单词 | 放着明白装糊涂 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 放着明白装糊涂 —pretend not to know [idiom.]See also:糊糊涂涂—muddled • confused • dumb 糊糊涂涂 adj—stupid adj
准备再次喷涂之前,让泵放气阀 (P)一直开着。 graco.com | Leave the pump bleeder valve (P) open until ready to spray again. graco.com |
一辆货车装满了装有Plumpy’nut营养糊 的 红 色箱子,运往加纳普维尔特地区的诊所,那里的母亲们 抱 着 孩 子 在安静地 排 着 队。 unicef.org | One truck was loaded with red boxes of Plumpy’nut and sent to the Canape Vert clinic, where mothers stood quietly in line, gently cradling their children. unicef.org |
我明白涂議員 的意思是要求我們取得更多資料,進行一些研究, [...] 以找出真正原因。 legco.gov.hk | I understand that Mr TO meant [...] to ask us to obtain more information and to conduct some studies to find out the true reasons. legco.gov.hk |
每位参赛者身着白色套装,跳 进一辆福特嘉年华,结合Tick Tock Boom的旋律,用彩弹枪将上述设计图样 喷 涂 在 车 子上。 ba-repsasia.com | Each American Idol contestant donned white suits, hopped into a Ford Fiesta, and wielded a paintball gun “applying” said designs to the vehicles to [...] the tune of “Tick Tock Boom. ba-repsasia.com |
托马斯的雕塑作品有着明显的 负面元素,杨起 的 装 置 艺术透露着厚重的社会背景,这对他的抽象画都有极其重要的影响。 shanghaibiennale.org | The apparent negative form of Thomas Stricker’s sculpture as well as the social context of Qi Yang’s installations are received [...] as crucial relationship to his abstract drawings. shanghaibiennale.org |
尽管安理会这项决议与儿 童和武装冲突问题有着明确的关系,但关于儿童和 武装冲突问题的那一节仍未提到该决议。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was not mentioned in the section on [...] children and armed conflict even though it was of clear relevance to [...]that issue. daccess-ods.un.org |
壁橱里摆放着几本 封面带有夫人们的徽章的书籍,一个夫人们的侄女伊丽 莎 白 夫 人 的 装 有 地图集的盒子,几件1775年交付给阿德莱德夫人的带有中国装饰元素的塞夫勒陶瓷咖啡用具,以及一个带有维克多尔夫人镀金姓名首字母图案和徽章的桌铃。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | The cupboards [...] house a few bound books bearing Mesdames’ coat of arms, a box containing a collection of geographical maps having belonged to Madame Elisabeth, [...]niece of Mesdames, pieces [...]of a Chinese decor Sevres china coffee set, created in 1775 for Madame Adelaide, and a vermeil table bell bearing the monogram and coat of arms of Madame Victoire. en.chateauversailles.fr |
但他也认为,不能由协定推 断出存在默示放弃, 除非各缔约方毫不 含 糊 地 明 确 表 示有意向同意外国法院就协定规定为刑事 犯罪的行为行使刑事管辖权。 daccess-ods.un.org | He also considers, however, [...] that the existence of an implied waiver cannot be inferred from an agreement [...]unless the parties’ [...]intent to consent to the exercise by foreign courts of criminal jurisdiction in respect of the conduct criminalized therein is unequivocally apparent. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管中央政府意识到,在中国这样幅员 辽阔、问题多样的国家必须实施中央分权和因地 制宜,然而这些模糊的条款不明不白 , 低 效运 作、职能重叠等问题将继续存在。 crisisgroup.org | These provisions add up to a confusing picture that is likely to continue to be characterised by inefficiency and overlap, even while recognising that decentralisation and adaptation to local conditions are necessary for a large and diverse country. crisisgroup.org |
例如,如果您从调光设备上把多个模 糊 通 道 放置 在 一个面板上,模拟器中将只显示一个光束。 dmx512.ch | For example, if you place multiple dimmer channels from a dimmer pack on one panel, only one beam will appear in the emulator. dmx512.ch |
一成员认为,不妨就碳排放额度 进行内部讨论,但另一成员对文件有强烈保留,他 不明白为何 全球环境基金涉入与臭氧有关的事务,指出处理化学剂是一个复杂的问题,而 且目前已有其他四项公约处理这项问题。 multilateralfund.org | One member suggested that it would be interesting to have internal discussions on carbon credits, while another expressed strong reservations on the paper, wondering why the GEF was involved in ozone-related matters, pointing out that addressing chemicals was a complex issue for which four other conventions already existed. multilateralfund.org |
我明白涂議員一直希望 得知多一些關於警隊“酬金及特別服務”開支的資料。 legco.gov.hk | I understand Mr TO has been [...] hoping to obtain more information about expenditure under the subhead. legco.gov.hk |
但 與此同時,衛生福利科官員在解釋時卻又 含 糊 其 詞 ,不肯 坦 白 面 對 議員的質詢,承認 政府其實已經接納收回成本的建議,而只是表示政府沒 有 放 棄 成本收回的原則。 legco.gov.hk | However, the officials of the Health and Welfare Branch have been vague in their explanation, and they are unwilling to candidly admit, in replying to Members' queries, [...] that the Administration has [...]in fact accepted the cost recovery proposal. legco.gov.hk |
所以,主席,大家會明白涂謹申議員為何11年來都要提出這項修正 案。 legco.gov.hk | So, Chairman, [...] Members will understand why Mr James TO had to propose [...]this amendment in each of the past 11 years. legco.gov.hk |
白色涂层有助于增加 LED 灯的发光效率,与白色 PCB 板和电路板上其它涂成白色的 电子元件一起使用时,这种效果尤 其 明 显。 digikey.cn | The white coating helps to increase the efficiency of your [...] LED light, especially when it is [...] being used with white PCB boards and other white-coated components on the circuit board. digikey.be |
贝克索舞台着装风格大胆奔放,矛 头直指当时盛行的传统思潮,对中规中矩的舞台着装风格和古典艺术至上发起了挑战。 shanghaibiennale.org | She also appeared onstage in daring costumes, challenging traditional concepts of stage propriety and classical art. shanghaibiennale.org |
这种请求明确涉 及到放弃对这类措施的豁免,这种情况意 味着放弃豁免。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such a request unequivocally involved a waiver of immunity with respect to such measures and in such [...] a case the waiver was implied. daccess-ods.un.org |
誠然,現時 我們並沒有在法例內放寬容許人體器官買賣,亦不容許跨境買賣人體 器官,可是,我必須第一時間斬釘截鐵、毫不 含 糊 地 表 明 , 我 會全力 反對如此放寬條例的規定。 legco.gov.hk | It is true that we have not relaxed the sale of human organs under the law, and neither have we allowed the sale of human organs across the [...] border. However, I must [...] state it loud and clear at the first instance that I vehemently oppose relaxing the relevant requirements [...]under this law. legco.gov.hk |
但就在附近,新的营养地区已经修建完毕——这不是一个帐篷,而是一个墙 上 装 有 电 扇、屋 里 放着 新 的婴儿床的大房间。 unicef.org | But nearby is the new nutrition area – not a tent but a large room with new cribs and fans blowing from the walls. unicef.org |
如果是10年,從前負責指揮的中層人員,可能已經退休,甚至有 些部門的員工對我說:“涂議員,你所說的器材,那些應變物料,我 們放在房間裏已10年了,上面已經擺 放着 其 他 東西了,如果現在真的 要進行演習,不知道從哪裏找出來? legco.gov.hk | Some staff members of certain departments have even told me, "Mr TO, the equipment and emergency supplies have been placed in a room for 10 years, and other commodities have been placed on top of them, so we do not know where we can find these equipment and supplies if we really want to conduct a drill now. legco.gov.hk |
此外,这堆火箭的上 面放着一个装有若干电缆的袋子。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, some electric cables were placed in a bag on top of the rockets. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010 年 12 月 18 日,格林尼治平时 0930 [...] 时左右,两个消息来源告诉专家 组,一架蓝白色涂装的 IAR-330 直升机从阿比让国际机场向 [...]Dabou 镇运送了军事 人员和装备(见上文第 55 至 58 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 18 December 2010, at circa 0930 GMT, two sources informed the Group [...] that a blue- and white-coloured IAR-330 [...]helicopter had delivered military personnel [...]and equipment from Abidjan International Airport to the town of Dabou (see paras. 55-58 above). daccess-ods.un.org |
将先前打发的蛋白1/3放入蛋黄乳酪糊 里 ( 图11),用橡皮刀拌匀。 maomaomom.com | Gently fold 1/3 of the beaten egg whites into the batter (Picture [...] 11) and mix well. maomaomom.com |
因为CAVAMAX®环糊精能够封装其它物质且过程可逆,所以能够对其性能加以改性,例如通过改善其在水性介质中的稳定性和可溶性,或者降低其挥发性。 wacker.com | Because CAVAMAX®cyclodextrins can reversibly encapsulate other materials, [...] they can modify their properties, for example [...]by improving their stability and solubility in aqueous media or reducing their volatility. wacker.com |
可 是,我希望今天在席而代表行政機關的李少光局 長 明白 , 雖 然 涂 議員今天所提修正案的命運大家都已預知,但我不希望行政機關以此自 滿,而覺得無須再檢視監警制度。 legco.gov.hk | However, I hope Secretary Ambrose LEE, who attends today's meeting on [...] behalf of the executive [...] authorities, would understand that although the fate of Mr TO's amendment [...]today is foreseeable, the executive [...]authorities should not be complacent and reject the need for further review on the police complaints system. legco.gov.hk |
涂覆了白色Superluminova超级夜光涂层之 后,闪光数字似乎 发 着白 光 漂 浮于黑色背景之上。 hautehorlogerie.org | Coated with white Superluminova, the glowing numerals seem to float incandescently above the black [...] background. hautehorlogerie.org |
答:我们建议旅行者打包准备以下一 些 着装 , 用 于船 上 放 松 时 穿着的休闲服、用于每艘MSC邮轮都有的Gala晚宴正装(请注意7天航程的邮轮航行有2个Gala晚宴)。 msccruises.com.cn | A: We advise travellers to [...] pack a range of garments, from casual wear for relaxing onboard to occasion [...]wear appropriate for the [...]Gala Dinners that feature on every MSC cruise. msccruises.com.eg |
我完全被弄 糊涂了, 我注意到很多代表团还没有投票。 daccess-ods.un.org | I am totally confused, and I note that many delegations have not yet voted. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为 BOPP [...] 膜和涂布膜技术领域的市场领导者,埃克森美孚化工可提供最广泛的优质 OPP 薄膜,包括高阻隔、涂布型镀金属、 白 色 不 透 明 和 透明解决方案,这些解决方案可根据特定市场或客户需求量身定制。 news.exxonmobilchemical.com | A market leader in BOPP films and coated films technology, ExxonMobil Chemical offers the broadest range [...] of premium OPP films, [...] including high barrier, coated metalized, white opaque and clear solutions, [...]which are custom-tailored [...]to specific market or customer needs. news.exxonmobilchemical.com |
雖然涂議員明 白到秘 密行動及情報搜集工作有某些方面可能屬於機密,但他 認為廉署至少可提供過去數年分目103的開支分項數字。 legco.gov.hk | While appreciating that there might be confidentiality in certain aspects relating to covert operational activities and intelligence gathering, Mr TO considered that ICAC could at least provide the expenditure breakdown of Subhead 103 in the past years. legco.gov.hk |