

单词 改建


transform (a building)




External sources (not reviewed)

可以委任一位专家来审查这些计 划,提出必要的改建通过修改其中一个计划,提供一个范例。
An expert will be commissioned to examine
[...] these programmes,suggest the needed adjustments [...]
and develop an example by adjusting
one of the programmes available.
教育部特别致力于将具有特别需要的儿童融入主流 教育,除其他外,确改建和设施,为这些儿童创造一个有利的环境,确保 他们的融合。
The Ministry of Education focused on the integration of children
with special needs, inter alia by
[...] ensuringthatbuildings and premises were adapted andthat [...]
an enabling environment for these
children was created to ensure their integration into mainstream education.
(6) 收购、开发、管理、特许使用、租赁、出租、出售、交换及以其他方式利用 任何土地及/或楼宇,尤其为建筑目的透过设计及平整改建卸、 装饰、管理、维护、装修、装置及改善各类楼宇,栽种、铺平、排污、养殖、 耕作、根据楼宇租约或建筑协议出租或出售,及就上述任何项目向建筑商、 租户及其他人士垫付款项及与彼等订立各类合约及安排。
(6) To acquire, develop, manage, license, hire, let, sell, exchange and otherwise howsoever turn to account any land and/or building and, in particular, by laying
out and preparing the
[...] same for buildingpurposes,constructing, altering, demolishing, pulling down, decorating, administering, maintaining, furnishing, fitting up, and improving buildings [...]
of all kinds, and by
planting, paving, draining, farming, cultivating, letting on building lease or building agreement or for sale, and by advancing money to and entering into contracts and arrangement of all kinds with builders, tenants and others in connection with any of the foregoing.
本标准适用于改建宅(住区),可按需要分为规划设计阶段和验收阶段两个阶 段实施。
This standard shall apply
[...] to newly builtand rebuilt residential buildings (areas) and [...]
be carried out in two phases, that
is, the planning and design, and check and acceptance.
监督厅提出关于审计适用于总部间接费用的标准费用的报告(A/60/682)后, 秘书处审查了这些标准费用,并尽量根据订正费率拟订 2011/12 年度预算拟议新
[...] 费用(传真费和电话费)和信息技术维护服务级协议和基础设施费用的所需资源, 以及非经常性费用项下所需资源,如购买家具和包括计算机和电话在内的办公设 备,以改建修。
Following the report of OIOS on the audit of the standard costs applied to Headquarters overhead (A/60/682), the Secretariat has reviewed the standard costs and, to the extent possible, has applied the revised rates in the formulation of the requirements under recurrent costs, such as those for the rental of premises, office supplies and equipment, commercial communications costs (fax and telephone charges) and service-level agreements and infrastructure costs for information technology maintenance and repair; and under non-recurrent costs, such as those for the purchase of furniture and office
equipment, including computers and telephones, and
[...] alterations or improvements, for newly proposedposts in the 2011/12 budget.
(b) 建筑行业关于消耗臭氧层物质相关问题的干预措施(考虑到建筑物内的大部 分能源需求与运行所安装的制冷和空调设备有关),为了让城市发展部、能 源效率局、新能源和可再生能源部等制定建筑物规则/标准的管理当局能够 参与进来并且将使用氟氯烃的设备替代品的适当技术规范纳入这些规则之 中;通过绿色建筑大会等本地机构推广无氟氯烃建筑设计和方程式;通过建 筑学理事会提高建筑师的能力,为改建院课程准备一个模板,以便将 无氟氯烃建筑设计和施工纳入建筑行业主流。
(b) Building sector interventions on ODS related issues (given that most of the energy demand in building is associated with the operation of the refrigeration and air-conditioning deployed), in order to engage with regulatory authorities like the Ministry of Urban Development, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, that have issued codes/standards for buildings and incorporate appropriate specifications for alternatives to HCFC-based equipment in these codes; promote HCFC-free building design and construction through local agencies such as the Green Building Congress; enhance the capacity of architects through the Council of Architecture, and prepare a template for amending curriculum in architectural institutes to mainstream HCFC free building design and construction.
该集团回顾基本建设 总计划原来包括一个承诺,就改建房舍要便利 残疾人出入,因此呼吁充分遵守该原则。
The Group, recalling that the capital master plan had originally included a commitment to
facilitate access for persons with
[...] disabilities within the renovated building, appealedfor full [...]
observance of that principle.
所有部 门、中央机构和越来越多的总部外办事处都参与了这一集体努力,它是朝着把本组织的万维改建个门户网站而迈出的一步,这也是在横向专题范围内深化及发展知识门户网站所 获经验的必然结果。
All the sectors, the central services and a growing number of field offices took part in that collective effort which was merely a step towards the transformation of the Organization’s website into a portal, the extension and logical development of the knowledge portal experiment carried out as part of the cross-cutting projects.
It is not possible to provide a breakdown of expenditure solely for handling reports on
[...] unauthorisedinternal alterationworks.
(l)维修、发展改建营、管理、执行或控制任何看來旨在直 接或间接促进公司利益的道路、路、电車轨道、铁路、支线或侧线、桥梁、 贮水库、水道、码头、工厂、机械、仓库、电气工程、工场、贮物室、建筑 物及其他工程及便利设施,资助或以其他方式协助或參维修、 发展改建营、管理、执行或控制该等项目,或在这方面作出贡献。
(1) To construct improve maintain develop alterworkmanage carry out or control any roads ways tramways railways branches or sidings bridges reservoirs watercourses wharves factories machineries warehouses electric works shops stores buildings and other works and conveniences which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to advance the Company’s interests and to contribute to subsidize or otherwise assist or take partin the construction improvement maintenance development alteration working management [...]
carrying out or control thereof.
这些建议酌情按照工作组的实施战略进行分组,希望各国和各国际组织 在明确进一步发展国民账户的各种障碍时能体现这些完善和改建
The recommendations are grouped under the appropriate implementation strategies of the Working Group in the hope that the improvements and modifications would be incorporated by countries
and international organizations in order to account for the impediments to
[...] the further development ofnational [...]
所以政府应制定并公布标准,用以确定哪些难民营必须关闭、 应关闭的营地以及有可改建居住区的营地的完整清单,如同围绕珊瑚区所 [...]
The Government should establish and communicate to the public the criteria it will use to determine which camps should be closed, the
complete list of camps to close, and
[...] those that may be redevelopedas new neighbourhoods, [...]
in line with the way the question is being handled in Corail.
B(P)R apply to newly
[...] constructed or substantiallyaltered private buildings.
这说明,影院硬件环境已经成为制约中国电影市场发挥潜力的重要因素之一,也说明在中国 新一轮影改建中,对经济较发达地区进行影院投资具有良好的前景。
This, on one hand, shows that the hardware environment of cinemas has become one of the important factors restraining China’s movie market from realizing its potential, and on
the other, shows that
[...] as cinema refurbishments continue around the country, investments in cinemas in economically [...]
developed areas will have bright prospects.
实地探土工作已於东铁綫車站逐 步展开,目的是确定加强月台结构所需进行改建详情,以支撑自动 月台闸门安全运作。
Physical investigations are being carried out
at East Rail Line stations to
[...] determine the detailedmodifications requiredto strengthen [...]
the platform structure to support safe APG operation.
主席总结了对第 11 段前两句的改建并建 议将第二句的结尾改为“受第 19 条第 3 款中允许的 限制和第 20 条中的禁止的制约”,以解决 Chanet 女士之前提出的担忧。
summarizing the proposed changes to the
first two sentences of
[...] paragraph 11, suggested that the end of the second sentence might be changed to read“subject [...]
to the permissible
limitations in article 19, paragraph 3, and the prohibitions of article 20”, in order to address a concern raised previously by Ms. Chanet.
据 此 , 我 们 认 为 高 等 法 院 司 法 常 务 官 应 考 虑 对 高 等 法 院 大 楼 及 死 因 裁 判 法 庭 中 供 陪 审 员
[...] 使 用 的 部 份 作 出 适 当改 建坐 轮 椅 者 可 以 出 入 。
Accordingly, we think the Registrar of the High Court should consider
appropriate modifications to those parts
[...] of the High CourtBuilding and coroners' courts [...]
which are used by jurors to render
them accessible to persons in wheelchairs.
在审议了议程项目 7 下的业务计划(见第 48 至 91 段)后,执行委员会决定改建(g)和(i)。
After having considered the business plans
under agenda item 7 (see paragraphs 48 to 91) below, the Executive
[...] Committee decidedto modify recommendations (g)and (i).
(a) 於 2010-11 年度,有关樓宇内部违改建的举报个案,由屋宇署樓宇部 的 477 名专业及技术人员处理,作为樓宇部推行署方有关樓宇安全及维修执 法计划的整体工作的一部分。
(a) In 2010-11, reports on
[...] unauthorised internal alterations works were handled by the 477 professional and technical staff of the Existing Buildings Divisions [...]
of the Buildings Department
(BD) as part of the overall duties of the Divisions to implement the Department’s building safety and maintenance enforcement programme.
如无活动的商品委员会,则应由食典委成员国直接将新添加剂规定或现行规定的改 建交给食品添加剂法典委员会以纳入食品添加剂通用标准。
When no active commodity committee exists, proposals for new additive provisions or amendment ofexisting provisions for inclusion in the General Standard for Food Additives should be forwarded directly by Codex member countries to the Codex Committee on Food Additives.
[...] 器和武库的管理;在另一方面,要求得到联合国的援助,以建立新兵营改建兵营。
Other priorities included the need for more effective control of the borders, establishing a maritime capacity and improving weapons and
stockpile management, while United Nations assistance
[...] was requested in building new and rehabilitating [...]
existing barracks.
在本报告所述期间,南苏丹特派团即将完成在博尔、朱巴、马拉卡勒、伦拜 克、延比奥和瓦乌等地的监改建,并向本秋和 Kuajok 的新建监狱提供技 [...]
During the reporting period, UNMISS provided technical advice for the renovation work nearing completion at
the Bor, Juba, Malakal, Rumbek, Yambio and Wau prisons, and for the new
[...] prisons being constructed inBentiu and Kuajok.
It’s been a time over which we’ve built flyovers, gyratorys, motorways, traffic lights, suburbs, multi-story car-parks, out-of-town
retail centres, paved over
[...] front gardens and built garagesfor parking; created thedriving [...]
licence, invented a host of criminal
offences and written the highway code to regulate people’s behaviour whilst developing a plethora of much less noticeable cultural expectations around diving – it has it’s own citizenship and moral order (ever notice talk of the good driver?).
On this, I am pleased to note that in 2009, the Independent Checking Unit (ICU) of HD processed a total of 372 first submissions, 307 resubmissions of alteration and addition works and 357 consent applications.
确认巴勒斯坦权力机构正在国际社会支持下,努力加强其受到 破坏的机构,强调需要维护和发展巴勒斯坦的机构和基础设施,在这方面,欢迎 [...]
巴勒斯坦权力机构计划在 24 个月内构建巴勒斯坦国的机构,以示郑重承诺建立 一个为巴勒斯坦人民提供机会、正义和安全并是该区域所有国家的负责任邻国的 独立国家
Recognizing the efforts being undertaken by the
Palestinian Authority, with
[...] international support, to rebuild, reformandstrengthen [...]
its damaged institutions, emphasizing
the need to preserve and develop the Palestinian institutions and infrastructure, and welcoming in this regard the Palestinian Authority’s plan for constructing the institutions of a Palestinian State within a twenty-four-month period as a demonstration of its serious commitment to an independent State that provides opportunity, justice and security for the Palestinian people and is a responsible neighbour to all States in the region
维护、运作、管理、进行或控制任何公路、道路、索道、岔道或侧道、 桥梁、水库、河道、码头、厂房、仓库、发电站、店舖、商店及其他工程以及便利 设施,而上述设施可能对公司的利益有利及有助於、资助或以其他方式协助或参与 上述设施的维护、运作、管理、进行或控制
14. to construct, improve,maintain,work, manage, carry out or control any roads, ways, tramways, branches or sidings, bridges, reservoirs, watercourses, wharves, factories, warehouses, electric works, shops, stores and other works and conveniences that may advance the interests of the company and contribute to, subsidise or otherwise assist or take part inthe construction, improvement,maintenance, working, [...]
management, carrying out or control thereof




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