

单词 改日

External sources (not reviewed)

您决定向图形中添加自动脚注,以包括工作表名称、最后 改日期 以及所用数据的某些信息。
You decide to add an automatic footnote to your graphs to include the
[...] worksheet name, last modification date, and some information [...]
on the data used.
如果找到 KSS100.XML 文件,会将改日期和时间,与最后一次在扫描站上执行配置的日期和时间进行比 较。
If the KSS100.XML
[...] file is found, the modification date and time will [...]
be compared to the last time a configuration was executed on the Scan Station.
若要改日志设 定, 请打开“工具”->“选项”,进行修改。
To change the log settings open Tools -> Options and make the change.
这个窗口的目的是通过增加和移除原料和设置合成比率创建或 改日 粮。
The purpose of this form is
[...] to create or modify a diet by adding [...]
and removing ingredients, and by setting their incorporation rates.
详细信息显示文件和文件夹列表并且包含详细资料,例如名称、大小、类型 和改日期。
Details displays the list of files and folders with details, such as name,
[...] size, type, and modified date.
包括:基于Tree结构的DIT浏览器,搜索结果编辑器,书签,Entry编辑器,Value编辑器,Schema浏览器, 改日 记 查 看器,LDIF编辑器,LDIF导入/导出,批操作。
Include : Tree -based DIT structure browser , search results, editor ,
bookmarks , Entry Editor , Value Editor ,
[...] Schema Browser, change the journal viewer [...]
, LDIF editor , LDIF import/export , batch operation .
Work Order™ 通过改日常操 作计划 以适应于非预期及计划外的服务警告,从 而解决非预期的问题。
Work Order™ adapts to the unexpected and unplanned
[...] service warning by altering daily action schedules [...]
to address unanticipated issues.
此 外,任 何 增 加 該 計 劃 的 公 允 價 值 的 修 改,或 在改 日 對 僱 員 有 利 的 變 更,都 要 確 認 費 用。
In addition, an expense is
[...] recognized for any modification which increases the total fair value of the share-based payment arrangement, or is otherwise beneficial to the employee as measured at the date of modification.
改 日期格式,请参见第 42 页的“设置/查看日期格式”。
To change the date format, [...]
see Setting/Viewing the Date Format on page 43.
本人或本人的授權人將於上述所列的 改日 期 到 學生資助辦事處領取支票。
I or my authorised person will come to the Agency and collect the
[...] cheque on the amended date as stated above.
記住提我﹐我第一輛車背後有故事的 改日 我 一 定要記得說給大家聽。
Remind me there is a story behind my first can I must
[...] remember to tell you all one day.
如 閣下需要更改公司通訊收取方式或語言版本的選擇,請將申請(註明
[...] sinooceanland.ecom@computershare.com.hk或以書面方式通知股份過戶登記處,以 改日 後 收 取公司通訊之收取方式及語言版本之選擇。 [...]
如 閣下已選擇以網上方式收取日後公司通訊(或被視為已同意以網上方式收取),但因任何理由未能閱覽載於網站的本次公司通訊,我們將
應 閣下要求盡快發送本次公司通訊的印刷版本,費用全免。
Should you have any queries relating to this letter, please call the Company’s Share Registrar’s service hotline at (852) 2862 8688 during business hours from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00
p.m. from Monday to Friday,
[...] excluding Hong Kong public holidays or send an email to [...]
Yours faithfully, By Order of the Board Sino-Ocean Land Holdings Limited Adrian Sum Company Secretary Note: (1) This letter is addressed to non-registered holders (‘‘non-registered holder’’ means such person or company whose shares are held in The Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS) and who has notified the Company from time to time through Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited to receive Corporate Communication(s)).
改日期表 明对文章作了一处或多处改动。
The modified date indicates [...]
that one or more changes were made to the article.
一些额外的信息像是文件/文件夹的 改日 期 或 是大小也会同时显示。
Some additional
[...] information like change date or size to [...]
the file/folder is displayed as well.
提请理事会注意会议委员会 1981 年 3 月 11 日第 154 次会议所作如下决定:
[...] 今后如向委员会要求在两届会议之间改动会议日历的安排,必须针对 改日 历或 增加日历内容的建议提出详细的实质性理由。
The Council’s attention is drawn to the decision taken by the Committee on Conferences at its 154th meeting, on 11 March 1981, that, in the future, requests for intersessional departures from the calendar of conferences should only be submitted to the Committee for its consideration if
accompanied by a presentation of detailed substantive arguments
[...] supporting a proposed change in or an addition [...]
to the calendar.
使用先进的导入功能进行数据筛选和排序 使用层次结构映射工具管理未分配的职位或团体改日志记载图表的所有更改 定时与源数据进行数据同步,保证图表使用最新数据 生成人事变动公告和详细的行动报告
Advanced Import features for data filtering and sorting Hierarchy Mapper to
manage unassigned positions
[...] or groups Change Log catalogues all changes made to your charts Scheduled Data [...]
Sync with source data
to keep charts up-to-date Generate personnel action notices and detailed action reports
正是出于这个原因,瑙鲁支持通过扩大 常任理事国和非常任理事国两个类别以及改进其工 作方法日改革安全理事会。
It is for this reason that Nauru supports an early reform of the Security
Council through an enlargement of both the permanent and non-permanent
[...] categories and an improvement in its working methods.
在审计日,改用新 的库存管 理软件的技术问题还未解决,这会影响收集数据的准确性。
At the date of the audit, however, [...]
technical difficulties relating to the switch to a new inventory-management software
had not yet been overcome, which impaired the reliability of the retrievable figures.
但是,要進㆒步保障工友的權益, 我認為,政府應該考慮將㆕星期最少開工 12 日改為㆕ 星期最少 16 日,提高工㆟的最 低開工日保障,以更有效保障僱員生活。
However, in order to further safeguard workers' rights and interests, I think the Government should
consider changing the
[...] minimum number of days for which employers must provide work for employees from 12 days to at least [...]
16 days in a period of four weeks, so as
to enhance the protection for workers in respect of this minimum number of days to provide work and provide more effective safeguard to employees' well-being.
部长们回顾 2003 年 12 月 23 日的大会第 58/220
[...] 六十六届会议上向大会提交一个决定草案,拟议从 2012 年开始,将联合国南南 合作日从 12 月 19 日改为 9 12 日,以 纪念 1978 年联合国发展中国家间技术合 作会议在布宜诺斯艾利斯通过《促进和实施发展中国家间技术合作的布宜诺斯艾 [...] [...]
The Ministers recall General Assembly resolution 58/220 of 23 December 2003 and decide that a draft decision should be presented to the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session proposing that, beginning in 2012, the observance of the United
Nations Day for
[...] South-South Cooperation be changed from 19 December to 12 September to mark the day in 1978 when [...]
the United Nations
Conference on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries adopted the Buenos Aires Plan of Action for Promoting and Implementing Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries in Buenos Aires.
In parallel, we are also introducing measures that have the support of the
[...] community for early improvement of air quality.
根据关于执行委员会第六十四次会议地点和日期问题的执行委员会第 62/71 号决 定,执行委员会主席致函各成员,鉴于发生特殊情况,缔约方不限成员名额工作组第三十 一次会议将于 2011 年 8 月 1 日至 5 日在蒙特利尔、而不是在曼谷举行,因此提议将第六十 四次会议的日期由 7 月 11 日至 15 日改为 7 25 日至 29 日。
Further to decision 62/71 of the Executive Committee regarding the venue and dates of the 64th meeting of the Executive Committee, the Chair of the Executive Committee wrote to members with a proposal to change the dates of the 64th meeting from 11 to 15 July to 25 to 29 July 2011 since, due to exceptional circumstances, the 31st Open-ended Working Group Meeting of the Parties (OEWG) would meet in Montreal from 1 to 5 August 2011 instead of Bangkok.
On 16 September
[...] 1963, its name was changed to Malaysia, following [...]
the admission to the new federation of Singapore, Sabah (North Borneo) and Sarawak.
2012年12月4日改变了 菲律宾受灾最严重地区的逾25万儿童的生活。
4 December 2012 changed the lives of more [...]
than 250,000 Filipino children living in the worst affected areas of the Philippines.
公务员协联敦促 委员会应拒绝修改特许休养假的时间,不要将连续五 个工日改为连续五个日历日,外加核准的路程假。
FICSA urged the Committee not to accept the recommendation to amend the period of authorized absence on rest and recuperation from five consecutive working days to five consecutive calendar days, plus approved travel time.
执行委员会不妨考虑克罗地亚政府提出的要求核准氟氯烃淘汰管理计划剩余的三次 付款总额 420 000 美元的申请,因为克罗地亚加入欧盟的日期已从氟氯烃淘汰管理计划原 先估计的 2016 年 7 月 1 日改为 2013 年 7 月 1 日。
The Executive Committee might wish to consider the request by the Government of Croatia for approving the three remaining tranches of the HPMP, at a total cost of US $420,000, given the accession of Croatia to the EU by 1 July 2013 instead of 1 July 2016 as originally foreseen in the HPMP.
联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法大会经验教训问题政府间专家组(曼谷,2006年8月15日至18日); 审查和更新《在预防犯罪和刑事司法领域中消除对妇女的暴力行为的示范战略和实用措施》专 家组(曼谷,2009 年 3 月 23 日至 25 日);制定在押以及拘禁和非拘禁环境中妇女待遇特别补
充规则专家组(曼谷,2009 年 11 月 23 日至 26
[...] 日);保护文化财产免遭贩运问题专家组(维也 纳,2009 年 11 月 24 日至 26 日);改进关 于犯罪数据收集、报告和分析工作专家组(布宜诺斯 [...]
艾利斯,2010 年 2 月 8 日至 10 日)。
Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Lessons Learned from United Nations Congresses on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (Bangkok, 15-18 August 2006); group of experts to review and update the Model Strategies and Practical Measures on the Elimination of Violence against Women in the Field of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (Bangkok, 23-25 March 2009); expert group to develop supplementary rules specific to the treatment of women in detention and in custodial and non-custodial settings (Bangkok, 23-26 November 2009); expert group on protection against trafficking in cultural
property (Vienna, 24-26 November
[...] 2009); expert group on improving the collection, reporting [...]
and analysis of crime data (Buenos Aires, 8-10 February 2010).
改革安全理事会是我们全面改革联合国的一项基本内容。我们支持 日改 革安 理会,使之具有更广泛的代表性、更高的效率和透明度,从而进一步加强其 [...]
We support early reform of the Security
Council - an essential element of our
[...] overall effort to reform the United Nations [...]
- in order to make it more broadly representative,
efficient and transparent and thus to further enhance its effectiveness and the legitimacy and implementation of its decisions.
審核委員會於一九九九年成立,於二零一二年二月 日改 名 為 「審核及企業管治委員會」, 並根據自二零一二年四月一日起生效的新企業管治守則 D.3.1 條所載, 增加企業管治的職 責範圍。
The Audit Committee was established in 1999 and was renamed as “Audit and Corporate Governance Committee” on 9th February, 2012 with increased scope of corporate governance duties set out in D.3.1 of the New Corporate Governance Code which took effect from 1st April, 2012.
通过向非洲(瓦加杜古国际艺术和手工艺品贸易展览会,2002 年 10 月)、阿拉伯国家 (阿尔及尔,2002 年 9
月)和拉丁美洲(FIDAR,墨西哥,2002 年 11 月)颁发教科文组织 手工艺奖,通过在总部举办“设计 21”比赛 64
[...] 位获奖者作品展(2002 年 9 月 30 日至 10 月 25 日),改善了富于创造性的手工艺人和青年设计师与国际市场的接触。
Improved access to the international market by creative craftworkers and young designers has been achieved through
the awarding of the UNESCO Crafts Prize
[...] for Africa (SIAO, October 2002), the Arab [...]
States (Algiers, September 2002) and Latin
America (FIDAR, Mexico, November 2002) and the exhibition at Headquarters of the 64 prizewinners of the DESIGN 21 competition (30 September -25 October 2002).




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