

单词 收銀员

See also:


receive payment

External sources (not reviewed)

這 項 工 具 考 慮 了 金 融
[...] 工 具 和 金 融 資 產(如:收 賬 款 和 銀 行 借 款 )的 期 限 分 布 以 [...]
及 預 測 經 營 活 動 的 現 金 流 情 況。
This tool considers the maturity of both its
financial instruments and financial
[...] assets (e.g., trade receivables, bank loans) and projected [...]
cash flows from operations.
根据特别报员收到的 报告,尽管政府在这些战斗之后控制了果敢地区, 但缅甸东北部的局势依然紧张。
Despite Government control of the Kokang territory following these battles, the situation in north-eastern Myanmar remains tense according to reports received by the Special Rapporteur.
此外,管理评价股还将迅速评价中止执行工作人员离职行政决定的请求, 直至完成管理评价且该工作员收到 评 价结果通知。
In addition, the Unit will conduct a prompt evaluation of requests for the suspension of the implementation of an administrative decision to separate a staff
member until the management evaluation has been completed and
[...] the staff member has received notification [...]
of its outcome.
该工作员收到了 警告函,并被调到一个责任较少和监督更严的不同岗位。
The staff member was censured and [...]
transferred to a different position with less responsibility and closer supervision.
属于风险群体的失业员,收到了 概述妨碍本人就业重重障碍的个人求职 计划。
The unemployed persons belonging
[...] to a risk group receive an individual [...]
work seeking plan outlining the barriers that hamper employment of the person.
於初步確認後, 貸款及收款項(包括貿易及其他 收 賬 款 、 收 購 一間附屬公司之已付按金、已抵 銀 行 存銀行結 餘及現金)均按採用實際利率法計算之已攤銷成本減任何已識別減值虧損入賬(見下文有 關金融資產之減值虧損之會計政策)。
Subsequent to initial recognition, loans
[...] and receivables (including trade and other receivables, deposit paid for acquisition of a subsidiary, pledged bank deposits and bank balances and cash) [...]
are carried at amortised
cost using the effective interest method, less any identified impairment losses (see accounting policy on impairment loss on financial assets below).
但是如收銀機裏 有足夠的現 金,那收款官可以收到足夠的錢來支付他的費用並將你交的費 用退還給你。
You must pay a fee before the levying officer will conduct [...]
a till tap (you should find out how much this fee will be when
you contact the levying officer for your county), but if there is enough money in the register, the officer will collect enough to cover this fee and refund that money to you.
大会第六十二届会议请秘书长收集 的 国际性法院、法庭和其他机构提及条 款的裁判予以更新;并邀请各国政府提供关于本国在这方面的实践的资料;还请 秘书长在第六十五届会议之前尽早提交这份材料;决定由第六 员 会 的一个工作 组进一步探讨在这些条款的基础上拟订国家对国际不法行为的责任公约或采取 其他适当行动的问题(第 62/61 号决议)。
At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly requested
the Secretary-General
[...] to update the compilation of decisions of international courts, tribunals and other bodies referring to the articles, and to invite Governments to submit information on their practice in that regard; also requested the Secretary-General to submit that material well in advance of its sixty-fifth session; and decided to further examine, within the framework of a working group of the Sixth Committee, the question of [...]
a convention on responsibility
of States for internationally wrongful acts or other appropriate action on the basis of the articles (resolution 62/61).
(b) 擬豁免範圍的每部分,均為只就非指明貨品接受付款收銀櫃台
(b) each part of the area to
[...] be exempted is a cashier's counter that accepts [...]
payment for non-specified goods only.
但是,不單止 旅遊業,其他很多行業也會使用電腦,例如一般的出入口公司接受訂單;航
[...] 運界處理貨櫃碼頭的貨櫃操作,編排上船的先後次序;甚至飲食界餐廳收 銀員也有機會使用顯示屏幕。
However, besides the tourism industry, other industries will also use computers, such as ordinary import and export companies which take orders from their customers, the freight and forwarding industry which has to liaise with container terminals for
the handling of cargoes and the sequence of
[...] loading, and even the cashiers of the catering [...]
industry who have to use DSE.
据从科特迪瓦军方员收集的 资料,科特迪瓦空军有维护和飞行米-24 型 飞机所需的技术人员和飞行员。
According to information gathered from Ivorian military officials, the Ivorian [...]
Air Force has the necessary technicians and
pilots to maintain and fly the Mi-24.
[...] 當地股市波動而錄得市價估值虧損,故該公司的 貢益減少,但銀行業務的收益增 加,抵銷了上 述部分減幅。
The contribution from Ping An reduced, due to market valuation losses on equity securities held by their insurance
business, which reflected volatile domestic equity markets, partly
[...] offset by increased income from the banking business.
此外,在因重新安置工作人员受挫 (其职位取消或该工作人员拒绝接受重新安置方案)之后发生解雇的情况时,可考虑由具体人事问 题咨询委员会出面干预,例如可在相关工作 员收 到 取 消职位通知之日起的 12 个月内采用这一程 序,以便审查所实行之程序的有效性,重新安置的建议等。
Furthermore, in the case of dismissal as a result of failure to reassign a staff member whose post has been abolished or as a result of the staff member’s refusal to accept the proposed transfer, the procedure might provide for the intervention of the Advisory Board on Individual Personnel Matters (PAB), for example, within 12 months of notification of the staff member concerned of the abolition of the post, in order to examine the validity of the procedure followed, the proposed offers of reassignment and so forth.
员收到一 个特定的任务,完成这些任务, 取得一个特定的结果,雇主有义务按照合同 [...]
Service contract – Based on the contract,
[...] the employee receives defined tasks [...]
and activities which must be realised by the employer.
某連鎖便利商店希望能更有效管理與經營門市,因此需要監 收銀 交 易 、保護店內資產避免被竊取,並開發一套有效針對新進員工的教育訓練方案。
A convenience store chain wants to manage and run
their stores more efficiently. Their aim is
[...] to control cash register transactions, [...]
protect store inventory from being pilfered
by shoplifters and develop an effective training scheme for new staff.
當付款銀行支付支票或股息單,或轉賬銀行按指示轉移資金,或就非憑證 式股份而言根據相關系統的設施及規定支付款項(倘相關系統為 CREST 系統,則可以股東或其他相關人士的 收銀 行 為 受益人就應付股息或其他 款項設立保證付款責任)後,本公司即獲解除付款責任。
Payment of a cheque or warrant by the bank on which it was drawn or the transfer of funds by the bank instructed to make the transfer or, in respect of an uncertificated share, the making of payment in accordance with the facilities and requirements of the relevant system (which, if the relevant system is CREST, may be the creation of an assured payment obligation in respect of the dividend or other moneys payable in favour of the settlement bank of the member or other person concerned) shall be a good discharge to the Company.
(h) 由東銀行或代表銀行在任何時候發出的證明書,證明其內 所指明的財產或法律責任(該財產或法律責任在緊接指定日期 前為第㆒太銀行的 財產或法律責任)根據本條例當作或不當 作(視屬何情況而定)轉歸東銀行 者 ,就所有目的而言均為 其所證明事實的不可推翻的證據。
(d) a certificate given by
[...] or on behalf of Bank of East Asia at any time that any property or liabilities specified in the certificate (which property or liabilities immediately before the appointed day is the property or liabilities of First Pacific Bank) is or, as the case may be, is not, deemed to be vested in Bank of East Asia under [...]
this Ordinance, shall
be conclusive evidence for all purposes of the fact so certified.
影院概念也體現收銀櫃檯 處,刻有商店標誌及店名的白暟牆壁,突如映有各樣的活動畫面。
The cashier counter is one of many [...]
places that reflect the concept of cinema from the shop, the big white back wall with
the shop’s logo and name etched into it, yet video clips about movies and related activities appear on the wall.
因此, 倘若赌台管员收到大 量以奖金形式提供的金额,而这些款项并不是赠款而是属 于社会目的的捐款,因此如果只因这是奖金而减免赌台管理员的税务负担,但不 [...]
Therefore, although croupiers receive considerable amounts [...]
in the form of gratuities, these gratuities are not donations
but customary gifts, and it makes no sense to relieve croupiers of taxes on such gratuities if the tax burden on other people at work is not alleviated.
本信息展示於賭博室入口和/或賭博室 收銀 台 , 以及出售 Club Keno 的場 所。
This message is displayed at the entrance to the gaming room and/or at the cashier’s station in the gaming room.
特别报员收到的 报告确实表明,在经济动荡时期,移民被指控抢走了本国 公民的就业机会。
Indeed, in times of economic turmoil, the
[...] Special Rapporteur has, for instance, received reports indicating [...]
that migrants were being accused
of “stealing” employment from nationals.
1998 年 6 月的《国际刑事法庭罗马规
约》第 8(2)(b)(九)和第 8(2)(e) (四)条规定其对国际和非国际武装冲突中发 生的、对“专用于宗教、教育、艺术、科学或
[...] 慈善事业的建筑物、历史纪念物、医院和伤病员收容所 ”的蓄意攻击具有管辖权,“除非 这些地方是军事目标”。
The June 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court establishes in Articles 8(2)(b)(ix) and 8(2)(e)(iv) its jurisdiction over intentional attack “against buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic
monuments, hospitals and places where the
[...] sick and wounded are collected, provided they are [...]
not military objectives”, occurring
both in international and non-international armed conflicts.
(k) (i) 第㆒太銀行的 權利或法律責任,如憑藉本條例而成為或當作 為東銀行的權利或法律責任,即東 銀 行 及所有其他㆟自指 定日期起,即具有同樣的權利、權力及補救(尤其是提出法律 程序,或在法律程序㆗抗辯,或向任何主管當局提出或反對申 請的權利及權力),以便確定、完成或強制執行該權利或法律 責任,猶如該權利及法律責任在任何時候均屬東 銀 行 ㆒ 樣; 而由第㆒太銀行提出或針對銀行 向 任何主管當局提出、並 在緊接指定日期之前存在或待決的法律程序,或由第㆒太銀 行提出或針對銀行向 任何主管當局提出、並在緊接指定日期 之前存在或待決的申請,均可由東 銀 行 繼續進行,或可繼續 針對東銀行進行。
(h) (i) Where by virtue of this Ordinance any right or liability of First Pacific Bank becomes or is deemed to become a right or liability of Bank of East Asia, Bank of East Asia and all other persons shall, on and from the appointed day, have the same rights, powers and remedies (and in particular the same rights and powers as to taking or resisting legal proceedings or making or resisting applications to any authority) for ascertaining, perfecting or enforcing that right or liability as if it had at all times been a right or liability of Bank of East Asia; and any legal proceedings or application to any authority existing or pending immediately before the appointed day by or against First Pacific Bank may be continued by or against Bank of East Asia.
(F) 若本公司或其任何附屬公司以任何方式修訂任何股份或借 貸資本隨附的權利,以致將有關股份或借貸資本全部或部 份兌換或可兌換為普通股,或附帶可購買普通股的任何權 利,本公司須委任認可商銀行, 考慮對換股價作出任何 調整是否恰當,而若認可商銀行核 實任何有關調整屬恰 當之舉,則換股價須相應調整。
(F) If the Company or any of its subsidiaries shall in any way modify the rights attached to any share or loan capital so as wholly or partly to convert or make convertible such share or loan capital into, or attach thereto any rights to acquire, Ordinary Shares, the
Company shall appoint an
[...] approved merchant bank to consider whether any adjustment to the Conversion Price is appropriate (and if such approved merchant bank shall certify that [...]
any such adjustment is
appropriate the Conversion Price shall be adjusted accordingly).
(B) 依據本公司細則出售任何股份之方式、時間及條款(包括但不限
[...] 於出售之一個或多個價格)須由董事會根據其認為適當之往 銀 行 、 經紀或其他人士 之諮詢意見,經考慮所有情況(包括出售股份之數目及不可延遲出售之規定)後確定 [...]
(B) The manner, timing and terms of any sale of shares pursuant to this Bye-law (including but not limited to the price or prices at which the same is made) shall be
such as the Board determines, based upon
[...] advice from such bankers, brokers or other [...]
persons as the Board considers appropriate
consulted by it for the purposes, to be reasonably practicable having regard to all the circumstances including the number of shares to be disposed of and the requirement that the disposal be made without delay; and the Board shall not be liable to any person for any of the consequences of reliance on such advice.
尚禮坊桌面花籃系列,大方嬌小可以置放 收銀 處 或 接待處,由玫瑰和乒乓(或桔梗百合等)組成,可以要求其他顔色配搭,籃底約8吋x8吋, 2尺高,佩有大賀卡或心意相本。
Hong Kong Give Gift desktop basket is festive yet light-weight, measuring 8 inches x 8 inches at base, and 2 feet tall, constructed with roses and ping pong (or eustoma, lilies), with many color combination you can choose from.
委员会成员在就列名的适当性作出决定之前,应该掌握着可以获得的全部 资料,所以监察组建议主席继续事先向身为指认国、居住国、国籍国或实体的注 册地国或所在国的委员会员收集资 料,但允许他们等到委员会讨论有关名字时 才对其列名表示意见。
As Committee members should be in possession of all available information before deciding on the appropriateness of a listing, the Team recommends that the Chair continue to collect in advance information from Committee members in their capacity as the designating State or State of residence or nationality, or incorporation or location for entities, but allow them to delay expressing their opinion on the listing until the Committee discusses the name.
这一方法牵涉到将一个工作员收到的 福利总额现值分配到该工作人员过去和未来预计服务期间,用于确定自 该工作人员受雇之日起至估值之日的应计福利。
This method involves attributing the present value of the total benefit to be received by a staff member to the staff member’s periods of past and anticipated future service and using these to determine the benefit accrued from the date the staff member is hired to the valuation date.
访问团员收集了 最新信息,并对海地局势的重 要方面,特别是总体安全局势、政治对话和选举、扩 [...]
大国家权威、法治和人权、经济社会发展以及区域合 作等进行了最新评估。
The members of the mission gathered [...]
updated information and assessments of important aspects of the situation in Haiti,
in particular concerning the general security situation, political dialogue and the elections, the extension of the State’s authority, the rule of law and human rights, social and economic development, and regional cooperation.




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