

单词 放映室


cinema room
viewing room

See also:






show (a movie)

reflect (light)
project (an image onto a screen etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

It will contain a
[...] library, research center, a small theater and meeting [...]
room, and a place for shared dining in the style of Zhou Enlai.
2002--2003 年双年度的工作规划考虑到了在丰特努瓦、米奥利斯和邦万大楼应进行的 紧急维修工程,这些工程主要是:更换可饮水水龙头和供水网络,对预防大叶性肺炎系统进 行处理,翻修丰特努瓦大楼卫生设施(第三层和第四层);更换邦万大楼每层的配电盘和翻 新丰特努瓦大楼的主要楼梯的台阶,更换软百叶窗,放映室现代化设备等。
The work plan for the 2002-2003 biennium takes into account the urgent maintenance work to be carried out at the Fontenoy, Miollis and Bonvin sites. This includes replacement of the drinking fountains and water system, treatment of systems against legionnaire’s disease, renovation of sanitary facilities (3rd and 4th floors, Fontenoy), replacement of the electrical substations on the various floors at Bonvin and renovation of the main staircase at Fontenoy, replacement of window blinds and modernization of projection equipment.
[...] SoHo大楼东部的开放式城市广场;一个可以容纳30人放映室个私人商务中心,一个可以容纳最多达220位宾客的会议室,还有24小时的房间服务、夜床服务,以及其它更多服务。
Owners and guests also enjoy the resources of Trump Attaché, a luxury on-site concierge; state-of-the-art fitness center; SoHi, an 1,800-square-foot top-floor private venue; an open-air urban plaza
along the east side of the property; a
[...] 30-person screening room; aprivate business [...]
center and an event space for up to 220
guests, as well as 24-hour room service, evening turndown service, and more.
室放映您或许 想先看一下这些片段,并提醒学生它们的 存在。
You may wish to view these
[...] sections prior to a classroom screening and [...]
alert students in advance.
其他工作人员费用项下的减少额(15 200 美元),该办在现有工作人员资源中重新分配额外的工作。
The reduction under other staff
[...] costs ($15,200) reflects the Office’sefforts [...]
to redistribute additional work among the existing staff resources.
武力升级的办放映重保护公共秩序;谈判管理的办法侧重维持和 平,应否减少抗议活动的问题,应取决于他人的权利是否受到威胁。
The escalated force approach reflects apreference for the [...]
protection of public order; the negotiated management approach,
which focuses on the preservation of peace, hinges the question as to whether protest should be curtailed on whether the rights of others are threatened.
灭火器配置场所或计算单元的最小需配灭火级别应按下式计算:A或B,S灭火器配置场所或计算单元的保护面积, m2; U -- A 类火灾或B类火灾的灭火器配置场所相应危险等级的灭火器配置基准,m2A 或m2/B; K --修正系数:无室内消火栓系统和灭火系统或仅设有室外消火栓系统的配置场所K=1.0;设有室内消 火栓系统的配置场所,K=0.9;设有灭火系统的配置场所,K=0.7;同时设火栓系统和灭火系统的配置场所,K=0.5 可燃物露天堆垛,甲、乙、丙类液体贮罐,可燃气体贮罐,地下建筑工程(含人民防空工程、地下铁道),古建筑,歌舞娱放映和大型商场等灭火器配置场所,K=1.0。
(1.) Fire extinguisher places or computing unit configured minimum level shall be calculated to be equipped with fire-fighting: A or B, S Extinguisher protected place or area calculation unit, m2; U - A Class B Class fire or fire Extinguisher fire extinguisher place the appropriate risk level configuration baseline, m2A or m2 / B; K - correction factor: no indoor fire hydrant system and fire fighting systems, or only with outdoor fire hydrant system configuration spaces K = 1.0; with an indoor fire hydrant system configuration spaces, K = 0.9; with fire extinguishing system
configuration spaces, K
[...] = 0.7;also has anindoor fire hydrantsystem and fire fighting system configuration spaces, K = 0.5 fuel open-air stacking, A, B, C liquid storage tank , flammable gas storage tanks, underground construction (including the defense works, underground railway), ancient architecture, dance and Movies Entertainment andlarge shopping [...]
malls and other places extinguisher, K = 1.0.
其他活动包括:裁军事务厅与联合国负责儿童与武装冲突 问题的秘书长特别代表办放映影“无声的军队”,随后进行了关于 儿童兵和小武器的小组讨论。
Other events included a movie screening of “The Silent Army” followed by a panel discussion on child soldiers and small arms organized by the Office for Disarmament Affairs and the United Nations Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.
(h) 公益告示和宣传短片:森林论坛秘书处计划制作 3-5 分钟的电影短片, 以不同语文在世界各地发行,供电视和其他创新传播渠放映括在影剧院做 公放映递为森林采取行动的鼓舞人心的信息。
(h) Public service announcements and short promotional films: The United Nations Forum on Forests secretariat plans to produce 3 to 5 minute films and public service announcements for distribution worldwide in different languages for use on television and other innovative distribution channels, including pro bono shows in theatres to convey inspiring messages of action for forests.
来自电影、电视剧集及记录片发行之收入,在有关电影、电视剧集及记录片制作完成放映在能够可靠地 计量款额时确认。
Income from movies, television dramas and documentary distribution is recognised when
the movies, television dramas and documentary production
[...] is completed, released and the amount [...]
can be measured reliably.
在第十五次缔约方会议之前,马尔代夫呼吁:哥本哈根协议确保通过一个 充足、方便和灵活机制,为易受影响的国家最直接和最紧迫的适应需求,提供资 金;哥本哈根协议有助于将大气中的二氧化碳浓度降至不超过百万分之 350;这 意味着,到 2020 年,需要从 1990 年的全球减少 40%;到 2050 年,减少排放量的 80%。
In the lead up to COP15, the Maldives called for: the Copenhagen agreement to ensure that the most immediate and urgent adaptation needs of vulnerable nations are funded through a mechanism that is adequate, easily accessible and flexible; and the Copenhagen agreement to help reduce concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere to no more than 350 parts per million; implying the need for a 40% globalgreenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2020 from 1990 levels and an 80% emissions reduction by 2050.
不过,由於消费者购买新鲜水果前,水果可能已被污 染,以及在世界其他地方发生的食物中毒事故,零售商和消费者应紧记 在配制( 例如去皮和切片) 和进食新鲜水果前把水果洗净;使用清洁和已 消毒的器具和表面处理和切开水果;把切开的水果贮存在摄氏 4 度或以 下直至食用或出售,以及弃掉2 小时的切开水果。
However, due to the potential for contam ination of fresh fruits occurring prior to their purchase by consumers and the outbreaks of food poisoning in other parts of the world, retailers and consumers are advised to wash fresh fruits before preparation (such as peeling and cutting) and consumption; handle and cut fruits using clean and sanitized utensils and surfaces; store cut fruits at 4o C or below until served or sold; and discard cut fruit s kept at am bient temperature for more than 2 hours.
该举措涉及环境署和联合国范围内的多项举措,其 目的是提供令人信服的宏观经济证据,证明应该大量增加环境投资,以促进可持
[...] 续的经济增长,创造体面的就业机会并减少贫穷,同时减少少 开采和使用自然资源并减少废物。
The initiative involves a number of UNEP and United Nations-wide initiatives that are aimed at providing convincing macroeconomic evidence for significantly increasing investments in the environment as a means of promoting sustainable economic growth, the creation of decent jobs and the
reduction of poverty, while at the same time
[...] reducing greenhousegas emissions, extracting [...]
and using less natural resources and creating less waste.
工业化国家必须承诺通过国内政策立即、大幅和无条件地削减碳在气候公约框架内具有法律约束力、而且载有基于科学和公平的具 [...]
Industrialized countries must commit to deep,
drastic, and unconditional cuts
[...] in carbon and greenhousegas emissions through domestic [...]
measures, to be expressed in international,
legally binding agreements within the Climate Convention that contain targets based on science and equity.
此外,工作人员法律援助办的数字不人员在案件上花费的时间,也不供简 要咨询意见或处理不导致正式上诉的案件而花费的大量时间。
In addition, the numbers
[...] provided by theOffice ofStaff Legal Assistance donot reflect timespent on cases by volunteers, nor do they reflect thelarge [...]
amount of time spent
by the Office providing summary advice or working on cases that do not result in a formal appeal.
(b) 在国际三·八妇女节期间,开展了广泛活动,其中很多活动都围绕妇女与艾滋病问题, 突出了这一主题:与赞助社团合办了“与时代并进:教科文组织想世界妇女视觉图像艺术家 致敬 ”视觉图像展;举行了为科技领域妇女设立的 LOREAL-UNESCO 奖颁奖典礼;组织了 “非洲艾滋病毒/艾滋病人文关怀:妇女及其抗争”一系列活动,并在各种合作伙伴的支持 下,与“南方工程”和马里文化部联合制作了题为“南南相助,共抗艾滋病”的光盘放映映阿富汗妇女生活境况的纪录片“阴影中的阿富汗妇女”放映论非洲妇女教育问 题的纪录片“我的妻子埃希”;最后,举办了关于“伊朗游牧妇女”报告会,并安排了 Mortez Poursamady 摄影展。
(b) Regarding International Women’s Day on 8 March, a broad range of activities were pursued, many of which highlighted issues surrounding women and AIDS: a video exhibition “In Movement: UNESCO salutes Women Video Artists in the World” in partnership with corporate sponsors; the award ceremony for the L’Oreal-UNESCO Prize for Women in Science; a series of events on “Africa’s cultural response to HIV/AIDS: Women and their struggles” including the production of a video, “Le sud aide le sud face au SIDA” in conjunction with Routes du Sud and the Minister of Culture of Mali with the support of various corporate partners; the screening of a documentary “Shadow-Ombres Afghanes” on living conditions of women in Afghanistan; the screening of “My Wife is Yéré”, a documentary discussing the education of African Women and finally a colloquium on “Nomad Women of Iran” complemented by an exhibition of photos by Mortez Poursamady.
它可能由连在影片尾部的短的空白片组 成,以防止影片放映穿片的过程中损坏,或者它也可能是各种长片,用在洗片机冲洗胶片之 前,用来建立胶片带动路径。
Leader may consist of short lengths of blank film attached to the ends of a print to protect the print from damage during the threading of a projector, or it may be a long length of any kind of film which is used to establish the film path in a processing machine before the use of the machine for processing film.
这 些活动是:与英国广播公司和法国电视二台合作制作的纪录片“庞贝的奥秘”的首映式,用 与 MK2 合作修复的版放映入世界遗产(世界记忆)的第一部电影弗里茨的“大都 市”,表演了木偶剧“Ningyo Johruru Bunraku”(日本)和哥伦比亚的“巴兰基亚滑稽木偶 剧”,这两种木偶剧都列入了《非物质遗产名录》。
These events included the preview of the “Mysteries of Pompeii”, a fiction documentary made in association with BBC and F2, “Metropolis” by Fritz Lang, the first film classified as part of the “world heritage” (Memory of the World) shown in its restored version, in association with MK2, the “Ningyo Johruru Bunraku” marionettes theatre (Japan) and the “Carnival of Barranquilla” of Colombia, both included in the list of the intangible heritage.
注释:石羊河流域 WRDMAP 项目活动的电视专题片已制作完成放映且所有气候变化 模拟工作及适应性评价也已经完成并编写了报告(这一点在前面有所提及,但应当包括在这部 分]。
Note the film documentary on WRDMAP Activities in the Shiyang River Basin has been completed and screened whilst all the climate change modelling work and adaptation assessments have been completed and reported on (this was mentioned earlier but might be expected to be covered here)].
缔约方第 15 次会议尚未解决的问题涉及到实施规模(接受国家以
[...] 下各级的执行和监测),REDD(降排)+是国家适当减缓行动的一部分还是低的一部分;它是否是发达国家提供支助的测量、报告或核查措施的 [...]
一部分,还是承诺分阶段开展 REDD(降排)+活动和注重结果的行动的措施的一部
The issues that remain unresolved by the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of Parties relate to the scale of implementation (acceptance of subnational implementation and monitoring), whether REDD-plus is part of the
nationally appropriate mitigation
[...] actions or thelow GHGemissions strategies; whether [...]
it is part of the measuring, reporting
or verifying measures for the support furnished by developed countries, or the commitment to those measures for REDD-plus activities and results-based actions in a phased approach; and whether the sources of finance will be from public funds, or from financial markets and private investments, or a combination of both.
[...] 基础设施,使自然、人力和经济资本投资产生更好的回报,同时在生态系统的承 受能力范围内减少少开采和使用自然资源,减少污染和废物, [...]
Beyond recovery, efforts are needed to initiate and sustain a long-term process of greening the global economy, by reconfiguring businesses and infrastructure to deliver better returns on natural, human and economic
capital investments, while at the same time
[...] reducing greenhouse gas emissions, extracting [...]
and using fewer natural resources, creating
less pollution and waste and reducing social disparities, while remaining within the carrying capacity of ecosystems.
如计算结果为正值,则应 从缔约方土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业部门核算的人为体源汇清除量中减去这一数值;此外,还应将相应数值加入下一个承诺期土地利用、 土地利用的变化和林业部门核算的人为体源汇清除量。
Where the result of this calculation is a positive value, this value shall be subtracted from the
accounted anthropogenic
[...] greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks from the land use, land-use change and forestry sector of that Party; moreover, an equivalent amount shall be added to the accounted anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks from the land use, land-use change andforestry [...]
sector in the following commitment period.
86.4 在物质方面,就达喀尔大楼的管理提出了两点意见:维修开支局限于办生,修计划的失缺;没有使用公约的问题应与办公地接待其他联合国机构工作人员的问 题联系起来。
86.4 In practical terms, the management of the Dakar Office raises two points: maintenance expenses are limited to the cleaningof facilities, thus demonstrating the absence of a maintenance plan, and the absence of a user agreement must be seen in connection with the provision of access to the site for staff from other United Nations agencies.




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