单词 | 改成 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 改成—convertless common: turn into (sth.else) adapt (a story to another medium)
与1.x版本最大不同之处在于把数据格式 改成JSO N,以实现一些更酷的功能。 javakaiyuan.com | With the 1.x versionof the biggest difference is the data format into JSON,in order [...] to achieve some of the cool features . javakaiyuan.com |
可以设置输出图片的质量,重命名创建的文件(比如全部 改成小写 ,添加前缀,或按某一规则顺序命名)。 javakaiyuan.com | You can set the output image quality , rename the file created ( such asall lowercase , add a prefix , a rule or order by name ) . javakaiyuan.com |
咨询委员会注意到,工作人员将分阶段缩编,详情载于秘书长报告 的相关表格(A/65/328/Add.6,第 38 段),从联布综合办以前核定的 450 名文职 人员(144 个国际,255 个国家和 51 个联合国志愿人员的职位),改成为联 布办事 处拟定的 134 个职位(59 名国际,69 个国家和 6 名联合国志愿人员)的人员新编 制。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee notes that there will be a phased drawdown in the number of staff, as detailed in the relevant table set out in the report of the Secretary-General (A/65/328/Add.6, para. 38), from the previously authorized level for BINUB of 450 civilian personnel (144 international, 255 national and 51 United Nations Volunteer positions) to a new staffing component of 134 positions (59 international, 69 national and 6 United Nations Volunteer) proposed for BNUB. daccess-ods.un.org |
但就如时间限制一样,改成多数 表决的话将为制 裁委员会的现行程序提供更多的平衡,而现行程序要求作出一致决定才能删除某 [...] 个名字;因此如果在目前的情况下提出提议的话,即使一份名单并未得到制裁委 员会全体成员的接受,该名单仍可能得到保留。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, as with time [...] limitations, achange to majority voting [...]would provide more balance to the existing Committee procedures [...]that require a unanimous decision to remove a name, so that a listing may remain even though it would not be acceptable to the full Committee if proposed under current circumstances. daccess-ods.un.org |
举例来说,1994 年版本中提到的“谈判”改成了与 供 应商或承包商的“讨论”,以更准确地表达不在此种方法中举行任何议价性质 谈判这一理念;举行讨论纯粹是为了细化采购标的说明的某些方面,以必要的 详细程度拟订采购标的说明(见上文第五章采购方法和第 30 条第(1)款的介绍性 评注第**和**段[**链接**])。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, the 1994 reference to “negotiations”has been replaced with a reference to “discussions” with suppliers or contractors, to convey more accurately the notion that no bargaining type of negotiations is held in this procurement method; rather, discussions are solely for the purpose of refining some aspects of the description of the subject matter of the procurement to formulate them with the necessary level of detail (see paragraphs ** and ** of the introductory commentary to chapter V procurement methods and article 30(1) above [**hyperlinks**]). daccess-ods.un.org |
麦克雷先生说,瓦钱尼先生的提议确实反映了所发生过的辩论,因此他建议 将“某些委员认为”这一短语改成“一种意见认为”,这一措词只是表示在辩论 过程中表达了这种意见,没有其他含意。 daccess-ods.un.org | He proposed that the expression “according to some” should be replaced by “the view was expressed that”, which simply indicated that the view had been expressed during the discussion. daccess-ods.un.org |
在与对此感兴趣的各方进一步磋商后,同意将这个项目 改成投资项目,提请执行委 35 员会以相同的供资数额予以核准,并请中国政府和世界银行继续寻找全球升温潜能值较低 [...] 的替代技术,在适当情况下在项目中采用。 multilateralfund.org | Following further consultations with [...] interested parties, it was agreed that the [...] project would be converted toan investment [...]project for approval by the Executive Committee [...]at the same level of funding, and that the Government of China and the World Bank would be requested to continue to seek lower-GWP alternative technology for use in the project where appropriate. multilateralfund.org |
如果已经改成表系统,更改配料类型和颜 色数量也会使系统锁定。 gww.graco.com | If you have changed to a meter system, [...] the system also locks if you change the dosing type or the number of colors. gww.graco.com |
在“预期成绩”(c)中,把“包括”后面的文字 改成:“ 应用绿色增长办 法,资源效率、有效管理能源和水资源及生态城市发展和其他有效的政策举 措”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In expected accomplishment (c), after the word “including”, replace the remainder of the text with: “the application of the green growth approach, resource efficiency, efficient management of energy and water resources, eco-city development and other effective policy initiatives”. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,王国政府把孤儿院改成培训中 心 , 建 立了安 全 生 产 [...] 制度,在 茶胶省建立了培训中 心 ,在工厂 增 设了诊 所 , 培 养 职 业 技 能,在暹粒省建立 培训 中心,恢复和修缮改造中心等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, Royal Government has [...] turned orphanages intotraining centres, [...]set up work safety system, set upatraining centre in Takeo, appointed [...]clinics in factories, capacity building for professions, set up a training centre in Siem Reap, and restored and repaired rehabilitation centres, etc. daccess-ods.un.org |
程式会要求您输入现有的管理端密码,输入新密码,并再次输入新密码进行确认,然後 按[确定]密码设定、修改成功。 farstone.com.tw | You will be required to enter the current Console Password, type in the new password and then re-enter the new password to confirm. farstone.com |
如果相对于黑白文档,返回的彩色 / 灰阶文档太多,则改成高选项然后重新运行工作。 graphics.kodak.com | If too many documents were returned as color/grayscale vs. black and [...] white,then change to the High option [...]and re-run the job. graphics.kodak.com |
其他有效的政策举措,加强现代能源服务的普遍获取,改进水资源管理并促进可 持续城市发展”。 在“预期成绩”(c)中,把“包括”后面的文字 改成:“应用绿色增长办法, 资源效率、有效管理能源和水资源及生态城市发展和其他有效的政策举措”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In expected accomplishment (c), after the word “including” replace the remainder of the expected accomplishment with: “the application of the green growth approach, resource efficiency, efficient management of energy and water resources, eco-city development, and other effective policy initiatives”. daccess-ods.un.org |
於 二 零零 七 年 五月十 一 日,本公司 之 [...] 名称由深 圳市 研 祥智 能科 技股 份有 限公 司更改 成其现时 名称。 evoc.com.cn | On 11 May [...] 2007, theCompanychanged itsnamefrom Shenzhen [...]EVOC Intelligent Technology Company Limited to its present name. evoc.cn |
在 2008 年届会的第 14 次会议上,特别政治和非殖民化委员会(第四委员会) 除其他外,还请新闻部考虑到将《联合国纪事》 改成《联合国事务》后打算实施 的语言均衡、编辑政策、可能在质量上的提高和其他方面的改进。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the 14th meeting of its 2008 session, the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) also requested the Department, inter alia, to take into account parity of languages, editorial policy, potential qualitative gains and other improvements intended by the change from daccess-ods.un.org |
最後一点,我们建议您把临时的 4 个数字交易密码,更改成为您的自选交易 密码(也是 4 个数字) 。 tdwaterhouse.ca | Finally, it is recommended you change the temporary 4-digit trading password to your own personal 4-digit trading password. tdwaterhouse.ca |
美利坚合众国建议修改“煽动种族、族裔和宗教仇恨”的标题,使用消除 一切形式种族歧视国际公约、公民权利和政治权利国际公约和人权理事会最近的 决议中的关于提倡和煽动的措辞,改成:“与构成煽动歧视、敌对或暴力的提倡 民族、族裔、宗教和种族仇恨的行为作斗争”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United States of America suggested that the title “incitement to racial, ethnic and religious hatred” be revised using language on advocacy and incitement derived from the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and recent resolutions of the Human Rights Council to read: “combating advocacy of national, ethnic, religious and racial hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence”. daccess-ods.un.org |
威士伯一直在对产品进行创新和改进,最近把20L包装桶的颜色从蓝色 改成了半 透明,规格没变,这样可以容易地看出桶 [...] 内剩余的油漆量。 de-beer.com | One of the improvementswe recently [...] made is to change the colour of the 20L jerry can from blue to semi transparent. de-beer.com |
当 垫 片 为其它材料, 比如材料为铝 时, 就将SS改成A,材料为 PCTFE (仅 TF 系列) 就将SS改成KF。 swagelok.com.cn | For other [...] gasket materials, replace SS with A for aluminum or KF for PCTFE (TF series only). swagelok.com.cn |
第三个方案是使人权理事会决议引起的紧急 [...] 活动可依照大会第 64/246 号决议第 1(a)段规定即时 获得资金;这项决议的规定可修改成包括人权理事会 授权的活动,有具体范围,也是以维持和平与安全为 基础,所提供的资金每两年不超过 [...]200 万美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | The third option was to allow access to immediate funding for urgent activities resulting from resolutions of the Human Rights Council under paragraph 1 (a) of General Assembly resolution 64/246, the [...] terms of which could [...] be amended to include activities mandated by the Human Rights Council with a limit [...]of $2 million per biennium, [...]within a specific limit, on the same basis as for the maintenance of peace and security. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴拿马早在 1952 年就制定了一项土着人政策,后经过反复修 改成为今天的 《土着政策》,由隶属内政部的国家土着政策局负责政策执行期间的协调工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | First introduced in1952, the State’s policy on indigenous affairs is today coordinated by the National Directorate for Indigenous Policy within the Ministry of the Interior. daccess-ods.un.org |
专家组建议联科行动至少另外雇用 6 名合格的海关代理,以便具备持续的 [...] 监测能力,调查可能违反武器和有关物资禁运的行为;此外还建议其目前的咨询 人合同应改成一个长期职位。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group recommends that UNOCI hire at least six additional, qualified Customs agents to provide consistent monitoring capacity to investigate potential violations of the embargo on arms and [...] related materiel and, furthermore, recommends that its current consultant’s [...] contract should bemadeapermanent [...]position. daccess-ods.un.org |
他说正在采取政治和社会措施来改进这种状况,而且圣地亚哥办事处也加 [...] 入了这一努力,它收集并传播有关信息,以便有关社会方面能够促 成改革。unesdoc.unesco.org | He affirmed that political and social measures were being taken to improve the situation and the Office in Santiago [...] joined in the effort by gathering and disseminating information so that social stakeholders [...] could bring about the changes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
可持续消费理念 本⾝很难进行转换,难以在人们的⽇常生活中进行应 用;现有的教学资源不成体系,有 时 甚至是以过时的科 学数据或模型为基础,⽆法适用于现实生活和学生实 践;学 生 [...] 往往会表现出失望、消极、甚至⽆能为力的情 绪,这 样就很难对他们形成激励,将他们培养 成改⾰的 促成者。unesdoc.unesco.org | The concept of sustainable consumption itself is perceived as difficult to translate into people’s daily reality; didactic resources available are fragmented, sometimes based on outdated scientific data or models not adapted to real life and students’ experience; and students tend to express disillusionment, [...] passivity and a sense of powerlessness that makes it difficult to create the [...] motivation for them to be actors of change. unesdoc.unesco.org |
请塞拉利昂政府与国际伙伴和所有有关利益攸关者协作,不迟于 2011 年 9 [...] 月提出执行《改革议程》进展情况的年度报告,提前半年作一简报,并欢迎 进度报告中提出形成《改革议程》成果框架的建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | the Government of Sierra Leone, in collaboration with its international partners and all relevant stakeholders, to provide an annual progress report on the implementation of the Agenda for Change no later than September [...] 2011, to be preceded by a brief updatesix months prior, and welcomes the recommendation in the progress report to develop a results [...] framework for the Agenda forChange. daccess-ods.un.org |
订正行动构想强调支助警务改革指导委员会执行秘书处的工作,完 成改革的筹备工作;为国家警察监察主任执行与警务改革有关的项目提供支助;支助建 [...] 立警务问责制和监督机制的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The revised concept of operations emphasizes activities in support of the work of the [...] executive secretariat of [...] the Police Reform Steering Committee to complete reform preparatory [...]work, providing support to [...]the Inspector General of PNC for the implementation of reform-related projects, and supporting the efforts of developing police accountability and oversight mechanisms. daccess-ods.un.org |