions that can resolve [...]
conflicts, reconcile parties to
conflicts and allow dialogue between the State and the governed; with security sector reform; with administrative and economic restructuring; and with empowering the weak, building a human rights culture and resuming economic activity.
对于有不同历史和不政治体系的 两个复杂的大国来说,这在意料之中。
That’s to be expected from two large and complex nations with different
[...] histories and different political systems.
伊本·哈勒敦是著名的思想家和阿拉伯历史学家,主要从事对其所处时代北非各国政治体制的 研究和比较,并对游牧民族和定居民族之间的关系及集体生活中各种社会和政治 [...]
Ibn Khaldun, a great Arab thinker and historian, reflecting
[...] on the forms of political power in the North [...]
Africa of his time, and using large-scale
comparisons, produced an analysis of relations between nomads and sedentary populations and between social and political forms of collective life which continues to inform the most modern political theory.
哈萨克斯坦将在 2010 年担任欧洲安全与合作组
[...] 织主席,哈萨克斯坦已经发起了一项旨在解 政治 体制,实行民主化和立法改革的方案。
Kazakhstan, which would assume the Chair of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in
2010, had launched a programme aimed at
[...] liberalization of the political system, democratization [...]
and legislative reform.
鉴于缅甸将在2013年举办东南亚运动会,在2014年接任东南亚国家联盟(简称“东盟”)轮值主席国,未来两年给国 政治体 系 带 来的压力只会进一步增大。
The pressures on the system are only likely to increase in the next two years as Myanmar hosts the South East Asia Games in 2013 and takes over the chairmanship of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 2014.
35 因此,作为一项基本原则,每个投票人只有一票。
[...] 不过,在特定情况下,特别是当少数群体规模较小,并且作为为推动少数群体进政治体制而 采取的特殊措施,少数群体成员有权投票选举一名有保留席位的少 [...]
However, in certain circumstances, in particular where the minority is small and as a special
measure to improve the integration of a
[...] minority into the political system, members [...]
of minorities may have the right to vote
for both a minority representative with a reserved seat and a general non-minority representative.36 74.
正如1848年,为了获取食物的斗争正在制造超越国界的不满情绪,威胁着现有政权,并且促使大众起来要求一个更加正义 政治体 制。
As in 1848, the struggle for affordable food is producing discontent that
transcends national frontiers, threatens established regimes, and fuels popular demand
[...] for a more just political order.
我国代表团想着重谈以下三个要点:国际社会应 对这场悲剧的努力;海地的重建;联海稳定团在这一 新的、不断变化政治、体制和安全环境中的作用。
My delegation wishes to focus on three main points: the international community’s response to the tragedy; the
reconstruction of Haiti; and the role of MINUSTAH in
[...] this new, evolving political, institutional and security environment.
本刊物不仅解释了联邦制、直接民主与和谐民主在瑞士历史进程中的基本角色,作者还从国际比较角度阐述了瑞 政治体 系。
In addition to explaining the fundamental role that federalism, direct democracy and concordance democracy play in this
historically evolved system, the authors
[...] consider the Swiss political system from an [...]
international comparative perspective.
两百年前,法国进军瑞士:瑞士极端保守的统治者被推翻 政治体 制 在 “自由,博爱,平等”的信条下重组。
The village of Cully in canton Vaud has one of the few remaining "freedom trees," planted just over two centuries ago, when French troops invaded Switzerland, overthrew
the reactionary rulers and completely
[...] reorganised the political system in the [...]
name of the revolutionary ideals of "liberty, fraternity and equality".
我强调解决冲突的必要性,以便达尔富尔人民可像所有苏丹人民 一样,在苏丹在全面和平协定之后的过渡期间向前迈进时,充分参与建设稳固的 多元国政治体制。
I underline the necessity of resolving the conflict so that, like all Sudanese, the people of Darfur may be fully
involved in building a solid and
[...] pluralist national political dispensation as the country moves [...]
forward in the post-Comprehensive
Peace Agreement interim period.
宪法还规定,国家主权属于 西班牙人民,国家权力盖源于此;西班牙 政治体 制 为 议会君主制。
It further stipulates that national sovereignty resides in the Spanish
people, from whom all State powers
[...] emanate, and that the political form of the Spanish [...]
State is the parliamentary monarchy.
土著特性基于 10 个相互关联、不可分割和相互依存的系统:文化、社会、 精神政治/体制、 司法、经济、自然资源管理、技术、健康和教育/学习方 法。
[...] identity is based on 10 interrelated, indivisible and interdependent systems: cultural, social, spiritual, political/institutional, juridical, [...]
economic, natural resource
management, technological, health and educational/ways of learning.
[...] 秩序,刺激有活力和有竞争力的市场经济,从而促进良性循环,使长久和公平的 经济增长与以实现千年发展目标为行动重点的新 政治体 制 平 衡结合起来。
The current need is, then, to expand and strengthen the nation’s public institutions — at all three levels of government — so that they can consolidate a democratic order that stimulates the development of dynamic, competitive market economies, thereby fostering a virtuous circle which
links sustained, equitable economic
[...] growth to a new political and institutional balance that [...]
focuses action on achievement of the MDGs.
在此框架下,议会电视台可成为倡导公民意识、提供保 政治体 制 运 行的透明性的真实信息、通达国家决策中心的一个工具。
Within this framework, GNAT TV might become a tool
[...] to access institutional decision making centers regarding public awareness and encouraging citizenship, guaranteeing transparency in the functioning of the political system and providing [...]
reliable knowledge.
在过去的几年中,它的社会结构 政治体 系 已 改变了多次,从最初的各种社团到目前的联合会,由于具有代表性的选举机构在公众辩论中所有居民的积极参与,民主体系得到了提升。
The social
[...] structure and the political system have been [...]
changed many times over the course of the years, from the first
communities up to the present Federation, giving rise to a democratic system with representatives and elected bodies based upon the active participation of all the citizens in public debate.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和
[...] 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;政 治和体制决 策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 [...]
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial
profiling and police violence;
[...] underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making [...]
processes, as well as the lack
of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
因此,需要国际社 会动员更多新闻体、政治和财 政力量,以期制定一个协调有序的集体对策来应 [...]
Hence, the need
[...] for greater media, political and financial [...]
mobilization of the international community with a view to fostering
a collective, coordinated response to the various challenges lying ahead.
2012 年,即本报告概列预计所需资源涉及的一年,刚果民主共和国问题专家 组将收集各国执行安全理事会所定措施的信息,调查和分析违反安理会所定有关
[...] 理会审议,行动针对的目标包括:严重违反国际法以儿童或妇女为攻击目标的个 人、阻挠所属战斗人员解除武装的武装 体政治 和 军事领导人、在刚果民主共和 国东部阻挠领取或分发人道主义援助的个人以及通过自然资源非法贸易支持该 [...]
In 2012, the projected requirements for which are outlined in the present report, the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo will collect information on the implementation by States of the measures imposed by the Security Council; investigate and analyse information regarding the flow of arms and the operation of networks in violation of relevant measures imposed by the Council; and make recommendations for consideration by the Council on future action to be taken, including on individuals who commit serious violations of international law
targeting children and women, on
[...] political and military leaders of armed groups who prevent [...]
their combatants from disarming,
on individuals obstructing access to or the distribution of humanitarian assistance in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and on individuals or entities supporting the illegal armed groups in the eastern part of the country through the illicit trading of natural resources.
安理会第 1649(2005)号决议规定,从 2006 年 1 月 15 日开始,
[...] 扩大旅行限制和资产冻结的范围,使其适用于在刚果民主共和国境内活动的外国 武装体政治和军 事领导人,以及那些妨碍其战斗人员参与解除武装、复员和重 [...]
By its resolution 1649 (2005), the Council extended the scope of the travel restrictions and
assets freeze to political and military leaders
[...] of foreign armed groups operating in [...]
the Democratic Republic of the Congo or
Congolese militias receiving support from abroad that impede the participation of their combatants in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes, to take effect on 15 January 2006, unless the Secretary-General informed the Council that the process of disarmament of those foreign armed groups and Congolese militias operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was being completed.
然而,实现这些改革的方式,既不是某些会员国提 出的、企图利用联合国这一平台来要挟其他国家的
[...] 可疑的政治性决议草案,也不是针对阿拉伯叙利亚 共和国发动的体、政治和外 交战争,或者干涉其 内政。
Nevertheless, such reforms would not come in the form of suspiciously political draft resolutions sponsored by certain Member States in order to blackmail others, using
the United Nations as a platform, nor
[...] by conducting a media, political and diplomatic [...]
war against the Syrian Arab Republic,
or interfering in its internal affairs.
少数体政治参与 的一个核心问题是如何确定参与在本质上确实“有 效”。28 在考虑少数群体者的参与是否有效时,必须对参与的两个最重要方面 [...]
A central issue
[...] in relation to the political participation of [...]
minorities is how to determine that the quality of participation
is truly “effective”.28 When considering whether participation of persons belonging to minorities is effective, two of the most important aspects of participation must be examined.




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