

单词 放射性材料




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External sources (not reviewed)

它还正在评估有关控制有害和化学物质交易、检放射 性材料打击洗钱和有组织犯罪的监管措施。
It was also assessing regulatory measures concerning the
control of trade in hazardous
[...] and chemical materials, detecting radioactivematerial and countering [...]
money-laundering and organized crime.
非法贩运数据库显示, 必须改进探测、管制和保卫核和其放射性材料施。
The information on the database demonstrates the need for improved measures to detect, control and
[...] secure nuclear and otherradioactive material.
否则,可能要求出具制造商证书,说明物品组件不需要或不使放 射性材料(10)。
Otherwise, a manufacturer’s certificate may be required, stating that the components of the goods do not
[...] need oruseradioactivematerial (annex 10).
认为新的安全威胁,例如各种形式和表现形式的恐怖主义、全球性毒品和有 关犯罪问题、有组织跨国犯罪、非法贩运武器、影响公民安全的普通犯罪、对国 际公共卫生的威胁,尤其是艾滋病毒/艾爱滋病和甲型 H1N1 流感、自然灾害、通 过我们的水域运放射性材料特别是这些威胁对美洲和加勒比的影响,必须 由主管部门和实体在尊重各国的主权、各国的国内法律和国际法的框架内有机地 加以解决。
Consider that new threats to security, such as all forms and manifestations of terrorism, the global problem of drugs and related crimes, organized transnational crime, illicit arms trafficking, common crimes that affect civic security, threats to international public health, particularly HIV/AIDS and H1N1, natural disasters, the shipment of radioactive material through our waters, among others, and especially their effects in Latin America and the Caribbean, must be tackled by competent authorities and entities inan integral manner through effective, articulated and joint international cooperation within the framework of respect for the sovereignty of the States, each country’s internal legislation, and international law.
刑法典》第 284 条规定了违反处放射性材料材料活动的规则以及违 反储存、转移、使用、盘存和运放射性材料材料活动的规则或其他处理规 则的行为的刑事责任,该条规定,如果这些行为破坏放射性材料材料的实 体保护,或造成其他严重后果,则对行为人实施剥夺自由二至七年、没收或不没 收财产的惩罚。
Under article 284 of the Criminal Code, which establishes criminal liability for
breaching the rules on
[...] the handling radioactive or nuclear materials, breaching the rules governing the storage, transfer, use, stocktaking and transport of radioactiveor nuclear materials andother rules on their handling, if these actions have damaged the physical protection of radioactive or nuclearmaterials or caused other [...]
serious consequences,
shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for terms of between two and seven years, with or without the confiscation of property.
原子能机构组织了 17
[...] 个核安全咨询团,它们提出的针对性建议除其他外有 实物保护安排、核材料和其放射性材料制以及发现和应对核安全事故,包 括非法核贩运。
IAEA conducted 17 nuclear security advisory missions, which generated targeted recommendations relating to, inter alia, arrangements for
physical protection, the control of
[...] nuclear and other radioactive material and detection [...]
of and response to nuclear security incidents,
including illicit nuclear trafficking.
开展这些项目以后,克罗地亚对核材料和其放射 性材料高效边境管制的能力应该增强,克罗地亚国家体系将融入欧洲联盟管 制和打击非法贩运核材料和其放射性材料络。
The projects should result in increased capacity for efficient Croatian border control of
the trafficking in
[...] nuclear andotherradioactive materials and the integration of the Croatian national system into the European Union network of controlling and combating trafficking in illicit nuclear and other radioactive materials.
从 2009
[...] 年开始,白俄罗斯参与打击核恐怖主义全球倡议,该倡议旨在发展 用于对核放射性材料清点和实物保护的基础设施,创造发现和调查走 [...]
Since 2009, Belarus has participated in the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT), which aims to develop the infrastructure needed to account for
and ensure the physical protection of
[...] nuclearand radioactive material, to enhance the [...]
capacity to detect and investigate
instances of nuclear smuggling, and to increase the protection of civilian nuclear sites.
这条 规定明显适用于医药制品和毒品、赃物放射性材料毒物质、爆炸 品、证券、贷款或任何其他金融工具,以及侵犯着作权、版权、商标 [...]
权、商业秘密、任何其他 IP 权利、个人权利或者第三方数据保护权利的 客体或服务,或者违反竞争法规定的邀约。
This notably applies to medicinal products and drugs,
[...] stolengoods,radioactive materials, toxic substances, [...]
explosives, securities, loans or
any other financial instruments as well as to objects or services infringing on copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, any other IP rights, personality rights or third-party data protection rights, or offers which violate provisions under competition law.
这些计划 支持对可能涉放射性材料的事故做出迅速应对,并便利为快速查明并不 涉放射性材料的事故建立必要的制度,这是避免扩大强制实行保护性行 动措施的一种重要能力。
They also facilitate the establishment of systemsrequired for quickly
[...] identifying those accidents which do not involve a release of radioactive materialan important capability for avoiding the extended imposition [...]
of protective action measures.
原子能机构在 2011 年第一季度印发了《核保安丛书》文件,包括关于核材 料及核设施实物保护的核保安建议、关性材料关设施的核保安建议 以及关于监管制度外的核材料和其放射性材料保安建议。
IAEA has published documents of the Nuclear Security Series (NSS) in the first quarter of 2011, including Nuclear Security Recommendations on
Physical Protection of Nuclear Material andNuclear Facilities, Nuclear Security
[...] Recommendations on Radioactive Material andAssociated Facilities, and Nuclear Security Recommendations on Nuclear andother RadioactiveMaterial outof Regulatory [...]
伊拉克政府指出,必须支持原子能机构总干事提出的 2010-2013 年核安全计 划,因为这一计划通过协助各国实现和维持有效和安全的努力以及通过提供设施 和开发人力资源,有助于为实现全世界所使用、储存和运输的所有核放射 性材料效安全所作努力。
The Government of Iraq notes the importance of supporting the IAEA Nuclear Security Plan for 2010-2013 that was put forward by its Director General inasmuch as it contributes to global efforts to achieve effective security for all nuclear and radioactive materials used, stored and transported throughout the world, as well as related installations, by supporting States’ efforts to achieve and maintain effective nuclear security and by providing facilities anddeveloping human resources.
[...] 和环境保护部、卫生、劳工和社会福利部和内政和公共行政部都是发放射性材 料险物品运输和进口许可证的主管部门。
According to the Regulation on the Organization and Way of Conduct of State Administration and other related regulations, the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Welfare and the Ministry of Interior Affairs and Public Administration are
competent authorities for the issuance of licences for the shipments
[...] and import of radioactive materials and dangerous goods.
[...] 克兰安全局调查第 265-1 条相关罪行(非法生产传放射性材料射的核爆炸 装置)的权限。
This refers to the competence of the Security Service to investigate cases relating to offences
under article 265-1 (Illicit manufacture of a nuclear explosive device that
[...] disseminates radioactive material or radiation).
(f) 贸易、工业和旅游部 2002 年 9 月 25 日第 77
[...] 号通告——“进口物品的清 关和登记要求”:该通告附件 10 列出了放射性材料于教育、工业和医疗研究 目的的产品,这些产品在进口前需获得哥伦比亚地质和采矿研究所的核准或授权。
(f) Circular No. 77 of 25 September 2002 of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism “Clearance and registration requirements for imported goods”:
annex 10 of this Circular lists
[...] products containing radioactive materials to be used for educational, [...]
industrial and medical
research purposes, which prior to importation require approval or authorization from the Colombian Institute of Geology and Mining (INGEOMINAS).
大会第六十五届会议吁请会员国根据本国法理和立法并依照国际法,支持防 止和在必要时制止恐怖分子获取和使放射性材料的国际努力;欢迎会 员国作出努力,包括在国际原子能机构主持下开展国际合作,以寻找本国管辖范 [...]
护;鼓励会员国彼此之间,以及通过相关国际组织和适当情况下通过相关区域组 织,开展合作以期加强这方面的国家能力(第 65/74 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly called upon Member States to support international efforts to
prevent the acquisition and use by
[...] terroristsof radioactive materialsand sources, and, [...]
if necessary, suppress such acts,
in accordance with their national legal authorities and legislation and consistent with international law; welcomed the efforts undertaken by Member States, including through international cooperation under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency, to search for, locate and secure unsecured and/or uncontrolled (“orphan”) radioactive sources within their State jurisdiction or territory; and encouraged cooperation among and between Member States and through relevant international and, where appropriate, regional organizations aimed at strengthening national capacities in that regard (resolution 65/74).
为了在建立和维持国家核保安制度方面向各国提供咨询意见,原子能机构在 《核保安丛书》中出版了 3 份文件,即:关于核材料及核设施的实物保护的核保 安建议;关于放射性物质及其相关设施的核保安建议和关于脱离监管控制的核材 料和其放射性材料保安建议。
In order to provide advice to States on how to establish and maintain national nuclear security regimes, IAEA published three documents in the Nuclear Security Series, namely, Nuclear Security Recommendations: on Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials and
Nuclear Facilities; on
[...] Radioactive Material andAssociated Facilities; and on Nuclear andOther RadioactiveMaterials Outof Regulatory [...]
欣见会员国目前正在作出个别和集体努力,在审议工作中考放射性材料管制欠缺或不足所产生的危险,并认识到各国需要按照本国法律授权和立 [...]
Welcoming the ongoing individual and collective efforts of Member States to take into account in their deliberations the dangers posed
by the lack or insufficiency of
[...] control over radioactive materials and sources, and [...]
recognizing the need for States to
take more effective measures to strengthen those controls in accordance with their national legal authorities and legislation and consistent with international law
(f) 加入原子能机构的非法贩运数据库:2005 年起,巴基斯坦加入了原子能
[...] 机构的非法贩运数据库,这是一个有关非法贩运事件、其他涉及核材料及其放 射性材料经授权活动的自愿报告机制。
(f) Participation in the IAEA Illicit Trafficking Database: Since 2005, Pakistan has participated in the IAEA’s Illicit Trafficking Database, which is a voluntary reporting mechanism for
incidents of illicit trafficking and other related unauthorized activities
[...] involving nuclear andotherradioactive materials.
在核安全领域,若干相关立法包括司法和执法部关于核材料核算和控制制度 发布的 2007 年第 7 号法令;内政部发布的关于中央和地方核物质登记册的 2004 年第 33 号法令;1996 年关于放射性及核物质的地点确定及没收的第 17 号政令, 其中规定了主管部门在侦测、没收和核实非法拥有或贩卖核放射性材料取的协调措施。
In the field of nuclear security pieces of relevant legislation include the Decree No. 7 of 2007 issued by the Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement on the System of Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Materials; Decree No. 33 of 2004 issued by the Ministry of Interior on the central and local registry of radioactive substances; Government Decree No. 17 of 1996 on located and
confiscated radioactive
[...] and nuclear substances which sets out coordinating procedures for authorities involved in detection, confiscation and verification of nuclear andradioactive materialsillegallypossessed [...]
or trafficked.
欢迎黑海经济合作组织开展各种活动,以加强在能源(重点放在可再生 能源和能效)、运输、体制改革和善政、贸易和经济发展、银行和金融领域(从环
[...] 健和制药、旅游、科学和技术、统计数据及经济信息的交流、海关协作及打击有 组织犯罪和毒品、武器放射性材料法贩运、恐怖主义行为和非法移民等领 域及其他相关方面的区域合作
Welcomes the activities of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization aimed at strengthening regional cooperation in fields such as energy, focusing on renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency, transport, institutional reform and good governance, trade and economic development, banking and finance, with a new approach involving environmental protection, sustainable development and entrepreneurship, communications, agriculture and agro-industry, health care and pharmaceuticals, tourism, science and technology, the exchange of statistical data and economic information, collaboration among Customs services, and combating organized
crime and illicit trafficking in
[...] drugs, weapons and radioactive material, actsof terrorism [...]
and illegal migration, and in other related areas
[...] 样的内部与外部敌人可能企图采取恶意行动,从而针对这些设计对核材料或其放射性材料关设施的实物保护机制并做出评价。
The national threat assessment is of fundamental importance since it determines the design basis threat as a description of the attributes and characteristics of potential internal and/or external adversaries who might attempt a malicious act, against which a
physical protection system for
[...] nuclear orother radioactive material orassociated [...]
facilities is designed and evaluated.
为了帮助各国评估其技术和行政安排现状,原子能机构在 2009 年期间进行了 14
[...] 次核安全咨询和评价,着重控制核和其放射性材料物保护以及法律、条例和实际措施。
To help States assess the status of their technical and administrative arrangements, IAEA conducted 14 nuclear security advisory and evaluation missions during 2009, with emphasis
on physical protection, legal, regulatory and practical measures for
[...] controlling nuclear andotherradioactive material.
加拿大 的全面、多元方法重点关注前苏联各国四个主要领域的活动:(a) 加强对武器
用核材料和设施的实物保护;(b) 通过关闭俄罗斯最后一个钚生产反应堆,支 持国际努力处置 34 吨武器用钚,从而消除钚的使用;(c) 移走并保障高活度放
[...] 射源,加强放射安保;以及(d) 加强边境安保,预防非法贩运核材料及其放 射性材料
Canada’s holistic, multifaceted approach focuses on four main areas of activity in countries of the former Soviet Union: (a) strengthening the physical security of weapons-grade nuclear materials and facilities; (b) eliminating the use of plutonium through the shut down of the last plutonium-producing reactor in Russia and supporting international efforts to dispose of 34 tons of weapons-grade plutonium; (c) removing and securing highly radioactive sources to improve radiological
security; and (d) improving border security to prevent the illicit trafficking of
[...] nuclear and other radiologicalmaterials.
[...] 好国家及原子能机构的合作,以确保利比亚所放射 性材料全——这些材料现位于安全地区,只有获 得当局的许可才能接触到。
Furthermore, the National Transitional Council expresses our interest in fostering cooperation with all friendly
States and with the Agency in order
[...] to secure allradioactive material in Libya, which [...]
is now in safe areas and can be accessed
only by permission from the authorities.
[...] 做的加强核安全、辐射安全、运输安全和废物安全特 别是运放射性材料全的国际合作与协商的工 作。
We also note the work of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) aimed at strengthening international cooperation and
consultation in nuclear, radiation, transportation and waste safety,
[...] particularly in the shipment ofradioactivematerials.
这些目标包括:通过持续 供应用于治疗癌症和心脏病的医用同位素,不使用高浓铀,尽量减少具有潜在危
[...] 险的高浓铀的数量;保证放射源的安全;加强转运中的核材料的安全;设立并协 调英才中心:打击非法贩运核材料和其放射性材料订实施核保安协定的国 家立法。
These goals include minimizing the amount of potentially vulnerable highly enriched uranium by sustaining the supply of medical isotopes used to treat cancer and heart disease without the use of highly enriched uranium; securing radioactive sources; promoting the security of nuclear materials while in transit; establishing and coordinating Centres of Excellence;
thwarting illicit trafficking of
[...] nuclear and otherradioactive materials; and drafting [...]
national legislation to implement nuclear security agreements.
我们认识到在 国家层面建立多层次防范措施以应对核及其放射性材料或被盗的重 要性,鼓励在必要时建立有效的国家核材料库存管理及国内追踪机制,使各 国能采取适当措施追回遗失和被盗材料。
Recognizing the importance of a national layered defence against the
loss or theft of
[...] nuclear andotherradioactive materials,we encourage the establishment of effective national nuclear material[...]
inventory management and domestic
tracking mechanisms, where required, that enable States to take appropriate measures to recover lost and stolen materials.
委员会通过了《示范条例》及《检验和标准手册》的修正案,主要包括新的 和订正条款,涉及下列方面:会产生严重后果放射性材料输安全;危险货 物的清单制定、分类和包装;危险货物的限量包装运输和例外数量包装的运输; [...]
救助压力容器的使用,使用、设计、建造、检查、测试和处理灵活大宗货物集装 箱;以及利用电子数据交换制作单据。
which consist mainly of new or revised provisions that
concern the security of transport of
[...] high consequence radioactive material; listing and classification [...]
of dangerous goods and
related packing and test methods; transport of dangerous goods packed in limited and excepted quantities; transport in packages and cargo transport units containing substances presenting a risk of asphyxiation when used for cooling or conditioning purposes; the use of salvage pressure receptacles and the use, design, construction, inspection, testing and handling of flexible bulk containers; and the use of electronic data interchange for documentation purposes.
除加强国际合作和能力建设,以解决核恐怖主义或放射性恐怖主义的威胁外,加 拿大加入《打击核恐怖主义全球倡议》也是对在加拿大国内努力加强核放射性 材料施安保的补充和加强。
Beyond fostering international cooperation and capacity-building to address the threat of nuclear or radiological terrorism, Canada’s participation in the GICNT also
complements and reinforces domestic efforts to strengthen security
[...] on nuclear and radiological materialsandfacilities [...]
in Canada.




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