

单词 放映

放映 verb

screen v
run v



放映 ()

show (a movie)


放映室 n

screening room n


cinema room
viewing room

See also:

reflect (light)
project (an image onto a screen etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

武力升级的办放映出偏重保护公共秩序;谈判管理的办法侧重维持和 平,应否减少抗议活动的问题,应取决于他人的权利是否受到威胁。
The escalated force approach reflects a preference for the [...]
protection of public order; the negotiated management approach,
which focuses on the preservation of peace, hinges the question as to whether protest should be curtailed on whether the rights of others are threatened.
來自電影、電視劇集及記錄片發行之收入,在有關電影、電視劇集及記錄片製作完成 放映 後 及 在能夠可靠地 計量款額時確認。
Income from movies, television dramas and documentary distribution is recognised when
the movies, television dramas and documentary production
[...] is completed, released and the amount [...]
can be measured reliably.
在教放映前, 您或许 想先看一下这些片段,并提醒学生它们的 存在。
You may wish to view these sections prior to a classroom screening and alert students in advance.
(h) 公益告示和宣传短片:森林论坛秘书处计划制作 3-5 分钟的电影短片, 以不同语文在世界各地发行,供电视和其他创新传播渠 放映 ; 包 括在影剧院做 公放映,传递为森林采取行动的鼓舞人心的信息。
(h) Public service announcements and short promotional films: The United Nations Forum on Forests secretariat plans to produce 3 to 5 minute films and public service announcements for distribution worldwide in different languages for use on television and other innovative distribution channels, including pro bono shows in theatres to convey inspiring messages of action for forests.
根據新訂第52A條,該圖書館 館長、博物館的館長或檔案室的負責人可向由公眾人士 放 或放 映納入 該圖書館、博物館或檔案室的永久收藏品的聲音紀錄或影 片而並不屬侵犯版權。
Under new section 52A, the librarian, curator and archivist may, without infringing copyright, play or show any sound recording or film held in the permanent collection of the library, museum of archive to the public.
该项目在东柏林的一家超市后面进行,举办了大量研讨会、讲座 放映 会 、读书会以及玛莎•罗斯勒图书馆(Martha Rosler Library)等项目活动。
Located behind a supermarket in East Berlin, UNP’s program featured numerous seminars, lectures, screenings, book presentations and projects including the Martha Rosler Library.
就上文第 24 段 (a)項而言,由於音樂界和電影業十分關注 全面放寬業務上使用平行進口版權作品的擬議安排,擔心這 會令卡拉 OK、咖啡店和食肆等本地行業可以平行進口及公開放或放映仍在 本港宣傳或正在本港戲院上映的新歌或電 8 影,因此我們建議,放寬業務最終使用限制的措施,應不適 用於為公開表演目的而使用的平行進口音樂聲音紀錄、音樂 視像紀錄、電影及電視劇或電視電影。
On item (a) of paragraph 24 above, given the music and film industries’ grave concern that complete liberalization for business end-use would enable local businesses such as karaoke, coffee shops and restaurants to parallel import and play or show in public new songs or movies still being promoted or screened in cinemas in Hong Kong, we propose that the relaxation for business end-use will not apply to parallel imported musical sound recordings, musical visual recordings, movies and TV dramas used for public performance purposes.
(b) 在国际三·八妇女节期间,开展了广泛活动,其中很多活动都围绕妇女与艾滋病问题, 突出了这一主题:与赞助社团合办了“与时代并进:教科文组织想世界妇女视觉图像艺术家 致敬 ”视觉图像展;举行了为科技领域妇女设立的 LOREAL-UNESCO 奖颁奖典礼;组织了 “非洲艾滋病毒/艾滋病人文关怀:妇女及其抗争”一系列活动,并在各种合作伙伴的支持 下,与“南方工程”和马里文化部联合制作了题为“南南相助,共抗艾滋病”的光盘 放映 了反 映阿富汗妇女生活境况的纪录片“阴影中的阿富汗妇女” 放映 了 讨论非洲妇女教育问 题的纪录片“我的妻子埃希”;最后,举办了关于“伊朗游牧妇女”报告会,并安排了 Mortez Poursamady 摄影展。
(b) Regarding International Women’s Day on 8 March, a broad range of activities were pursued, many of which highlighted issues surrounding women and AIDS: a video exhibition “In Movement: UNESCO salutes Women Video Artists in the World” in partnership with corporate sponsors; the award ceremony for the L’Oreal-UNESCO Prize for Women in Science; a series of events on “Africa’s cultural response to HIV/AIDS: Women and their struggles” including the production of a video, “Le sud aide le sud face au SIDA” in conjunction with Routes du Sud and the Minister of Culture of Mali with the support of various corporate partners; the screening of a documentary “Shadow-Ombres Afghanes” on living conditions of women in Afghanistan; the screening of “My Wife is Yéré”, a documentary discussing the education of African Women and finally a colloquium on “Nomad Women of Iran” complemented by an exhibition of photos by Mortez Poursamady.
它可能由连在影片尾部的短的空白片组 成,以防止影片放映机内 穿片的过程中损坏,或者它也可能是各种长片,用在洗片机冲洗胶片之 前,用来建立胶片带动路径。
Leader may consist of short lengths of blank film attached to the ends of a print to protect the print from damage during the threading of a projector, or it may be a long length of any kind of film which is used to establish the film path in a processing machine before the use of the machine for processing film.
这 些活动是:与英国广播公司和法国电视二台合作制作的纪录片“庞贝的奥秘”的首映式,用 与 MK2 合作修复的版放映了列入世界遗产(世界记忆)的第一部电影弗里茨的“大都 市”,表演了木偶剧“Ningyo Johruru Bunraku”(日本)和哥伦比亚的“巴兰基亚滑稽木偶 剧”,这两种木偶剧都列入了《非物质遗产名录》。
These events included the preview of the “Mysteries of Pompeii”, a fiction documentary made in association with BBC and F2, “Metropolis” by Fritz Lang, the first film classified as part of the “world heritage” (Memory of the World) shown in its restored version, in association with MK2, the “Ningyo Johruru Bunraku” marionettes theatre (Japan) and the “Carnival of Barranquilla” of Colombia, both included in the list of the intangible heritage.
若彩色胶片影像放映时采 用正确的亮度,幷且 没有散射光的干扰,颜色就会显得亮,深,丰富,而且纯,这时就说色彩很饱和。
When color film images are projected [...]
at the proper brightness and without interference from stray light, colors that appear
bright, deep, rich, and undiluted are said to be “saturated.
2011 年上 半年放映第二 部纪录片,片中主角是来自沙特阿拉伯的一个前恐怖分子。
The second documentary, focusing on a former terrorist from Saudi
[...] Arabia, will be released in the first half [...]
of 2011.
注释:石羊河流域 WRDMAP 项目活动的电视专题片已制作完成 放映 , 而 且所有气候变化 模拟工作及适应性评价也已经完成并编写了报告(这一点在前面有所提及,但应当包括在这部 分]。
Note the film documentary on WRDMAP Activities in the Shiyang River Basin has been completed and screened whilst all the climate change modelling work and adaptation assessments have been completed and reported on (this was mentioned earlier but might be expected to be covered here)].
可以在图片上的任意位置,透明显示当前 放映 图 片 的说明信息。
Can be anywhere on the picture and transparent picture shows the current description of the screening information .
2008 年 7 月至 2010 年 6 月,化剑铸犁促进会卡尔加里分会举办了 13 次涉 及广泛裁军问题的教育会议,和 3 个关于相关议题的周末讲习班;发动了两个核 裁军运动;领导 50
多个地方团体建起了卡尔加里和平之柱;在各学校开展了一 个名为“和平木偶”的防止恃强凌弱的方案;主办了一次新书发布会;与其部分 执行成员所属的 8
[...] 个团体建立了网络关系;并举办了两次电 放映 、 两 次国际和 平日活动,以及一次提起裁军问题的候选人论坛。
Between July 2008 and June 2010, the Calgary branch of Project Ploughshares held 13 educational meetings covering a broad range of disarmament issues and three weekend workshops on relevant topics; created two campaigns for nuclear disarmament; led over 50 local groups in having a peace pole built in Calgary; ran a “Puppets for Peace” bully-proofing programme in schools; hosted a book launch; networked with eight groups with which some of
its executive members were affiliated;
[...] and organized two film screenings, two International [...]
Day of Peace events and a candidates
forum, at which disarmament issues were raised.
在纽约举行的原住民青年事务讨论会上 放映 了 这 段视频。
The video was screened at the indigenous youth panel in New York.
[...] 點批發服務,並包括扣除代理商費用後之廣告收入、頻道服務及傳送服務費、節目特許 權收入、電放映及發 行收入、網絡維修收入及其他有關收入。
Turnover comprises principally subscription, service and related fees for Television and Internet services, Internet Protocol Point wholesale services and includes advertising income net of agency deductions, channel service
and distribution fees, programme licensing
[...] income, film exhibition and distribution [...]
income, network maintenance income, and other related income.
本组织在美国各地城市组织了纪录片《德班 400》放映活动 ,强调参与联 合国意味着会给有色人种社区带来何种变化。
Showings of “The Durban 400” were organized in cities around the United States to highlight the difference that participation in the United Nations can mean for communities of colour.
獲資助機構須為政府、其認可使用人、受讓人和所有 權繼承人的利益,授予他們一項不可撤銷、非獨享、全球性、 永久、無需繳付版權費用、可自由轉讓及可再轉授的特許應用 權,以供(i)複製項目材料;(ii)向公眾發放項目材料的複製本; (iii)向公眾提供項目材料的複製本(不論是透過互聯網或其他 途徑); (iv)對項目材料作出修改;以及(v)廣播(包括有線傳播 服務)、公開表演放映和播放經修 改項目材料的全部或部分, 方式、形式和用途不限。
The applicant shall grant for the benefits of the Government, its authorised users, assigns and successors-in-title an irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free, transferable and sub-licensable licence (i) to make copies of the project materials, (ii) to issue copies thereof to the public, (iii) to make available copies thereof to the public (whether through the Internet or otherwise), (iv) to make adaptation thereof and (v) to broadcast, include in a cable programme service, perform, show and play the same in public in whole or in part, and in any manner and forms, and for any purposes.
(b) 以“通过纪录片解决全球问题”为主题的第二届年度展望论坛包 放映 一部 纪录片以及就与千年发展目标有关的主题进行系列讨论。
(b) The second annual Envision forum, on the theme “Addressing global issues through documentaries”, included a documentary film screening and a discussion series on themes related to the Millennium Development Goals.
卢森堡拥有大量的博物馆、剧院(用英 语、德语和法语表演各种戏剧和歌剧)放映原版电影的电影院。
Luxembourg has a large number of museums, theatres (with a wide range of plays and operas in English, German and French) and cinemas with movies in their original version.
本集團亦已與香港兩間主放映商簽約參與此虛擬拷貝費計劃,並致力 在不久的將來與更放映商簽約。
The Group has signed up with two major exhibitors in Hong Kong to participate in the VPF arrangement and endeavors to sign up with more in the coming future.
本集團數碼影院全方位解決方案可讓影院營運商透過中央控制之影院管理系統,於大堂及影院屏 放映 一系列預告片、廣告及其他內容,而該影院管理系統則由NOC遙控。
With the Group’s total solution for digital cinema, the cinema operator can now display the full array of trailers, advertisements and alternative content on both the in-foyer displays and in-theatres screens through a centrally controlled theater management system that in turns is remotely monitored by noC. the various display
devices can now be programmed from the
[...] ticketing system to playback all kind of content [...]
in coherency and up-to-the-last minute
media can be delivered to all the various display devices connected to a central server. the installed system was so successful that other high-end cinema multiplexes in the PrC and Hong Kong also installed the similar system supplied by the Group.
灭火器配置场所或计算单元的最小需配灭火级别应按下式计算:A或B,S灭火器配置场所或计算单元的保护面积, m2; U -- A 类火灾或B类火灾的灭火器配置场所相应危险等级的灭火器配置基准,m2A 或m2/B; K --修正系数:无室内消火栓系统和灭火系统或仅设有室外消火栓系统的配置场所K=1.0;设有室内消
[...] 可燃物露天堆垛,甲、乙、丙类液体贮罐,可燃气体贮罐,地下建筑工程(含人民防空工程、地下铁道),古建筑,歌舞娱 放映 游 艺 和大型商场等灭火器配置场所,K=1.0。
(1.) Fire extinguisher places or computing unit configured minimum level shall be calculated to be equipped with fire-fighting: A or B, S Extinguisher protected place or area calculation unit, m2; U - A Class B Class fire or fire Extinguisher fire extinguisher place the appropriate risk level configuration baseline, m2A or m2 / B; K - correction factor: no indoor fire hydrant system and fire fighting systems, or only with outdoor fire hydrant system configuration spaces K = 1.0; with an indoor fire hydrant system configuration spaces, K = 0.9; with fire extinguishing system configuration spaces, K = 0.7; also has an indoor fire hydrant system and fire fighting system configuration spaces, K = 0.5 fuel open-air stacking, A, B, C liquid storage tank , flammable gas storage tanks, underground construction (including the defense works, underground
railway), ancient architecture, dance and
[...] Movies Entertainment and large shopping [...]
malls and other places extinguisher, K = 1.0.
中国电放映环节 的盗版现象也并 不严重:大城市(尤其是北京、上海)电影院基本上杜绝盗 放映 行 为 ;盗放映主要 发生在中、小城市的省级以下电影院和娱乐场所,宾馆、饭店播放盗 版影片的情况较为严重。
Neither is copyright piracy during the projection process severe: pirated movies are rarely shown at cinemas in large cities (particularly in Beijing and Shanghai); projection [...]
of pirated movies
mainly happens at cinemas and entertainment places in medium- and small-sized cities, with hotels the site of relatively severe movie copyright violations.
在政治表达方面,近年来政府已放宽了对政治影片和网络选举广告的限 制,并允放映真实 客观的政党政治影片。
In terms of political expression, the Government has in recent years eased restrictions on political films and Internet election advertising, and has allowed party political films that are factual and objective.
在生成的幻灯片网页中,双击里面的网页文件就可以看见效果了,点击网页右下角的“幻灯 放映 ” 按 钮,浏览器还可以以全屏的方式进行播放,效果和在PowerPoint2003播放差不多(如图3)。
In the resulting slide page, double-click the file inside the web page can see
results, and click the bottom right corner of
[...] the page "slide show" button, the browser [...]
can also be the way to full-screen playback,
effects and playing almost in PowerPoint2003 ( Figure 3).
也有社区一级的运动,例如:刚果民主共和国东部用流动电放映形式 提高社区对该问题的敏感性;通过各种举措动员男子和男孩参与制止 [...]
侵害妇女和女孩的暴力行为,例如毛里求斯政府出资举办的“男子作伙伴”方案 和开发署的暴力中的性别因素倡议。
Community-level examples include
[...] mobile cinema projections in eastern Democratic [...]
Republic of the Congo that help sensitize
the community about this issue and initiatives aimed at engaging men and boys in ending violence against women and girls such as the Government-funded Men as Partners programme in Mauritius and the UNDP Gender Dimensions of Violence initiative.




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