

单词 攻打

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目前正开始对参与正义运攻打乌姆 杜尔曼战斗的儿童以及 苏丹解放军/米纳维派按照与儿童基金会的协议查明身份的儿童实施重返社会方 案。
Reintegration programmes are commencing for children involved in
[...] the JEM Omdurman attack, as well as the [...]
children identified by SLA/Minawi in their agreement with UNICEF.
这些地道是为了加强哈马斯的行动能力,并帮助哈马斯 执行攻打或捕 获以色列国防军士兵的计划。
These tunnels were intended both to strengthen Hamas’s operating capabilities and to help it execute plans to attack or capture IDF soldiers.
英 美 在 沒 有 聯 合 國的授 權攻 打 伊 拉 克, 更令人 憂 慮世界的 [...]
新 秩 序 會是 強權當 道 , 聯 合 國會被 架空, 以 及單邊 主 義 抬 頭 。
The attack of Iraq by Britain and the [...]
United States without authorization from the United Nations makes people worry that,
under the new order of the world, emphasis will be put on might, the United Nations will be bypassed and unilateralism will rise.
他的頭會變成飛機,手會變成火 箭,腳會變成另一種武器,然攻打 敵 人
His head would change into an airplane, his arms into rockets and legs into another kind of
[...] weapon, to launch an attack on the enemy.
[...] 為數千千萬萬、來自全 球 不同國家的人民上街 抗 議英攻打 伊 拉 克 。
Over the past month or so, hundreds and thousands of people
from different countries all over the world have taken to the streets to protest
[...] against the Anglo-American attack on Iraq.
明朝有一位皇帝寵信宦官王振,聽信其所言御駕親 攻打 瓦剌,最後被俘虜了。
An emperor in the Ming Dynasty was particularly fond of a eunuch, WANG Zhen, and on heeding
his advice, went on an expedition by
[...] himself to launch an attack on a Mongolian tribe [...]
called Wala and was eventually captured by the Mongols.
因 此 , 我們強 烈 反 對 美攻 打 伊 拉 克 , 只希望能在 聯 合 國的框 架內, [...]
以 政 治 和 外 交的手 段 , 和平解 決 伊 拉 克 問題。
Therefore, we
[...] strongly oppose the attack of Iraq by the United [...]
States and we only hope that the issue of Iraq can be resolved
in a peaceful manner by political and diplomatic means within the framework of the United Nations.
我們反 對 美 國 武攻 打 伊 拉 克 ,是因 為這是一場不義 之 戰 ,是布 殊 總統 假 借 人 民 的 名義發 動 戰 爭。
We oppose the United States' employment of military forces against Iraq because it is an unjust war waged by President George BUSH in the name of the people.
我這樣說並非贊攻打伊拉 克,而是希望指出,當一位政治領袖 作出一項重大決定後,他必須竭盡全力就這項政策游說各方人士給予 支持,而不是在面對重大挑戰時左搖右擺,翻來覆去。
What I wish to point out is that after a political leader has made a major decision, he must do his utmost to lobby support for the relevant policy extensively rather than wavering and being indecisive in the face of major challenges.
但 是,請想一 想 , 如果我們在立法會召開聽 政會,說 因 為我們不滿 意 美 國 就 發攻 打 伊 拉 克 戰 爭 所 交 代 的理由 , 或不滿 意 美 國人對 伊 拉 克 戰 俘 的 處 理,於 是 便召開聽 證 會,請 美 國的國會議員到 來 出 席 。
But do you think United States Congressmen will come if we conduct a hearing in this Council because we are dissatisfied with the explanations given by the United States for waging a war against Iraq or with the handling of Iraqi prisoners of war by the Americans?
这方面的嫌疑是在叛军1999 年攻打布拉柴 维尔之后出现的。
These suspicions arose
[...] after the rebels attacked Brazzaville in 1999.
按 布 殊 的 邏 輯 , 美 國 可以同樣高喊
[...] 解 放 受 壓 迫 人 民攻 打 南 美 洲 以至亞 洲 大 部 [...]
分 地 區 的國家。
If the reasoning of BUSH is carried to its logical conclusion, the United
States can similarly select to strike at a
[...] number of countries from South America to [...]
most parts in Asia in the name of liberating
the oppressed from their oppressors.
有 國 際 法 專 家 指 出,聯 合 國 在 2002 年11月 8 日 通 過 的第 1441號決
[...] 議, 並沒有為英 美 提 供 單 方攻 打 伊 拉 克 的基礎 ;沒有 聯 合 國的授 [...]
權,戰 爭便可 能 違 反 聯 合 國的憲 章 。
An international law expert has pointed out that Resolution 1441 passed by the United Nations on 8 November 2002 has not
given Britain and the United States a
[...] basis for unilateral attacks on Iraq and a war [...]
without authorization from the United
Nations may be in violation of the United Nations Charter.
The investigation also concluded that the IDF soldiers
believed that the plant was being used by Hamas operatives to
[...] position themselves to attack and kidnap Israeli [...]
在这之前,还发生过两次部落间的事件:一次是在 2008 年 12 月 4 日,据 说有 20 名 Fallata 男子在 Al-Tomat
被 Habaniya 部族的人杀死;另一次是 2008 年 12 月 11 日,据说大约 700 名来自 Salamat 和 Fallata
[...] 部落的武装人员对 Wad Hagam 村发起攻,打死了 28 名 Habaniya 部落的成员。
The attack followed two other incidents between the tribes: on 4 December 2008, 20 Fallata men were allegedly killed by Habaniya tribesmen in Al-Tomat; and on 11 December 2008, 28 members of the Habaniya tribe were reportedly killed when a
group of approximately 700 armed men from the Salamat and Fallata tribes
[...] launched a counter-attack on Wad Hagam village.
為此, 他不去搞 好 國 內 經濟, 而 要點燃 戰 火,轉 移 視 線;他不去反 恐,卻攻 打 伊 拉 克;他不去捉拿拉 登 , 卻 要 消 滅 侯 賽 因 。
For this purpose, instead of trying to improve the United States economy, he has started a war
to divert people's
[...] attention. Instead of combating the terrorists, he has launched attacks on Iraq, and instead [...]
of catching Osama bin
LADEN, he wants to eliminate Saddam HUSSEIN.
今天 7 月 26 日,我在大会讲台上发言谈青年问 题,必须回顾 1953
[...] 年的今天,一个名叫菲德尔·卡 斯特罗的男子领导古巴青攻打蒙卡达兵营,以解放 古巴人民。
I would be remiss in speaking of youth from this rostrum if today, 26 July, I did not recall the same date in 1953 when the
young people of Cuba, led by a man
[...] named Fidel Castro, attacked the Moncada Barracks [...]
in order to liberate their people.
最令人 感到憂 慮 的是,如 果任由 美 國 這 種
[...] 以 威脅國家安全 為由、先發制攻 打別國的霸 權主義 、 單 邊 主 義 發展下去 [...]
, 那 將 會 引 來 天 下 大 亂 , 並嚴重 危 害 世界的 和平和穩定 。
The most worrying point is that if we condone the United States in
pursuing hegemonism and unilateralism by
[...] launching pre-emptive attacks on another country [...]
on the pretext of its own national safety
being threatened, the world will be plunged into a chaotic state, seriously jeopardizing world peace and stability.
1999 年底,叛乱攻打布拉 柴维尔,北方籍军人曾被怀疑煽动 了这次进攻,其中一些人被逮捕。
At the end of
[...] 1999, the rebels attacked Brazzaville, and [...]
the military from the north of the country were suspected of having instigated the assault.
今次美攻 打 伊 拉 克 , 撇 開 聯 合 國安理會,違 反 [...]
了 聯 合 國 憲 章及有關國 際 法規,是不 得 人 心 的,世 界 的主流民意 亦 普遍表示反 對。
In attacking Iraq this time around, [...]
the United States has bypassed the United Nations Security Council and violated the
United Nations Charter and the relevant international laws and regulations, which is not supported by the people.
然 而 ﹐ 由 於 德 國 在 外 交 ﹑ 軍 事 ﹑ 經 濟 等 方 面 具 有
[...] 相 當 影 響 力 ﹐ 法 國 不 敢 貿攻 打 德 國
However, as Germany’s strong diplomatic, military and economic influence, France
[...] dared not to fight against Germany [...]
in the meantime.
例 如 91 年 美
[...] 國發動海灣戰爭,便 有 四 十 多個國家支持及 參 戰 ; 發生了 九 一一恐怖襲 擊後, 美 國在 2001攻打阿富 汗 時,國際 社 會 也 沒 有 反對聲音。
The Gulf War of 1991, for example, had the backing of more than 40 countries who lent their support to the United States and joined in
the war effort. After
[...] the September 11 attacks, when the United States launched attacks in Afghanistan [...]
in 2001, there was no
voice of dissent in the international community.
根據無 國 界 醫生組 織 指 出,美 國 在 1991年攻 打 伊 拉 克 的 戰 事 期間對該 國的基建 造 成 破 壞 , 以 及 在 戰 後 實 施 禁 運,令 該 國人民 生 活 在 艱 苦 之中, 5 歲 以 下 兒童的 死 亡 率 , 在 戰 後 的1年內 急 升 三 倍 。
The Medecins Sans Frontieres has pointed out that, given the destruction of the infrastructure of Iraq during the 1991 war and the embargo imposed after the war, the Iraqi people have been living in difficulties and the mortality rate of children below five years of age rapidly increased three times within a year after the war.
是谁以 神秘的 9·11 事件为借口攻打阿富汗和伊拉克,造 成这两个国家数百万人死伤和流离失所,最终目标是 [...]
Who used the mysterious 11 September incident
[...] as a pretext to attack Afghanistan and [...]
Iraq, killing, injuring and displacing millions
in those two countries, with the ultimate goal of bringing the Middle East and its oil resources under its domination?
美 國 今次出攻 打 伊 拉 克,完全是出師 無 名 的 。
The United States absolutely has no cause for
[...] dispatching troops to attack Iraq this time.
如果魏国向南亲附楚国而不亲附齐国,那么齐国就会 攻打 它 的 东面;向东亲附齐国而不亲附赵国,那么赵国就会 攻打 它 的 北面;不和韩国合作,那么韩国就会 攻打 它 的 西面;不和楚国亲近,那么楚国就 攻打 它 的 南面;这就是所谓四分五裂的地理位置。
In terms of who was supposed to be the ally, Zhang Yi said that Qin was the best choice, because
if Wei did not serve
[...] Qin, Qin's army would attack the north of Wei and cut off the connection between Wei and its most reliable ally, the state of Zhao; in this way it would be inevitable for Wei to fall; if Wei served Qin, however, no state would dare to attack Wei; at that time, [...]
the king of Wei would
be able to lie on a comfortable pillow and sleep soundly without any anxiety.
伊斯兰第一任哈里发艾卜·伯克尔·西迪克在公元 634
[...] 年明确地遵循了这 一做法,当时他向出发前攻打位于 现今叙利亚境内的罗马帝国的穆斯林军队发 [...]
This was followed specifically in 634 CE by the first khalifa of
Islam, Abu Bakr alsidiqque, giving instructions to the Muslim
[...] army going to fight the Roman Empire, [...]
in what is now Syria.
美 國 甚至表示,英美 根 本 沒 有需要讓 聯 合 國 再 通 過 新 的 決
[...] 議 案 , 因 為原有的 決 議 案 已攻 打 伊 拉 克 提 供了足夠的 理據,也 曾 [...]
表示如果 決 議 案 獲得 9 票 支持, 便 已 取 得 “ 道 德 上 的 大 多 數"。
The United States even indicated that Britain and the United States do not need a new resolution passed by the United Nations because the
original resolution already provided
[...] sufficient grounds for an attack on Iraq and they also [...]
indicated that if there were nine
votes in support of the resolution, they would have obtained the "ethical majority vote".
主席,如 果 不 早 日訂定公平競 爭 法,將 會出現 香 港 的 沉 淪 , 這並非等同 於日攻 打 香 港 時的淪 陷 , 因為大 財 團比八 國 聯 軍 更 厲 害 ,令香港 的經濟 “ 雞 毛 鴨血”。
Madam President, if a fair competition law is not enacted as soon as possible, we will witness the fall of Hong Kong — I am not talking about something like the Japanese occupation in the past — because the large consortia are even more ruthless than the Eight-Power Allied Forces and will cause immense misery to our economy.
即 使 在 美 國 方 面 ,權威 的 調 查 Gallup Poll 發 現 , 有
[...] 78%美 國人支持由聯 合 國 授攻 打 伊 拉 克 的 行動, 但 如 果沒有 [...]
聯 合 國的授 權,支持戰 爭 者 只 佔 47%, 可 見 即 使
是 美 國國民 , 也認為 聯 合 國的授 權是十分重要的 。
The authoritative Gallup Poll in the
United States has revealed that 78% of
[...] Americans support an attack on Iraq with authorization [...]
from the United Nations, but
only 47% of them support a war without authorization from the United Nations.




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