

单词 放心



be elated
burst with joy [idiom.]
be over the moon


take seriously
care about
take to heart


cannot stop worrying

External sources (not reviewed)

放心,在 擁有 VPN 支援的情況 下,您的關鍵企業網路資源將可受到保護。
You can rest assured that with VPN support your critical corporate network resources are protected.
至少 6 小时的音乐播放时间和 6 小时的通话时间,您可放心地想 走多远就走多远,从来不需要从您的口袋里掏出手机来。
With a minimum of 6 hours music time and 6 hours of talk time, you’re free to go as far as you like, without ever having to take your phone out of your pocket.
但是,最重要的是,李議員可放心 , 景 賢里這個個案對我們、對 整體香港的保育政策來說十分重要,所以並不存在要我作出指示或委託,所 有的工作均是由我親自進行的。
Most importantly, however, is that the case of King Yin Lei is very important to us as well as the entire conservation policy of Hong Kong, so Mr LEE can rest assured that I will be in full charge of the entire matter and I will not instruct or delegate others to do so.
在 “信貸收緊”之前加上“可能因為經濟下行而出現”;在“中小企 的融資需要”之前刪除“滿足”,並 以 “回應”代 替;在 “讓銀放心” 之前刪除“;擔保計劃”,並以“,以”代替;在“銀行體系;”之後 刪除“截至今年11月底,擔保計劃已批准4 672宗申請,涉及信貸 擔保金額達169億元,幫助不少”,並 以 “但貸款息率仍高踞不下, 未能真正幫助”代 替;及 在 “需要和力度,”之後刪除“以及適時推 出更多措施”,並 以 “或接納工商界一直爭取的方案,適時重推‘特 別信貸保證計劃’”代替。
To add "probably resulting from economic downturn" after "tightening of credit"; to delete "satisfy" before "their financing needs" and substitute with "respond to"; to delete "; the Scheme enables" before "banks to grant loans" and substitute with ", which enables"; to delete "as at late November this year, 4 672 applications had already been approved under the Scheme, with the guarantee coverage amount reaching $16.9 billion, thus helping many" after "banking system;" and substitute with "yet, the persistently high interest rates of loans are unable to really help"; and to delete "and introduce more measures" before "in a timely manner," and substitute with "or accept the proposal long advocated by the industrial and commercial sector to re-launch the Special Loan Guarantee Scheme".
各位成员可放心,加 共体依然致力于为海地努 力工作,我们寻求在国际社会的帮助和支持下,重建 [...]
和发展海地这个我们所属的加勒比共同体中人口最 多的国家。
Members may rest assured that
[...] CARICOM remains determined to work for [...]
Haiti as we seek, with the help and support of the
international community, to rebuild and develop the most populous State within the single Caribbean Community to which we belong.
您尽放心提出您自己所需的规格,不论是挤出管材还是热缩管材, ZEUS 都一定能完全满足您的要求。
You can write your own specifications with the assurance that ZEUS can meet your requirements completely in either extruded or heat shrink version.
[...] 和可信的苏丹南方公投的历史性成就的时刻,所有苏 丹人民可放心联合 王国将致力于支持他们建设一 [...]
As we reflect on the historic achievement of the parties to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in holding a peaceful and credible Southern Sudan referendum, all
the people of the Sudan can be assured of
[...] the commitment of the United Kingdom [...]
to support them in building a peaceful and prosperous future.
您大放心,澳 大利亚的医生拥有高超的技术与优良的素质,您将在一个干净卫生的环境中得到良好的照顾。
You can be confident that Australian [...]
doctors are highly skilled and well educated, and you'll receive excellent care in
a clean and sanitary environment.
为 了使讨论有序进行,并且让各国代表团及其他利益攸关方对以下情 放心 : 即将不 会把一些具体问题排除在外,设定一个中心主题,并在此基础上,确定可作为讲习 [...]
To structure the
[...] discussions and reassure various delegations [...]
and other stakeholders that specific issues would not be excluded,
the overarching theme would form the basis of a series of more specific sub-themes that would be integrated into the agenda as workshop topics.
无论在何处,Interroll 产品都能根据客户特定要 求提供量身定做的最佳解决方案,令客 放心 无 忧
But no matter where Interroll products are deployed, customers can always rest assured that they will receive a premiumquality solution tailored to their individual requirements.
统一指挥中 心及其混编部队的任务是维持治安和保障选举安全,关于其能力不足的问题,索 罗总理在 2010 年 5 月 6
[...] 日给我的信中请联科行动协助加强统一指挥中心的行动 能力,以便让所有各方和民放心: 根 据《瓦加杜古政治协议》第四项补充协议 [...]
第 9 条为选举作出的必要安保安排均已就绪。
With regard to the capability deficiencies of the Integrated Command Centre and its mixed units, which are mandated to maintain law and order and provide security for the elections, Prime Minister Soro, in a letter dated 6 May 2010 addressed to me, requested that
UNOCI contribute to the
[...] strengthening of the Centre’s operational capacities, [...]
in order to reassure all parties and the population
that the necessary security arrangements for the elections are in place, in line with article 9 of Ouagadougou IV.
不過,他請與會人放心,此 事不會影響食物安全及公眾健康。
Nevertheless, he assured the meeting that the issue did not affect food safety and public health.
通过协调一致和有深度协商进程,核定了一个联合国各实体 放心 的 行 动计 划,各实体有信心,行动计划将为振兴联合国系统促进性别平等和增强妇女权能 的工作作出有意义的贡献。
The consistency and depth of the consultative process has led to the approval of an action plan that United Nations entities feel assured will meaningfully contribute to the revitalization of the work of the United Nations system on gender equality and the empowerment of women.
由于 世服宏图团队的高度敬业精神和积极面貌,我们的员工在专注于我们自身核心业务的同时能 放心 我 们 的客户会得到很好地接待。
Because of the high level of commitment and positive attitude of the Servcorp team
our employees have been able to
[...] focus on our core business with the peace of mind knowing [...]
our clients will be well received.
使用FOSS提供的粮食测试质量保证方案,农户可以确信粮食进行了正确的分级和付款,购买者也对他们所买到的粮食质量完 放心。
Using the grain testing quality assurance procedures available in FOSS
instruments, farmers are assured of correct grading and payment and buyers
[...] can have complete confidence in the grain they buy.
除 了供应清 洁 饮水 和进行 环境卫生教育之 外,农村发展部计划的活动还 包括教育人民了解艾滋病 毒/艾滋病 、 禽 流感 和其他传染 病 的 预防知 识和基本保健 预防知 识 ,教育人民使用家庭 厕 所 不 随 地 小 便 ,展示建造厕 所 方法,并教育人们 饭 前便后都要用清 洁 剂 洗 手 , 喝 开 水 或 瓶 装 水 或无病 毒 水放 心 水 。
Besides clean water and sanitation education, the Ministry of Rural Development plans activities include educating people about HIV/AIDS, bird flu and other infectious diseases and basic health prevention, educating people to use home WC to prevent urinating disorderly, presenting WC construction method, and educating people to clean their hands with detergent after using WC and before having meals, drink boiled or safe water like bottled water, decanted or virus-free water.
您可以通过以下方法来帮助自放心 一 些 :可以向安大略省交通部索取司机摘要(15美元);可以向对方所在地的地方警察局索取警方审核(25美元);或者可以要求确认您的匹配对象的确来自他们所声称的那个单位。
Consider the following things that can help
you bring comfort to the situation: consider
[...] asking for a driver extract from [...]
Ontario Ministry of Transportation($15); consider
asking for a police check from their local police dept ($25); or consider asking for a confirmation that your matched person is in fact an employee of the organization they indicate they are.
巴勒斯坦人民可放心,马 来西亚会坚定不移地支持他们为创建一个以 东耶路撒冷为首都的独立和主权的巴勒斯坦国所作 的努力。
The people of Palestine can count on Malaysia’s unwavering support in their efforts to create an independent and sovereign State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
通过要 求具体列出可对之强制执行首先登记担保权的最大价值,在这一实例中,可以 让后继有担保债权放心,首 先登记的有担保债权人不会对超出 50,000 美元的 数额强制执行其担保权,这样如果设保人违约,便还有 50,000 美元的剩余价值 可以用来满足其求偿权。
By imposing a requirement to specify the maximum value for which the first-registered security right may be enforced, the subsequent secured creditor in this example can be assured that the first-registered secured creditor cannot enforce its security right for an amount greater than $50,000, leaving the residual value of $50,000 available to satisfy its own claim should the grantor default.
我们在博格豪森对鱼体有害物质的检测结果显示,水域中的HCBD含量降低,人们可 放心 食 用 此水域的鱼。
The results of our fish contaminant survey at Burghausen indicate that HCBD discharge into water bodies is falling and that the fish are quite safe to eat.
最后,他请阿尔及利亚代放心,他 的报告中 已经提及了对非法移徙者的歧视问题,公布对非法 [...]
Finally, he assured the
[...] representative of Algeria that his [...]
report addressed the question of discrimination against migrants
in an irregular situation. Publishing statistical data on demand for irregular labour would also help to clarify the issue.
根据与 Emerson 在 Youngheungdo TPP 的 1-4 号机组和 Samcheonpo TPP 的 1 号和 2 号机组项目的合作经验,我们十 放心 地 选 择他们来负责这两个项目,”韩国东南电力公司经理助理 Eun-seo Park 说。
Based on our experience working with Emerson at Youngheungdo TPP Units 1-4 and Samcheonpo TPP Units 1 and 2, we were comfortable selecting them for these two projects," said Eun-seo Park, assistant manager, Korea South-East Power Company.
十多年来,我们的客户群已超过 50,000 个用户,包括许多大型企业、政府机构、大学和个人开发人員,你可 放心 , 我 们将持续地提供客户支持,创新和令人振奋的新功能。
With our establishment of over 10 years and a customer base of over 50,000 users, including many large Enterprises, Government organizations, Universities and individual developers, you can rest assure that continuous customer support, innovations and exciting new features will be offered.
另一位成员对项目分两个阶 段核准的程序以及这样可能使项目的完成受到拖延表示关切,但秘书处代表请 放心 ,因 为第二阶段所涉及的费用问题已经解决了,事实上可能会比预期的少。
One Member considered that incremental operating costs should be calculated on the basis of a one-year rather than two-year transition period and asked how it would be possible to judge the cost of stage II of the project without knowing the results of stage I. Another Member expressed concern about the procedure for approving the project in two stages and the resulting possible delay to completion, but was assured by the representative of the Secretariat that the costs involved in stage II had already been addressed and might in fact be lower than anticipated.
為進一步使公放 心,政 府承諾在制訂規劃圖則的系統中,會設法確保 填海所得的土地只是用作當初批准填海時所擬作的用 途。
To further re-assure the public, the Administration has undertaken to find means within the plan making system to make sure that land reclaimed will only be used for the purpose for which reclamation was originally justified.
十多年來,我們的客戶群已超過 50,000 個用戶,包括許多大型企業、政府機構、大學和個人開發人員,你可 放心 , 我 們將持續地提供客戶支援、創新和令人振奮的新功能。
With our establishment of over 10 years and a customer base of over 50,000 users, including many large Enterprises, Government organizations, Universities and individual developers, you can rest assure that continuous customer support, innovations and exciting new features will be offered.
此外,Twinlab还将推出其新引进的 Dr.
[...] Greene授权系列产品:婴儿点滴(多维生素)、动物之友(幼儿多维生素咀嚼片)、产前维生素(孕妇用多维生素)、鱼油胶囊和补钙片,该系列产品将与幼儿蛋白质系列一道成为全 放心 的 固 态营养品。
In addition, Twinlab will also make available its newly-introduced Dr. Greene-endorsed line of Infant Drops (multi-vitamin), Animal Friends (children's chewable multi-vitamin), Pre-natal vitamins (multi-vitamin for mom), Fish oil capsules and Calcium supplements, which
will work in tandem with the Children's Protein line to provide solid
[...] nutrition -- with confidence -- for the whole family.
THERMAX不属于国土交通省告示第1113~1115号规定的与引起室内化学物质过敏症的甲醛有关的建筑材料,可 放心 使 用
Concerning formaldehyde, which causes sick house disease, Thermax is a building material that is outside the range of application of Notification Nos. 1113 to 1115 of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
我们的协议由行业专家全权开发,所有互操作性测试均已完成,客户大 放心 地 将 更多精力用来开发视频网关解决方案,适应当前不断扩展的 3G 市场的需求。
By relying on the industry expert for this protocol, our customers can rest assured that all interoperability testing has been completed, allowing them to focus on the development of video gateway solutions to address today's expanding 3G market.
一位中国的外 交官在谈及全球金融体系时道出了中国的不安全 感,“西方国家可放心地在 国际市场上购买石 油,因为这一体系是它们创造的,可是中国并没 有参与游戏规则的制定。
As a Chinese diplomat said of his country’s similar insecurity regarding the global financial system, “Western countries can feel secure purchasing oil internationally because they created the system – China did not”.30




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