

单词 改动

改动 noun, plural ()

alterations pl

改动 noun ()

alteration n

改动 ()




reeducation through labor
laogai (prison camp)

External sources (not reviewed)

在行动环境的便利和安全状况方面,新的冲突 后局势令人鼓舞,但是该国的安全计划的各个阶段仍未 改动。
The new state of post-conflict is encouraging,
regarding access and
[...] security in the operational environment, but the security phases in the country have remained unchanged.
经社会获知,这些拟议的方改动将 有 助于实现各项预期成果,而且 不会对 [...]
2012-2013 两年期产生任何额外的经常方案预算影响。
The Commission was informed that the
[...] proposed programme changes would contribute [...]
to the achievement of the expected accomplishments
and had no additional regular programme budget implications for the biennium 2012-2013.
若该文件已改动过, 搜索结果将显示含有该文件各种不同版本的所有备份文件。
If such a file has been changed, the search results [...]
will show all backup files containing differing versions of the file.
Configuration is simple, and does not require any code changes .
她还对该决议草案的西班牙文本 提出了一改动意见 ,使其与英文本相符。
She also made a number of changes to the Spanish text of the draft resolution in order to bring it into line with the English text.
审查工作将包括:(a) 查明所有受保 护证人和相关保护措施;(b)
[...] 确定是否有必要修正法庭的《程序和证据规则》, 以便酌改动保护措施;(c) 就每个受保护证人提出建议,确定是否可以和(或) [...]
The review will include: (a) identifying all protected witnesses and the associated protective measures in relation to them; (b) identifying the need for amendments (if any) to the Tribunal’s Rules of
Procedure and Evidence to vary protective
[...] measures where such action may be appropriate; [...]
and (c) making recommendations regarding
each protected witness as to whether it is feasible and/or advisable to attempt to re-contact the witness to determine whether variance of the previous protective orders is appropriate.
为了扭转这一局面,医疗保险基金处理报销单的管理信息软件应考虑以下因素:(i) 东 道国和世界的医业变得日益复杂,(ii) 一个管理为数有限受保者(仅约 8000 人)的保险基金 很难适应许多改革和在这方面的预期变化,尤其是行政和医学信息的交流借助因特网而变得 越来越虚拟化,(iii) 在东道国社会保险制度中,医疗保险基金的报销额约占 80%,东道国的 社会保险制度已进行深入改革,一项最重要 改动 主 要 涉及处方的医学术语,最终这些术语 将会有数千个“处方编码”,而不是现在的二十几个。
To redress the situation, the Medical Benefits Fund’s reimbursement management software must take account of the following factors: (i) medical treatment in the host country and worldwide is becoming more and more complex; (ii) a Fund managing a small number of insured persons (about 8,000 persons only) will have great difficulty in adapting to the many foreseeable changes and developments in this field, especially as exchanges of administrative and medical information will increasingly take a non-tangible form owing to the use of the Internet; and (iii) the social security system of the host country, in which about 80% of the expenditure reimbursed by the Medical Benefits Fund is incurred, is undergoing in-depth reform entailing, in particular, a major change in the nomenclature of medical treatment, which will eventually consist of several thousand codes for medical services instead of the score at present used.
[...] 2012-2013 两年期方案 的各项拟改动,但 须把其中提及推迟举行亚洲交通运输部长论坛第二届会 [...]
The Commission endorsed the
[...] proposed programme changes for the biennium [...]
2012-2013 set out in the document under consideration,
subject to the deletion of the reference to the postponement of the second session of the Forum of Asian Ministers of Transport.
行政当局随后为处理本次审计结果指出的问题采取了措施,相应 改动 反映 在订正财务报表中。
The Administration has since taken measures to
address the findings noted during this audit, and
[...] corresponding changes are reflected in the [...]
revised financial statements.
[...] 书面形式传递所有决议和决定草案;秘书长还鼓励会员国以过去决议为蓝本,采 用显改动的格 式,清楚标明对以前决议所做 改动 ; 秘 书长也要告知会员国, 提交者有责任确保决议和决定草案的电子文本和书面文本内容一致。
The General Committee noted and decided to bring to the attention of the General Assembly that the Secretary-General encourages Member States to transmit all draft resolutions and decisions in electronic form as well as on paper; further
encourages Member States
[...] to clearly indicate changes to a previous resolution in track-change format, using the previous [...]
resolution as
the base text; and wishes to inform the Member States that the submitters are responsible for ensuring that the electronic and paper versions of the draft resolutions and decisions are identical in content.
大会在同一项决议第 10 段中,回顾《方案规划、预算内方案部分、执行情 况监测和评价方法条例和细则》条例
[...] 5.6,重申方案和协调委员会应继续发挥审 查战略框架的作用并向经济及社会理事会和大会建议任何必 改动。
In paragraph 10 of the same resolution, the General Assembly recalled regulation 5.6 of the Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation and reiterated that the Committee for Programme and Coordination should continue to perform its role in
reviewing the strategic framework and to recommend
[...] any necessary changes to the Economic [...]
and Social Council and the Assembly.
[...] 都已经签署了观察员职责范围协议书,这时任改 动对柬埔寨都是不公平的。
Natalegawa politely rebuffed Kasit, citing
[...] concerns that any change at this stage [...]
could disadvantage Cambodia, which had already
signed the terms of reference.
牵头执行机构将负责开展第一次提交氟氯烃淘汰管理计划时详列的计划中的活动, 其中改动已作 为嗣后付款呈件的一部分获得核准,包括但不限于根据第 5(b)款规定的独 立核查。
The Lead IA will be responsible for carrying out the activities of the plan as detailed in the first submission of the HPMP with the changes approved as part of the subsequent tranche submissions, including but not limited to independent verification as per sub-paragraph 5(b).
[...] 一个多产品证书和进口商的责任问题,以及建议通过的通用模式官方证书可用于多产品 验证,而且可以在改动证书 的情况下,纳入发放证书时不知道的信息。
The Commission noted that the issues raised by one delegation concerning a multiple products certificate and importer responsibilities had been addressed by the Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems (CCFICS) and that the generic model official certificate proposed for adoption allowed for multiple products certification and could
accommodate the inclusion of information not known at the moment the certificate
[...] was issued, without changing the certificate.
除非会议另有 决定,报告员经与其“朋友”协商,可授权对会议通过的报告进行订正和编辑上改动。
Unless the Conference decides otherwise, the Rapporteur, in
consultation with his/her “friends”, may authorize corrections and
[...] editorial changes to the report adopted by the Conference.
应特别注意不断审查债务可持续框架,从而增强对于债务可持续性的监测和 分析效果,并在出现重大的外部冲击情况下考虑对债务方案进行根 改动 , 其 中 包括自然灾害所造成的冲击、严重的贸易条件冲击或冲突。
Particular attention should be paid to keeping the debt sustainability frameworks under review to enhance the effectiveness of monitoring and analysing debt sustainability and consider fundamental changes in debt scenarios, in the face of large exogenous shocks, including those caused by natural catastrophes, severe terms-of-trade shocks or conflict.
之所以提出这改动,是 出于对以下三个主要方面的考虑:(a) 反映 出那些在经社会核可了2010-2011年工作方案之后所通过的各项新任务; [...]
(b) 进一步加强亚太经社会的出版方案;(c) 在亚太经社会能力建设活动 中加强基于方案的做法。
The changes are proposed for three [...]
main reasons: (a) to address new mandates adopted after the Commission endorsed the programme
of work for 2010-2011; (b) to further consolidate the publications programme of ESCAP; and (c) to strengthen the programmatic approach in the capacity-building activities of ESCAP.
A number of substantive, as well as editorial and technical changes had been made.
在第四十三次会议上,执行委员会核准了在工发组织项目中进行技 改动 , 该 项目 包含了在草莓种植用途中作为土壤熏蒸的甲基溴淘汰计划,并修订黎巴嫩政府和执行委员 [...]
At its 43rd Meeting, the Executive
[...] Committee approved a change of technology [...]
in the UNIDO project covering the phase-out
of MB for soil fumigation in strawberry production and amended the agreement between the Government of Lebanon and the Executive Committee.
这些标准和相关文本得到各有关委员会的认可,获得了通过,它们涉 及食品添加剂、食品卫生、食品标签以及分析和取样方法等方面的规定,其中包括一 些编改动。
The standards and related texts were adopted as endorsed by the relevant committees as regards
provisions for food additives, food hygiene, food
[...] labelling and methods of analysis and sampling including editorial changes.
因此,为了确保法律具有足够广度和力度,鼓励颁布国将本章完全颁 布,但为确保有关国家法律体系的一致性可作出必 改动 , 并 且可以颁布第 4 条([**超级链接** ])所要求的采购条例。
As a result, and in order to ensure that the law is of sufficient breadth and rigour, enacting States are encouraged to enact the Chapter in full, subject to any changes necessary to ensure a coherent body of law in the State concerned, and assuming the issue of procurement regulations required by article 4 ([**hyperlink**]).
举例 来说,与受版权保护的内容有关的此种“其 改动 ” 可 能是涉及内容质量或内 容发送形式改动,例如,录音的重新灌制或数字转换,或者采用新的电子方 式发送录音,由此可能催生有待创新的、依赖于或独立于任何有形载体的新的 方式或使用。
Such “other changes” in relation to copyrighted content can be, for example, changes regarding the quality of the content or the form of its delivery, such [...]
as the re-mastering
or the digital conversion of a sound recording or new forms of electronic delivery of a sound recording that might lead to new, yet to be invented forms or uses, whether dependent or independent of any physical carrier.
一旦将本产品出售或转让给另一方,本保修将在有效期期满之前自动终止此外,本保修在出现以下情况时也将自动中止:(a) 产品由任何非 GN 人员或 GN
[...] 授权从事保修工作的 GN 合作伙改动、维修或维护(无论成功与否);(b) [...]
产品与非 GN 品牌或授权附件或其它外部设备共用。
Furthermore, the Warranty will terminate immediately if the product is (a) altered,
repaired, or maintained by anyone other than
[...] GN or a GN Partner which is authorized [...]
to do GN warranty work, whether or not successful,
or (b) being used together with non-GN branded or certified accessories or other peripheral equipment.
大会第 64/230 号决议第一节第 2
段核准会议委员会提交的联合国 2010 和 2011 两年期会议日历草案,同时考虑到委员会的意见,并以符合决议的规定为前 提;决议同一节第 4
[...] 段授权会议委员会因大会第六十四届会议的行动和决定所需 而对 2010 和 2011 年会议日历加改动。
In section I, paragraph 2, of its resolution 64/230, the General Assembly approved the draft biennial calendar of conferences and meetings of the United Nations for 2010 and 2011, as submitted by the Committee on Conferences, taking into account the observations of the Committee and subject to the provisions of the resolution, and, in paragraph 4 of the same section, authorized the Committee on Conferences to make any adjustments to the calendar of conferences and meetings for
2010 and 2011 that might become
[...] necessary as a result of actions and decisions taken [...]
by the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session.
巴基斯坦呼吁国际社会支持这些努力,包括创造有利环境, 动改 进 阿 富汗 的人权制度。
Pakistan called on the international community to
support efforts, including the creation of an
[...] enabling environment for improving the human rights [...]
system in Afghanistan.
[...] 种语文进行沟通,包括通过以所有正式语文同时分发文件;请新闻 改 进 所 采取 的动,实 现在联合国网站上同等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五 [...]
届会议提交一份综合报告,说明充分执行大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among representatives of Member States, including through simultaneous distribution of documents in all official
languages; requested the Department of
[...] Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity [...]
among the six official languages
on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).
秘书长在预算文件第 13.9 段表示,由于动 改革管理进程,国贸中心调整重点,围绕下列五个核心业务领域开展活 动:㈠ 出口战略;㈡ 工商和贸易政策;㈢ 强化贸易支助机构;㈣ 贸 易信息;㈤ 出口商竞争力。
In paragraph 13.9 of the budget document, the Secretary-General indicates that, as a result of the change management [...]
process, ITC has refocused
its activities around the following five core business lines: (i) export strategy; (ii) business and trade policy; (iii) strengthening of trade support institutions; (iv) trade intelligence; and (v) exporter competitiveness.
秘书处根据这项 审评的建议采取的后续动改善了 该基金的范围、作用和优先领域, 拟定了战略通讯和资源调动计划,使更多的合作伙伴和机构参与对融 资项目提案的同行审查,提高了基金各项目之间的协调一致,而且加 强了对小国或资源较少的国家的重视。
Follow-up actions undertaken by the secretariat in response to the recommendations of the review resulted in refinement of the scope, [...]
roles and priorities
of the Fund, development of strategic communication and resource mobilization plans, engagement of a broader range of partners and institutions in peer review of project proposals for funding, increased coherence across the Fund’s projects, and enhanced focus on small or less resourced countries.
军方整个机构都支持改革,表现 在:来自军方的议员通过共同呼吁释放政治犯、对 进步法案投赞成票以及有时还支持反对党提出的动
[...] 议等方式对改革政策表示支持;由军方总司令任命 的内阁成员(国防部长、内政部长和边境事务部 长)在动改革方面表现得较为积极。
There are several indicators of this: military members of the legislatures have backed reform measures, including by joining calls for the release of political prisoners, voting in favour of progressive legislation and sometimes supporting opposition motions; and those cabinet ministers who are appointed by the
commander-in-chief (defence, home affairs, border affairs) have been among the more
[...] proactive in pushing forward the reforms.




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