

单词 放出

放出 ()

let off
give out



release from jail

External sources (not reviewed)

要取下输入托盘,请将输入托盘轻轻推到左边或右边将插脚从插 槽中放出来,然后将它拉出。
To remove the input tray, gently push the input tray to the
[...] left or right to release the pin from [...]
the slot, and lift it out of position.
在地方分权方面,该部通过省长协调政府在地方的行动,并逐步向区域理 事会转移职权,此后这些理事会有权 放出 生 证等民事状态文件。
In terms of decentralization, the Ministry coordinates the State’s activities in the regions through prefects, and is gradually transferring powers
to regional councils, which are henceforth authorized to issue civil registration
[...] documents, such as birth certificates.
合理地规划、管 理和开发水资源是把非洲从贫穷和落后中 放出 来 的 出发点。
Sound planning, management and development of water resources are the starting point for freeing the continent from poverty and under-development.
您也可以不采用信号发生器,而采用音频测试 CD 将该测试信号放出来。
You can also play the test signal from the audio test CD instead of the Signal Generator.
干燥前必须打开油室底的煤油放油塞,以 放出 油 室 中的煤油冷凝液,图 35。
In order to drain off the kerosene condensate in the oil
compartment, the kerosene drain screw in the oil compartment base must
[...] be opened before the drying process commences, [...]
Figure 35.
一開始的清純花果香,在飄散的瞬間撲鼻而來的是由洋梨、香橘與甜桃皮組成的前調,如同搖滾樂瞬間節奏的開場;漸入香調的核心,由忍冬植物、茉莉與荷花,帶來清新與誘惑的味道,就像旋律由內心 放出 來 ,引領聽者到更高的境界;而在香調的一連串音符譜出搖滾的高低起伏,最後演奏的,是由深切的木香所組成,雪松木、琥珀與香草,讓這首搖滾旋律散發能量,並以最溫暖的味道結尾,讓香味自己譜出一曲搖滾樂,讓聆聽者隨著樂曲的律動,感受ANNA [...] [...]
At the start of the pure fruit, in one moment the nostrils is made of pear, orange and peach skin consisting of top notes, like rock and roll moment rhythmic opening; gradually into the core by scent, honeysuckle, jasmine and Lily, bringing
fresh and enticing flavor, like the melody
[...] from the heart released, lead the listener [...]
to the higher level; and in accord with
a crosstalk spectrum of rock ups and downs, the last play, is a deep woody composition, cedar wood, amber and vanilla, let it rock melody distributed energy, and the most warm smell of ending, let the fragrance spectrum out of a rock, let the listener with the music rhythm, feeling of ANNA SUI rock queen rock charm.
我得悉已有多個國際承建商可以 提供第 I 期的解決方法,採用適當的生物和化學系統,而這些系統又可在政府所定的 限期前完成裝置,使放出港口 的污水能符合國際標準。
I understand that there are several international contractors capable of producing a Stage I solution with the appropriate biological and chemical systems which could be completed within the Government's deadline and would produce a quality of effluent discharged into the harbour that would meet international standards.
(c) 将向参加高级别全体会议圆桌会议的各会员国、观察员、政府间组织和 专门机构的代表放出入证 ,以便前往北草坪大楼的各会议室。
(c) Access cards will be issued to representatives of Member States, Observers, intergovernmental organizations and specialized agencies participating in the round tables of the High-level Plenary Meeting for access to conference rooms in the North Lawn Building.
為盡量減少上述潛在問題 和滋擾,我們建議建造雨水排放隧道,截取半山的地面徑流,然後把 這些徑流放出海,而無須經下游現有的雨水排放系統,從而減低在 樓宇密集地區的水浸風險。
To minimise the above potential problems and disturbance, we propose to reduce the
risk of flooding in
[...] the built-up areas by constructing a drainage tunnel to intercept the surface run-off in mid-hill, which is then conveyed for discharge into the [...]
sea without passing through
the existing drainage system further downstream.
上下轻推导向阀放出柱塞 气缸中的空气。
Jog the director valve up and down to bleed air from [...]
ram cylinders.
化石燃料 是不可再生的资源,燃烧时会放出 二 氧 化碳,导 致全球变暖。
Fossil fuels are nonrenewable resources, and when they are
[...] burned, they release carbon dioxide, [...]
leading to global warming.
[...] 岁);失业登记之前 12 个月中从拘留设施中放出来的 失业人员;55 岁至老年养恤金领取年龄的人; [...]
失业登记前收到照顾者津贴并且在失业登记之前 12 个中没有就业或没有从事被 认为等于就业的活动的人;长期失业人员(失业
12 个月以上,16-24 岁的青年失 业 6 个月以上);不讲爱沙尼亚语,因些就业受阻的失业者。
The respective risk groups include unemployed persons with disabilities; young
unemployed (aged 16–24); unemployed
[...] persons who have been released from detention facilities [...]
during the 12 months preceding
registration as unemployed; people between 55 and the age of old-age pension; unemployed persons who have received a caregiver’s allowance prior to being registered as unemployed and have not been employed or engaged in activities considered equal to employment during the 12 months preceding registration as unemployed; long-term unemployed (unemployed for over 12 months, over 6 months in the case of young people aged 16–24); the unemployed who do not speak Estonian and whose employment is therefore hampered.
尽管只是暂时的,但多余的输入会减弱,我们会从过量进食中 放出 来 , 尽管同时我们的历史已离得太远而无法给与这些释放的精神以支持。
The excessive input weakens us down, be it is temporary, and we
[...] find ourselves liberated from overeating, [...]
although at the same time our history
is already too far gone to give enough support to the now unleashed spirits.
我们希望看到巴勒斯坦人民就像我们 21 年 前所经历的那样,从占领的枷锁下 放出 来。
We wish to see the people of
[...] Palestine emerge from the chains of oppression just as we emerged from them [...]
21 years ago.
针对解放 卢旺达民主力量发动了名为“Amani
[...] Leo”的新行动,目的是巩固“禁声二号” 行动的军事成果,在已经从武装集团手中 放出 来 的 地区恢复国家权力。
A new operation entitled Amani Leo was launched against FDLR aimed
at consolidating the military gains of operation Kimia II and restoring State
[...] authority in areas freed from armed groups.
溶剂和样品输送、溶解次数、上样/注射进样顺序和多功能搅拌器控制等操作都是软件控制的,将操作员从样品溶解和输送工序中有效地 放出 来。
Solvent and sample delivery, dissolution times, load/inject sequences and
multi-stirrer control are software controlled, effectively removing the
[...] operator from the sample dissolution and delivery [...]
航機著陸後無法停止的主要因素,乃是未 放出擾 流板以減低速度,且飛航組員於濕滑跑道上,僅使用略 大於 1.3 EPR(引擎排/進氣壓力比)的反推力(MD-80s 建議 使用最大反推力)。
The crew’s subsequent use of reverse thrust at levels greater than 1.3 engine pressure ratio on a wet runway (the recommended maximum for MD-80s) significantly reduced the effectiveness of the rudder and vertical stabilizer, and contributed to their directional control problems.
[...] 的水資源同時,當局在管理現時的水塘上,又有沒有一些措施和方法, 以避免因水塘滿溢而要將淡水放出 海?
Apart from planning and developing new water resources, are there any measures or methods that the authorities in
managing existing reservoirs to prevent the fresh water
[...] from being discharged into the sea owing [...]
to overflowing of reservoirs ?
一个典型的例子是由人权条约提供的。165 事实上,一国提出排除对该条约 中某一项义务的履行的保留,尽管有该项保留存在,并不能使接受保留的国家从 对该项义务的尊重中放出来, 只要有关义务不是对等适用的,换句话说,这些 义务不是在保留国和接受保留的国家之间的国家间关系中履行,而只是在国家和 人的关系中履行。
(4) A typical example is afforded by the human rights treaties.165 The fact that a State formulates a reservation excluding the application of one of the obligations contained in such a treaty does not release a State which accepts the reservation from respecting that obligation, despite the existence of the reservation, to the extent that the obligation concerned is not reciprocal, in other words, to the extent that such obligations apply not in an inter-State relationship between the reserving State and the State which has accepted the reservation, but rather in a State-person relationship.
尽管人造林也可进行碳封存,有时也会非常迅速, 但在建立人造林过程中也会有大量的碳从土壤中放出来。
Although planted forests can also
sequester carbon, sometimes
[...] very quickly, their establishment can also result in a huge release of carbon from [...]
the soil.
Orbit® 3 64
[...] 位传感器网络并非专用一种单一的传感器技术,从而将系统设计师和服务工程师 放出 来 , 使其可以关注常规传感器通过 USB、RS232 [...]
串行接口、RS485 200 通道 PCI 卡或以太网模块与 PC 和 PLC 间的连接和通讯。
The Orbit® 3 64 bit Sensor Network is
not dedicated to a single sensor technology
[...] and therefore releases the system designer [...]
and service engineer to focus on common
sensor connections and communication with PC’s and PLC’s via USB, RS232 serial interface, RS485 200 channel PCI card or Ethernet module.
其中重要的一点是,在经济方面 的当务之急是如何谋求采用更具包容性的和更可持续的经济增长模式,从 而充分放出本区 域各经济体的增长潜力。
Of particular importance is the economic imperative for a more inclusive and sustainable pattern of economic growth that will unlock the full growth potential of economies in the region.
世伟洛克排放保护器在更多情况下被称为蜂网式 接头、用于保护各种仪器、卡套管、 放出 口 和排 气管道的开口端。
Swagelok vent protectors, more commonly known as mud dauber fittings, protect open ends of instruments, tubing,
[...] outlet vents, and bleed-off lines.
[...] 层真的继续融化以及如果永冻土继续解冻,目前长期 储存在这些土壤中的碳都将被放出 来。
If indeed Arctic melt continues to occur
and if permafrost continues to melt in the tundra, old
[...] carbon will be released that is currently [...]
stored in those soils.
每間工廠進行製造過程時會放出灰 塵 或煙霧或其他同性質的污染物,倘該等污 [...]
染物有害且可能會對相關僱佣工人造成危害,應採取有效措施以防止任何車間累積該 等污染物且防止工人吸入該等污染物,倘就此而言須安裝任何排氣設備,應將該設備 盡可能安裝在靠近產生灰塵、煙霧或其他污染物的源點,且應盡快封堵該源點。
In every
[...] factory in which, by reason of the manufacturing [...]
process carried on, there is given off any dust or fumes or other
impurity of such a nature and to such an extent as is likely to be injurious or offensive to the workers employed therein, effective measures shall be taken to prevent its accumulation in any work-room and its inhalation by workers, and if any exhaust appliance is necessary for this purpose, it shall be applied as near as possible to the point of origin of the dust, fumes or other impurity, and such point shall be enclosed so far as is possible.
然而,通过全球中介放出的优 惠券总值依 然有上百亿美元之多,而中介的收入也可能 保持在数十亿——尽管这只是全部消费品零 售业收入的一小部分,但金额仍相当可观。
However, the total value of coupon deals enabled by intermediaries around the world should remain in the tens of billions of dollars, and the revenues to those intermediaries will likely remain in the billions – a small amount within the context of all consumer retail, but still a significant sum.
安柏叶是一种生长于马达加斯加高原的灌木,一直被当地农民视作日历。因为每年九月,它就会 放出 精 致 的蓝色花朵,这表示已经到了开始播种稻米的季节。
A shrub growing on the high
[...] plateaus of Madagascar, ambiaty has always served [...]
as a calendar for local farmers who wait for
September and the blossoming of its delicate blue flowers to begin their rice sowing.
由於這些臨 時成分是在加工的過程中被放出來 的 , 因此腐蝕性磨損首先出現在計量區(排料 區)和止逆環組件處。
As these volatile
[...] constituents are only released under processing conditions, corrosive wear occurs primarily in the area of the metering zone (extrusion zone) [...]
and on the components of the non-return valve.




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