

单词 改善生活品质的

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同时,在“厄瓜多尔营养”方案内,列入“老年人”方案,寻求改善方案男 女老年人受益的生活品质,维持或 改善 他 们 的营养状况。
As part of the programme “Feed Yourself Ecuador”, the
“Seniors” programme seeks to
[...] improve the quality of life of its elderly beneficiaries by maintaining or improving their nutritional status.
实际上,全面发展意味着需要努改善个人、社区和各国在所有领 的生活品质 , 其 中包括经济、社会、文化、 保健、福利、宪政和法律等领域。
Comprehensive development in its
[...] true sense means striving to improve the quality of life of individuals, communities and [...]
homelands in all spheres,
from the economic, social, intellectual and pragmatic to the health, welfare, constitutional and legal spheres.
对提交人来说,这可改善其生活质 量 , 因为 的 关节 将更稳定,将长出更多肌肉,血液循环将得到改善,疼痛也将有所缓解。
In the author's case, it would improve her quality of life as, for example, her [...]
joints would become more stable, she would
build more muscle, her blood circulation would improve and her pain and suffering would be alleviated.
调查结果及时地反应给客户,同时也反馈给本公司的设 计、生产、技术部门,防止故障再 生 , 以 此确保 品质 量 的改善 和 提 高。
The results of the investigation are reported promptly to the design
and production department to prevent any recurrence of
[...] such a case, and to further enhance the current level of quality.
尽管这一进 程的主要重点是防治荒漠化,但进程也认识到,人工林、林区外树木、城镇和周
[...] 边地区的森林以及农林业为森林覆盖率低的国家提供重要利益,诸如改善环境条 件,包括恢复已经退化的土地,改善生物多样化的养护,保护水土;通过生产和 使用木材和非木材森林产品,改善和丰富用于消除贫穷和粮食无保障的收入来 源;可持续地提供用于生活和工的 森 林 产 品 ;改善生活品质。
While combating desertification has been the primary focus of this initiative, the Tehran Process also recognized that planted forests, trees outside forests, urban and peri-urban forests and agroforestry provide important benefits to low forest cover countries, such as enhanced environmental conditions, including rehabilitation of degraded lands, improved biodiversity conservation and protection of soil and water; improvement and diversification of revenues for fighting poverty and food insecurity through the
production and use of wood and
[...] non-wood forest products; sustainable supply of forest products for subsistence and industry; and improvement of the quality of life.
这些优先方向的目的在于指导政策的制定和执行,以便实 现成功地适应老龄化世界的具体目标,从而可以按照社会发展、老年 生活品质 方面和维系一生幸的各种 ,正式的和非正式,制度的持续性方 改善的 程 度来 衡量成败。
The priority directions are designed to guide policy formulation and implementation towards the specific goal of successful adjustment to an ageing world, in which success is measured in terms of social development,
the improvement for
[...] older persons in quality of life and in the sustainability of the various systems, formal and informal, that underpin the quality of well-being throughout [...]
the life course.
保加利亚与残疾人有关的政策,是 改善 残 疾 人 的生活品质 , 使 他们不致 由于“残疾”而受到歧视,确保其平等机会,充分而积极地参与社区生活。
Bulgaria’s policy concerning people with
[...] disabilities is aimed at improving quality of their life, non- discrimination [...]
on the ground of “disability”,
ensuring equal opportunities as well as full and active participation in community life.
它还 参加了机构间工作组年度会议,会议地点分别是澳大利亚墨尔本(2006 年)、内罗 毕(2007 年)和开罗(2008 年);(b) 玛丽·斯托普斯国际组织与人口基金和世界 卫生组织合作,包括通过生殖保健用品联盟 改善生 殖 保健 用 品的 供 应 和 质 量; (c) 与人口基金合作,实施培训,提供服务,进行技术支持和宣 活 动 , 造福了 很多国家,大部分国家位于亚洲和拉丁美洲。
It also participated in the annual IAWG meetings held in Melbourne, Australia (2006), Nairobi (2007) and Cairo (2008); (b) MSI worked with
[...] including through the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition, to improve access to and quality of reproductive health supplies; (c) partnership with UNFPA for the implementation of training, service delivery, technical support and advocacy activities in a wide range [...]
of countries, mostly in Asia and Latin America.
各国承诺采取和实施计划,支持和实施海洋和沿海资源的发展 (包括满足岛屿人的基本生活需要改善生活品质 )。
States committed to adopting and implementing plans to support the sustainable development of
marine and coastal resources (including meeting essential
[...] human needs and improving the quality of life for island people).
一方面,城市化提供了能 改善生活质 量和 城区传统特的经济、社会和文化机遇;另一方面,城市密度和规模增长无节制的发展带来的改 变会损害地方特质感、城市结构的完整性以及社区的特性。
On the one hand, urbanization provides economic, social
and cultural
[...] opportunities that can enhance the quality of life and traditional character of urban [...]
areas; on the other hand,
the unmanaged changes in urban density and growth can undermine the sense of place, the integrity of the urban fabric, and the identity of communities.
这种环状糖分子(环糊精)能改善活 性 物 质 姜 黄素在水基环境 的 可 溶性,从而提高 的生 物 等效性,即姜黄素被人体吸收的量。
The ring-shaped sugar molecule (cyclodextrin) improves the solubility of the active substance curcumin in an aqueous environment.
新興市場的城市化,令人們 改善生活 水 平 追上發達社 的 水 平 ,故 品的 人均 集中度將持續增加。
Emerging market urbanisation will
continue to increase
[...] commodity intensity per capita as people strive to improve their living standards to a [...]
level which is taken for
granted in developed societies.
[...] S/2009/72,附件)的第四个领域——“社会经济发展”,的是改善生活品质和增 加就业机会,重点特别放在农村地区和青少年,以及境 [...]
The fourth area of the medium-term strategy and benchmarks (see
S/2009/72, annex), socio-economic
[...] development, refers to improved quality of life and increased employment [...]
opportunities, focusing
especially on rural areas and young people and the sustainable return and reintegration of internally displaced persons.
现有农业技术和方 法包括:具有成本效益的小农灌溉系统;注重雨水 灌溉农的耕作方法;集水系统; 品质 基 因 材料; 增值农生产; 向青年传授农业技术;植树造林; 防治水土流失;以改善牧场
Existing agricultural technologies and techniques included cost-effective smallholder
irrigation systems, production practices that emphasized rain-fed agriculture, water harvesting
[...] systems, high-quality genetic materials, value-added agricultural production, agro-technological awareness among young people, forestation, prevention of soil erosion and improvements to pastures.
韦恩州立大学是美国著名的公共研究公立大学之一,致力于通过多学科研究和教育方法以及与政府、行业和其他机构的持续合作,推动经济增长 改善 底 特律市、密歇根州乃至全世界人 的生活品质。
Through its multidisciplinary approach to research and education, and its ongoing collaboration with government, industry and other institutions, the
university seeks to
[...] enhance economic growth and improve the quality of life in the city of Detroit, state [...]
of Michigan and throughout the world.
据发表在2月6日出版的《美国医学会杂志》上的一则研究披露,在罹患外周动脉疾病及间歇性跛行(即在小腿肚中常常在行走时会感到的时有时无的疼痛)的患者中, 进行为期24周的血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)抑制剂雷米普利的治疗与无痛和最长步行时间及身体健康方的生活品质改善 有 关
Among patients with peripheral artery disease and intermittent claudication (pain in the calf that comes and goes, typically felt while walking), 24 weeks of treatment with the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor ramipril was associated with improvement in pain-free and maximum
walking times and the physical
[...] health aspect of quality of life, according to a study appearing in the Feb. [...]
6 issue of JAMA.
实施市场不合格品为零的质量 改善活 动 , 力争车载 品 质量 No.1 的目标。
We improve the quality in order to reduce the defective products at market to zero [...]
so that we aim for the No.1 concerning the product quality of automotive component.
世界 心脏联盟组织此次行动,的在于帮助预防和控制心脏病及中风,延 长人民寿命改善生活质量,尤其是在中低收入国家。
The World Heart Federation led this initiative in pursuit of its commitment to help people achieve longer and better lives through prevention [...]
and control of heart
disease and stroke, with a focus on low- and middle-income countries.
科學可幫助我改善生活品質 以及做出影響未的明智決定。
It helps us to improve our quality of life and to make informed decisions [...]
that will affect our future.
根据该法案,社会援助的程度取决于个人情况,规定每月支付年度指数化的 款项,为那些需改善生活条件的提 供 住宿,为住宿和社区服务提供优惠价格, 提供额外的有薪假,为辐射造成的健康损害每月支付赔偿金,为获得 品 供 应提 供帮助,并提供其他形式的社会援助。
The extent of social assistance varies according to the status of the individual, in accordance with the Act, and provides for annually indexed monthly payments, for the supply
of accommodation to
[...] those in need of improved living conditions, for advantageous rates for accommodation and communal services, for extra paid leave, for monthly compensatory payments for the damage to health caused by radiation, for assistance in acquiring food supplies and for other forms [...]
of social assistance.
教育领域活动主 要集中在以下领域:a) 作为对《暴力侵害儿童问题世界报告》 (2006 年)所载的建议的后续行动的暴力侵害儿童的行为,新增重点包括此种暴力行为的 性别因素、宗教和文化在防止此类暴力方面的作用以及对非暴力、参与性的做法和支助服务 的推广;b) 全纳教育,旨在促进建立一个满足多样化 生 群 体 需求的、对遭到排挤和被边缘 化的群体给予特别关注的教育体系;c) 治理和不平等,研究教育领的善治 如 何在减少基于 财富、地点、种族、性别及其他原因的不平等方面发挥作用;d) 对教材进行修订以推广以和 平为导向的方法,同时兼顾质量有 关的新的教育挑战。
In the context of education, activities focus on the following areas: (a) violence against children as a follow-up to the recommendations contained in the World Report on the Violence against Children (2006), with an added emphasis on gender dimensions of such violence, the role of religion and culture in its prevention, and the promotion of non-violent, participatory practices and support services; (b) inclusive education, with the aim of promoting an educational system that answers the needs of a diverse group of pupils, paying particular attention to the excluded and marginalized; (c) governance and inequality, looking at how good governance in education can reduce disparities based on wealth, location, ethnicity, gender and other grounds; (d) textbook revision to promote peace-oriented approaches taking into account new education challenges related to quality.
这次金融和经济危机特别是对发展中国家妇女的经济赋权产生了不利影响, 其主要传导机制是:全球出口下降,直接影响到出口部门的生产,然后通过消极倍 增效应对国内市场产生不利影响(特别是出口依赖型经济国);发展中国家的资本流
[...] 汇款;随之而出现的是汇率贬值,影响到国内生产和价格;全球粮价的异常波动产 生影响;很多发展中国家财政紧缩已经导致重大公共开支的削减和社会发展收益的 减少,进而影响基本服的提供,使社会发展成果付之东流,并影 生活品质。
The main transmission mechanisms of the financial and economic crisis that have had negative impacts on women’s economic empowerment, especially in developing countries, have been the global decline in exports, which has directly affected production in the export sector and subsequently domestic markets through negative multiplier effects (especially in export-dependent economies); significant declines in capital flows to the developing world; the pro-cyclical nature of aid; the impact of the crisis on migrant workers and therefore on remittances; the consequent exchange rate devaluation, which has affected domestic production and prices; the impact of extreme volatility in global food prices; and the fiscal constraints in many developing countries that have already led to cutbacks in important public expenditures and social
development gains, thereby affecting access to basic
[...] services, reversing social development gains and adversely affecting their quality of life.
教科文组织预计将参加国家方案成果,改 进治理和社会保护,通过修订教学大纲和培训教师,确 质 量 和包容性强的教育,特 别是处于社会边缘地位的人群;加强数据收集与管理的能力;加强环境的可持续性; 方案与执行;预防艾滋病毒/艾滋病;获得有效的知识体系和机制;通过便利和支持增 加就业生计的机会 ,以发展一种企业家文化 改善 地 方 微型、小中型企业的商业气 候,包括技能培训更新,特别是对妇女和青年的培训。
UNESCO foresees participation in CP Outcomes in improved governance
and social
[...] protection, ensuring quality and inclusive education through curriculum revision and teacher training, especially for marginalized groups; strengthened capacities for data collection and management; strengthened environmental sustainability policy, programmes and implementation; HIV/AIDS prevention; access to effective knowledge systems and mechanisms; enhanced employment and livelihood opportunities through facilitation and support to develop an entrepreneurship culture, improved local business climates [...]
for micro-, small-
and medium-enterprise sectors, including upgrading of skills training with special attention to women and youth.
这些基础将包括:发展可真改善生活质量的含有 透明度措施的具体项目;详细制 定长期发展战略;致力于问责制;以及确保由全体海 [...]
These foundations would include the development of concrete projects
with transparency measures that
[...] truly lead to an improvement in the quality of life; the [...]
elaboration of a long-term development
strategy; a commitment to accountability; and ownership by all Haitians of their common destiny.
根据关于纳米比亚卫生动态质的各种统计数据,政府充分了解,如果要实 现到 2015 年将儿童死亡率降低三分之二的千年发展目标,就必须在同一时期内 将全国的死亡率降低一半(纳米比亚共和国,2007;路线图:4);如果不进行营 养监测和促进孕产妇和儿童营养,不改善全国弱势群体(尤其是妇女、儿童的和 HIV/艾滋病感染者)的营养状况;不通过使用抗逆转录病毒治疗来预防母亲将艾 滋病毒传染给未生的孩子;不改善 保 健 服务的基础设施,那么,到 2015 年可 能无法实现千年发展目标 3、4、5 和 6。
Given various statistical data on the dynamic nature of health in Namibia, the Government is fully informed that the Millennium Development Goal to reduce child mortality by two thirds by 2015 can only be achieved if national mortality is halved during the same period (Republic of Namibia, 2007; road map:4);
[...] and that without nutritional surveillance and promotion of maternal and child nutrition, as well as improving the national status of nutrition among the vulnerable groups (particularly women, children, and people living with HIV/AIDS); prevention of HIV transmission from mother to the unborn child through the use of antiretroviral treatment; and improvement of the infrastructure for health services, Millennium Development Goals 3, 4, 5, and 6 may not be achieved by 2015 (OECD, 2008:488; Republic of Namibia, 2010:3-4; Republic of Namibia, 2008.
可是,我認為在1998年,世界企業永續發展協會所舉辦的一次會議上, 有一種說法是我認為相對地較容易明白的:企業社會責任是企業承諾持 續遵守道德規範,為經濟發展作出貢獻,並 改善 員 工及其家庭、當地 整體社區,以至整個社的生活品質。
However, I think the remark made during a meeting held by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development in 1998 is comparatively more easy to understand: CSR is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and
contribute to economic
[...] development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community [...]
and society at large.
[...] 目标是:促进和改善对维持和平的支助;促进和改善对建设和平、选举援助、调 解支持和冲突预防的支助改善工 作人 员 的 安 全 和 生活 条 件 ;加强资源管理和问 责制,同时实现更高的效率和规模经济;促进地方和区域的投资和能力;减少外 [...]
The Programme Implementation Coordination Team is responsible for ensuring the timely and comprehensive implementation of the global field support strategy for the United Nations, which is designed to expedite and improve support for peacekeeping; expedite and improve support for peacebuilding, electoral assistance,
mediation support and
[...] conflict prevention; improve the safety and living conditions of staff; [...]
strengthen resource stewardship
and accountability while achieving greater efficiencies and economies of scale; contribute to local and regional investment and capacity; and reduce the in-country environmental impact of field operations.




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